Whoa! First line is the topic. I'm being new and innovative!

Yeah! So, it's been really warm the past couple days, and I'm loving it. The snow is finally melting and I'm able to walk on pavement again. :P We've been wading through about 8 feet of snow for the past 2 months, so it's good to see some heat again.

I bought the game Dark Souls the other week. It's INTENSE. The tagline of the game is "Prepare to die." And that's seriously what it is. You just try and use a combination of brute force, skill and trickery to make it to various checkpoints of the game without dying. When you die, you have to start over at the last checkpoint. It's very easy to die. :P

So, Bre was over this evening, and we just sat there and vegetated while listening to music. You have NO idea how awesome that is. Unless, of course, you're like me. In which case you understand completely and are envious of me right now. I found an app that lets me control my iTunes from my phone, so we just sat on my bed and let the music lull us into a nearly rock-like level of mental activity.

We had classes all day today, and in about 3 of my 5 classes, something was due. As well, there was a bio test for a small mark today. It was... meh. :P

Yesterday we didn't have classes, because... the roof of our cafeteria flooded. Now, if you're anything like me, you just paused so you could comprehend that. Yes, I really did mean it. Our ROOF flooded. The water pipe above the mens washroom busted, and the water gathered up in the ceiling crawlspace until... well, it couldn't fit. :P So, the cafeteria is still being renovated for use again. Hopefully it'll be up soon, because in order to leave campus to get food, I've got to pack up all my stuff and go, and that usually means that I can't get any work done during that period. So, I tend to go without a meal instead. xD

So, without further adieu, I am saying goodnight!
It was a pleasure speaking to you all again, and I thank every one of you from the bottom of my heart for sticking with the blog and reading what we have to say. :)

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