I am SUCH a slacker. I haven’t written a blog in three days. THREE. I was going to write last night, but Junior wanted to because it wasn’t working the night before so I let him write. The past few days have been awful. I have started getting sick and I really hope I don’t get too sick because getting sick isn’t fun and I have to stay home from school and I don’t like staying home from school because I miss important things and then I don’t know what’s going on. Ohmy. Tonight, I’m not feeling too well so please pardon me if I ramble. Let’s begin…

Tonight’s title! Junior and I went for a walk tonight and I only got home about a half an hour ago. We were gone for about an hour and a half. I really needed it. (Junior, you are a lifesaver)! We covered about a third of the downtown area. It was a tad chilly, but it wasn’t too bad. We both had on a hat and a pair of gloves (and I had my trusty scarf!) so we were pretty good to go. Gunner came along too! I LOVE Gunner. He’s such a sweet dog. Anywho, Junior and I were pushing each other around. Naturally, I started it but was unable to finish it because Junior is much larger than I am and he won. He could push me harder so there was a greater chance of me landing in a snow bank. At one point, Junior said something to me and I couldn’t stop smiling. He was like, “Hahaha, you’re smiling. You can’t be mad at me.” And I said, “NO. This is my angry face. *grin*” It was ridiculous. You kind of had to be there to appreciate it fully.

So, I only went to school today to see the guidance counselor and go to Pre-cal. I had to see Ms. Miles, the new counselor, about my university application. She is such a sweetheart! She seems very giggly and extremely nice. I have to go see her again tomorrow about it because she needed to check on some stuff. Because we have a Pre-cal test tomorrow, Mr. Lawrence reviewed for it the first half of today’s class. After he went through what we would need to know, I felt like going home. I was going to wait until recess but I didn’t know if I could make it. It was the worst half hour of my life. I felt like I was going to pass out! You know that feeling you get when you’re all light-headed and a wave of nausea passes over you? I got that. Junior had to walk with me to the office and to the door to make sure that I didn’t fall down /pass out. What a good guy!

When I left school, I surprised Nan and Pop by walking in and saying hello. They didn’t know I was coming, so they were quite surprised to see me. I don’t like staying home by myself, so I went there. Nan made me some soup. :)  I had dinner there then came down to the house to get my chocolate and exchange my books. Back at Nan and Pop’s, I helped with a puzzle and studied my Pre-cal. When the kids got there, I just chilled with Britt and failed at helping her with her English. I’m useless when it comes to English! Give me Math any day, but English – no thank you.

UGH, I feel like I’m going to be sick. I’m going to end this post right THERE.

-          Bre :)

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