The first part of the title tonight comes from Mr. Pippy… The high school Biology teacher. Sandra was in the canteen for a bit today with Junior and I (Deejay went over to visit Faith and Noelle in the other part) when Mr. Pippy came in for some food. He asked us what we had (chili, soup, hot dogs) and he picked chili. Sandra said something about not understanding/liking meat in chili, and that she always has vegetarian chili. Mr. Pippy said that he likes meat and vegetables in his, so he’s a “meatavegetarian.” I looked at Sandra when he said this and asked, “… Isn’t that called an omnivore?” We thought this was especially funny because he’s the Biology teacher. Teehee.

All right, I’ve been pretty down today, so I’ll make a list of what I did.

- Picked up by Junior; went to school.
- Hung out at school.
- Did the canteen duty with Junior and Deejay.
- Got my Euro trip jacket last period.
- Went to the store for some stuff with Junior; met Nikita.
- We travelled across town to the next store.
- Junior and I went for a drive.
- I went home; hung out; ate; half watched the kids with Britt.
- Junior came over before dance, so I hung out with him.
- Talked to Dad (he came down for a few minutes).
- Junior left; I watched tv with Britt; Mom and Thomas got home.
- I got ready for bed.
- Now I’m writing this.

Well. This blog sucks so far. Oh yes, before I forget! This will be my last blog before we leave for Europe on Thursday. We get out of school at 12, have to be at the airport for 3:30 or so, then we leave at 5 so I won’t get a chance to write a blog. I still don’t know if Britt will do this while Junior and I are away… One can only hope.

Oh dear, I’m so sorry but I’m feeling so incredibly crappy right now that I have to stop here. :(  I promise I’ll make up for this terrible post when we get back from Europe with all kinds of pictures and stories! Good night, and I’ll… See… Talk to… Write when we get home!

-Bre :)
Creepy? A little. True? Very. I sat down here a few minutes ago to write this, and shortly after that, Junior walked out of his room. Randomly. It was strange. I had no idea where he went or why. That freaks me out. I keep thinking that he's going to pop up behind me with some coffee or a picture or a dinosaur or something. It's disconcerting, to say the least. That, and I'm frightened to death something is going to happen to him. He doesn't have a good track record for stuff like that. It seems like something strange happens every time I'm not around.

Okay, so, as you may have noticed (or not), I'm at Junior's right now. I came over at 3:30 when school let out and I'm still here five and a half hours later. We ordered pizza for supper! It was great! I got a bad tummy, so I had to stop eating, sadly. I LOVE pizza. So... What have we been doing? We've been chilling out and listening to music, and going to get our pizza. Junior just turned on his tv...

Wait. Junior just turned on his tv. What's WRONG?! He never does that! I turn on the tv! He doesn't watch tv! Maybe I should cut this post short and check on him. That's totally not like Junior at all. Hmmm... I think I'll finish the post soon and spend some time with the poor bugger.

Today at school was okay. We had a career fair until lunch. We all had to go to six half-hour sessions on different careers. People from our community came in to give their presentations. I had Justice (WITH MS. EDMUNDS' SISTER!), Education (she gave out chocolate), Social Work, Business (she gave us cookies!), Health Careers, and Chiropractic/Kinesiology. Everything was pretty cool, but Social Work and Business were pretty dull.

At lunch, Junior and I went to the Math Help Centre and hung out with Robyn, Sandra, and Sam. If someone else was there, I'm sorry but I just don't remember. *sad face* It was fun though! Is it bad that I don't remember what went on? Gosh. This afternoon I had Chem and English. We really didn't do much. Mrs. Finlay had her baby (the pie baby! 3 lbs 14oz) so she's out for the rest of the year. Mrs. Devereaux is our substitute. Mr. Crane is still here for English. He's going next week though. He has some meetings. We didn't do much AT ALL in English, either.

