Good evening all! Today has been an exceptional day (well, minus the fact that I discovered that my THIRD wisdom tooth is coming in) and now you get to be told about it!

School was all right, although I had trouble waking up for it this morning. Junior picked me up and we went on there. At school, I had Religion first. I finished my questions on the chapter and then I read the book that Vlad lent me, Cirque du Freak. It's a series, actually, and I finished the first book today. There are 12 in total, and Vlad has 11, so I'll be  busy for a while yet. (READ THEM, THEY'RE GREAT).

Sorry, I'm all over the place.

Second period was Pre-cal. Nothing went on. We reviewed our homework for an hour. Third period was Math. It was nice. We got some review stuff and we had time to work on our assignment... That I've had finished since Monday. So! I read!

At lunch, I went to the Math Help Centre. Junior had to go  to a dance rehearsal. :(  I went alone, but I saw Deejay, Sam, Sandra, Thomas, Robyn there! It was lovely! Junior came in about 1:05, 5 minutes before lunch was over.

After lunch, I had French. It was okay. Ms. Shortt had us do an activity where she gave us all a bunch of random things and we had to write a French story about it. I didn't finish! But I'll finish it this weekend and present it on Tuesday.

Last period was Chemistry. I hung out with Sandra and Sam while we worked on our assignments. Sandra and I always have the most wonderful chats! I finished my assignment. Sandra looked off my notes because she didn't have hers with her. I had fun. :)

After school, Junior and I went to the store to buy some Nutriwhip for the cake that I was going to make Dad and Nan. We also picked up a couple of bags of chips for Saturday night because Ryan is having a party at his cabin. We're all going down around 7 or so, and won't be back until late, so there probably won't be a blog that night. Sorry! Junior is driving me down. :)  I can't wait! I'm so excited! I'm bringing down my iPod dock as well.

Junior and I went to Dad's, then he went home. I made the cake! It is/was French vanilla, with a lemon centre and Nutriwhip on top. It was so good! Nan, Dad, and I all had a piece after supper... Now we're way too full!

So! I have to stop writing now because Dad is going to bring me down to Mom's now. Bye for now!

- Bre :)

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