Waldon here. I just got back from our High School Halloween dance. It was fun, I haven't had such a good time in forever.

I won the prize for most "Serious" costume at our school. According to popular belief I was dressed up as "Elephant Man". I have no idea who this guy IS. All I know is that I made a noose, a burlap sack head, gory eye sockets and hand restraints. I don't know who that IS.

So a little later, I went to the dance. My friend Brandon had a cross on at the dance and I pulled on it by accident when he leaned back while I was looking at it. I felt something give way. In surprise, I looked down. In my hands I held the cross with a fully intact loop for the string on top. So of course, I quickly reasoned that this means that I snapped his string instead. I looked up, an apology quick on my lips. . . and stopped cold. The string was intact. The loop was intact. HOW? Of course, this warranted another visit to the dance floor to clean my mind of such traitorous thoughts that were flying through my head.

Turns out that there was a smaller metal loop that bends that fell off when I pulled. Go figure.

After another hour or so, it was time for us all to go, sadly. So Brandon and I started walking home. His house is rather close to mine, so we walked together for part of the way. I kept him laughing, I'm proud to say. Although, as time does, time passed and soon we parted. I walked the lonely road back to my house. There was a light rain overhead and it was nearly midnight. I was walking slowly through puddles and rivulets of dirty water. Thoughts came unbidden and unwanted. Parasitic emotions draining off the happiness of the night.

So of course, I have to be like every other angst filled emo kid in the world and blog about it. Anyways. Good night, everybody who reads this. Or, Good morning would be more appropriate, as it is now close to 1 am.

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