Before I forget! Happy four month anniversary to someone! It makes me smile. :)

Hmmm... I guess I'm done for now. Junior is watching tv, and I'm sick of worrying about him, and I'm cold, and... I don't need to make excuses  to you guys! I'm going to go watch a cartoon version of the Avengers and cuddle my boyfriend. How do you like them apples?!

- Bre :)
Maybe that’s why I don’t drink Tim’s coffee anymore? That sounds plausible.  I hate it when my ears itch. It hasn’t happened in quite a while – well, a few weeks – and I think it has something to do with my lack of Tim Horton’s consumption. Maybe? It’s such a weird itch! Like, my poor Eustachian tubes must hate me or something. My auditory canal as well. I can’t even scratch them! If I use a Q-tip, I’ll bust my eardrum. WHAT WILL I DO?!

Before I get into the story of my day, I must warn you : NOTHING really happened. This is going to be short.

Okay. Big thing here. Mrs. Finlay is pregnant and due sometime in June. The poor girl went into labour this weekend and got medevac-ed out of here. She’s being replaced until further notice. I really hope she and the baby and Mr. Finlay are okay! <3

Other than that, nothing much is new. I didn’t have to tutor this afternoon, so I hung around and waited for Junior for about an hour. I didn’t mind. When he was done drama, we dropped off Sam and then he dropped me off. I ate supper then brought some fries up to Pop. Cool, eh?! I went to Nan and Pop’s to hang out for a half an hour before I had to go to Lisa’s to tutor. Poor Junior though! Their basement flooded today so he had no water (apparently). He said he couldn’t get any tea. SO! I text Mom right quick to ask him if I could take him out for one. She said yes, so after Lisa’s and going to the drugstore, I picked up Junior. We went through the Tim’s drive-thru to get some tea/coffee.

After we got the stuff, we drove around for a bit. Mind you, this was about 9 o’clock. There was NO WHERE we could park to drink our beverages. NO WHERE. Honestly. It was ridiculous. So we just drove around for about an hour. I looked at the time around 9:30 and decided to bring Junior home because I didn’t want Mom to have to stay up too late. The kids go to bed early, so I didn’t want to come in and wake them up. I dropped him off and came on back down here.

I’m proud to say that I can drive with one hand and drink coffee with the other. I’m awesome.

Oh gee, I’m sorry but I’m exhausted! I’m going to bed now. Good night !

-Bre :)

... School let out. Don't get me wrong! Today was grand. Some things just... Didn't go quite right and it was all quite upsetting. How about I just start at the beginning?

So, I woke up this morning, got ready for school, got picked up by Junior, and went to school. Nothing major happened. Mom was looking for the picture of the dress that she is going to use as a template for my grad dress, and I helped look for that for a few minutes, so Junior and I were almost late. School itself was all right. I didn't get any homework, so that was nice. I didn't do anything school-related this evening. We had canteen today... That was fun! Nikita, Junior and I were there for lunch. I have no idea where Deejay was.

The only really interesting thing that happened this afternoon was the writing of the "nice lists". Because Scottie was feeling down yesterday, I wrote a list of nice things about him to cheer him up. It seemed to work a bit, so I did the same thing for Russell, Vlad, Nikita, and Junior. I'm going to write one for Ms. Edmunds and Ryan soon. After school, I tutored. Junior came to pick me up and he brought me SIX packs of Skittles (and one pack of Cadbury Mini Eggs) because I was out! I LOVED it.  

Everything got worse when I got home. How about I just put it in a nice little list?

1. Bryton and I put all six packs of Skittles in my little Skittles container. Bryton carried the container over to my desk. The top came off (because that's where he was holding onto it) and all of the Skittles went everywhere. I wasn't mad because my floor was clean. It really really sucked, but it turned out okay.

2. My back has been really bad the past few days. Today, it snowed a lot, so Bryton and I went out to shovel the driveway. How dumb was that? Very. While shovelling, I pulled a muscle in my back. Now I can hardly move. There's a possibility of going to the hospital tomorrow. Yay.

