That was how my sister reacted to meeting one of her online friends from her class in person. She was so excited, I nearly cried. I’m so happy for her. He’s a great guy. He has mine and Junior’s seal of approval. We’re good to go. :D

This weekend (up to Tuesday) is the Creative Arts Festival, as Junior mentioned last night. Because of the festival, we have numerous artists of various varieties coming into our school to do workshops. One of the artists that we got to see is Sherman Downey. Check out his site! He’s amazing, simply amazing. I absolutely love his voice. He performed for our school on Wednesday. Unfortunately, we could hardly hear him above all of the idiots in the audience. They payed attention for all of 15 minutes, then started talking. It was disgusting and disrespectful. When someone is in front of you, performing their music or whatever they love to do, you should at least have the courtesy to listen. While at the Festival last night, Junior bought one of his CDs (the last one, the bugger) and I bought a t-shirt. It’s a purple t-shirt. It’s amazing. It says "Sherman Downey and the Ambiguous Case." Now, that is my kind of shirt because it has a work on it that very few people use (and possibly even fewer know the meaning).

Oh, and Junior did lend me the CD. I haven’t listened to it yet because I’m listening to Bon Scott. <3

The artist we saw today after lunch was a dancer/choreographer. She was so energetic, everybody really seemed pumped to cooperate. It was a blast! We played a few games and ended up making up some kind of rhythm in a group. Last period, I had French. She came up to our class and we played a couple of movement games. Where there’s only 6 of us (weeeell, 5 of us today because one person is out of town), it was really fun. It was like one-on-one teaching. We, as a group, had to make a "tableau." We started at one word (eagle) and had to get words that we thought of when we heard that one, until we got back to the first word. We ended up with: eagle, eggs, farm, Saskatchewan, football, America, eagle. Ohmigosh, it was so much fun trying to represent Saskatchewan. We all lay down on the floor and stuck our arms in the air and waved them like wheat. Ah, Saskatchewan. We love your flatness.

After school, Daniel and I hung out until about 6. We went to the optometrist so that I could pick out some glasses (ahahahaha, it was great), then went to get a hot chocolate. By the time we got the hot chocolate, everyone in town was getting off work. We were "stranded" at the coffee shop for about an hour, waiting for the traffic to calm down. He then brought me home, and I chilled at Dad’s until about 9:30. Then, I came back to Mom’s.

NOW. I’m writing a Friday night blog instead of a Saturday night blog. It’s odd. Junior gets the honor of writing it tomorrow. Friday and Saturday are the best nights to write them because by the time we get home and on the computer, we’ve always got something to say because it’s a weekend. Most stuff happens on the weekend.

Except someone got stabbed this week sometime. It was crazy. (O_O)

Anywho! I’m done for the night.

- Bre :)
Waldon here, and this evening I was a willing and happy spectator to My Province's 35th Creative Arts Festival. The festival is a once a year thing here, and it celebrates the successes and work done by artists and creators around the Atlantic provinces. My group will be performing there on tuesday night. It's going to be quite a fun time.

This evening there were two local groups that performed and an artist that spoke to us. Both groups performed plays, and the artist was a textile artist. The first group performed a murder mystery skit that was fascinating. The second group did a piece on how hard it is to get from their town ANYWHERE. In our province, there are still many places that are inaccessible by anything but plane or boat. This is one of those places. :P Most of the play was done with jokes that anybody from out of town wouldn't understand, because they were about the local geography or services, but for anybody around town, the play was genius.

Today I was in the Math Help Center, as I almost ALWAYS am, and tried to finish my math assignment. One of my teachers, Ms Edmunds, showed up during the lunch period and we did our regular Pokéwalker connection. Yeah, I'm a nerd and PROUD. Anyways, conversation understandably drifted to pokémon, and Ms Edmunds and my good friend Sandra raised their arms above their heads and CHEERED when something was said, I can't even remember what it was. The rest of us all looked at each other, and CHEERED with them. That was the birth of the Pokemon Salute. I'm sure I'll be doing it again soon.

