Waldon here, and my blood sugar is really high. I've decided to write the blog really early tonight because I don't think I'll remember it later. As I've mentioned MANY times before now, I am a Type 1 Juvenile diabetic. I've had diabetes since I was 4 years old, so as you can imagine, the sheer number of needles and liters of insulin I've had pumped into me is almost legendary. A side effect of this mind numbing amount of insulin is that my body has developed a tolerance to the synthetic hormone- and areas I like to call "Dead Spots". These areas are spots where I've concentrated my doses on with my injector, and thus created an extremely high tolerance of insulin there, as well as a physical buildup of insulin in the fat cells of my lower abdomen. As anybody who knows some science will know, almost everything will move from an area of higher concentration to lower, thus if there's already a high concentration of insulin IN my stomach, my injections are unlikely to work. After discovering these Dead Spots, I relocated my primary dosage site to my rear upper thighs. But every now and again, I need to attempt to use my stomach area again to see if it's gotten any better. Lately, it HAS improved slightly because the fat cells containing the concentration of insulin have started to get broken down. . . But this last cycle with my insulin pump has not been my lucky week. I manged to get it on an area that has not improved at all, so my sugars have been very high. It would take me a very long time to get into what would happen because of that and the ramifications, and I don't think a blog about my life is exactly the place to get into diabetic sciences, so I'm going to just say it's a positive feedback loop and it's very unpleasant due to the memory loss, dizziness, apathy, tiredness and optical difficulties from having a high blood sugar.

Longer story told short, I'm writing this now because I'll be a blathering idiot by 10 PM. :P

So, today is New Years! Happy 2011 everybody! I didn't get home from the "Party" last night until 1 30 AM today. I walked Bre home and stuff, so it took me a little while to make it home. Although, mom only cared if my truck was back, not if I was. So it's not a big deal anyway.

To respond to a statement addressed to me today which has been voiced by several people including Gladdale, Robyn (I think?) and Laura: Yes. I AM very protective. In fact, I'm jealous and resentful of my Blonde friend because he's closer to Russell than I am now. I'm still worried sick about my small friend Robert Peck who moved away 6 years ago and I almost put 2 guys in the hospital when they took a swing at my dog. That's not even getting into what I do to try and keep the girls I know safe. I don't have enough space for that here. :P

Today Bre and I walked to meet each other at a minimart that's almost exactly in between our two houses. It's great, we say "Walk the minimart way?" and know EXACTLY what way we're talking about. :P By 1 30 or so (I can't actually remember the time xD) we met up and walked up to my house. We spent the afternoon just sitting down and listening to music, reading some articles. I loved it. :P I love just relaxing with people. Can't beat it. Maybe I should become a bear so that I can just hibernate all winter. Nothing wrong with that. xD. I drove her home at 5, and ate supper. Now here I am, writing this very sentence pushing the y key-


Writing the sentence that I'm writing as I'm writing it at this very second. I'm a madman.

So, Happy new year everybody! :D

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