3. While shovelling, I got too warm and put my hat down somewhere near the door. That was fine. Lately, there has been this dog hanging around the house. That DOG came over while I wasn't looking, jumped up, and STOLE MY HAT. MY NAN KNIT ME THAT HAT. Needless to say, I was NOT pleased. I tried to call the dog back but it didn't come over. I ran inside, grabbed the keys, told Mom that I had the truck, and went. Brooke came with me because she knew where the dog would have gone. We didn't find it. It's probably a good thing, too. I wouldn't have cared if I hit it.

So. Now I'm sitting here, writing this. I can't move, my favourite hat has been stolen by a dog, my Skittles have been all over the floor, and I might have to go to the hospital three days in a row (I have an appointment on Thursday and Friday morning). Am I lucky? I think so. (TT)

Anywho, I think I'll end it he
Tonight’s title comes from the middle school play, performed tonight by (you guessed it) the local middle school. I do believe it was the last line? Anyway. The basic plot of the play: a guy wants to propose to his girlfriend in a park. In this park, a lot is happening and their moment gets ruined. On a nearby bench, an old couple that constantly argues is sitting, watching the young couple. At the end of the play, when the young couple decides to separate because of their differences, the old couple decide to leave the park, and they tell each other that they’re sick of each other. The old man turns to his wife and says (the title). I thought that was the cutest thing in the entire world. I quite enjoyed it. :)

I would have done the blog last night, since it was my turn, but I figured I could let Junior do it then and I could do it tonight because he had to perform his play tonight, and I thought he’d be tired. Aren’t I nice? Yes? I thought so. Our school’s drama troupe had a fundraiser (with the middle school’s drama group) to raise money for our school’s drama troupe to go to the Island for the provincial drama thing. I think? Gosh. Maybe I’m not that nice. I can’t even remember what it’s called! Because they won, Junior is going away in May (I do believe) with the troupe for it. I’m going to miss him!

(I don’t have much to write…)

School was okay today. I didn’t get any homework for once! We did some notes in Math and English and… That’s about all I did today. French- watched movie. Chemistry- worked on a couple of questions with Sam and Sandra. World History- did a work sheet and passed it in at the end of the class. WOW. Not a lot was done today. Oh yeah! Tomorrow, I have French right after lunch. A bunch of people are gone out of town to visit the university on the Island, or gone for soccer, or gone for a choir thing. SO! I’m in French by myself with Ms. Shortt! I can’t wait! I think it’s going to be fun. Although, I could just skip off and give her a period to herself… :P

I didn’t do ANYTHING this evening except go to the plays with Britt, and go to Tim’s afterward with Thomas, Matt, Britt, and Junior. Scottie and Jessica showed up at around 9:30, but Britt and I had to be home for 10, so we had to leave at quarter to. Oh well! It was nice seeing them! Britt and I got home around… Jeepers. I didn’t even look at the time! I think it was before 10, though. We went upstairs, talked to Mom and Thomas for a bit, then came downstairs. I got ready for bed. Now I’m writing this.

Now I’m done! Good night!

-Bre :)

Waldon here and I'm posting again tonight to atone for my hardly-blogged-at-all-yesterday sins. :P Today has been distinctly uneventful. I drove to Bre's this morning to pick her up. Drove to school. Went to class. Fun. xD

First period today I had Math class where I was working on some review questions that our teacher gave us the last day. I have a double math class, so I ended up missing the first of the two periods because I had it yesterday afternoon. I finished a good portion of the review before the end of the class.

Second period was really fun. It was art class. I absolutely love art class. I'm working at my mixed media art project on computer, so I can't work on it in class, but that gives me more time to work on my own stuff in class. Most of my stuff is crap, but I enjoy it anyway. :P So since we weren't really doing much, Ms Edmunds turned on the new Star Trek movie and we watched that for most of the period. It is an amazing movie.

