… Don’t ask about the title tonight. I’m in too much pain to explain it. I will, however, say that I said this to my Nan, who is a retired nurse. Today was okay though. I went out to lunch with Nikita and Lianna because I thought that Junior wasn’t going to be there for lunch today because of drama workshops. Turns out that he WAS in school for dinner. He didn’t come, and I felt bad, but I went anyway. All is well though.

Oh yes! Last night was Junior/ the drama troupe’s play. It was incredible! I quite liked it. Very proud of him. (^^)

Okay, my apologies, but tonight is going to be a filler blog. I have to study for a History test, so I’m just going to give you guys my English monologue to read. Mr. Crane gave it 100% so I’d assume it’s half decent. Junior also got 100% on his. Go us! So, be nice. Here it is:

“Love me? Ismene does not truly love me, nor does she love our brother. The same blood runs through our veins and yet she ignores my cry for help in honoring our slain kin by allowing him a proper burial. Who is she to deny this request? Polynices was as much a Theban man as Eteocles and thus deserves the same burial. Left unburied, my brother shall never be fully at rest. His soul will never travel into the afterlife; his physical being will be ridiculed by all, mauled by wild dogs; his flesh will rot, and crows will eat his entrails. Where is the honor in this? Ismene’s fear and womanish ways prove that she is indeed useless. In not helping my enterprise, she is abandoning our family and proving that she does not love us as she says she does. I, for one, love my brother and shall not let the proclamation of a mere mortal man stop me from paying the dead their due.

Creon, the tyrant, issued the edict that nobody shall bury the body of the “traitor,” Polynices, for he had led an army against Thebes. Whilst one brother is laid to rest with respect the other is subjected to public humiliation and hopeless wandering for all of eternity. Creon does not hear the whisperings of the people; he does not hear the frightened murmurings of disapproval among the commoners regarding his laws. The people believe, as do I, that his law against the burial of my brother is unjust but they are too afraid of his might to contradict him. Creon believes that his law is all-powerful. What he neglects to acknowledge is that he is not as powerful as he thinks he is, for he is but a mortal. He has no right to control the afterlife of Polynices – that is the will of the Gods. By not allowing his burial, Creon is changing his fate. I must restore his soul to the correct path by allowing a proper ceremony to be held for the body of my brother. If I must do this by myself, without the help of my incompetent sister, then I shall.

Oh, but what of Haemon, my betrothed? What shall become of him once I have openly defied his father’s law? Will he be supportive of my cause, or will he take the side of his oppressive father? No… I mustn’t think of that for now.

Hate me not for what I am about to do, for I do it out of love for my fallen brother and out of respect for the Gods. Despite Creon’s unjust rules and his lack of respect for the dead, and my sister’s unsupportive existence, I must carry on with my endeavor whether I am killed, banished, or otherwise.”

Like I said, PLEASE be nice. I’m not great at English. I hope someone enjoyed reading it! By the way, it’s from the point of view of Antigone.

Good night all! DON’T TALK TO STRANGERS.

-Bre :)

P.S. I did my speech! It went well. Mr. Crane said I got in the 80s! :D

Waldon here, I'm exhausted. Like, my hands are shaking right now. My troupes performance was this evening, and I didn't feel like we were ready. I was so nervous, it was intense. Suffice to say, we all had a ball. :P

I don't know how the show was, but Bre could probably tell you that. She was in the audience, bless her.

We were third on this evening, and the first two plays were HILARIOUS. I can't actually think about what they were right now. But I'm sure I'll remember them. Someday. xD

After the show, I had a quick chat with Bre, then joined the troupe at Tims. The tims run was kind of "meh". I didn't get to sit with the troupe, but I did get to sit with Scottie and Jessica. We talked about The Slender Man and other assorted bits of tomfoolery.

I texted Bre good night, (seeing as how I wasn't home to talk to her on msn) and went home at around 10:40. Now, here I am, struggling to stay awake. Sorry for how short this post was, but I'm REALLY, REALLY tired. I'll make it up to you next time, I swear. :P

Good night everybody!
Now, I think that is a legitimate question. I didn’t know the answer so I was free to ask it. Mom and Thomas were talking about something and it just popped into my head. Is “I think I love you” an opinion? Or is it just a statement? I don’t really know. Sometimes, when you’re stating an opinion, you start off with “I think,” correct? When you say “I think I love you,” that really is more of a statement, isn’t it? But in saying that, you sound unsure of yourself. I suppose loving someone isn’t really an opinion? It just sounds like one.

