Ah, what a sad day.  I have run out of Skittles. Unfortunately, it’s 10:30 at night, and all the stores around town are closed so I can’t replenish my candy supply. Honestly, Skittles and Swedish berries are the only candy that I eat (chocolate doesn’t count).

… I have just savored the taste of my last Skittle. Life suddenly has no meaning. What will I do? Even Junior can’t help me now… Unless he brings me to the store to get some more Skittles… Then I’ll be okay. :)

Ohmy, I’m sorry. I’m so very tired, and craving more Skittles. Dang, this sucks. I have NO Skittles. For once in my life, I’m not even craving chocolate. WHAT’S WRONG WITH ME?! Something must be wrong. Junior must have messed with my head tonight or something. When I dropped Brooke off where she needed to be, I went to Junior’s for an hour and a half. It must have looked really suspicious because, as I was arriving at his house, his parents were leaving. (Well, I drove past them about three houses away from their house). Suspicious, non?

All right, very short blog tonight. Nothing much happened today. Junior picked me up early, so we just hung out around my house. School was okay. Nothing major happened! We went to the Math Help Centre at lunch, and Sandra, Sam, Robyn, and co were there. I love them! They’re all so amazing. This afternoon, Nikita brought me home! She’s lovely. :)  I really appreciate all the rides she gives me!

Tonight, I only went to Junior’s house. We hung out, listened to music and such. You know, the usual.

Okay. I have to feed my addiction. Scottie got me into playing the app Unblock Me on his iPod, so I had to get it for mine too. Sorry about the poorly written post! I’ll make it up to you guys on… Saturday night.

-Bre :)

Waldon here tonight. I'm really tired tonight, so instead of talking about MY night (Which was filled with lying in bed thinking about aggravating stuff and random things that really don't make sense), I'll just take the easy route and talk about something I read on CNN a few minutes ago.

As the title implies, it's about Ecuadorian dwarfs.

There was a study done on 99 Ecuadorian dwarfs that showed that there was a major reduction of the rates of diabetes and cancer in those subjects as compared to the general population.

Of the same number of average sized people, if I'm remembering correctly (Don't quote me on this!) 20% died of diabetes or cancer related deaths. Of the 99 smaller people, only 9 died in the period allotted and only one ever had cancer (of the ovaries) which wast treated and never returned. None developed diabetes that couldn't be explained from genetic predisposition.

This makes me feel two conflicting emotions. One, happiness because this is one step closer to a cure for diabetes, and two, fear because the only difference in their genes from my own is the growth gene. Which I have in loads. Since I already have Diabetes, I'm going to assume my risk of cancer is high. >.<

NOW! Past that depressing point, I'd like to say that I'm really, really tired. So I'm going to stop this post here. :P

So, good night all!
As the title indicates, it’s getting late and I need to go to bed. So! I’m going to make this a quick one. I know, I know. I’m such a slacker. I need to be more consistent with my blog posts. I also know that I keep saying this, and I keep getting Junior to fill in for me by using such lame excuses as “I’m tired,” and “I need to fill out this scholarship form.” Jeepers. I’m awful! And I’m a mooch! I don’t know what that guy sees in me. Apparently I’m pretty awesome (according to him, but he’s biased). Oh well. I’ll solve this mystery another time, when I’m not so tired. :P

So, Valentine’s day was yesterday, as was Junior’s birthday. Normally, I only celebrate Junior’s birthday, but this year was different. I had someone (Junior) to celebrate Valentine’s day with. Go figure. As I mentioned in the home blog last night, he gave me the CUTEST origami heart. I love it! It’s next to me right now. I’ll post a picture of it at the end of this post. We didn’t do anything special last night. I think he mentioned going out to dinner at a later date? He’s pretty much a closet romantic. I love it. It’s the total opposite of me. Anywho, Russell went to his house to hang out, so I just sat around filling out a scholarship form. I had to pass it in today, so I was trying to get it done ASAP. It was passed in on time, I’m glad to say.