Next was recess. I don't like recess much. It's not long enough to really relax, but just long enough to make me not want to go to class. It's an unfortunate occurrence. :P

After recess was World History. We watched a documentary on the life of Gandhi. He was absolutely astounding man. Inspiring, even today. Fighting is what he believed in, but he would never raise his fist to hurt his fellow man. He fought oppression without ever resorting to violence, and he won. It takes a truly remarkable person to emancipate an entire country from British rule without violence. He believed in peace and justice where it's due, and he achieved it. He swept across Africa and India with change in his wake. A true spiritual messiah of his time.

Then it was lunch time, Bre and I went to the math help centre and hung out with Sandra and Robyn. I think we'll all be hanging out this weekend! :D I can't wait. :)

After that I had music class. It was the second day of presentations where we had to perform a musical piece in the theatre adjacent to our school. Yesterday I performed my work on harmonica. I played the Star Wars Imperial March. Yeah, I'm a nerd. And I love it. It was fun, I love performing things. Music is one of the beautiful things in life, I think spreading beauty is what people were meant to do. It doesn't have to be some long lasting work of art. Beauty can be singing with your friends when you're in high spirits, it could be painting when you're feeling sad, or walking down a nearly unused trail and leaving something behind that will show the world you were there for the better. It could be drawing, writing, singing, dancing, knitting, sewing, even just helping somebody relax or carrying their groceries. Beauty is everywhere and in everyone, regardless of if you think you have it or not. Just being alive makes you beautiful.

Last period today, I had english class. I spent all class doing a sketch because we had a reading class for a book I had already read. "The Catcher in the Rye". I'm really not a fan of the book, it's all complaining. That sounds very hypocritical coming from me on here, but I'm not that bad in reality. I use the blog to vent, and hopefully people don't see me as how I portray myself with my rantings on here.

After school, we had a rehearsal for my troupe that we never actually got a chance to finish. We were kicked out at around 4 40. Bre had already gotten a ride home, so I went home alone today.

Then I had supper, and started on that sketch again. It's a pretty good sketch if I do say so myself. :P I didn't use any references for it, so it's probably pretty skewed, but I think it's nice. I'm going to show Bre tomorrow, because she never got a chance to see it today. :P

Now, I think I'm going to go to bed. Although, here's a throwout for you nerds out there...


Good night!
Ah, Wallace. I love you. So, if nobody has recognized this quote, you should all go out and read the Scott Pilgrim series. It’s GENIUS. Junior got them for his birthday and has read the first five (I think he said there are six). Today, I finished the fourth. I’m loving them! They’re hilarious. Wallace is Scott’s gay roommate, and he’s absolutely priceless. I just have to giggle at him! Oh, if you don’t like to read, go rent the movie. Or buy it. Whatever tickles your fancy. I’d buy it, personally. I watched it on New Year’s with Scottie and Junior. It. Was. Great. :|

Okie dokie. I don’t think I’m going to write much tonight. I’m really tired. I’m such a slacker. I’m so sorry! Junior has been filling in for me… Because I’m a SLACKER. ARGH. I need to fix this problem. The only good thing about not doing the blog last night is that I won’t have to do it on Thursday. Thursday… *shudder*. I think I’ll let Junior explain that one. Let’s just leave it at this: I wish it would skip from Wednesday to Friday.

Today was all right. It was a delayed opening Monday, so Junior picked me up at our usual time and we hung out for an hour or so at his house before going to school. It was nice! I sat down and read the third Scott Pilgrim book. It was glorious! Umm… Here’s my school day in jot note form! Because I’m lazy!

-          First period Chem. Cool beans. Reviewed for test with Sandra.

-          Second period English. Wouldn’t miss it for the world. Mr. Crane is incredible. Junior thinks that I have an unhealthy obsession. Am I unhealthily obsessed with my English teacher? No. I am not. We got the Catcher in the Rye and we’re starting it tomorrow. I read that book a couple of years ago and LOVED it.

-          Third period History. Did a question as a group. Fun stuff!

-          Lunch time! Went to the Math Help Centre with Junior. We chatted with Robyn and Sandra. I LOVE THEM. :)

-          Fourth period Religion. LOVED IT. Read the fourth book of Scott Pilgrim and talked to Scottie.