I bought a CD by Sherman Downey this evening while I was at the theatre, and when I got home I put it in my stereo and listened. I love his sound, it's similar to John Butler Trio and Dr Zoo, both of which are equally amazing. I'm sure I'll be lending this to Bre tomorrow.

Anyways, I'm having a pretty bad writer's block tonight, as you could probably tell by the coherency of this particular blog, so. . . Good night, people.
That came to me while I was doing my History project last month. We had to look up pictures of historical figures, and when I saw Vlad Lenin, I immediately thought of my Dad. It isn’t exact, but it’s a striking similarity. I was amazed. I’m fairly certain it’s the mustache...

(*Phone conversation with Ryan!*)

I just stopped writing this for an hour to talk to Ryan on the phone. He needed help with his Math assignment, and it’s due tomorrow, so he really needs to get it done. I think he’s going to finish it off tonight or finish it in school tomorrow. I hope he understands it now! We ended up talking about the Math assignment for about 40 minutes or so, then talking about everything else for 20 minutes. That happens every time we get talking. I love it! He’s so much fun to talk to because he’ll randomly say what’s on his mind, then we’ll talk about whatever he said. Junior’s kind of like that too. That’s probably why I love talking to them both so much?

While on topic of school, we got our Chem test results back today. Mr. Rumbolt didn’t seem too happy with them. The class average was *dun dun duuuun* 56%. (Although, I got 93. Only three people got above 90%). Not good atall, b’ys. Mr. Rumbolt explained what he did with the test, how the multiple choice were all fair, and how the long answers were very difficult but we should have been able to do them. When people began to complain that he hadn’t taught us the material and that he didn’t give us any practice problems (which he did, I do believe. I think I have them written down in my book), he made a few valid points. He gave us a study period on Friday, with which nobody took the opportunity to ask him ANY questions. Also in this study period, nobody bothered to ask him anything about the test. ALSO IN THAT PERIOD, nobody asked him for practice problems to do. Unless I am mistake, he did once give us problems to try from the book, but that could have been for something else.

Now, I don’t like voicing my opinion, but here I feel almost obliged to help out the poor guy. I think, in a way, Mr. Rumbolt was right to make a difficult test. For one, it’s a public exam course (I think it’s our equivalent of SATs) and it’s supposed to be difficult. The provincial average is usually in the seventies (according to Ms. Shortt) because of defactoring, etc. If the public mark is way above the school mark, then the public was either too easy or the teachers in that course marked really hard. If the public mark was much lower than the school mark, then the teachers are assumed to be slack. Anywho, I THINK that’s how it works. I don’t fully understand it.

Secondly, his job as a teacher is to prepare us for what is to come. Our teachers are always telling us how difficult university is and how hard we’ll have to work to maintain a passing grade. We, as students, can’t truly expect them to hold our hands and baby us through high school to prepare us for university, and life in general. We’re going to be on our own in university. We aren’t going to have someone there telling us what to do and how to do it all the time. We have to figure things out on our own, and think outside the box. If we can’t do that, what can we do?

The test that Mr. Rumbolt gave, yes, it was hard, but it was all out of the box thinking. He DID teach us what was on the test. Instead of giving us a formula, we had to find it. Instead of getting us to use a simple calculation to find a straightforward answer, he got us to use our brains - you know, that squishy thing inside our skull? - to find a more obscure answer. He didn’t go over the exact problem in class, but he did show us the basics. In teaching us how to work forward, he indirectly taught us how to work backward. If you can multiply, you can divide.

Well... This was much longer than I had expected. I apologize for my rant supporting Mr. Rumbolt. Too bad he won’t see it.. I think he needs a bit of moral support sometimes, just like all of us. Now, good night to all of you.

