Waldon here, and tonight I think I'm going to talk about how awesome music makes things. Music is something that I take very seriously. I love almost all music. I listen to almost every conceivable genre. I have albums from bands from every end of the earth. From British folk-metal/rock to Japanese Game Soundtracks. Metal, Rap, Hip hop, Electro, Techno, Nerdcore, Thrashcore, Black Metal, Death Metal, Viking Metal, Harmonic Metal, Rock of all the above, folk, country, western, jazz, classical, EVERYTHING.

Every type of music there is has a place. It has a place in the ears of SOMEBODY. I've heard a few theories, and read a few, that express the idea that our idea of music has been around as long as we have. From howling with the wolves back when we were still troglodytes, to eventually using sticks and stones, throughout the ages, until music has achieved a life of it's own.

I'm sure that sound has touched almost everybody, and for those that cannot hear it, or feel music like I do at least, I offer you my most sincere condolences. I wish you could experience this. The sound of a 100 piece orchestra sweeping the stage, to the powerful riff from an electric guitar and bass on a stage surrounded by 10000 screaming fans with beer and anger flowing through their veins. It's something you don't just hear, you feel it. Whatever sound it is that reaches that one part of your brain that makes you feel good, you'll know. Maybe it's a different sound every time, or maybe it's just one sound in particular that you could listen to for the rest of your life. Doesn't matter to me. It's all rooted back to humanity somehow.

Music can be a soothing sound or an agitation. It could bring out a patriotic fervor in you or make you want to rebel against the state. Music can do anything to us that we let it. A rising crescendo to bring out a smile in a tired face, a slow waltz for the lovers to dance the night away- maybe a rhythm and blues jazz sax to show the world how you feel?

Remember, it doesn't matter what music it is, all that matters is how you perceive it. Live your music, Music is life... if you let it.

Anyway, I suppose I should let you all get back to what you were doing before this pointless rant I suppose. Good night all! :)

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