Waldon here again tonight guys, and for whosoever reading this, I'm sorry. I've really got nothing good to talk about. Mostly just philosophy and such. I can't get into the details of life like Bre. Which is what most of you want to hear ANYWAY. So, my salutations if you've stuck with me this far.

I've almost completely abandoned my supposed "style" several days ago now. I've become a sort of hybrid of styles now. As opposed to what I WAS doing ("Little Big Eyed People", if any of you remember) I now use elements of North American cartoon, some of the anime-esque styles from Japan, with a good dose of my own originality in there as well.

Just several minutes ago I finished a sketch of a guy wearing some sort of post apocalyptic armor walking out of a smoke filled pit. I was shaking the whole time, and I think that added to the effect. It seemed to help the shakiness when I sketched.Fantasy fascinates me, as well as post-apocalyptica. I'll be honest, my fascination probably stems with some morbid subconscious desire to live like that. I wouldn't last after an apocalypse. Diabetes kind of makes you vulnerable.  As well as all the other stuff. But Diabetes mostly. :P

Tonight Bre came over and helped with my math. Math is my Achilles heel. I've made it my life's goal to become useful to people before I kick the bucket. But I'm afraid that math will never be part of that usefulness. I mean, why would I bother using the quadratic equation to find the trajectory of a football thrown with 100 joules of energy to see where it lands, when I could just DO IT?

Thank you SO much Bre, ARoC would have had me stumped all night without you around to explain it to me. I'm sorry for being so dense, but alas, I'm afraid that it's the curse of being so tank. There's a drawback to being large you know- and that is stupidity.

Or at least, that's what I'm TOLD anyway. You wouldn't believe how many times I've been told that a guy as large as me will never be as smart as people who spend their time studying instead of working out. Despite evidence to the contrary. And my IQ. And that exercise actually increases mental output. Oh well. A big guy like me wouldn't know, would I?

Fun fact, I've had 6 "jobs". Every single one of them I was hired on the spot for my size. In fact, my employer for the last 2 years didn't know I was an honors student or that I could speak french or converse about biology on a university level. Gratifying.

Well, rant over, I suppose.

Good night everybody!
In a world where so many people wear Aviators, Wayfarers are underappreciated. This is why only the cool people wear them. While both types of sunglasses are made by the same brand, Ray Ban, they are completely different. Just look them up if you don’t believe me. When I think of Aviators, I think of pilots (hence the name AVIATORS) or Italians. I can picture someone with a popped collar and a pair of Aviators on their face drinking at a club, piloting a plane, or driving a Ferrari. Now, Wayfarers on the other hand, I can picture at a concert. Everybody chilling out with their drinks and rocking out to some band on stage. Or at a coffee shop. Below it the picture of Junior and I that I’m supposed to print off for him (Junior, I’m working on it. When I find some picture paper, you’ll have a copy)! As you can see, I love my Wayfarers. Russell has a pair of Aviators.. Silly boy.

Yes, I realize that I’m stereotyping a bit, but oh well. That’s just what’s on my mind at the moment.

As Junior mentioned in his last post, I had to work last night. (By the way, I’m totally jealous of he and Robyn. It sounds like they had a great night)! I got there around 6:20 and didn’t leave until 10:45 or so? We weren’t too long last night. There were a few of us in the kitchen, so it was smooth running. It was the other girl’s, Natasha, first night ever working there, so I had to kind of tell her what to do. She was wonderful! We had about 45 minutes to do nothing before the party started and we had to serve anything, so we just chatted. At about 8, we started serving the meal and didn’t stop until 10:30. Well, we had a short break to eat, but that’s about it. While people were making speeches or something out in the hall, we were in the kitchen helping with the dishes. Needless to say, we were both exhausted by the end of the night. It was pretty much only because we were running around for so long non-stop.

I got home around 11, talked to Daniel on MSN for a bit, then messaged Junior and went to bed. I could hardly sit up straight by then!

I have also been trying to work at my research paper since yesterday, and it hasn’t been working out too well. At the moment, I have some research done, but not all. It’s due at the end of the week, so I’ll most definitely get it done. At around 2 ish, my Dad picked up Britt and I, and we went up to Dad’s until 7. Well, at about 3:30 I went to Junior’s and he was helping me with my paper. He helped so much! Many thanks to him. (^^) Dad let me take the truck over, thank goodness. Dad is only slightly further away than Scottie is from Junior’s, but I was so cold that I don’t think I would have made it halfway without freezing this afternoon. In the five minutes that I was outside, I shivered so much that I got a cramp in my leg. Now, explain THAT.

WHY is it so easy for me to write this blog when I can’t even write my research paper? I have almost six hundred words written now, and I’ve only been at it for about fifteen minutes (give or take a couple). Maybe it’s because I don’t have a set topic, and I’m writing whatever comes to my head? Yeah. That sounds right.

Anywho! Speaking of my research paper, I should research some more. ARGH. Good night all!

- Bre :)

P.S. Oh yeah! I think I have to work again this Friday and Saturday. Go me!

Waldon here, and tonight's quote is by the delightful Amy Forsey. A girl whom is involved deeply in the towns theatre groups. She does the tech and stage management for our group, as well as the tech for most of the towns plays- along with my employer who installed and did most of the electrical and audio wiring himself in the theatre. Those two are idols to me. I'm sure I've misheard tonight's quote, but I think that it's alright because this one gives me something to think about. :P

I spent this afternoon with Bre. We met up in the lower part of town, and then walked up to my house. It was kind of chilly out. I think it was -10 degrees centigrade? It's even lower now. Anyways, I drew a few things that afternoon and like she asked, I'll have to upload a few things for you to see maybe. I don't like how they show up though. Scanners are all in league with the devil. She spent the afternoon playing Harvest Moon 64. That is one of the best games in the history of EVERYTHING.

