Waldon here, and anybody else who's reading this whilst in/after completing college/university knows exactly what I mean. What I mean to say, is that Bre and I's workload is massive. Incredibly huge, even. Ginormous, possibly!

I think the enormity of the situation is starting to get across, here. :P

So, today. Today I had two tests. Fun! Fun. Fun? No. Not really! I had a math test at 9 30 this morning. I didn't have time to finish all of it. Then I had Bio class, which was alright I suppose. I forgot my computer at home, so Ryan is going to send me the notes lol. :P

Then after Bio I had English class, where we sat around and did a quiz I believe. Wait. That means I had three tests today. Man.

After English I had two hours off, so I spent the first hour with Bre and Ryan eating dinner in the cafeteria. I got sick from the food the first time I ate there, but every time since I've done pretty good! They've got some good food there sometimes. :P

Then Chem class came around, and I had a page long test where I actually only managed to finish about 70% of the whole thing ANYWAY, so I suppose I'll be getting a failing grade for this one? >.<

So, after spending the night studying for my Bio midterm tomorrow, and doing a prelab for my Bio Lab tomorrow night, I've got to go to bed! Good night all!

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