Tonight's (This morning's) epic sounding title is from a song called "Blood and Thunder" by Mastodon. The album tells the story of Moby Dick, if I'm not misinterpreting it. :P It's absolutely amazing, their sound is GREAT. Look 'em up sometime.

Now, I actually don't have much to talk about. :P I'm kind of a boring person you see. But this afternoon Bre biked up to my house, and we went to the store to pick me up a new razor and some mouthwash and chocolate and ... oh yeah, conditioner. :P

Funny story. My razor disappeared somehow in the past 3 days. :P It was left upstairs while the downstairs bathroom was getting tile put in. The job was finished, so I brought my shaving cream and razor downstairs again. Yesterday I went to shave because I was looking rather neolithic and my razor was gone! The shaving cream was still there, but my razor and spare blades were gone! :S Anyway, I bought a new one today, so crisis averted. xD

Then, Bre and I came back and ate some chocolate and listened to music. And I shaved! :D

After supper I went down to Bre's house, and just puttered around with her for a while. :P She was holding the fort down while her parents were gone over to somebody else's house. So I left around midnight, and now here I am. xD

Creepy story now. I walked in the house at midnight, and when I closed the door, I could distinctly hear nails walking on the hardwood floor upstairs. My first thought was my dog gunner, but when I reached my room, I realized something..

Gunner has been gone for the past 3 days with my sister while she's staying at my aunts houses. There was nothing to MAKE any scratching noises. Creepy. :P

Anyways, I suppose I should go to sleep. Good night all!

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