Tonight I spent another 2 hours at the Creative Arts festival being held at the theatre in my town, and I enjoyed every minute of it. The festival is a chance for people to gather together and show their talent and their skills on stage or with the arts. Its a conglomeration and mass of artistes and art, of actor and spectator,  of musician and crowd. It's a wonderful thing to gather together with humankind and mutually appreciate the wonder that comes from some of mankind's earliest joys and triumphs- Creation.

After the shows, which consisted of two provincial plays and two musicals who are well known across the world and one of whom actually composed the score for the hit movie Titanic , I was asked to help host the coffeehouse for the troupes who came in to town. At around 9 PM I left the theatre and went to my school's multipurpose room. Once I was there, my friend Jacqueline and I led the other troupes through some games and kept them entertained for an hour or so while Mr Gibbs and Angelique ( I think that's how you spell it) led some of the rest of the actors through making an air "Band" instead of just an air guitar. Then, by 10 PM the air "bands" were done, so we all went to the school's music room and watched the groups play to "I gotta feeling" and one other song I can never remember the name of.

Then, stupidity struck.

As I was walking down the hallway, a guy I know, I'll call him Matthew W., asked for a piggyback. I of course, obliged. Then, being the IDIOT I am, I agreed to take a second guy on my back as well. Normally, that wouldn't be a problem. 350 pounds is nothing to lift on my back and legs. But of course, I had to be a cocky idiot and try to do it while wearing slippery socks on a tile floor. I lifted my leg to step, and all of my weight shifted to the left knee and foot. If I was thinking, I would have taken a smaller step. The three of us went down in a heap, and guess what I felt?

I felt four distinct cracks in my knee. I could feel them, I could hear them, I could practically SMELL them. All of the weight came down on my knee, and it ended up bending approximately 35 degrees or more to the left at the knee. Knee joints are not supposed to move in any direction but forwards and backwards. So of course this damaged a few tendons (Or something similar, I'm not a doctor.) and my knee was flopping all over the place.

I limped back to the multipurpose room, sat down, took a few deep breaths, moved my knee back into place with my hands and weight, and then finished hosting. I then proceeded to walk home after helping clean up. I'm a tough guy. I'm made to take the damage. As Bre described me; I'm a "Brick Outhouse." Of course, the word wasn't actually outhouse, but this is a family friendly blog. I'm going to feel it in the morning.

If I ever hear of ANY of you trying something stupid like what I did, I will personally beat some sense into you. Don't do it.

Anyways, I'm off.
So. This won’t work for me. Maybe I’ve just reached the word limit? Read the post below this one FIRST, please and thank you. :)

Source of error number 2: I've reached the word limit. Source of error here? There's a word limit.

Oh, Junior drew me a picture today. I love it because it makes me smile just looking at it. As you can see, it’s of him being beaten by the number one. He’s told me about this dream of his in which someone in our Math class beats him with the number one. Yeah, he doesn’t like Math that much. I, on the other hand, LOVE Math. I’m a nerd like that. Honestly, my calculator is one of my best friends. (^^) Junior is really good at English, while I, sadly, am not.

Final thing of the night! I love French class. There’s a possibility that my French teacher, Ms. Shortt (well, Asivak, because she got married), will be bringing in something for us last period tomorrow! It’ll be for Friday afternoon/Thanksgiving. I’m so excited. Starting off a long weekend with a fun class is amazing. Oh, today, this is how French class started:

                   Ms. Shortt: Sorry Ryan. I don’t have your French test here.
                   Ryan: Mmmkay. I don’t have my book here.

What an honest bunch. I love French class because there’s only six of us! Ms. Shortt is another one of my amazing teachers this year.

Well. That’s it for now I suppose. Hopefully something will happen this weekend to write about.

- Bre :)

Math hurts. But I saved 15% or more on my car insurance by switching to GEICO.
So. I tried to post this blog about ten minutes ago, AAAAND it wouldn't work.

Source of error number 1: The internet connection sucks, which makes the page flicker. Because of this, I can't type properly.

When I'm finished playing Guitar Hero (and sucking horribly), I'll try to do this again and see if it works. Maybe the connection will be better then.

- Bre :/


The internet is working again! Yay me. Now this just has to be posted before it breaks on me again.

So, NOTHING happened today. It was odd. Usually SOMETHING weird happens that I can chat about. But today, nothing. At all. Well, nothing exciting.

The weather went all weird on us again, though. It went from sunny and nice, to cold and rainy. It's gross. I was soaked walking from the bus to my house. I miss summer. I love autumn, don’t get me wrong. I just love seeing the sun too. It will get steadily darker earlier now until about Christmas. When we get out of school then, it will be dark.

Speaking of school, I’ve been swamped with work this week. Assignments and tests and labs, oh my! Luckily, I have everything done that’s due up until the end of the long weekend. Go me. This weekend, I’ll be able to relax and hopefully game a bit with the guys.

Yeah. I used game as a verb. They’re corrupting me. I’m pretty much addicted to Harvest Moon now, thanks to Junior. Who knew farming could be that much fun? (My horse’s name is Abe, and my dog’s name is Fawkes)! Next, I’ve been told that Fable 2 is a great game by Robyn and Junior, so I’m going to have to try that out. I mostly play video games when I’m at Junior’s. Mostly because the Xbox is on quite a bit.