Soooooooooo… I’ve had writer’s block for several days now. Between that paragraph (^) and this one, there was about fifteen minutes of silence. It really sucked. I’ve been having so much trouble writing it’s absolutely ridiculous. My speech was due today, as I might have mentioned before. If I didn’t, well, my speech was due today. I didn’t have to present, thank goodness! That would have been awful because I’m still not feeling great. Oh well. It doesn’t matter anyway.

Did anything exciting happen today? Well… Junior did better on his Math test than I did on mine. That was quite the blow to my pride, I tell you. We had to work the canteen today at lunch. Deejay, Nikita, Junior, and I all went there. It was hot dog day again. I can’t STAND those things. They’re absolutely repulsive. I know I used to eat them, but if I were to eat one now, I’d throw up. Anywho. Everything went well. We ended up making WAY too many hot dogs. The price was reduced from 1.50$ to 1$ shortly before the choir kids showed up. This sold a few of them. We tried to pawn off several hot dogs at a time (like 6 to a person) just to get rid of them all. In the end, Junior went out into the cafeteria to give out the remaining 25 or so for free. THAT was when people wanted them. Ick. They’re just so disgusting. I can’t believe we got hot dog day at the canteen. Pizza day? I can handle. Hot dog day? Ugh.

After school, I had to stay in to tutor someone new. Today was our second day. I quite like him! He seems like a really nice young man. When we were done around 4:30, I sat out in the lobby and waited for Junior. I thought it was only fair, considering the circumstances. He was done a little while later, and he, Sam and I all left. On the way to drop Sam off we played an alphabet game. I started with the letter “A” and said a word that began with this letter. Junior was next, and Sam went third. We continued playing this game until we arrived in Sam’s driveway. As Sam was getting out of the truck, Junior finished with “Z.” I can’t remember the word, though… Then Junior dropped me off at home.

He had dance tonight, so I haven’t been talking to him too much. I was talking to him earlier before I had to go to the store, and now I’m talking to him again. Exciting stuff, oui? Other than that, I haven’t been doing much at all. I pigged out on Skittles because they were just sitting there. In total, I think I ate about a full big pack of them. Gosh, I really need a life. :(

Oh yes! Before I end this, I’d just like to thank my Mom for occasionally reading our blog. Love you, Mom! :)    Good night!

-Bre :)

Waldon here, and I'm really too tired to make much sense tonight. Or write a long blog for that matter. But I'll try, I promise.

Over the past 2 days I've been reading the Siddartha. It's the story of the Buddha (sort of). I've never been so relaxed by a book before, nor have I ever been able to so easily understand the reasoning behind what the character is wondering.

Seriously though. I'm really tired. I'm not going to be able to post too much more before I fall asleep. >.< I woke up about 4 hours early this morning after my insulin pump came disconnected and pulled off my body. Normally, that's unpleasant all on it's own. But today it pulled out just far enough while I was sleeping for the tube to come out and start jabbing me. It's a horrible feeling to have a lifeline come out. Contrary to logic, after having my tube loosened and free, my blood sugar level was low. O.o So I had something to eat ( I can't even remember what) and went back to bed.

Not that it did much good. I ended up just dozing for about 4 hours. >.<

So, Then I sat around all morning because Bre didn't want to hang out. I picked her up, we then went to school and did all that good stuff. Except for lunch. That was kind of crappy. Bre was working canteen and I didn't know. So I spent about 15 minutes looking for her because nobody bothered telling me, then spent the rest of lunch tooling around trying to find somebody to hang out with.

I'm really tired. Like... REALLY TIRED. So, good night all!
Good evening everyone who may read this. As Junior said last night, I’ve been sick the past few days. I can’t seem to shake this sickness off for some reason, so I’m just suffering through it. It really sucks. As a result, this isn’t going to be a very good post. I’m so sorry! When I get better, I’m sure my posts will be okay… I hope, anyway.

So, the title. I am proud to say that when I drink Buckley’s medicine, I do NOT screw up my face. I “take it like a man” and drink it out of the bottle. To be honest, I don’t even mind the taste of it. However, today, I was at Dad’s and he gave me a different kind of Buckley’s. It was for mucus and phlegm. Yummy. Naturally, I drank some. It tasted horrible! I told him basically what the title says. I also told Junior. I didn’t like that kind…

Other than that, nothing really exciting has been happening. I made a cake for Nan’s birthday yesterday. I had to lie and tell her that I was coming down here (Mom’s) to clean, when I actually made her a cake. I apologized! She liked it. I was at Dad’s for two nights this weekend. It was fun! I went to the gym on Saturday morning with him and walked for 46 minutes on the treadmill. I did about 4.7 kilometres. I know, that probably isn’t much, but I was pretty excited. Other than that, I’ve just been hanging out with Junior a bunch. Doing any work has been difficult because I’m really NOT feeling well.

