Don’t be shy, everyone! I know this can be an odd topic, but it’s the cold hard truth. Pretty much every family has those dreaded naked baby pictures of you. No matter how hard you try to destroy them or put them out of your mind, guess what? They’re still there. They will always be there. I know this for a fact. It’s an awful fact, but a fact nonetheless. Here’s the story.

When I was little, like every child, I went through a stage where wearing clothes was not a big priority. So, I didn’t wear them. Now let’s get something straight first: This was ONLY in the backyard and ONLY with the family, and I was probably two or three (tops). It was also a BRIEF stage. Anywho. Naturally, my family had to document this horrible stage and they kept the pictures. Luckily, there are only four. I was going to personally destroy them but my family wanted to keep them as memories. Reluctantly I agreed and went on my not-so-merry way. This was a few years ago when my Nan was compiling a bow of pictures for each of us. Fast forward to today.

I got sick yesterday morning. I wasn’t too bad all day, but by last night, I was really icky. Junior kept me company via text message (haha, addiction!) until about 1:45 am. But I’ll tell that story later. This afternoon, I still felt like crap. Junior came down around lunch time and spent the afternoon with me, and made me feel better. While just sitting around my room at Nan and Pop’s (that’s where I spent last night, by the way) I remembered the box of photos. I dusted it off and we looked through them all. I was one good looking kid, if I do say so myself. As we were looking through the pictures, a thought dawned on me. The naked baby pictures were in that box. I immediately told Junior about them… And told him that he wasn’t allowed to see them. They would only damage my pride just a little bit… Just a lot. He just laughed and agreed. The number of pictures in the box dwindled and I soon began to think, Hey, maybe they aren’t there and I just imagined them. Guess what. They were just at the back. I ALMOST showed Junior by accident. Almost. I’m so glad I saw what they were before I flipped to them. Gosh, that would have been horrible. :P  In the end, he DIDN’T get to see them. Why would he want to see them? I don’t know. Ask him.

So, I’ve been sick since yesterday. I have been miserable, to say the least, but (of course) I’m too stubborn to stop doing everything.  Last night was possibly the worst, though. Because we didn’t have school today, I went to Nan and Pop’s for the night. We played two games of Scrabble (LOVE THAT GAME) and then I watched TV with Nan. All the while, I felt horrible. When I went to bed at 12:30 I knew I wouldn’t be getting to sleep anytime soon. I lay down, I sat up, I went to the bathroom downstairs, I got a drink, I lay back down, I text Junior. I just COULD NOT sleep. At around 1:45 I gave up and said good night to Junior. I fell asleep shortly after two. Then, I woke up at 2:45. Go me. I went to the bathroom, then lay back down again. I fell asleep shortly after three. This morning I woke up at about ten to eight. It was then that I gave up. I got up and went out of the room. Nan and Pop were really surprised to see me up and about. So, we all went downstairs to get some pancakes and sausages. I text Junior all morning. He cheers me up. :)

After I got a shower and all that, I tried to do some English. Didn’t work out so well. Junior came down this afternoon while Nan and Pop were out and we watched some TV. Nan and Pop came home, and we all got something to eat. The rest of the afternoon has been explained.

ARGH, I need to go to bed. I feel gross. Good night!

-Bre :)

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