My sister is crazy. She must be. At the moment, I'm studying for my Psych test that's on Thursday, so naturally my book is open. Britt came over a few minutes ago and saw a gross picture of an 11-week-old fetus on the page that my book was open to. I then asked Britt for a blog title, and this title is what she gave me. She described the fetus as looking like a baby in an eye. Go figure.

Great. Now she's going to go beat up her computer for not updating. I pity the poor thing. Oh wait! She's learning Japanese now. Maybe I won't have to intervene this time.

So, I don't remember the last time that I blogged. It must have been a while ago. School has been busy lately so I haven't had much time to do anything. When I DO have  time, I'm too tired to do anything so nothing gets done ANYWAY. At the moment I'm multitasking. AND I'M STILL GETTING NOTHING DONE. How frustrating. Junior's at his Bio lab for another little while, so I have no excuse not to work. Fun times.

Yesterday we got a Math assignment, which was due today. We got a second Math assignment yesterday that's due tomorrow. I have a Physics assignment due Thursday or Friday. I have a Psych test Thursday. I have a Math test Friday. A Chem lab tomorrow night, that will be due on Friday. Lastly, I have a Physics test next Tuesday that I really need to study for. This is ridiculous.

Well, I just noticed that there was a picture on my wall that wasn't there when I woke up this morning. Neat. There's this hole in my wall, you see, that exposes the tap for the hose out front. I think it lets in cold air, but I don't know. Anywho! I woke up this morning and the hole was visible. Britt said something a few minutes ago that I didn't really pay attention to. She said that my picture was squish. I just looked over AND THERE WAS A PICTURE ON MY WALL. That's awesome!

All right, that's enough procrastination for me. I need to do some work. Good ... Evening?

- Bre :)

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