Waldon here. Bre isn't feeling pretty tired after her work tonight, she's probably not feeling that great either, so I'm taking over for tonight. Or this morning. Whatever you people feel like calling it.

I had a very hectic night tonight. Like, really crazy.

After school Bre and I walked down to the local workforce boarding house to get her dad's truck, then we went to her house, picked up everything she needed for making cookies tomorrow, picked up her sister, drove to the post office and then went to her nans house.

Then we unpacked everything, she dropped me home and then I ate a cold supper and drove up to base to pick up Bre and I's friends Vlad and David, dropped them off at the movie theatre, got gas ($98.77!), drove to Northmart and then went home. Jessica then came over, Scottie came over and then Glad and eventually Bre came over.

Then we all went to Tim's, but as soon as I got there I had to drive back up to the base and pick UP Vlad and David. Bre came along, I dropped Vlad and David home, I just had 4 people in the truck including myself. Then I dropped off Bre. THEN I got a message from Glad and Jessica who were stuck at Tim's because Scottie left them there.

So I had to go back to Tim's and pick THEM up. So I brought them both home, and now here I am, an hour later writing a blog. I spent the hour interval between then and now reading. Nothing more relaxing than reading other than perhaps lying down next to a friend and sleeping. I love sleeping, sometimes.

Now, tomorrow I will be going over to Bre's Nan's house to make cookies with her. I haven't made cookies in years. My mom owns the kitchen. I don't venture into the depths unless it's absolutely necessary. Mom scares me too much.

So, I guess I'm done for tonight, I'd like to read a little more before I attempt sleep. Insomnia on top of my already low necessity for sleep is pretty harsh on my biorhythm. I abuse myself enough without adding more problems to the mix. :P

Good night everybody, sweet dreams and have a good sleep! Please feel better soon Bre! :)

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