Waldon here, and tonight's title is the song I'm currently listening to. It may not be inventive or witty, but I like the song... So there. :P

I had a normal day in school, I suppose. I didn't do anything exciting at least. Well, I worked canteen with Bre again, but I do that every Tuesday, so there's really nothing new about that. It was fun though.

After school, Bre came over for a little bit since she didn't have to tutor. It was a fun afternoon. We talked and listened to music. A lot of people wonder how we can just sit and talk without doing anything else. It's one of my most favorite things to do! I love just sitting down with people, Bre especially, and telling stories or listening. I love to listen to things. Although I have trouble telling words apart sometimes. :S There's nothing more relaxing than being somewhere far away from town and just listening. You can hear birds and bugs, maybe dogs or the occasional rodent scampering on. Living life. Doing small-woodland-animal type things. :P Wind in leaves, especially. That's such a relaxing sound.

I just got back from Dance class an hour ago or so. After lifting the girls, we found out that I'm the only one who can lift one girl above my head easily. People asked how, and I said I liked working out. Again, that spawned another question;

Why do you like working out?

I'll answer that here, I suppose. But I'll start off with a statement. There are many, many different reasons that people work out. It's the same reason that people are putting themselves in contests or competitions for some, or it might be the thrill of doing it, heck, some people might even just be doing it for laughs. Others still do it for their health.

I do it for another reason completely. I do it because I was told as a child that as a Type 1 Diabetic diagnosed so young my life is likely going to be very unstable, physically. My body should be weak and frail. I have so many hormone deficiencies and genetic abrasions that it's ridiculous to think about. So I work out and make myself stronger...

Because I need to be stronger. I need to prove to myself, at the very least, that I'm not totally worthless. There's a rush that comes with exercise. A type of hormone called Endorphins are released with working out and they make your body feel very good, alive, fresh... strong. Like you could conquer the world. It's actually addictive, and without it people go through workout withdrawal. I work out to show myself that I can do things. I can achieve something if I try.

When I think back to being younger- not being able to run to the end of my street without collapsing, not even able to climb a tree without hurting my arms, or do a dozen sit ups because everybody was afraid I would break if I was put through too much stress because of my diabetes and assorted other diseases... I get more determined not to let myself fall back to that level. I work out with heavy weights and with extreme pressure to make myself develop physically to a level that nobody will ever be able to compete with, unless you're like myself.

In which case, you know exactly what I'm talking about right now, don't you? I can't explain it any more. It's all mental. You'd need to feel what I feel, or what people that think like me feel, to understand.

Anyway, I don't think I can expand any more on it. I'm not a bodybuilder. I'm not built like Arnold Schwarzenegger, or the Rock. But I'm strong enough. Stronger than most, if what I see around this town holds true.

So, I'm done for the night. Good night everybody. :)

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