...there be Sea Bears and Land Sharks.

Waldon here, and I come before you this evening with a tale of horror and suspense. A tale that will make you shiver in your boots, and break out in a cold sweat. Okay. Maybe not suspense. And it's probably not that scary. But at the very least it's stupid and ADD/Entertaining.

I was thinking earlier, about Sharks and Bears. And then I thought: "What if they switched places?" Think about it. How terrifying would it be to be out fishing with a few buddies, sitting back, drinking a coke or whatever, hands idling on the rod with the line slowly bobbing on the water's surface... and suddenly a BEAR breaks the surface and JUMPS upwards, paws lined in deadly claws, mouth open with it's horrifying maw gaping wide! Picture it. Just do it.

Now, onto our next image. The intrepid explorer, hiking into the highlands in the mountains of Eastern Europe. Looking for the ruins of some long forgotten Keep or Hold. With his eyes ever on the undergrowth, it would be impossible for him to know what was coming next. A great silent predator, quietly gliding it's way through the air, akin to the sea, it's eternal grin fixed with an even longer lasting hunger. It's mouth opens, and the rows of teeth descend, with the shadow growing, you look up, only to see the horrifying black abyss filled with razor sharp implements of rending death closing on your head!

You would never see them coming. The sheer unexpectedness would kill us all. You can't shoot a bear with harpoons if it's in the water! It's too hairy. The harpoons would tangle. It would just enrage the beast. The Shark. You can't shoot it. You can't cut it. It wouldn't be able to kill it with one swipe. Then imagine how angry it would be, it would be enraged to some unworldly level, the catalyst being the smell of it's own blood, and YOUR fear.

We would all be doomed.

But then... it was bound to happen. Somebody had to improve on these monsters. Somebody hated humanity enough to change them for the worse.

Suddenly, they both have lasers.

And the world as we know it, my friends, has changed.

So, my tale ends for the night, because I'm out of ADD. :P
Waldon here, Bre is tired so I'm filling in. The title tonight comes from what I was doing earlier today. I was scanning through some contemporary philosophic texts (which I'm sure many of you noticed I have a love for) and I instead noticed that many of them revolve around the same basic principle: There is always a government that has to be shown it's place because the only thing that is good for you is your fellow repressed peoples... because the government is obviously out to get you and repress you. Does anybody realize that without the government we have now we'd have no health care, no policing or military force or even roads and transportation?

I personally believe that everything ultimately is trying to do good, with exceptions are a few blighted spots on the whole, which people follow because they're afraid. It's widely "known" that the world is becoming a horrible place filled with suffering. Guess what? North America is going through one of the lowest rates of fatal crime ever recorded. There is a high number of small crimes, but serious crimes are decreasing. Evil is almost nonexistent, but compliance is inbred into our species. This misconception that people are bad is leading us all to do what we're told is easier. We do wrong, because right is easily forgotten when it's harder to follow the right way. It's easier to just ignore suffering, or break the law, or do unsafe things when everybody else does those same things too. But when somebody takes a stand, others stop. They see. They help people too, because other people are doing it. This includes the government. There are many more government officials who are just like the rest of us, than there are officials that are trying to make life difficult for everybody because of some vague sadistic ideal. The government is seen as some enigmatic dogma that is overseeing everybody with an iron fist.

The government is trying to help us. It's not out for it's own gain. The government prospers when the country prospers. Just try and remember, all you wannabe idealist philosophers, that the government is made of people too. It's not just a bunch of all-powerful corrupt politicians that control everything. It's thousands of hardworking men and women who just want to do their jobs.

So, now. Onto my day!

This afternoon, Bre, Britt and I went out in truck to go to Tim's. Sadly, Tim's was blocked. So we instead went for a drive around town. I took them up to the store uptown, and we chilled out in there for a while while they talked to their step-mom. I think she's their step-mom? I'm sorry! I don't remember! Please don't be too angry. O.o They bought some chocolate, and off we went.