- Bre :)

Waldon here, and my quote this evening is from Cee Lo Green- an artist who's work I'm particularly fond of. My taste in music is extremely varied. I listen to folk, funk, metal, rock, classic rock, classical, soul, techno and almost everything harmonic or instrumental, or more easily; everything that spreads a message or reason. . . aside from sugar pop and hair metal. Lets not talk about those. I am a firm believer in finding the human condition through music and the arts.

We can always spread our message through a song, piece of art or literature. We can show the world our message, without ever once resorting to violence or meaningless hatred. Hatred solves nothing besides vindicating our own fallacies.

I don't write that there like some sort of holy martyr suffering through a world of ignorant savages, I write this as a guy who grew up thinking that violence is the best way to solve a problem, but being taught otherwise. If you could see me, you would think I was a teenage anarchist. But contrary to my brutal appearance, I dislike violence. It hurts. I don't like hurting people.

Earlier tonight, I had dance class. I love dance class. My teacher taught us a few steps for swing dancing. I had no idea it was so fun! On the off chance that she reads this (unlikely) I would like to apologize one more time to my dance partner from this evening. She is MUCH more experienced than I am and I'm ashamed to admit that I dropped her several times. My apologies.

Now, once more into the breach good friends, once more I venture into the fray. I must fight my mathematics assignment, for better or worse for my glory and success. My hope grows thin, but I must press forward. Good night people of the world,
We had a Chemistry test today. It was brutal. Absolutely. Brutal. It was last period of the day and we were all unsuspecting victims of the killer test that was in front of us. At 2:20, we sat down to write it. At 3:26, ten minutes after the bell rang, the test was taken from us. The look that Sam gave me when Mr. Rumbolt took the test from us spoke volumes. Daniel, Sam, Sandra, and I left the class right away. When we got out in the hall, we agreed that it was THE hardest test that any of us had ever written. About 30 seconds later, the rest of the class came out. Cody looked mortified. He thought it was hard too. When Cody says it’s difficult, then it’s difficult. None of us are feeling too good about the results. Oh well. Mr. Rumbolt is just preparing us for the worst.

Luckily, Daniel is a sweetheart. He brought Sam and I home. :)

Other than that, nothing much is happening. Junior and I are totally swamped with work. We have a research paper due in, oh, about two weeks, and I still need a topic. Argh. At least Junior has one! I have to find one fast.. It takes me ages to do anything.

And speaking of Junior, I’m talking to him now! He makes my day. He always has something odd to cheer me up. Like kidney splosions. Oh my. Kidney splosions. Junior drew a picture that illustrates a kidney splosion quite nicely. It’s an awful disease that strikes when it’s least expected. The victim never sees it coming- EVER. That might be because your kidneys are closer to your back, but hey. There are no symptoms and by the time someone knows that they have it, BAM, their kidneys splode and it’s too late. Junior and I are thinking of making kidney splosion awareness t-shirts. It would really bring some attention to this obscure, but serious, disease. So, be kidney splosion aware, and take care of yourself. Because you never know when it could happen.

Speaking of not knowing what can happen, Junior and I went to the Math Help Centre today for lunch. I love that place. I studied Chem while Junior did some Math. We talked to Sandra and Robyn about a bunch of stuff. I love those girls! They’re so amazing, it’s unbelievable. Robyn was drawing and Sandra was doing some interpretive dance. She was dancing about hair growth. It was beautiful. Very.. Interpretive. :D

I suppose that’s all for tonight.

Now, in the words of William Shakespeare, "Exit, pursued by a bear."

- Bre :)

P.S. Please note, kidney splosions were made up by Junior and I. Sort of. More Junior than I. That is all.

First things first, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRITT!

Waldon here, I thought I would start this blog off with a quote by Friedrich Nietzsche, a man who's ideals changed minds across the world with his philosophies. Although I cannot agree with all of his ideas, what kind of person would I be if I simply accepted the ideas as a whole and didn't make my own choices anyway? I think Nietzsche would be disappointed in us if we simply followed his words like sheep.