And on that note, I think I’m done. I’m so sorry!  I’m just out of things to say, and feeling icky. Good night!

-Bre :)

Waldon here, and Bre offers her most sincere apologies to everybody who misses her blogs, she has been out sick the last few days, and she's been too tired to blog. So, I'm filling in for her, (Despite tonight being my night whether she missed a day or not. >.>)

Again, she's sincerely sorry. :)

About the title,

I will cut you if you don't know where this title is from. It's one of the most amazing movies of my childhood. One hint; It's from Disney. I will tell you no more than that. If you don't know it, go and buy/rent every single Disney movie and watch them.

Okay, so this morning (yesterday) I woke up a little bit late, since I had to be at school by 9 30 for my theatre practice. I was actually supposed to be up by 8 since I had to pick up a friend and bring him too, but it was 8 40 by the time I got there. I seem to be disappointing quite a few people lately. >.<

We were missing two of our performers, so we had to cut it short and I was done by 11. I texted Bre and all that, and then Scottie and I took gunner for a walk out in the woods. Bre couldn't go, because she had to bake a cake for her Nan's birthday.

Happy Birthday! "____" ( I'm not naming her on the internet.)

Scottie and I then went out on skidoo and went to a boil up that a couple friends were having. We fried up some bacon (Burnt) and toast (Burnt) and some bologna (Actually pretty good). I came home around 4 40.

Then I had some Pizza for supper, it was great. :P

After supper I curled up on my couch and played some more Fallout New Vegas. I'm an addict. But on the plus side, I'm an amazing Fallout player. B'). After several hours too many, I stopped playing and started reading a few different books. One book of poetry called "Renascent and other Poetry" and the Siddartha. xD Aren't I just the regular 18 year old Male?

Around 10, Bre came over and we hung out for a bit. She left around 11 45 or so, and I've been here since. We were talking a few minutes ago and she suggested that we don't text as much anymore. >.< Now, I suppose I'll have a lot more free time and loneliness. Oh well... If that's what she wants, who am I to deny her that, at least?

Now, I'm done. So, if you'll excuse me, I have to go stare at my phone and make myself remember why it's not ringing. :P
Waldon here, and sorry about something.

I'm NOT going to explain the title. :P

In fact, I'm going to leave it up to all you clever readers to either figure it out, or make something up for it. I'm in favor of making something up, personally. I mean, I'm a pretty creative guy. I can come up with a lot of things this sentence is valid for. I'm sure you all can come up with something xD

Now, onto my promised blog. Although it won't be too long, I admit.

This morning I was running a little bit late, I needed to refill my pancreas (My insulin pump xD) before I left the house, so I was about 5 minutes behind. I ended up showing up at Bre's late, but she was ready for when I got there, god bless that girl. xD Otherwise we probably would have been late for class.

I had Music first period this morning. We had about 20 minutes to practice a piece of work that we worked on for the last few periods and play it in front of the class. My saxophone (the school's) is old and weathered. There's something wrong with the bottom two keys and the air keeps getting lost after you press them. So, our performance was... shoddy. :P

After that I had English, where I did a quiz. Nothing special.

Then there was nutrition. Nutrition used to be a GOOD class. But ever since I got moved to another class, It's gone to the dogs. There was a girl in my group that just wouldn't... shut... up. She went ON and ON and ON about how if she didn't like the apple pizza dessert, she would throw up. Then she proceed in a masterly fashion in showing me that she had no idea how anything in a kitchen works. T_T She didn't know how to peel an apple, roll dough, dice the peeled apples, or do anything besides pouring pizza dough mix into a half a cup of warm water. Our apple pizza dessert was pitiful.

Next I had lunch, followed by double math. We had a math test, which I finished in about 45 minutes, and then free time. I got pretty much the whole afternoon off. I was reading some of the new novel I'm reading from the Alex Cross series.

Then school was over, thank god. I spent the rest of the afternoon with my theatre troupe. We can't really practice because our lead actress is gone. She's gone for another 4 days, and the festival starts in 6. This is going to be a tight one.

After that I went home for supper. Walked my dog, and went to Bre's Nan's house. Where I spent a wonderful evening with her watching TV and telling stories. It's really odd, I almost never watch TV, but I'm perfectly content to do so when I'm just relaxing on the couch with her. I hope I don't become a couch potato. But I love telling stories, and listening to stories too, so I was overall completely content with my night.