We then went down to Bre's house in downtown and picked up some stuff, and then I took Bre to the bank so she could put a check in. Then we went to Pizza delight and got some dessert. :)

I took everybody home, and we all had supper. Or maybe not. Maybe it was just me. Yeah, I think I was the only one who actually had supper. :S Anyways... afterwords, Bre came over and we hung out all night. We talked and she cheered me up. I was feeling pretty down since suppertime. She's the greatest. :) I don't tell her how much I like her often enough. ;) :P

Then Bre and I drove over to pick up her sister, and I dropped them both home. I've been texting Bre since she and I got back to our respective homes, and reading about the Stanford Prison Experiment. Interesting read, seriously good.

Now, I figure I've got nothing left to talk about, so...
Good night all!
Waldon here. I'd like to take this post to show my feelings on having an excess of testosterone.

An excess you say? How can you have an excess? It's not like it's a bad thing!

Well, there my friends, you're wrong. Puberty was a sign not of growing into adulthood for me, but a sign that soon, a life of sweat, blood and awkward growth was about to begin. To this day, I have a ridiculous number of muscle pains and growth spurts. I've been growing since grade 7. As many know, I'm graduating soon. That's almost 5 years of growth. That is NOT normal (Thank you Diabetes.). I'm also expected to keep growing until I'm 21.

I can't even get a tattoo until then unless it's on my chest. It's the only thing not expected to grow much more. For your information, I'm 40 inches or so around the chest and 24 inches across the shoulders. I don't think I CAN get much larger. :P

I've got bone structure problems because the rest of my body hasn't caught up to my growing skeleton... The only plus side to this whole load of testosterone is that now I have strong muscles. That's good for work. :P

Now. Onto my day.

Nothing happened all morning. Well... I drove down to pick up Bre. That's really the only interesting thing. Lunch time I was at the Math Help Center again. I love going there. It's got a bunch of people that I love talking to. Sandra, Robyn, Bre, Sam, Lissa... Then I had nutrition and math. I spent all math reading Lord of the Rings again. Exciting.

Then I drove Bre to pick up HER truck, followed her when she was driving to her house, and then we hung out for a little while.

She came over after supper after I ran a few errands, and we just relaxed, read and talked for a few hours. It was a wonderful evening. There is NOTHING I like more than relaxing with close friends.

So, it's now MIDNIGHT just as I typed this. Sooo..... Good night!
Beware: This will NOT contain a list of relationship warning signs. Although, I may post them someday. I was once given a sheet of paper with a bunch of “relationship warning signs” to look out for. Naturally, I taped it to my wall next to my desk. Junior read it over this morning (gosh, I just had to ask him when he read them). I had a giggle at him. By the way, he passes. He’s a good boyfriend. :P     Now! Time for the story of my day.

Sometime after midnight: Crazy dream. Dreamt Britt killed someone and Ryan was hitting on me. Not good for two reasons. 1 – Ms. Shortt justified the murder by saying that Britt loved the dude. 2 – Ryan has a girlfriend. In the dream, he said he loved me and would break up with Meghan. I didn’t like that, so I drop-kicked him down the stairs.

6:30 am: Woke up with my alarm. Was too early to get out of bed for a shower, so I stayed in bed and listened to the radio.

7:20 am: Shower time! Thank goodness. I felt icky.

7:45 – 8:25 am: I know, I know. That’s a long time to get ready for school. But that’s what I do every morning. Drying my hair is the worst.

8:25 am: Junior picked me up! :)

8:38 am: We picked up Ryan.

8:48 am: We arrived at school.

8:50 am: Gave Vlad my book and my hat. He looked right spiffy in my nice green and black tam (that I’m proud to say that I knit myself… Because I wanted a hat).

9:00 – 10:00 am: Well, these times will be approximate now. First period Pre-cal! Yay us. We didn’t do any notes, only work from the book. Fun stuff, right? Vlad and I found out that David is a tad prejudiced. Worked on piecewise functions.

10:03 – 11:02 am: Math class! Woot. More circle geometry. I SUCK at it. Royally. Junior says that he’s good at it. Maybe I’ll have to get him to help me with it. Oh no. My pride just started to hurt. (Sorry Junior! You know how I feel about asking for help!)

11:02 – 11:12 am: Recess time! I talked to Junior for most of it. Vlad still looked spiffy in my hat! SOMEONE was standing too close to me again. :S

11:12 am – 12:14 pm: French class! I LOVE it. Ms. Shortt makes my day. I got my History test back (89%... Awful). We read some of our book. Ryan and I shared mine because he forgot his. We all (all seven of us) talked about a cooking project that we’re going to do. Ryan and I are making brownies, cookies, and (possibly) fudge.