I've always prided myself on my ideas and my beliefs. I take a stand within myself to create an individual and I'm not ashamed of my ideas. But unlike many others, I don't feel the need to proclaim those idea's to the masses with indignation or frustration towards any that don't see my way, neither do I have a closed mind for any new idea. I can change. I can keep my ideas to myself,  because the rest of you are capable of making up your own minds within the realm of religion, life and fantasy. You don't need me breathing down your neck.

Lately I've been very out of it, and I have to apologize for that to anybody who reads this and knows me personally. Despite what you all think, it's not depression that has me so serious and somber, it is frustration. I'm afraid that I'm not going to get into that, this is a blog about life, not about me being an Emo kid for sympathy. God, I hate Emos. Just grow a pair guys. You and the Metrosexuals.

Yesterday was one of the best days I've had in a very long time. I woke up early, at 6 AM to be precise, and by 9 o clock I had already gotten in contact with Bre, started my driving lesson and been reading for over 2 hours. At around 12 o clock Bre came over. She usually doesn't come that early and I appreciate all of the extra time I spent with her. By 1 30 we had left the house and went to Tim's for her dinner. We went shopping after that for Britt, walking all around and going to several places. I ended up buying Britt a pair of earrings and a Hello Kitty plush doll. That was an. . . odd time I spent in the lineup. I'm a big dude- and I didn't really fit in with the very small mothers with their gaggle of children swarming around us. It was even more odd because of the doll. The mental image is enough to make some people smile.

We got back to my house around 4, we hung out for a little bit, and then Bre went home for supper. Then came quite the pleasing phone call; Bre invited me over to her house for supper and a bonfire. I quickly readied myself and waited for the pick up. Bre and her companions (Her Mother and Britt) swiftly arrived and I placed myself in the vehicle, much to my consternation and Britt's amusement. Have I mentioned how large I am? I'm sure I did. I had to bend my head very far down and my knees were almost touching my chest. In fact, my nose once touched the front seat. I wonder if Bre felt that?

We then proceeded to spend the night with the general merrymaking, although none of us are particularly party people, so it was generally just us sitting down and talking, which is more than alright and something I think people should do WAY more. Britt decorated her own cake, cause she's THAT awesome, and we had a small fire after eating fries and chicken. At around 9 30 I had to take my leave, I could see that Bre and Britt were tired. :P I also didn't want to bother Thomas, so I left by myself and walked home. It was a beautiful night out. I love walking at night, it's quiet, peaceful and everything just feels so clean. The only think I like more than walking at night is walking at night with somebody else. Maybe I'll do a blog on it sometime.

Today consisted of Math and Axe Cop the webcomic. No entertainment value at all, so I'll just leave today out of the blog.

So I guess I'm done. Good night people, and may whatever you worship bless you, or whatever you deny forgive you, in all faiths.
As the title indicates, yes, I’m writing another Saturday night blog. I think this is the third one in a row? I don’t know how it worked out this way. Wait. Yeah I do. One of Junior’s posts didn’t upload, so a night I was supposed to write it, he wrote it, thereby upsetting the balance. Let’s see if I write again NEXT Saturday. I actually enjoy this Saturday blog duty. Something always happens during the day that I can write about.

For example, I started the day with a driving lesson. As chance would have it, so did Junior. He was the person that went right before me! The guy that took me out was incredible. I’ve only had him once before now, and that was when I got my beginner’s, back in March. He said that I’ll most definitely be ready for the road test, I just need some more confidence in my driving. I think I can, I think I can!