I am also happy to say that Junior was my Valentine. :)

I asked Ryan about the procedure of getting a Valentine. Was Junior automatically my Valentine because we’re together? Or do I have to ask? Ryan said I had to ask. SO! I did. And I got myself a Valentine.

Today was all right. Junior picked me up and we went to school. School was all right. I had double Math first thing this morning. I got a Pre-cal assignment that we had to have handed in at the end of class, and the same thing in Math. Luck for all of us, neither had to be complete. Math is kind of lonely without Junior… But don’t tell him that. He’ll think I like him or something, the creeper. :P

French was okay. We did some work. Chem was okay this afternoon. We have a quiz on acids and bases on Thursday and a lab to do on Friday. English was incredible, as always. Today we were in the “circle of learning.” In other words, our desks were placed in a circle around the class and we all faced each other. It was awesome! I like the circle of learning.

Today was also a canteen day! Nikita, Deejay, Junior and I were all there. I didn’t help much because  I was clueing up the scholarship application.

Tonight, I was at Nan and Pop’s for a bit. I cooked them supper. I love my grandparents. :D

Also, I thought Junior was cheating on me. He hadn’t text me, so at 5:30 I text him. Naturally, I knew he wasn’t cheating on me. He was only at drama practice a little late. Silly me. I’m not attached at all.

Okay. That’s enough of my crap for the night. Good night all!

-Bre :)

P.S. Here are the pictures !

Cute, isn't it?!
And this is the back.
Waldon here, taking over for Bre again who's bogged down with stuff to do, the poor thing. So much to do, and she never gets quite enough time to do it all. The song lyrics today are from an older song, way back in 2000. Kryptonite, by 3 Doors Down. Whoa, that was over a decade ago now. I still remember going to school in the mornings and hearing people talk about Y2K in Grade 2. Am I really growing up? I don't want to grow up! I want to be 9 again. That way, I'm not too old to play Imagination, but old enough to bike around town on my own. :P

Today, as most people who're reading this will know, is Valentines Day. What a lot of people don't know, is that today is also my birthday. I'm now 18 years old. Geez. I feel like a creeper for being around younger people now. xD

I woke up this morning bright and early (Not by choice mind you ) and went upstairs to get my birthday presents from my parent's. I had already celebrated the night before at supper, because my dad wanted to leave town today. I don't know when he'll be back. I never do, really. That old bear can't be held back, so he'll be okay. I got a few pieces of clothing, and most amazingly, mom gave me a hug and a kiss. I can't remember her ever doing that. I can't even remember the last time mom kissed me. It was a great morning. :)

After that, I drove down to get Bre, and I gave her her valentine present. I made her an Origami heart with a drawing on it. I thought it was nice, but she completely outclassed me, by hand writing me about a dozen or more hand written pages with pictures about stuff we've done together. It brought tears to my eyes. Almost. :P Then we drove around for a bit, and hung out for a while at my house. It was a delayed opening today, so we had time.

I'm proud and happy to say, I was Bre's Valentine. :P I was the one that ruined Bre's single-on-Valentines-Day streak, as well as my own.  It was a really good day for the both of us, I think. She said what she thinks of it all on the front page. :D

Also, I got a few more presents over the course of the day. Two of these being a pack of 96 colored crayons and a massive coloring book. This just proves that I've got the best friends in the world, I swear to god. xD On my 18th birthday, I stayed home all night, played Fallout New Vegas, ate diabetic friendly cake, and colored a coloring book. Who else has done that? I WIN. I am the king of the dweebs now. You can bow down to my overwhelming childishness/nerdiness.

 Okay, well I'm done for now. I'm kind of tired. So, maybe I'll get into detail some other time. Just like everything else I say I'm going to do. And never do. So, good night all!
Waldon here again tonight, Bre is pretty beat out, so  I'm taking her place for this evening. Morning. Whatever. Now, for tonight's title, I'm not going to tell you the song name. Anybody who's a fan of the classics, you better know this song or I'll be angry at you. Very angry.

