Hello! I'm having trouble expressing my thoughts today so please bear with me. Nothing I'm thinking actually makes sense. It's taken me about five minutes to write this short paragraph. Something is truly wrong with me. Normally, I can find an idea and find SOMETHING to write but today... Nope, it's not really working.

I guess I'll start with the title? It's the complete truth. No matter where I've plunked myself down today, I haven't been able to get comfortable. Classroom chairs? Nope. Couch in the library? Not a chance. My chair at my desk (that I'm sitting on right now)? Don't even get me started. It's not normally this bad! I think I'm just getting antsy - you know, stir crazy. I feel like I haven't been outside for ages so I keep moving around. This makes it very difficult to settle down in one sitting positions. Tonight I'm going for a walk with Junior and his dog so -

SPEAKING OF DIFFICULT! Today was our first day of school after the Christmas break. We went into English class this morning, said good morning to Tony, and then he proceeded to explain the course to us. Well. It's about HOW to write, sentence structure, analyzing texts, etc. Even he told us that this should have been done before our last course. Most of us had very little knowledge of grammar or punctuation, which put us at a disadvantage. In high school, the only course to do that involves grammar is "Writing." We don't do ANYTHING in English about grammar. They expect us to know it. All of it. It just ticks me off. I just really pity Tony because he has to correct all of our work.

On the plus side today, I think I actually understand what we're doing in Physics! Yay! :)

OH! Junior is on the way to get me now. I need to go get ready. And so ends another crappy blog post! Good night!

- Bre :)

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