Ah, Wallace. I love you. So, if nobody has recognized this quote, you should all go out and read the Scott Pilgrim series. It’s GENIUS. Junior got them for his birthday and has read the first five (I think he said there are six). Today, I finished the fourth. I’m loving them! They’re hilarious. Wallace is Scott’s gay roommate, and he’s absolutely priceless. I just have to giggle at him! Oh, if you don’t like to read, go rent the movie. Or buy it. Whatever tickles your fancy. I’d buy it, personally. I watched it on New Year’s with Scottie and Junior. It. Was. Great. :|

Okie dokie. I don’t think I’m going to write much tonight. I’m really tired. I’m such a slacker. I’m so sorry! Junior has been filling in for me… Because I’m a SLACKER. ARGH. I need to fix this problem. The only good thing about not doing the blog last night is that I won’t have to do it on Thursday. Thursday… *shudder*. I think I’ll let Junior explain that one. Let’s just leave it at this: I wish it would skip from Wednesday to Friday.

Today was all right. It was a delayed opening Monday, so Junior picked me up at our usual time and we hung out for an hour or so at his house before going to school. It was nice! I sat down and read the third Scott Pilgrim book. It was glorious! Umm… Here’s my school day in jot note form! Because I’m lazy!

-          First period Chem. Cool beans. Reviewed for test with Sandra.

-          Second period English. Wouldn’t miss it for the world. Mr. Crane is incredible. Junior thinks that I have an unhealthy obsession. Am I unhealthily obsessed with my English teacher? No. I am not. We got the Catcher in the Rye and we’re starting it tomorrow. I read that book a couple of years ago and LOVED it.

-          Third period History. Did a question as a group. Fun stuff!

-          Lunch time! Went to the Math Help Centre with Junior. We chatted with Robyn and Sandra. I LOVE THEM. :)

-          Fourth period Religion. LOVED IT. Read the fourth book of Scott Pilgrim and talked to Scottie.

-          Fifth period Pre-cal. Cool. Mr. Lawrence is SO smart. :S

-          After school. Tutoring for an hour or so!

After tutoring, Junior picked me up. He brought Gunner along for the ride! I love Gunner.  I told Junior that Gunner was really my main man. I don’t know how he took that, haha. When I arrived at the house, I talked to everyone, did some homework, ate, then walked up the road to Lisa’s house for tutoring again. We chilled for two hours, talked a bit, and studied Chemistry. We were learning about Intermolecular Forces! Awesome stuff right there. I left at 8:35 or so, and walked back here. I nearly peed myself I was so scared! Next time, I think I’ll accept a ride.

Other than all that, I haven’t done too much. I lay down with Mom for a bit and watched some tv. Now I need to go to bed… Good night!

-Bre :)

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