Waldon here, how is everybody?

I've had a good day today, I suppose. I haven't done much beyond play my xbox, but that doesn't mean I didn't have a good day, yeah? I fell asleep at about 2 or 3 am this morning, and woke up again at around 6, dozed till 7, and fell asleep again until 9 30. I got a solid 5 and a half hours, that is excellent by my normal standards.

I spent a goodly portion of my day playing Fable 3. An excellent game. I've logged on about 12 or 13 hours now in total. I also got to play the game with my good friend Russell. We saw each other on xbox Live and connected and played a few quests with each other. Russell is a blood brother to me. We're not related at all biologically, but we've been together for so long that it's almost like we are. Physically we're almost complete opposites. I'm 6 feet tall, huge and Russell is about 5"8' and as skinny as a rake. Very pale. But we are both halves of the other person. It's been months since Russell and I have been together for longer than an hour. We got to actually talk. It was what I needed to cheer myself up after a morning stuck indoors doing nothing.

All day long I've been texting Bre, who's staying outside of town at the moment to my great displeasure. I must have sent at LEAST 100 texts today. No joke. A couple years ago you wouldn't even hear about me sending 10 in a week. I guess I'm going mainstream. Oh well, I'm being awesome along the way, so it's cool.

About half an hour ago, I restarted a story I had tried to write earlier, but I was suffering from a massive writers block. It was as I described, like trying to shoot a gun with no bullets. Sure, it shoots. But WHAT? :P

Then out of nowhere, while I was talking to Bre on msn, I decided to try writing it again. The words came! I was hauling out analogy after analogy, similes, metaphors comparisons and imagery! I had tapped into some inner writer that was able to envision things that I didn't even THINK about before! It was an excellent discovery. So as of now, I credit Bre with my soulful recovery. I should fire my current muse and hire Bre. Do I even HAVE a muse? Maybe that's my problem. :P

Well, despite various incidents of almost legendary acts of stupidity I managed to get this blog written. After one nearly black eye and blindness inducing twitch, and a massive stubbed toe the blog is DONE! :D Good night everybody,

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