I'll make note here, before I start actually writing the blog, that it's 12:27 AM right now, and this will probably actually be posted around 1 or 2. Eh, if it's late, I might as well make it REALLY late, yeah?

I woke up this morning (yesterday) at around 8 am because I had theatre practice at 9 30. I wish I could sleep in. I've been living off of maybe 3 hours of sleep a night for the past 3 weeks. It sucks. Anyway, during the practice we read through our whole script once, and then did the whole play with blocking later. Our Director was very impressed with us. I felt proud.

After practice, I went home and played xbox for 5 hours.

I'm cool, I know.

Seriously though. Somebody save me from Fallout New Vegas. I might not be able to surface from the game over the next few months. >.<

After supper I took Gunner for a walk. I've been having nosebleeds for the past 3 days, big ones too. I've lost a good bit of blood. And yes, I DID get another nosebleed while walking Gunner down a long dark road.

I'm a big dude. I look kind of scary sometimes. Now, cover my face in blood and dress me in black like I was, and you get bad results. I looked kind of angry, understandably, walking down a long dark road with a dog following me off leash and blood covering my face.

A passing car nearly swerved off the road. I'm lucky she didn't, I would have felt very guilty.

After I got home and apologized to Bre for not being able to go to movie with her tonight due to my body being difficult to maintain, she proved how nice she is by staying home with me this evening. Thank you Bre. It cheered me up, midst the mist of red. (If I may be eloquent. :P)

Now, not too long ago I brought Bre home, and then I read some articles online. Nothing too interesting aside from the Egypt situation.

So, Good night I guess. It' is now 1:16AM. Yes, it took me nearly a full hour to write this. I'm a horrible procrastinator. (Or would that be a good procrastinator xD?)
Waldon here again, the lyrics for tonight's title are from the song Listen to the Music, by the Doobie Brothers. I am a huge fan of the Doobie Brothers. From what I've heard, they're all about just kicking back and relaxing. Forgetting about troubles and just moving on. Great stuff.

Anyway, today was a big day for our school. Well, big-ish. It was our annual cake auction. People from our school bake cakes to bring in that get auctioned off during the afternoon to the individual classes using money that they raised during the past week.

Sadly, I missed it. It was my last year, and I missed it. I felt horrible this afternoon, my blood sugars were high and for lack of a better description, it felt like my veins were on fire. It's not a particularly pleasant aspect when you thoroughly think about where a teenage male's veins lead to in the end. Very painful during every single exertion. Oh well. I laid down for the afternoon and talked to Bre. We watched the Republic of Doyle. It was the first time I've ever watched that show. It was good, I'll admit it. We also drank some tea and ate some blueberry cake. I'm happy with that. :P

After supper, I didn't hear from anybody really. Bre was out with somebody else, and if I'm not contacted by 7 30 by anybody, it's guaranteed that they've found somebody to hang out with. I'm the guy that's always just "there". Sadly, the downside to that is that nobody else is there when they're out. I accept my role as the quintessential basement dweller. It's a rough job, but I think I can handle it. It takes monumental amounts of soda and simple amusements. I think I've got my bases covered. :P

On a random note that doesn't follow chronological coherency at all, last night I had a bad nosebleed, and another bad very early this morning. I was feeling pretty dizzy throughout the morning. I wonder if there's any connection with my high blood sugars? Anybody out there who knows about this stuff that's able to tell me?