12:14 – 1:10 pm: Lunch time! Math Help Centre again with Junior and Nikita. It was awesome! Nikita and I did some Chem. Junior was playing a word game with Sam. Ms. Edmunds came in for her lunch duty, so we were all in on the conversation then. She’s amazing. (O_O)    It’s her birthday tomorrow! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MS. EDMUNDS! :D


1:17 – 2:15 pm: Chem class. Mrs. Finlay wasn’t there, so Nikita and I worked on our Chem assignment and had a grand chat.

2:15 – 3:16 pm: English class! Mr. Crane is the MAN. We all just chilled today and worked on our biography project (due Monday). Unfortunately, we had a fire drill, so the class was outside for a few minutes.

3:20 (ish) pm: Nikita brought me back to Mom’s to get the Pathfinder so that I could go to Nan and Pop’s! I love that girl. She’s absolutely amazing! We, again, had a grand chat.

3:45 pm: At Nan and Pop’s. Talked to Nan while Pop took a nap and stuff. Did my Math work. Told Nan about the Cold War.

5:45 pm: Ate supper with Nan! Pop had a meeting to go to, so he didn’t eat with us. :(     We watched the news.


7:00 pm: I went on the treadmill for a while because I felt SO icky. I also read through my History notes on the Cold War… As a bit of extra review. I don’t want another 89%.

7:30 pm: Jeopardy. Nan and I watched it and I asked her about her life. I’m doing my English biography on her! Talked afterward for a while.

8:25 (ish) pm: Drove on back home.

8:45 pm: Played with Mom’s hair.

9:00 pm: Went downstairs. Did some laundry. Got ready for bed.

9:43 pm: Started this blog.

10:14 pm: Finished this blog.

-Bre :)

P.S. I’ve been texting Junior throughout the day!

Waldon here, I'm filling in for Bre tonight because she asked me to. Tonight's title is from one of my favorite songs, and from a very popular band in the Hard Rock and Metal crowd. Anybody know who it is?

I've been really weird these past few days. I'm not sure what's changed, but I've been on the go all day today at least. Not energy-wise, but wit-wise. I've been cracking jokes and going on rants as easily as breathing. I've made so many little tirades that it's ridiculous.

I think it's my blood sugar. It's been really high for the past while, and over the past few days it's been excellent. I suppose I'm just feeling normal. :P I'm just not USED to normal. xD

So, this morning I picked Bre and Ryan up before school. Ryan missed the bus, so I got him on the way down to Bre's. We all squeezed in and got on our way. :P

First two periods this morning I had math. Which sucked. But I read Lord of The Rings during the time I had left after doing all my work. Which was almost the full two hours, admittedly, but I did do all my work. :P

After that I had art class, where I goofed off for an hour. Then it was lunch, and Bre and Sandra and I chilled out in the Math Help Center.

Then Sandra and I had a History test. I had to BS most of it. But that's okay. History tends to repeat itself anyway. If I got the start right, I got the end right. :P

After history I had music. But my throat was too sore to play my instrument, so I didn't actually play. I just fingered the holes and followed the beat. A lot of people are sick, lately. :S

After school I drove down to the Source and bought myself a nice diatonic D Blues Harmonica. It has a beautiful sound. Then I drove to Tims, bought a bunch of food, and a chai tea for Bre and I and picked Bre up after her tutoring. She liked the tea, I heard. :P

So. Nothing interesting really happened after that. So I guess I'll end this here. My head is hurting, so I really don't want to drag this on. It's pretty sporadic looking anyway, so this is cool. xD

Good night all!
Waldon here, and tonight's title is the song I'm currently listening to. It may not be inventive or witty, but I like the song... So there. :P

I had a normal day in school, I suppose. I didn't do anything exciting at least. Well, I worked canteen with Bre again, but I do that every Tuesday, so there's really nothing new about that. It was fun though.

After school, Bre came over for a little bit since she didn't have to tutor. It was a fun afternoon. We talked and listened to music. A lot of people wonder how we can just sit and talk without doing anything else. It's one of my most favorite things to do! I love just sitting down with people, Bre especially, and telling stories or listening. I love to listen to things. Although I have trouble telling words apart sometimes. :S There's nothing more relaxing than being somewhere far away from town and just listening. You can hear birds and bugs, maybe dogs or the occasional rodent scampering on. Living life. Doing small-woodland-animal type things. :P Wind in leaves, especially. That's such a relaxing sound.