So, I think I'm done for now, but there's one more thing I want to link to.

I have anger problems, which many of you may have noticed from all my angry and depressed blogs. I had to go back to online councilling yesterday, and one of the exercises it told me to do was to write an essay or a long paragraph or whatever about what makes me angry, or about what I'm bitter or mad about and post it in a place where people can see it. I didn't want to post it on here again because I think I've been doing too much of that lately. So instead, I'll provide a link to the rant below, so that anybody who's interested can read it. Please, keep yourself from making too many derogatory comments. I did it because the person helping me told me to.


So, Good night!
Now, isn’t that adorable? My brother said that (the title) to me when I told him that Junior was coming down this afternoon. I’ve been sick since Monday and out of school yesterday and today. It’s quite unfortunate. I miss going to school… I don’t know what happens in the world if I don’t go to school! Anywho. I have a Math test tomorrow that I’m going in for. It’s third period, so it’s a strange time to just walk in, write the test, and leave. SO! I’m going all day. If I don’t pass out. Junior was kind enough to break into my locker (not really break in- he had my combination) and get my Math stuff for me. Because he didn’t have drama this afternoon, he was able to bring down my books for me right after school. Bryton was in tub when I walked into the bathroom and told him about Junior. He giggled a bit and said (the title). I just had to laugh – it was SO cute.

Junior came down today and only stayed for a few minutes. He didn’t even take off his coat! As you can probably tell, cuddle me he did NOT. It wasn’t that he’s afraid of catching my germs – he told me he didn’t mind them – it was that he just DIDN’T. Why? I don’t know. Ask him that. I wasn’t too pleased. I wanted a little bit of love. No love for me, I suppose… :(

Teehee. Poor Junior. I don’t understand why he puts up with me. He had to go home because nobody actually knew where he was this afternoon. I can pardon him for that, I suppose. 

Nothing has really happened the past two days. I’ve been home on the couch, sick. Well… I finished A Matter of Honor last night, and I finished Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. It was oh-so-tempting to change my Facebook status to “Breanna Elizabeth is preparing herself for the third task of the Triwizard Tournament. The Stunning spell is learned – on to some hexes. Wish me luck!”  Other than that, I’ve been just sitting here, nose running, head pounding, back aching, vision swimming – for the past two days.

Okay. Sorry, but I’m done now. Junior sent me a link to a Cracked.com article about Donald Duck, so I’m checking out Cracked.com now. Good night, and this might be better when I’m better?

-Bre :)

P.S. Do yourself a favour, and check this out:


You won’t regret it. Honest.

Waldon here, and can you guess what that question is? :P

"Is there anybody you'd like to punch in the face?"

I mean, really. Is that a question you just ask people? xD But to answer, yes. There is. In fact, there are several people. But if I am allowed to continue on this train of thought, I would not punch them. Punching people has only solved one of my problems and that was when both my problems and I were too young to work it out between ourselves. Punching people will not get me a grad date that means anything to me, nor will it fix my degenerate body or heal my wounded self-confidence. So, I'll say this to people now. Violence doesn't solve many problems and those problems can almost always be reached with a compromise for everybody. Just let things go. It's easier to just let past grievances stay forgotten or forgiven and accepted, than it is to bring them up needlessly. Although, that's easier said than done, I'll admit.

Anyways, onto the blog before I get myself into another long angry rant with no real purpose, eh?

This morning was a bit of an odd morning. I woke up late, and I had some odd dream about my dad... But I can't remember it, I wish I could. It would have made an excellent filler for the blog. :P After I had myself all readied and stuff, I found out that Bre is too sick to go to school today. I drove down anyway. I needed to pick some stuff up at her house, and I like seeing her in the morning.

First period I had math, and then art and then history. I spent all three periods reading or watching movies. It was ridiculous. I finished my book though. That's a plus. :P

Lunchtime was... weird. I was working the canteen, and things just became surreal. I think there was a gas leak or something. Hot Dog fumes? I was dancing and singing, I was even making stupid similes and funny voices. I scared off the neighboring canteen's customers. Maybe it was because Bre wasn't around. Withdrawal? I was kind of lonely. xD

After lunch was the same as the previous periods. I don't think I did any real work all day. I've got Nutrition first tomorrow, so I guess I'll have a repeat of today.

After supper I went to Dance class. My partner wasn't there, so I was just a spectator all night. Nothing really exciting. Now here I am, waiting/hoping for Bre to text back before I go to sleep. Good night all!