Anyway, I spent this evening reading webcomics. I've added another 20 or so to my read comics, but before I add any new ones to the list, I've got to finishing linking the OTHER ones. >.<

I found one comic called Dead Winter that I enjoyed a lot. It was about zombies. Everything with zombies is good... wait. Let me rephrase that. Anything with zombies and some EFFORT is good. xD

So, I guess I'll be heading to bed now. I've got nothing else to say, really. Good night all!
Teehee. My brother is incredible. He said this title last night while drawing on some eggs. Well, it was so cute. Mom had cooked him two boiled eggs for supper, which he did not eat. A couple of hours later, Britt and I were sitting around in the kitchen talking to Mom, when Bryton found these eggs again and asked to draw on them. He drew a couple of silly faces and was quite content. A few minutes after he drew “Mr. Stupid” and “Mr. Crazy,” he started singing a little song. Mom and I weren’t really paying him much attention when he started singing because we were talking but when we stopped talking and listened to him, we just had to laugh. Bryton had pretended to put a boiled egg up each of his nostrils, and started singing “Eggs up my nose, eggs up my nose, eggs up my noooooooooose!” It has been stuck in my head ever since. The tune is just so catchy! (><)

So, yesterday we got our report cards. Yes, I did great. My lowest average was English (88%). Other than that, everything was excellent. Today we had a half-day for parent-teacher interviews. There was no reason to go to them in my case, so nobody went.

Today was all right. I’ve been sick since last night, so I’m just hoping I can make it through school tomorrow as well. This morning just DRAGGED on and on and on and on and on. I had Religion, where I was playing a game on Scottie’s iPod, first period. Second period was Pre-cal. We did notes and got some work. At recess I thought I was going to collapse. BUT! I didn’t. Go me! Third period was the (dare I say it?) worst Math class of my entire life. Today was the first day all year that Junior just WASN’T there. I didn’t tell him, but it just wasn’t the same without him. I really did miss him next to me. Gosh, *sniff*, I’m such a sap.

Anywho. When we were let out for the afternoon, Junior and I dropped off Amy and Lorraine (they’re AMAZING) then went to my house for a minute. After going there, we went for a drive uptown. After our little drive around uptown, we went to get some subs at Subway. Mmmm, I love their food! Unfortunately, the only time I get a good sub from there is when this guy named Mark is working. Weird, I know, but true. We got our subs to go and went to Junior’s house to pick up his Xbox controller. We hung out there for a minute, then went to Scottie’s house. While at Scottie’s, he and Junior played Call of Duty: Black Ops and I did my Pre-cal homework. Well, some of it. I finished the rest when I got home. I think I even took a nap! I don’t know if it was a nap or that trippy space between sleeping and not-sleeping. But I think it was a nap. I didn’t realize I had actually fallen asleep until I woke up! I was leaning against Junior on the couch, and when I woke up, I was a little confused as to what I was doing. Only for a moment. Then I realized that it was Junior and I cuddled into his arm. He was the substitute blanket for the afternoon. Sort of.

Okay, I’m leaving it here tonight because I feel like my insides are going to fall out or explode at any minute. Good night!

-Bre :)

Waldon here, and this wonderful title comes from a song by Everlast again, "Hot to Death". It's my kind of song, it has all kinds of drops in the beat and breakdowns on the guitar.

I realized something this morning. I have a tendency to use violent and graphic imagery when I'm making an analogy or personal reference. Like, earlier today I was describing how much I was looking forward to something- and my example was "about as  much as driving a nine in nail between my eyes with my bare hands." It took me several moments to realize that most people probably don't think about that sort of thing as a common example. :P

Today was the day that my schedule switched over. I am NOT a happy guy. I have two math courses. That is the worst possible thing to imagine for me. To make things worse, I was switched in the middle of my art class. So, I went from a chilled out, relaxing art class to a slow, boring math class. It doesn't even seem like the same room anymore. I walk in and sit down, and where my first math class seemed light and fun when there wasn't too much work at least, this math class seems really dark. Dirty, almost. Maybe 2 rows of people take the class seriously? The rest are there so that they can be with the other guys. There's nobody THERE for me. I sit in the front row because all the seats were taken. There's no Bre, there's no Lorraine, there's no Amy, Vlad, Ryan, Nikita, NOBODY. I'm lonely, angry and angsty. What a great combination. Look out Math class, Waldon is here to wreak havoc.

