Ah, reminiscing. Britt and I were at the table this afternoon, just sitting there, talking. I was eating tomato soup with crackers! Yummy! I love tomato soup. It’s amazing. But that’s not the point. I looked at Britt and said, “Hey! Do you remember the time we ate like, an entire pack of crackers?!” She looked at me, thought a moment, then said, “… Nope.” Ah. I love Britt. There actually isn’t much of a story behind that story, to be honest. One day, Britt and I were home alone and I got a massive craving for salted crackers. What did I do about it? I got a pack of crackers out of the cupboard. Watching me eat the crackers made Britt want some crackers. Soon, Britt and I were sitting down eating all of the crackers. Unfortunately, we both ran out of crackers and got really thirsty because of the salt. Dang salt.

Anywho, today was pretty slow. I woke up before 8 and couldn’t stay in bed very long. I became restless and got out of bed to search for food. Brooke has been sick all day, so when I got upstairs, she was on the couch and Mom had been up since about 2:30. HOLY CRAP. So. Nothing much happened until this afternoon. Junior and I were going to hang out, but he had to work from 10 to 12:30 today and I was really lazy, so I didn’t get over there until about 2:30. All afternoon we just sat around and talked. We were going to go to the store, but we didn’t make it there. We did, however, get there tonight and –


OHNO. I forgot something! And I forgot to tell Mom that I forgot it. Jeepers, I’m bad. I guess I’ll have to go pick it up tomorrow.  OH! At the store, I got all kinds of cool stuff. Bryton came with me to get Junior and we all went together. I had to pick up some stuff for Mom (most of which I actually remembered!) and get some stuff for me. I didn’t realize it was so difficult to pick out cover up. Junior had to help me a bunch with it. I had never bought it before today! Heck, I don’t even use it. Now I have it “just in case.” Also, I didn’t realize that it took so much effort to pick out moisturizer! I narrowed it down to vanilla or green tea/cucumber (I think?) and I ended up getting the second one. Woot! Go me. I love the smell of it. If you don’t , that’s cool. You don’t have to smell me.

Tonight was meh. I watched Toddlers and Tiaras (or is that vice versa?) for HOURS. Oh my. It was awful. I gave myself a headache from yelling at the tv. I really don’t like that show. Why did I watch it? Because I was too lazy to move, that’s why. But, on the plus side, I got a cup of earl gray tea. :)   Yay me!

Ugh, bed time I suppose. I’m sorry about the really short post tonight! I’m just really tired. I’ll make it up to you guys… Someday.

-Bre :)

Waldon here and I'll give 10 000 awesome points to whomever knows what song this title is from. Hint, he's one of the most amazing artists this century has known. He created an icon, several icons, that still persist strongly to this day. His music is still played and is some of the most popular of the genre, despite the influx of new sound.

Ronnie James Dio, score for whoever knew it, good job guys. :P

Okay, I kind of don't believe it, but I was just asked "What was the emo part of your blog about last night?"

Really? I can really only dignify that with one response. I mean, I out and said it. I didn't even make any vague hints or riddles. It's like standing in oncoming traffic and wondering if you just woke up from your coma because you fell down the stairs. Because I'm kind of incredulous, I'm going to go over it as a list this time. Also, no, I am NOT going to tell anybody who it was who asked. That would just be embarrassing to him/her.
  • The girl I like is going to walk in for our prom with another guy.
  • This is because I wasn't man enough to ask her before he did.
  • I've liked her for 4 years.
  • I'm ridiculously jealous, but I don't want to hurt either of them, so I'll be holding myself back all night.
  • I feel like a spoiled kid because I'm angry because she's happy because of somebody else.
  • I'm NOT going to be the one who ruins their night because of my immaturity.
Now, if I get any more comments from you "Unspecified person" I'll be very angry. My night was just spoiled from this impromptu whining session.

Anyway, away from all that angsty teenage rumbling.

This morning I woke up early so that I could go practice with my theatre troupe at 9 30 am. We went over about 5 scenes, I think. I was there until about 12 noon? It was a good morning, I think. Although I think I would have preferred to sleep in for a little longer. :P

After that, Scottie came over and we played some CoD for a while. I leveled up a few times, I'm a level 44 or 45 now. I can't remember. Scottie is prestige'd, and level 49 again. I don't play the game nearly as much as he does. I can hold my own online though. We spent about 2 hours at that, until I decided to take my dog out for a walk. It was a beautiful day out today, so it was definitely worth it to drive up to the other side of town. Scottie and I went out behind some old military bunkers and chemical treatment plants to walk Gunner through the trails. It doesn't sound very picturesque, but I can assure you that it was one of the prettiest places I've walked through in a while. The trees were all covered in snow, and there were fir trees, white birch, spruce... the whole deal of trees. xD The trails were all packed down with snow so we didn't sink in the snow or anything. It was great. We even met up with some other people walking their dogs on the way. One of the people we saw was one of our new teachers. Shes a nice lady. I must have counted at least 6 different dogs including a large boxer, an Irish setter, two mutts and a black retriever.