-          Fifth period Pre-cal. Cool. Mr. Lawrence is SO smart. :S

-          After school. Tutoring for an hour or so!

After tutoring, Junior picked me up. He brought Gunner along for the ride! I love Gunner.  I told Junior that Gunner was really my main man. I don’t know how he took that, haha. When I arrived at the house, I talked to everyone, did some homework, ate, then walked up the road to Lisa’s house for tutoring again. We chilled for two hours, talked a bit, and studied Chemistry. We were learning about Intermolecular Forces! Awesome stuff right there. I left at 8:35 or so, and walked back here. I nearly peed myself I was so scared! Next time, I think I’ll accept a ride.

Other than all that, I haven’t done too much. I lay down with Mom for a bit and watched some tv. Now I need to go to bed… Good night!

-Bre :)

Beware: This will NOT contain a list of relationship warning signs. Although, I may post them someday. I was once given a sheet of paper with a bunch of “relationship warning signs” to look out for. Naturally, I taped it to my wall next to my desk. Junior read it over this morning (gosh, I just had to ask him when he read them). I had a giggle at him. By the way, he passes. He’s a good boyfriend. :P     Now! Time for the story of my day.

Sometime after midnight: Crazy dream. Dreamt Britt killed someone and Ryan was hitting on me. Not good for two reasons. 1 – Ms. Shortt justified the murder by saying that Britt loved the dude. 2 – Ryan has a girlfriend. In the dream, he said he loved me and would break up with Meghan. I didn’t like that, so I drop-kicked him down the stairs.

6:30 am: Woke up with my alarm. Was too early to get out of bed for a shower, so I stayed in bed and listened to the radio.

7:20 am: Shower time! Thank goodness. I felt icky.

7:45 – 8:25 am: I know, I know. That’s a long time to get ready for school. But that’s what I do every morning. Drying my hair is the worst.

8:25 am: Junior picked me up! :)

8:38 am: We picked up Ryan.

8:48 am: We arrived at school.

8:50 am: Gave Vlad my book and my hat. He looked right spiffy in my nice green and black tam (that I’m proud to say that I knit myself… Because I wanted a hat).

9:00 – 10:00 am: Well, these times will be approximate now. First period Pre-cal! Yay us. We didn’t do any notes, only work from the book. Fun stuff, right? Vlad and I found out that David is a tad prejudiced. Worked on piecewise functions.

10:03 – 11:02 am: Math class! Woot. More circle geometry. I SUCK at it. Royally. Junior says that he’s good at it. Maybe I’ll have to get him to help me with it. Oh no. My pride just started to hurt. (Sorry Junior! You know how I feel about asking for help!)

11:02 – 11:12 am: Recess time! I talked to Junior for most of it. Vlad still looked spiffy in my hat! SOMEONE was standing too close to me again. :S

11:12 am – 12:14 pm: French class! I LOVE it. Ms. Shortt makes my day. I got my History test back (89%... Awful). We read some of our book. Ryan and I shared mine because he forgot his. We all (all seven of us) talked about a cooking project that we’re going to do. Ryan and I are making brownies, cookies, and (possibly) fudge.

12:14 – 1:10 pm: Lunch time! Math Help Centre again with Junior and Nikita. It was awesome! Nikita and I did some Chem. Junior was playing a word game with Sam. Ms. Edmunds came in for her lunch duty, so we were all in on the conversation then. She’s amazing. (O_O)    It’s her birthday tomorrow! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MS. EDMUNDS! :D


1:17 – 2:15 pm: Chem class. Mrs. Finlay wasn’t there, so Nikita and I worked on our Chem assignment and had a grand chat.

2:15 – 3:16 pm: English class! Mr. Crane is the MAN. We all just chilled today and worked on our biography project (due Monday). Unfortunately, we had a fire drill, so the class was outside for a few minutes.