On the bright side, my art class was moved to just past my consecutive double math. At least I still have something. Although I was taken clean out of Skilled Trades. If I want to get the credits for the entire half years worth of work that I already DID, I have to stay in after school for a few weeks and finish the entire year's worth of material with my teacher. There goes my few free weeks.

You know what this town needs? This town needs a sparring ring. If I had a place to just punch some people a few times or just outright beat the crap out of people (or have the stuffing beat out of me) I'd feel MUCH better. All you poor unsuspecting readers wouldn't have to deal with all this angry venting I'm doing. xD

So, I've been sketching over the past few weeks obviously, and I've started doing a few new types of pictures that I really like. Mostly just scenic views centered around a little guy, who was originally me on an interesting note, observing the world around him. Usually the pretty little things in it. :P

So, I think I'm done for the night. I don't really have much to report from today. Aside from listening to music and this crap I already talked about, I haven't done anything. Well, except for playing Nintendo 64. But that's another story completely. That I'll tell another day. ;P

So... Good night everybody!
Tonight’s title has a lovely background story, in my opinion. It all started this afternoon in Religion class. I did some work then decided that I was done for the day (in other words, I did question 3a and stopped), but I still had about twenty minutes of class left. What was I to do? I made a decision. I was going to make my little brother a cootie catcher. Yeah, that’s right. A cootie catcher. He loves those! So, I started making it around five minutes to two and continued to almost twenty after two when the bell rang for last period.  There was Art Club today, so I didn’t mind not having it done. I could just finish it in Art Club!

Now, fast forward to Art Club. As you know, on (some) Tuesday afternoons, Junior and I will go to Ms. Edmunds’ Art Club with some friends and just hang out for an hour after school. Nobody really has to do any art. Today I did my Pre-cal homework, for example. But that’s not the point of this story, now is it? I went in to the Art room this afternoon, sat down, took out the half-finished cootie catcher, and finished it. I put little sayings on the inside such as the one in the title and “Chuck Norris is secretly afraid of you” and “A piece of paper with a grudge will give you a paper cut.” I had to ask Ms. Edmunds and the crew (Noelle, Alicia, Sandra, Robyn, Thomas, etc) for some ideas. It was fun!

I love Art Club. It’s such a pity that Junior couldn’t come today! Because he’s in the school acting troupe, he has to go to practice every day a (or, almost every day). I was going to go on the last bus after Art Club, then I got off and waited for my Nan and Mom to pick me up. It turns out that Junior is done practice at around 4:30. I was out around then. He could have given me a ride home, but I thought he got out at 5, so it was a bit of miscommunication on my part. I really should have asked him about it before hand.

Other than Art Club, nothing really happened in school today. This evening, I went over to Junior’s for about two hours. We just sat around, talked, and listened to music. I did my Chemistry homework and he drew a little bit. Nothing too exciting.

Aaah, I’m so tired. There are few things stranger than the space in between sleeping and being awake. It’s such an odd feeling. Everything feels like it’s submersed in water or something. Things tend to move more slowly and nothing makes sense anymore because of how slow it’s moving. I know when I’m in that space, at least, everything is just grand. I close my eyes and just listen to what’s going on around me. Sounds seem louder and closer, blankets seem softer. Aaaah…  What a nice feeling. For me, at least.

Anwho! I’m going to go to bed. Good night!

-Bre :)

Waldon here, ten points to whomever knows the title lyrics. Search it up if you don't know, song's great. I actually feel like crap tonight. It's been a rough couple of weeks and I guess it's finally catching up to me. It's just been bad news after bad news. One piece of news I've blogged about TWICE now, and it's only succeeded in angering me further because of the repeated discussion, so I won't talk about it. There's more, even.