After that, I went back to Mom’s and chilled out. I did some Math (two questions on the assignment Mr. Lawrence gave us. He’s always giving us assignments in Math. I love it), then around quarter to 12, I went to the recycling depot with Thomas. I got to drive, haha. When we were done there, I got dropped off at Junior’s. I was there a lot earlier than normal. It was only about 12. I normally go there around two. So, we just hung out. I did more of my Math assignment (almost done now!) and he sketched. After about an hour and a half, we went to Tim Horton’s because I was hungry. I skipped dinner to go hang out with him. He’d better feel special. I love food.

Then, we went shopping for Britt’s birthday present. Her birthday is tomorrow! Gosh, I feel old. She’s going to be 15. My, my, my. How time flies. So, we both got her a pair of earrings, and we went to another store, where I got her a shirt. Junior got her a cute little Hello Kitty plushie. Awwww!

Mom came and picked up Britt and I, then we decided to kidnap Junior for supper and a bonfire, so we had to go back to get him. We all went back to the house, ate supper, watched Britt decorate her cake (that we didn’t even eat! Cake for breakfast tomorrow, I suppose. Oh, the humanity), then went outside to enjoy the fire. It. Was. Cold. Brrr. At least, I was cold. After a while, Britt was cold too. Junior left at around 9:30 to walk home. He refused to accept a ride.

While he was here, I realized a nasty truth: the bathroom needed to be cleaned. Desperately. I didn’t want to do it, and neither did Britt. Like, REALLY didn’t want to. When Junior left, I went on a hunt for cleaning supplies. I came up a bit short, but I made do. I ended up cleaning about half the bathroom. Not bad for an hour’s work, eh? Now I just hope that I will be able to finish it tomorrow. Oh, bathroom. How I hate cleaning thee.

Speaking of bathrooms, I gotta pee. Haha, and on that note, good night to all who read this.

- Bre :)

Waldon here. I feel horrible, as you may have been able to tell from this blogs entry title. As I've mentioned before, I am a type one juvenile diabetic. Tonight, my body decided not to cooperate again and send my sugar level skyrocketing again. This is a repeat of last week's ( or was it the week before? ) sick day for me. So, I think I'll have to keep this one short and sweet (Ha. That's a PUN. ).

So because the only interesting things that happened to me today was sorting dirty cans and having a couple nosebleeds, I'll talk about something different. The emotional effects of diabetes. Most people think that diabetes is purely physical, and for the most part, it is. But there are still things that pop up in the life of a diabetic that make our, or at least my own, life very difficult. Mostly it's the feeling of inequality. I find myself thinking about how I'm less than everybody. Or about how I shouldn't be here, I should be dead. It's a very mortifying subject to think about.

Diabetes will ruin you. That's the only way I can say it. It makes you feel like you don't deserve what everybody else has. I feel like I'm some blight on society and on particularly bad days I wish I hadn't been born. I've resolved never to have kids, for the one reason; never having the chance of passing on many of my physical defects onto my children. Diabetes, Osgood Schlatter's, Asthma, Distended Lungs, Compressed Heart, Deformed Ribs. . . Diabetes is the root of almost all of this, shaping my body from my first diagnosis. Since that was very early in life, I was kind of tainted, I suppose you could say.

I would love to have kids. There would be nothing more gratifying than being able to shape the life of a child and raise them. But I would never be able to live with myself if I gave them what I have. My life expectancy is low, so I can't hope to keep them happy either. Oh well, I'm sure the girl I like will find another man better for her than me.

Now I'd just like to point out that tonight, this is purely my blood sugar speaking, please don't assume that I'm some Emo kid thrashing about life. I'm not normally this bad. Ignore this, I'm kind of incapable of thinking of much else at the moment.

Good night everybody, I hope you have a good nights sleep.
Today, as everyone should know, is November 11th. It has been 92 years since World War 1 ended. Today is a day of remembering- remembering those who fought in that war, and wars since, who died for our freedom. Today at 11am, my sister and I, along with (hopefully) thousands of others remembered for two short minutes everything that those soldiers died for. It’s not much, but remembering is much better than forgetting.