I just got back from Dance class an hour ago or so. After lifting the girls, we found out that I'm the only one who can lift one girl above my head easily. People asked how, and I said I liked working out. Again, that spawned another question;

Why do you like working out?

I'll answer that here, I suppose. But I'll start off with a statement. There are many, many different reasons that people work out. It's the same reason that people are putting themselves in contests or competitions for some, or it might be the thrill of doing it, heck, some people might even just be doing it for laughs. Others still do it for their health.

I do it for another reason completely. I do it because I was told as a child that as a Type 1 Diabetic diagnosed so young my life is likely going to be very unstable, physically. My body should be weak and frail. I have so many hormone deficiencies and genetic abrasions that it's ridiculous to think about. So I work out and make myself stronger...

Because I need to be stronger. I need to prove to myself, at the very least, that I'm not totally worthless. There's a rush that comes with exercise. A type of hormone called Endorphins are released with working out and they make your body feel very good, alive, fresh... strong. Like you could conquer the world. It's actually addictive, and without it people go through workout withdrawal. I work out to show myself that I can do things. I can achieve something if I try.

When I think back to being younger- not being able to run to the end of my street without collapsing, not even able to climb a tree without hurting my arms, or do a dozen sit ups because everybody was afraid I would break if I was put through too much stress because of my diabetes and assorted other diseases... I get more determined not to let myself fall back to that level. I work out with heavy weights and with extreme pressure to make myself develop physically to a level that nobody will ever be able to compete with, unless you're like myself.

In which case, you know exactly what I'm talking about right now, don't you? I can't explain it any more. It's all mental. You'd need to feel what I feel, or what people that think like me feel, to understand.

Anyway, I don't think I can expand any more on it. I'm not a bodybuilder. I'm not built like Arnold Schwarzenegger, or the Rock. But I'm strong enough. Stronger than most, if what I see around this town holds true.

So, I'm done for the night. Good night everybody. :)
Tonight’s title comes from the lovely Vanessa! As we may have mentioned before, Daniel is allergic to peanuts. Today in school, Vanessa came up to me and said (tonight’s title). It was glorious. She was shocked at herself for eating peanut butter in school. I just laughed and told her not to go near Daniel. I really didn’t know what to tell her!

School was okay today. Nothing major happened. Levi told me that I kind of treat him like he’s younger than me, although we’re the same age. I didn’t realize that. I thought I talked to everyone the same way? Apparently not. We got a Chemistry assignment last period. I have up to number five done, and the rest I’m going to need help with. I was out for TWO days and I got so behind that it’s ridiculous. I hate missing school. I really need to pick it up.  I never get anything done, no matter how much I do or try to do.

I had to tutor after school. Junior had to get some blood work done. I wanted to go with him, but I couldn’t because I had to tutor. He came back and got me, and then brought me home. He’s way too good for me. I don’t understand him at all. Anyway. I got home around 4:40, I think? Then I ate. Mom made lasagna! After I ate, I did my Pre-cal homework, then started on my Chemistry again. Around 6, Britt and I left to get Junior, drop off a bed, pick up a dresser, and unload the dresser at Mom’s. Junior was a great help! Mom’s friend and her husband were quite impressed with him. Like I said, too good for me.

While we were uptown, we realized that we were almost on empty in the truck. So, we had to get some gas. Naturally, I paid for it. Later on, I brought Junior home.

I’m so sorry, but I’m in such a foul mood. I don’t know how I’ve written this much. I have to end it here. Good night!

-Bre :)

... and lazy is one of them.

Waldon here, I spent all day today in my slippers and pjs. Not a bad way to spend the day I suppose. Although I didn't get to see Bre at all today because she (Sadly :( ) didn't feel like going out, which seriously made me sad and lonely for a good portion of the evening and afternoon, but I suppose I can't get everything I want. It feels weird not seeing Bre on any given day. It's... depressing. I suppose is the best way to describe it.

I didn't really do much today, except for listen to music and write my speech, so that's what I'm going to post here.