3:20 (ish) pm: Nikita brought me back to Mom’s to get the Pathfinder so that I could go to Nan and Pop’s! I love that girl. She’s absolutely amazing! We, again, had a grand chat.

3:45 pm: At Nan and Pop’s. Talked to Nan while Pop took a nap and stuff. Did my Math work. Told Nan about the Cold War.

5:45 pm: Ate supper with Nan! Pop had a meeting to go to, so he didn’t eat with us. :(     We watched the news.


7:00 pm: I went on the treadmill for a while because I felt SO icky. I also read through my History notes on the Cold War… As a bit of extra review. I don’t want another 89%.

7:30 pm: Jeopardy. Nan and I watched it and I asked her about her life. I’m doing my English biography on her! Talked afterward for a while.

8:25 (ish) pm: Drove on back home.

8:45 pm: Played with Mom’s hair.

9:00 pm: Went downstairs. Did some laundry. Got ready for bed.

9:43 pm: Started this blog.

10:14 pm: Finished this blog.

-Bre :)

P.S. I’ve been texting Junior throughout the day!

… Don’t ask about the title tonight. I’m in too much pain to explain it. I will, however, say that I said this to my Nan, who is a retired nurse. Today was okay though. I went out to lunch with Nikita and Lianna because I thought that Junior wasn’t going to be there for lunch today because of drama workshops. Turns out that he WAS in school for dinner. He didn’t come, and I felt bad, but I went anyway. All is well though.

Oh yes! Last night was Junior/ the drama troupe’s play. It was incredible! I quite liked it. Very proud of him. (^^)

Okay, my apologies, but tonight is going to be a filler blog. I have to study for a History test, so I’m just going to give you guys my English monologue to read. Mr. Crane gave it 100% so I’d assume it’s half decent. Junior also got 100% on his. Go us! So, be nice. Here it is:

“Love me? Ismene does not truly love me, nor does she love our brother. The same blood runs through our veins and yet she ignores my cry for help in honoring our slain kin by allowing him a proper burial. Who is she to deny this request? Polynices was as much a Theban man as Eteocles and thus deserves the same burial. Left unburied, my brother shall never be fully at rest. His soul will never travel into the afterlife; his physical being will be ridiculed by all, mauled by wild dogs; his flesh will rot, and crows will eat his entrails. Where is the honor in this? Ismene’s fear and womanish ways prove that she is indeed useless. In not helping my enterprise, she is abandoning our family and proving that she does not love us as she says she does. I, for one, love my brother and shall not let the proclamation of a mere mortal man stop me from paying the dead their due.

Creon, the tyrant, issued the edict that nobody shall bury the body of the “traitor,” Polynices, for he had led an army against Thebes. Whilst one brother is laid to rest with respect the other is subjected to public humiliation and hopeless wandering for all of eternity. Creon does not hear the whisperings of the people; he does not hear the frightened murmurings of disapproval among the commoners regarding his laws. The people believe, as do I, that his law against the burial of my brother is unjust but they are too afraid of his might to contradict him. Creon believes that his law is all-powerful. What he neglects to acknowledge is that he is not as powerful as he thinks he is, for he is but a mortal. He has no right to control the afterlife of Polynices – that is the will of the Gods. By not allowing his burial, Creon is changing his fate. I must restore his soul to the correct path by allowing a proper ceremony to be held for the body of my brother. If I must do this by myself, without the help of my incompetent sister, then I shall.

Oh, but what of Haemon, my betrothed? What shall become of him once I have openly defied his father’s law? Will he be supportive of my cause, or will he take the side of his oppressive father? No… I mustn’t think of that for now.

Hate me not for what I am about to do, for I do it out of love for my fallen brother and out of respect for the Gods. Despite Creon’s unjust rules and his lack of respect for the dead, and my sister’s unsupportive existence, I must carry on with my endeavor whether I am killed, banished, or otherwise.”

Like I said, PLEASE be nice. I’m not great at English. I hope someone enjoyed reading it! By the way, it’s from the point of view of Antigone.

