Waldon here! Happy Guy Fawkes Day everybody! Or Bonfire night, whatever you want to call it. Today was the day that we celebrate or remember the attempted treason of Guy Fawkes on the British Parliament, I believe.

It would have been a night to remember for years, if it wasn't pouring down rain. I mean, the one night of the year that I'm expected to burn things really big and it's RAINING. Come on. Give a guy a break.

I had to go get my Influenza shot this morning. I went down to our local Legion, where they were holding the shots. Makes me paranoid when there's medical facilities outside of a hospital. I feel like I'm being tested on again. I went through with it, anyways and continued on to school. Did everything normal and eventually it was lunch time. I forgot my glucometer in my locker, so I resolved to check my blood levels after I ate. I did so and guess what I was surprised with?

My blood level was so high, that my glucometer couldn't read it.

That is a level of 33.3 mmols or higher. That means my blood was likely 9 to 10 times higher than a normal person's. Possibly higher. Of course, because I KNEW that I was high, I started feeling horribly sick. I was dizzy, nauseous, tired and almost incapable of coherent thought. I ended up going home early and giving myself copious amounts of insulin. Diabetes sucks.

But it doesn't matter, I'm not going to die until I've lived long enough to see all my friends lead successful and happy lives. :P

Anyways, later on Bre came over and played Harvest Moon again. xD She loves that game. I was reading some Psyren and drinking coffee and eating cookies. I got Bre some Green tea, which I SHOULD be drinking. It brightened up my night/day when Bre came over.

By the way, I'm still really sorry Bre. I told you I would hang out with you if I didn't have improv practice, but I guess this makes me a liar. I'll make this up to you, I really will.

Well, this Guy Fawkes day mostly sucked. And with that, I'm done!

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