After the walk, Scottie and I played a little more CoD, then I drove him home while I was dropping off some supper to my Grandmother and Grandfather. They were pretty excited, I've got to say. :P

After supper I went over to Bre's house and sat down and watched her play sims all night. I quite enjoyed it. I'm a simple guy, I admit it. xD

So, not too long ago I got home and I've been reading ever since. So, I guess that just about fulfills my obligation to all you people, yeah? :P

Good night everybody!
Yesterday morning, in homeroom, Junior and I were given little green and pink sheets, respectively, to fill out for the year book next year. Because we’re graduating, we need all kinds of useless information such as “Where will we be in ten years” and out “Favorite quote” to put next to our pictures. Now, I didn’t know what to put down for some things, but here’s everything that I wrote.

Hobbies: Making brownies with Ryan.

Favorite quote: “They feared the stache.” – Ms. Shortt

Where I will be in 10 years: Crying over spilt milk.

Now. Because I’m awesome, that is what I wrote. As I have said before, I don’t drink much milk to begin with. That is why, in ten years, when I spill my milk, I will cry over it. Silly, you say. Weird, you say. No, no, no. It’s not. Drinking milk helps prevent osteoporosis in women by making your bones stronger (from calcium and vitamin D). If I’m not mistaken, a teenager should get three to four servings of dairy products daily. I’m lucky to get one. If I don’t eat a bowl of cereal or have a bit of chocolate, my milk intake is screwed for the day. SO! Because of the rare occasion that I drink milk, when it is wasted, I am truly at a loss. I will be at higher risk of developing some disease or having my teeth fall out or having a vitamin D deficiency, so crying over the milk that I spilled would be the rational thing to do.

Ummm… I’m really sorry. I’m absolutely exhausted and need to go to bed. I’ll sum everything up right quick then leave this. Today was good! On the way to school, Junior and I picked up Sam. School was good. I got all six exam marks back (well… Four today, two yesterday). On all of them, I got above 80%. I won’t say what I got though. At lunch, I went to Ms. Miles (the guidance counselor)’s presentation on scholarships. Junior couldn’t go because he had drama practice. After school, Junior and I dropped off Lorraine then he dropped me off at Nan and Pop’s. At about 5 o’clock, I went over to his house. We ordered a large pizza and ate half each. It. Was. AMAZING. Then we just hung out all night. Nothing special.

NOW I’ll be off to bed. Good night!

-Bre :)

Waldon here, tonight's title is from "What it's Like" by Everlast. I love the sound of acoustic guitar, so his sound is almost exactly what I love in music. It's all got a meaning. He talks about greed, about the state of youth and the economy, about understanding your fellow man or woman. Sure, he's got silly songs that don't mean much, but who wouldn't be human if he didn't have some fun. I think that's something people need to understand, you know?

You don't need to be thinking all the time. Let yourself go, have a good go at it all. :P

I don't like thinking. It just makes me more confused. That's why I like just doing things. Don't matter what.

Anyway, today has been a good day, I think. School, of course. But that's nothing new. I spent a lot of today trying to stop myself from feeling jealous. The girl I like told a guy a while back that she'd walk in with him, now she's still walking in with him even though they broke up. I don't like feeling jealous. It makes me dislike myself, a LOT. I feel like I'm acting like a spoiled kid. Somebody come slap me a few times, would you? I'll be "darned" if I'm going to be the obe

After school today my theatre troupe had practice. We're practicing scene by scene, so only three of us were needed today, but one of my troupe members got called by her dad, and she HAD to bring him to the airport. We ended up cutting the practice short, it sucked. I mean, why couldn't he get a cab or something?

After school, I sat down in this chair, and started writing. I didn't finish writing until around 9 or so, I think it was. The essay doesn't even have a reason behind it. I did it because I had some spontaneity left in me from practice. :P It's about the colors green and blue, I think it sounds okay, at least.

