Junior JUST said that to me. I take it that the fact that I love the Lord of the Rings is a good thing? This evening, we were actually talking about how I like LOTR because, while we were hanging out last night, we were watching the Return of the King. Naturally, Junior and I were chatting throughout the movie. Every couple of sentences, I would say something like “Oh wait! This is just before Aragorn…” or “Just wait until you see those oliphants!” ( I apologize if I spelt “Oliphant” incorrectly)! He loved it. Apparently it gives a guy “guy cred” if his girlfriend likes LOTR. Cool beans. I can handle that. I told him tonight that he wouldn’t be getting as much attention if we were watching LOTR again. Poor feller.

I also realize that I’m probably making not much … Probably not making much sense right now, because I’m exhausted. Many apologies to whomsoever may read this!

So, today. Today I woke up at around 7:30 and went back to sleep because I realized the time. I’m not getting out of bed that early on a Saturday morning after a rough week in school for NO reason. I woke up later at around 9 ish. I got up, got some of Mom’s macaroni and cheese for breakfast, got a shower, and then played on my iPod with Bryton for a while. We found an app that we could use to make zombies. It’s great! After all of that, I went upstairs with my Chemistry to study and watch tv. I’ve just had such an off day that I sat in my pajamas and studied and watched tv. Oh! I also cuddled with Bryton while watching Jimmy Two Shoes on Teletoon. It was great!

Tonight, I brought Brooke to her friend’s house shortly after six, and picked up Bryton’s friend. Bryton came along for the ride. I then brought he and his friend home for their sleepover. They’re currently upstairs asleep while I do my Saturday night blogging/talking to Junior. I got them home safe and sound and proceeded to Junior’s. We spent part of the night talking and watching the news. Then we spent another part listening to music and talking. The last part of the night we just spent talking. Shortly after 10, Mom called and asked me to pick up Brooke because she wanted to go home. I know exactly how she felt. I never did enjoy sleepovers. I’ve always preferred my own bed, my own blankets, my own pillows, my own sheets, and my Dudley the Dragon to sleep with.

Yeah, that’s right. I sleep with my Dudley the Dragon. EVERY night. Why? Because I love him, that’s why. When I wake up in the middle of the night because of a bad dream and I can’t get to sleep, who can I talk to? Nobody. That’s where Dudley comes in. When I wake up because of a bad dream, I can just cuddle into him and go right back to sleep. So THERE. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

And on that note, I think I’m going to bed. I can’t keep my head up for much longer. Good night!

-Bre :)

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