"Recently, there has been widespread debate and controversy among, and in, environmental circles as well as public safety offices and the opinions of the common person, about whether it is right to keep designated “wild” animals as pets.  A recent profiling and interview was done of a Canadian man who took home an orphaned squirrel that had lost its mother. The man brought the squirrel to his house and made the area habitable for the squirrel by providing appropriate bedding and food for him. The squirrel grew so attached to the man that it would physically defend him if other animals or people came close that he didn't trust. The man would walk with the squirrel in public, and the squirrel would stay on his shoulder, or in his hood and stay with him. The man would take the squirrel for walks in the park where he would let it roam through the trees, but the squirrel would always come back. Obviously, the squirrel was not an unhappy animal, nor was it unhealthy.

Yet, many groups cite this as abuse because the man did not release the animal back into the habitat it was meant for. One common complaint is raised, all animals should be left to it's wild state and cared enough for so it may continue to survive adequately should it be alone, and not deal with interference by humans. Nature is as nature does, we should not put ourselves in a position to change that. We should not take as pets any animal that is regarded as "Wild" for both safety and morality's sake. By the very reasoning that many environmental groups cite, shouldn't we put most of our domestic dogs and cats back into the wild? As well as all of the birds, the lizards, the fish, even turtles and snakes?

Now, as an answer to this, people will say that those dogs and cats would be unable to provide for themselves once taken out of a domicile environment. In many cases this is not true, I personally know and have seen dogs regularly that have formed or joined packs of their own in the wild and are just as, or more successful than the packs of just wolves in the area. And people all over the globe know of cats that don't have homes that make their living in the streets, alleys or brush.

But to contradict this, think, would you leave any child that is old enough to think rationally and function physically on his or her own to provide his or her own support? No, you would not. In fact, there are dire punishment’s found all across the world for that very crime. Why would you leave a willingly benevolent animal to a much harsher life, if you yourself were willing to provide and care for it? It is morally acceptable to take in any kind of animal that can be or has been previously taken in and raised by humans in a humane manner that does not jeopardize the safety or comfort of the population beyond your own being, that is perfectly reasonable, provided that you can care for the animal adequately, including space requirements and health care.

Obviously trying to tame a fully-grown wild animal will only lead to grief for all involved in almost all cases. But an orphaned young animal should not be left alone, if morality has any say in the matter.

         Throughout history, there have been many recorded instances of people keeping supposedly wild animals as pets. Or even as companions, as such as the term may apply. During WWII the Polish Infantry bought and adopted a bear cub that came to be known as Voytek (Wojtek) the Soldier Bear. He would drink beer, wrestle, smoke and work with the men of the unit by carrying ammunition and supplies. Aren’t bears regarded as some of the most dangerous and temperamental animals? Voytek (Wojtek) lived for almost 22 years in a healthy environment. Like wolves, who even people in our own community have adopted and lived with as companions for as long as everybody I know can remember. These are the supposedly wild animals that are being hurt by our interference. There is a lot of debate being sallied back and forth between all the parties involved, but what it boils down to is care. If we care for our companions, then we are not hurting them. These “wild” animals, have been, still are, and possibly always will be our pets."

My printer wouldn't cooperate to print this beast, so I had to rely on Sandra to print it for me. :P Thanks all, and I suppose I'm done for the night.
Junior JUST said that to me. I take it that the fact that I love the Lord of the Rings is a good thing? This evening, we were actually talking about how I like LOTR because, while we were hanging out last night, we were watching the Return of the King. Naturally, Junior and I were chatting throughout the movie. Every couple of sentences, I would say something like “Oh wait! This is just before Aragorn…” or “Just wait until you see those oliphants!” ( I apologize if I spelt “Oliphant” incorrectly)! He loved it. Apparently it gives a guy “guy cred” if his girlfriend likes LOTR. Cool beans. I can handle that. I told him tonight that he wouldn’t be getting as much attention if we were watching LOTR again. Poor feller.

I also realize that I’m probably making not much … Probably not making much sense right now, because I’m exhausted. Many apologies to whomsoever may read this!

