I have ZERO Skittles in my possession because I keep forgetting to ask Junior to go to the store with me to get some. Why don’t I go alone, you may ask? Because that would mean I’m going to the store to buy myself some Skittles by myself. That’s a horrible idea! I think I just had a good idea, though. I’ll blog about my addictions! Yes. That’s a wonderful idea. Good job, Breanna. Forever thinking. Now the question is, where do I start? How about a numbered list? Yes. Another good idea! Superb.

Here we go!

1. Skittles. Why do I love them? Ah, good question. This is a fairly recent addiction, so it’s fresh in my mind. I love them because they are full of sugar. It isn’t often that I’ll say that. They’re so flavorful! Yes. That’s a lovely word. The sugar taste seems to EXPLODE in my mouth. I love it. And, they’re small. You can just pop them like pills (pardon my vulgar analogy). They’re just so… Addictive. When you open a pack, you can just eat and eat and eat until they’re all gone. The chewiness keeps you coming back for more, most definitely. Unfortunately, I’m going through a bit of a withdrawal due to the fact that I HAVE NO SKITTLES LEFT TO EAT. It is a sad, sad day. I’d love to have some Skittles right about now…

2. Chocolate. GASP. I love chocolate. I don’t know if I could live without it. You know injections of drugs? If you could inject chocolate into your veins to experience and mind-blowing high, I would probably do it. I know, I know. It’s a tad unhealthy and it could possibly kill Junior in high doses. BUT, Junior doesn’t have to eat it. I do. So, the poor bugger gets to watch me enjoy myself while he gets the crappy diabetic chocolate. Knowing that he can’t have it makes me savor every mouthful that much more. (Honey, you KNOW I care). I was actually eating chocolate about two and a half minutes ago, but I forced myself to stop because I knew if I didn’t stop now, I’d totally stay up all night and eat it. Luckily, I have a bunch of chocolate in my room so I’d be able to do that.

3. Texting. It is sad to say, but I do think I have a bit of an addiction to texting Junior. Yes, only Junior. I DO text other people (Nan, Scottie on occasion, Britt) but it’s mostly Junior. FOR EXAMPLE. I have text him over 150 times in a day before. Now, he can avoid that because he’s at drama pretty much every afternoon and on Saturday morning. Lucky guy. I’m SURE he’s going to get annoyed with me someday. When he does, I won’t be surprised, and I’ll let you know.

4. Unblock Me app. This, like Skittles, is a new addiction. The other day in Religion class, Scottie had the bright idea to show me this fancy little app on his iPod. Silly boy. Little did he know, he was giving up all rights to his iPod until further notice. A couple of days later, I downloaded it on my own iPod. Since I downloaded it,  I have beaten 73 levels on beginner. I’m trying not to play it… But even as I type this and talk to Junior, I’m guilty of playing it. Ack, what is happening to me?! I could be reading A Matter of Honor right now! No, I’m here writing this and playing a stupid addictive app on my iPod. GASP, I’m sorry I called it stupid! I hope the app Gods will forgive me!

Okay… That’s the end of my list for now. If I can think of any more, I’ll post another blog all about them and start at number 5. I suppose I can talk about my day now, can’t I?!

So, I woke up this morning and realized that I had fallen asleep last night texting Junior… Again. I text him back immediately then fell asleep. When I woke up an hour later, I responded to his text that he answered my first text with, then got out of bed. Slow morning, la dee da, this afternoon, Britt and I went to Dad’s. Dad went out for a bit, so Britt watched Bleach on the internet and I went for a lovely walk with Junior and Gunner.

This evening , I got picked up by Scottie and Junior at around 6:26 (yes, I remember the exact time. Junior text me to tell me that they were in the driveway and I was reading) and we all went to Junior’s house. Nikita (YAY!) came over at around 7, and Jessica came over a while after that. While we were all sitting around, doing our thing, we came onto the subject of the “age of consent” in Canada. None of us were 100% sure, so we decided to check the most reliable source in the world – Google. We found a site, sexualityandu.ca,  that told us precisely what we needed to know. The age of consent in Canada is 16, and they couple has to be within a five-year age range. Neat, eh?

At the end of the night, Nikita brought me home. I loves her ! :)   She’s so nice, haha. We’ve all agreed that she has to start hanging out with us more often because it’s just not the same without her.

OH DEAR. This is much too long. I think I’ll end it here and continue playing Unblock Me and talk to Junior until I’m sleepy enough to go to bed. Good night!

-Bre :)

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