Good night all! DON’T TALK TO STRANGERS.

-Bre :)

P.S. I did my speech! It went well. Mr. Crane said I got in the 80s! :D

How do I know this? Yesterday morning, Junior brought me two large packs of Skittles. Not one small pack – TWO LARGE PACKS. He really knows how to support my addictions. Needless to say, I was ecstatic. Well, minus the awful mood I was in until lunch time. The past few days, I have been so emotionally unstable I don’t know how Junior puts up with me. I really don’t know what he sees in me, to be honest. (><)

Aside from my awful mood, I’ve been okay. Vlad gave me a little pack of Tropical Skittles today in English and told me they were for yesterday’s bad mood, and that he has an emergency pack of Skittles in case I get in another bad mood anytime soon. My friends are so darn sweet. I don’t deserve them at all. This afternoon, Sam, Junior, and I all ate the pack of Skittles on the way home from school. It was lovely. Sam is the bee’s knees, I must admit. He’s hilarious! Junior? Junior’s pretty darn nice himself. I can’t complain.

Okay, ah, school today… Hmmm… What happened at school today? Nothing, really. My French quiz was postponed until tomorrow because my teacher was sick, I passed in my Chem lab second period… OH! Mr. Crane was out today, so we had a substitute for English. We “watched” a version of Antigone. By “watched,”  I mean people were texting, playing on their iPods, sleeping, talking, reading a book (me!) or playing Civilization V on their computer (Ryan). Ryan played A LOT of Civ V today. I enjoyed watching him play. At lunch, there was a Eurotrip meeting. We picked out jackets to order for the group, decided to do an Easter basket (similar to the Christmas basket we did… But for Easter) to raise some money, started thinking about roommates, and discussed the school recycling. Other than that, the afternoon was slow in History and Religion.

The school recycling. This bothers me to no end. It seems that, over the past few weeks, very few people have done their part in recycling after school to raise money for our Eurotrip. For over a week, the upstairs recycling bins have been OVERFLOWING with recyclables and unmentionables (you don’t want to know). On Tuesdays, a group of people take the recycling downstairs and the cafeteria, while on Thursdays the group takes the upstairs and the cafeteria. Nice and simple, right? Apparently not. Yesterday, Junior, Ryan, and I were recycling all the recyclables from the upstairs, downstairs, gym, and cafeteria. We were there from 3:20 to about 5:30. We only stopped to see Mr. Myers about graduation gown measurements. It was quite the fun afternoon.

My apologies, but I’m a bit of everywhere tonight. I was just thinking about the school then I started to think about anti-bullying week. Tomorrow is Purple Day. Wear purple to support homosexuality! Also, Friday is Pink Day! Wear pink to stand up against bullying! Even Junior has a pink shirt to wear.

Oh gee, here I go on another tangent… This afternoon, I didn’t have to tutor… Again. I think I’ll need to call someone about that. So, I sat in the lobby to wait for Junior and read A Matter of Honor. I’m on page 200 now! Only 160 pages left. Junior told me that I could come on into the cafeteria to watch the drama group practice, but I was stubborn and said no. A few minutes later, Mr. Sharpe (the drama teacher) walked by me and stopped. He looked at me oddly and asked what I was doing. I told him that I was sitting down and reading my book. He lightened up and told me that if I wanted, I could come into the cafeteria to watch them practice their play, regardless of what Junior said. I giggled and agreed to go. SO! I watched Junior at drama and read my book until about 4:45 this afternoon. I had a bunch of fun. When they were done practicing, Junior and I brought Sam home, then Junior brought me home.

This evening, I was at Nan and Pop’s until 8:30. We had supper, watched the news, chatted, watched Coronation Street, I played Unblock Me (level 130 something now!), Nan did some Sudoku, Pop went out, I called Dad, worked at the blog categories (ALMOST done), then Nan brought me to Mom’s. Now I’m here… Writing this.

Now I’m done… Writing this. Good night!

-Bre :)