On Friday I got my math Midterm back. I received a SOARING score, a mark that'll be hard to beat... 54. That's right. 54. That is the lowest I've ever scored on a Math exam. I personally think that if I'm passing, I'm doing fine. But Mom just looks at me, and I can tell she's disappointed. So, she called my teacher and set up a few meetings and such. She then proceeded to tell me that if my marks didn't go back up, she was going to take me out of my theatre troupe. That troupe is what I look forward to the most during the school year. I'm not kidding when I say it's one of the few reasons I stayed in school. Then I had the weekend to look forward to today, when I'd get to school and see exactly how my life was going to take a turn.

But wait! There's MORE.

Let me do this chronologically. Yesterday I got a phone call from my Mama (My grandmother, to the rest of you.). Turns out that my Uncle's shed burned down to the ground on Saturday night. He lost everything in it, save for his Snowmobile. You know what another interesting fact is? He lives in my other grandmothers old house. The house where I grew up in. That was my late grandfathers shed. He has no insurance and his business is running out of profit and it's the middle of winter. Wonderful, right?

Now, today is more great news. I was in contact with my principal this afternoon, and I ended up getting my courses changed. I'm now in the lower level math class with nobody else. No Bre, no Lorraine, no Amy, no Vlad, no Nikita, no Ryan, nobody. I've got to take a math course that is grade 9 level, to add insult to injury. I was taken out of my Skilled Trades class, moved to another Art class and moved to another nutrition class. On the bright side, there's none of my friends in any of those new classes, so I get to look forward to meeting new people. Glory day.

I don't know what I would have done without Bre here. That wonderful girl has kept me on my feet the past two weeks. I probably would have exploded or something if she wasn't here to make me laugh every now and again. At least I know something isn't going to the dogs.

You know what I think I need? I need a fight. A good scrap with somebody. That always makes me feel better. There's nothing more relaxing than punching the living bejebus out of somebody after they make you angry. It's simple, primitive and get's the gist of your emotions across. I'm all about that stuff. :P

Anyway, lets get on to the actual blog, before I alienate any more readers by posting dreary stuff.

This morning I was in History class, falling asleep due to my ever growing insomnia problem at night. So I was very close to sleep for most of the morning. We were supposed to be taking notes, but instead I drew a little dude sitting on my hand in my exercise book. It may not be the most educational thing, but I'm not the most educated guy so it's alright. :P

After History I had Music. Due to said sleep deprivation, my throat was sore, so I couldn't get too much air through my throat. Mr Gibbs was nice enough to let me just finger the chords instead of playing them. So I was able to get my practice in on the Tenor Saxophone without too much trouble. Then we started learning about the aural skills used in music recognition. It's an amazing topic, really. Once we get more in depth with it I'll have to talk about it on here, absolutely fascinating stuff. Music is just one of those things I can really get in to. XD

After music was my English class. We're reading "Antigone" by Sophocles. I love the Theban plays. A lot of people don't like them very much, but I think they're great. My English teacher didn't even like "Oedipus at Colonus", but I loved the dialogue in it. Well, in all truthfulness, "Oedipus at Colonus" is all dialogue and no action, but regardless I liked it.

After English I had Math. I don't want to talk about Math anymore, so I'll skip it.

Finally, I had Nutrition class. I spent most of Nutrition in the Principals office talking about my courses. And I already talked about that, so whatever.

After school I had practice with my troupe. That always cheers me up. :) We went through the first and part of the last scene of our play. Although, the script doesn't have many stage directions in it so it's incredibly difficult to perform without our Director showing us EXACTLY what to do. I think he's going to go home tonight and write them all in himself, he said. :P

After practice, I went home and had supper. Then I talked on the phone with Bre for almost an hour and a half. Which is the longest I've ever talked to anybody on the phone, ever. Which actually includes the time I forgot my friend was waiting for me on the phone and I went out on the back step and read my "Eragon" by Christopher Paolini. True story, no lie at all. Love the book, by the way.

After finally getting off the phone, I walked Gunner and now here I am, writing this blog. And I think I'm done! I'll go on msn now, and wait for Bre, Glad, Robyn or Sandra to sign in. They're the only ones I really talk to. :P

So, Good night!