So, today. Today I woke up at around 7:30 and went back to sleep because I realized the time. I’m not getting out of bed that early on a Saturday morning after a rough week in school for NO reason. I woke up later at around 9 ish. I got up, got some of Mom’s macaroni and cheese for breakfast, got a shower, and then played on my iPod with Bryton for a while. We found an app that we could use to make zombies. It’s great! After all of that, I went upstairs with my Chemistry to study and watch tv. I’ve just had such an off day that I sat in my pajamas and studied and watched tv. Oh! I also cuddled with Bryton while watching Jimmy Two Shoes on Teletoon. It was great!

Tonight, I brought Brooke to her friend’s house shortly after six, and picked up Bryton’s friend. Bryton came along for the ride. I then brought he and his friend home for their sleepover. They’re currently upstairs asleep while I do my Saturday night blogging/talking to Junior. I got them home safe and sound and proceeded to Junior’s. We spent part of the night talking and watching the news. Then we spent another part listening to music and talking. The last part of the night we just spent talking. Shortly after 10, Mom called and asked me to pick up Brooke because she wanted to go home. I know exactly how she felt. I never did enjoy sleepovers. I’ve always preferred my own bed, my own blankets, my own pillows, my own sheets, and my Dudley the Dragon to sleep with.

Yeah, that’s right. I sleep with my Dudley the Dragon. EVERY night. Why? Because I love him, that’s why. When I wake up in the middle of the night because of a bad dream and I can’t get to sleep, who can I talk to? Nobody. That’s where Dudley comes in. When I wake up because of a bad dream, I can just cuddle into him and go right back to sleep. So THERE. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

And on that note, I think I’m going to bed. I can’t keep my head up for much longer. Good night!

-Bre :)

Waldon here. Has anybody else ever noticed that if you say the name of any classical music you sound like a prick? xD I love classical. Especially the slow stuff like the Moonlight Sonata, Gymnopedieas,  Air on the G String, Canon in D, as well as my title song above.

So, today has been an odd day. I woke up late, to start it off. I usually have trouble STAYING asleep, not waking up. After that, as I was getting ready for school, mom told me she needed me to deliver something for her on the way to pick up Bre. Which actually sucked, since I was already running short on time. She ALSO decided that I had to call my sister RIGHT NOW to wish her happy birthday. It's not like I can't call in the afternoon. That would just be easy. >.<

Anyways, I picked up Bre and drove to school in time for classes. But wait!

I didn't have classes today. I spent today with my theatre troupe doing workshops. We went to a church in town that was lent to us for use today, and I spent the morning learning about musical theatre and how to do stage makeup.

I actually LOVED the stage makeup course. The instructor was talking to us about how different colors are used for showing up on different faces, about greasepaint and witch hazel. Which I need to get some of, actually. Then he told us about how to apply layers and cover over skin defects with grafts and stuff. Next he let us have free reign on one another for about half an hour. But nobody wanted to paint my face. :(

Then we went to our local college campus' cafeteria for dinner. It was hot dogs, french fries and mashed potatoes. Good enough for me. :P

Then it was back to the church for the afternoon, where we were practicing conveying messages with our bodies instead of just verbally. We were all pretty good at it, if I do say so myself. xD

Our next workshop would have been theatre games, but 3 of the 4 groups weren't there for that, and our director would have been the teacher anyway, so we already knew it all. So instead we spent the next hour and a half or so just being idiots and talking about what we were doing for the talent show tomorrow night. Maybe Bre will tell you tomorrow, maybe not. Who knows? But I'm not telling you what it is until after it's done. ;)

Then, Bre and I spent the afternoon driving around and I bought some truffles and gum. It was a very productive afternoon, if I do say so myself.

After supper, Bre came over and we watched The Return of the King. Bre is absolutely amazing. She knew the whole movie off by heart, and she's the only girl I've ever met that knows the books as well as, or better than, I do. :)

Now, I've been feeling like crap all day because of some very odd sensation in my head. For lack of a better description... It felt like there was a trout in my skull. Yes. A trout. In my skull.

I cannot explain it any more than that. It just simply was.

A few minutes ago, I felt a huge pressure behind my nose... I bent my head, waited for the pressure to go, and then suddenly... It was. :S I looked down and saw, to my amazement, a small, rubber, squeaky trout. I have one awesome headtrout. :P

Now, after being sodomized by a trout for the past 36 hours or so I feel understandably tired. Soo.... Good night all! :D :P