Anyway, sorry for the short blog- but I'm done. I'm sounding pretty bland tonight because I'm fairly exhausted. I'll make it up to you all sometime else. Especially for that bit up there that sounds really emo, but I'm too lazy to go back and change. xD Good night all!
...you realize that something you did for a laugh and didn't really care about, you were secretly hoping that everybody else loved it and thought it was great? Yeah. I just had one of those. Oh, this is Waldon by the way. :P

So, sometime last year I made a DeviantArt account, and I uploaded some of my doodles and sketches and forgot about it. I didn't put anything too good up because I dislike scanning images immensely. The picture feels like it loses something. Like it's not my picture anymore. So I would always scan the pictures I thought were substandard, or simple sketches that couldn't lose anything. So off I went, carousing my way through the next year. Meeting new people, doing odd things and standing firm in the way of normalcy. Lo and behold, a few days ago I remembered my account.

I went on, saw about 300 alerts. Glory day! Alerts! Messages! I get all the fun of sorting through hundreds of pointless messages that mean nothing to me. So I went section by section deleting the journal alerts, the deviantwatch alerts, the notices. . . then I came to the comments section. The section that alerts me for every comment I get on my pictures. There were 3. THREE. I had 20 odd pictures? That is a horrible ratio. I mean, I know my pictures were only crappy doodles that I did in about 5 minutes. . . but still. It's like seeing the snot nosed kid you felt superior to and babysit for your entire life suddenly drive by you in a porsche, step out, and walk into his house with a supermodel by his side while lifting 100 lb weights with one hand all the way. It was a serious ego blow. :P

Okay, that's a bit extreme, but it got the point across. xD

And here's a bit of shameless self advertising:

Anyway, aside from that odd crap up there ^, I didn't really do much today. I woke up, picked up Bre, and drove to school. Went to Skilled Trades, went to History class, had Recess. Finished that, went to Music. So, after Music I went to lunch, where a friend of mine was celebrating her birthday. Happy birthday girl, just in case you read this. (Not likely xD). She gave Bre and I some cake! : D After lunch, I went to English class and then Math. >.< Actually, I had some fun in Math class today. David and I went Math commando and finished the entire math homework in about 30 minutes. It consisted of us yelling at each other and computing the equations in record time. It was actually astounding. I've never finished Math that quickly before. I need somebody to work with my on my exams, I'll do much better that way- according to that class. :P

So, I guess I'm done this for now. Good night everybody!
Ah, oui. Hot dogs. How I hate them. Naturally, every Tuesday, in the canteen, that’s exactly what we have to make. Hot dogs. Subs and sandwiches? I can sell that. Soup and chili? Love the stuff. Now, hot dogs, on the other hand, I can’t stand. There’s just something about eating them that just grosses me out. The fact that I don’t know what is put in them is a scary one. Beef and/or pork and/or chicken and/or platypus. Nope, that’s not going to fly with me. I like knowing what I eat! Like berries! Love them! Anywho… That isn’t my story. I was going to explain the title.

Today, at the canteen, we served hot dogs. As usual, the junior high students were a bunch of savages and crowded the canteen window. We’re lucky that many of them are polite. Not all, mind you, but many. Maybe not even half… But many. At one point during lunch, Deejay had to put more hot dogs on because we had run out and would need more. Ms. Edmunds came up in that time and asked if she could buy a couple and have them delivered to her in the junior high wing where she was on duty. We laughed, and I agreed to go down with them when they were ready. Five minutes later, I brought them down to her. She was so pumped! I absolutely loved it. Ms. Edmunds is amazing. Today in Religion class, we were talking about a crazy elite school in Halifax, Nova Scotia that had an incredible curriculum (shall I say?). Their art program was great, they put a great deal of focus on academics, and every morning, they meditate before they start their day. Now, this DOES have something to do with Religion. It is the Shambhala School (something to do with Buddhism, but, unfortunately, I can’t remember what!). Look it up on Google. The tuition is a decent price, too, for what students get from their time there.

I haven’t really done much today. Religion, Pre-Cal, Math, Canteen, French, Chemistry. I did my homework after school… I had supper at Nan and Pop’s… I picked Mom up from work… Aaahhh… I made really crappy cookies about an hour and a half ago. Jeepers, they’re bad. I used too much butter. That’s actually a funny thought because I had run out of butter and I hadn’t used enough, so I had to run to the store. Went to the store, got the butter, came home, used too much. Gosh. Not my night. Oh well. I’m sure SOMEONE will like them?

ACK! I forgot an important part of my day! GASP. Okay. While looking around for flour, I cut myself on the saran wrap cutter. We have one on the underside of the cabinet, so when I reached in to get the jar of flour, my hand grazed the sharp edge and cut me. It hurt SO bad! I should have put some Polysporin on it… Oh well. I’ll survive… I hope. (O-o)

Before I fall asleep on my keyboard, I’m going to bed.  Oh, p.s. This is usually posted after 5 pm Atlantic time, or 4 hours before London, England (ex. 5pm here, 9pm in London). Just throwing that out there. Good night!

-Bre :)