First things first, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRITT!

Waldon here, I thought I would start this blog off with a quote by Friedrich Nietzsche, a man who's ideals changed minds across the world with his philosophies. Although I cannot agree with all of his ideas, what kind of person would I be if I simply accepted the ideas as a whole and didn't make my own choices anyway? I think Nietzsche would be disappointed in us if we simply followed his words like sheep.

I've always prided myself on my ideas and my beliefs. I take a stand within myself to create an individual and I'm not ashamed of my ideas. But unlike many others, I don't feel the need to proclaim those idea's to the masses with indignation or frustration towards any that don't see my way, neither do I have a closed mind for any new idea. I can change. I can keep my ideas to myself,  because the rest of you are capable of making up your own minds within the realm of religion, life and fantasy. You don't need me breathing down your neck.

Lately I've been very out of it, and I have to apologize for that to anybody who reads this and knows me personally. Despite what you all think, it's not depression that has me so serious and somber, it is frustration. I'm afraid that I'm not going to get into that, this is a blog about life, not about me being an Emo kid for sympathy. God, I hate Emos. Just grow a pair guys. You and the Metrosexuals.

Yesterday was one of the best days I've had in a very long time. I woke up early, at 6 AM to be precise, and by 9 o clock I had already gotten in contact with Bre, started my driving lesson and been reading for over 2 hours. At around 12 o clock Bre came over. She usually doesn't come that early and I appreciate all of the extra time I spent with her. By 1 30 we had left the house and went to Tim's for her dinner. We went shopping after that for Britt, walking all around and going to several places. I ended up buying Britt a pair of earrings and a Hello Kitty plush doll. That was an. . . odd time I spent in the lineup. I'm a big dude- and I didn't really fit in with the very small mothers with their gaggle of children swarming around us. It was even more odd because of the doll. The mental image is enough to make some people smile.

We got back to my house around 4, we hung out for a little bit, and then Bre went home for supper. Then came quite the pleasing phone call; Bre invited me over to her house for supper and a bonfire. I quickly readied myself and waited for the pick up. Bre and her companions (Her Mother and Britt) swiftly arrived and I placed myself in the vehicle, much to my consternation and Britt's amusement. Have I mentioned how large I am? I'm sure I did. I had to bend my head very far down and my knees were almost touching my chest. In fact, my nose once touched the front seat. I wonder if Bre felt that?

We then proceeded to spend the night with the general merrymaking, although none of us are particularly party people, so it was generally just us sitting down and talking, which is more than alright and something I think people should do WAY more. Britt decorated her own cake, cause she's THAT awesome, and we had a small fire after eating fries and chicken. At around 9 30 I had to take my leave, I could see that Bre and Britt were tired. :P I also didn't want to bother Thomas, so I left by myself and walked home. It was a beautiful night out. I love walking at night, it's quiet, peaceful and everything just feels so clean. The only think I like more than walking at night is walking at night with somebody else. Maybe I'll do a blog on it sometime.

Today consisted of Math and Axe Cop the webcomic. No entertainment value at all, so I'll just leave today out of the blog.

So I guess I'm done. Good night people, and may whatever you worship bless you, or whatever you deny forgive you, in all faiths.

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