Now, I’m not as eloquent as Junior, but I hope my point got across.

I didn’t have much of a productive day. I got up, ate breakfast, got a shower, then hung out with Britt for a while. At 11 o’clock, we had two minutes of silence in honor of the fallen soldiers. After that, nothing really happened.

At one this afternoon, Britt, Brooke, Bryton, and I all went to a birthday party for one of the kids in their school. (They go to a really small French school, so everyone knows each other). It was a skating party! At two, we all got on the ice. Well, not ALL. Britt didn’t want to skate.. SO! I got to use my skates. I didn’t really want to skate at first because I didn’t know anyone there (I don’t go to their school) and it was kind of odd. I was the oldest kid there! After a few minutes, Brooke came over and skated with me. Later on, I was pushing Bryton around on a chair. He kept his feet down so he could steer us in the right direction. He wasn’t the greatest, but we had a blast

At around 3, I got dropped off at Dad’s with Britt, stayed for a few minutes, then walked to Junior’s. He walked partway to meet me, haha. When we got back to his house, as usually, we just sat and chatted. It was a nice, relaxing hour and a half. Eventually, I went on the computer and drew something on paint while he sketched in his sketchbook. THEN! I got picked up, and I went out for supper with Dad, Mandy, and Britt. It was really good!

Afterward, we went back to Dad’s again, and I played Sims 3. I love that game. It’s so addictive. If you ever go to play it, beware. Britt, Mandy, and I play it. Now that it’s working again (we can’t update it or it will stop working!), the three of us have files on it. I’m not entirely sure where they have houses, but I have a lovely house by the beach.. Well, half a house. I’m building it with "stolen" money (God bless cheat codes). It’s the only game I cheat on. What’s great about Sims 3 is that you can do so much with your Sims! For example, I can go to the park, to the beach, to City Hall, out for supper, to the pool, to the library...! The list continues. We all love the game. (^_^)

Anywho! That’s it for me. I’m going to go back to talking to Junior now, then go to bed. Good night to anyone who’s reading.

- Bre :)

P.S. Oh yeah! This is the link to my new background. I hope you can see it. :)
Waldon here. Does anybody else ever forget that they're large? I do it ALL THE TIME. I looked in my mirror when I was getting changed into my bathrobe about half an hour ago and all I could see was the lower half of my ribcage. Then it dawns on me, I'm pretty big. I mean, it doesn't seem like something you could forget!

We had our Remembrance Day ceremony today for our school at the Pentecostal church. I had to read a poem for the ceremony. I also had to tell everybody to rise and stand for the Last Post and the minute of silence. Which sucked because then I had to stay standing on the stage in front of the hundreds of people until that was finished, which was awkward. I had to keep an eye on Mr Gibbs so that he could tell me when the minute was done without seeming to have my head up. It was. . . Odd.

Tomorrow is a day off, which is AWESOME. I think Bre and I are hanging out? I really hope so. I think she said something about Nikita doing something with her sometime soon too. I hope I'm involved in that. I haven't hung out with Nikita in AGES.

Anybody else ever feel like they're always breaking things, or hurting things? Bre and I were just talking about that. I'm always hurting people by accident and I feel horrible about it. I'm a big dude. Most things are rather small compared to me. When I'm walking around I always end up hitting things or people with my shoulders, or when people are punching me or something they'll damage themselves on me, or I'll forget how strong I am and I'll do something too hard and hurt them. That one feels the worst. It really does. I need to start wearing pillows all over me or something.

Almost all night tonight I've been playing a game on called Me and My Dinosaur. I spent HOURS playing it. It was awesome. It's the story of a boy who finds a dinosaur egg! He raises it and it becomes his best friend, but nobody else accepts his best pal, Rex. So the boy and Rex run away to find a place where Rex can be in peace. I haven't reached the ending yet, so I'm guessing I'll be working at the game for a while. :P

Anyways, I think I'm done for the night.