Waldon here, and I'm really too tired to make much sense tonight. Or write a long blog for that matter. But I'll try, I promise.

Over the past 2 days I've been reading the Siddartha. It's the story of the Buddha (sort of). I've never been so relaxed by a book before, nor have I ever been able to so easily understand the reasoning behind what the character is wondering.

Seriously though. I'm really tired. I'm not going to be able to post too much more before I fall asleep. >.< I woke up about 4 hours early this morning after my insulin pump came disconnected and pulled off my body. Normally, that's unpleasant all on it's own. But today it pulled out just far enough while I was sleeping for the tube to come out and start jabbing me. It's a horrible feeling to have a lifeline come out. Contrary to logic, after having my tube loosened and free, my blood sugar level was low. O.o So I had something to eat ( I can't even remember what) and went back to bed.

Not that it did much good. I ended up just dozing for about 4 hours. >.<

So, Then I sat around all morning because Bre didn't want to hang out. I picked her up, we then went to school and did all that good stuff. Except for lunch. That was kind of crappy. Bre was working canteen and I didn't know. So I spent about 15 minutes looking for her because nobody bothered telling me, then spent the rest of lunch tooling around trying to find somebody to hang out with.

I'm really tired. Like... REALLY TIRED. So, good night all!

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