Waldon here, and here's the second half to that post I promised this morning! I have good news! I got an 84% on my English essay and I found two of my System of a Down CD's! It's great! : D

If you didn't know, the title is from "Revenga" by SOAD by the way. :P

Today was another school day, sadly. It seems that lately, school is taking up all of my time. Like, all of it. I'm usually doing homework until about 1 in the morning, and then I'm trying to fall asleep for at least another hour or two. But! I did manage to get my English essay (Not the one I got the mark for) done during my three hour break this afternoon! : D I love it. Friday is my one day with a more than one hour break. :P Bre and I only have one lunch break together, and that's on Friday. :( I usually spend lunch by myself. Actually, I spend most breaks by myself. Man, that's depressing. And lonely. :P

I spent this evening at Bre's house with her while she watched her brother and sister. She's always giving up her nights to do that for her mom, cause she's nice like that. :) I wouldn't have the patience for it, personally. xD I tend to be an authoritarian whenever I'm in charge. :P Either it's my way, or the punch-in-the-larynx way. xD Anyways, we watched a couple movies, "Gnomeo and Juliet", and "Megamind". :P I liked them both, actually. Megamind made me laugh out loud a few times. There's enough subtle jokes for it to appeal to an older audience, and enough rock that I can listen to it without cringing after the third generic pop insert. :P

So, I just looked at the date at this post and I was seriously confused. Because I knew I had posted that last post this morning, but somehow it was all of a sudden a day later! Like, how? Did I lose track of an entire day somewhere?  After a minute or two of panic, I realized something very basic; it is past midnight. Now, it's not often I make a mistake like that. I tend to be the that's so grounded in reality that everything is just incredibly silly. I've gotten so serious that I've crossed back over into silly. I'm just that cool. :P

Well, I guess I'll go to bed. I'm too hungry to stay up much longer. xD Good night all! :D




Waldon here, and things have been hectic. I've been neglecting the blog to make time, and frankly? That distresses me. I'm terribly sorry!

Anyway, I suppose I'll finally get around to writing a blog, eh?

It's actually not evening yet, but I just noticed my lapses about a minute ago, and so I decided to post anyway. Yeah, so I've been getting my marks back on my tests and labs I've been doing over the past few weeks, and almost all of my marks have been below 65 - 70%. I don't like this at all. I'm close to failing everything, and I can't let that happen. I had an average of 89% last year, so this isn't acceptable.

Odd. It's been like, over a week and I don't even know what to say. :S Well, yesterday I bought Bre some Sweetarts because she was craving? xD Oh! And I drew some stuff! Yeah!

For the life of me, I can't remember what.

Maybe I'm just having a morning mind fart?

I think I should go back to bed lol, if this is what's happening now, class in an hour is going to be brutal. xD

Good... morning?.... all! I'll try posting again tonight!

If I can actually remember.
Happy Belated Thankgiving, first of all! It's been a bad few days for posts so we didn't get to say it! I hope eveyone gained five pounds. :)

Just a quick recap: this weekend was a long weekend. It wasn't long enough. I finished several assignments, but not all of them. Poor Junior was stressed out. I THINK I babysat twice? But I don't really remember. The entire weekend felt hectic even though nothing really went on.

Because we had yesterday (Monday) off, today felt like Monday. It was AWFUL. Terrible! I kept thinking that I had school until 4:30, when in reality I was out at 2:30. Such confusion! On the plus side, I think I got everything done that needed to be done? Math assignment passed in, Chem question passed in, Chem lab passed in, Chem pre-lab passed in a day early, Physics question passed in, and English story read. Not too shabby. It's a good thing that I read the English story last night! Tony popped a quiz on us in today's class. Five questions - four multiple choice and a VERY short short answer - to see if we had actually read the story. I think I'll do okay?

Junior's been having a rough day. He got two tests back and had to pass in a bunch of stuff. He's been so stressed out! I haven't been able to help at all. SO! On the way home this evening (Britt and I picked up Dad's truck and brought it back to his house because he's out of town), I asked Mom to do through Tim Horton's drive thru to pick up something for Junior. I gave her the money and she got the stuff (that sounds awful!), then we went by the school so that I could put it in Junior's truck. He had a lab until 7:30. I know it didn't help him much, but I hope the thought made him feel a little better?

Oh yeah, after school today, I went to the optometrist. I've been having a lot of headaches lately and I wanted to know if it was because of my glasses perscription or the fluorescent lights at school. It turns out that my vision has changed only slightly in my right eye. This change is not enough to be giving me headaches. Great.

This evening has been grand! I watched Star Trek Voyager and drank some tea after supper. That was simply the best form of procrastination that I've found to date. Sadly, at the end of the show, it was the end of the show. That makes sense, right? I then had to do my Physics assignment. I got most of it done! I just have to ask about a couple of things tomorrow. After this I have to do my essay. . .

Okay, enough procrastination! I'll do my essay now.
Hey! I'm not even going to apologize for my lack of posts because its getting old. You can only do it so much before it means nothing. And so! Junior and i have been really busy lately and we haven't had time to do much other than school work. It kind of REALLY sucks.

Oh! Although I'm writing this post, I'm not actually writing it. At the moment, I'm typing this in an email to Junior for him to post for me. I don't want to turn my computer on and I think he already has his out, so this just might work.

This week has been really hectic. I had three tests, two labs, and several assignments due. I did well on my physics test! I was elated! Yes, elated. Tony used that word today and it stuck with me. I thought I could go through today without getting any homework to do over the long weekend, but i was wrong! Today I was assigned a LOT of work. Oh well. Junior and I are going to get together sometime to do it all.

Tonight I babysat Brooke and Bryton. We went to Tim Horton's, where we met up with Junior. It was okay. Otherwise, nothing has really happened today.

Oh! A big "thank you" to Junior for posting this for me! <3

I think I need to stop writing now because I'm falling asleep. Good night!

-Bre :)

Sent from my iPhone

Waldon here, and tonight I've got a little bit of free time, so I thought I'd ask something new; What did you all think you would be when you grew up? I don't really need an answer, but just think about it.

When I was young, I was just like everybody else. I wanted to be an astronaut. :P I spent hours thinking about how cool it would be in space! But then I really got into the whole fantasy genre. Yeah, Knighthood is where it's at. I was dead set to be a knight for a while, no joke.

But, then I thought about how much good a knight could do today. Not much, really. I mean, jousting is awesome. There's no other way to describe it. There is NO problem on earth that can't be solved with a good solid lance. Got a raucous party next door? Joust it. An annoying friend that won't leave you alone? Joust them. Need to find the number of atoms in a 14g sample of Carbon?

Yeah, you guessed it.

But, I thought about it some more, and I came to the conclusion that too many people would take it the wrong way if I started wearing a suit of armor and righting wrongs. Even IF it's totally awesome.

So then I thought about the army. For quite a while the notion had been in my head that I could join the army and start making a difference. I could put my life out for my country, for my friends and family and for everything that I love. I would be able to stand tall and proud, wear the colors with dignity. I wanted to be a foot soldier. I wanted to experience everything face to face, and work my way up through the chain of command, to a position where I would be able to help people all over the world.

I couldn't. Diabetes is too debilitating for that. I'm not eligible to serve. That takes the RCMP,  and the police force out of the options as well. I would never get to serve, I found. It was a depressing day when I heard that.

But, then I thought about it. I can still make a real difference, I just need to do it in a different way. That's when I started thinking deeply about what I wanted. I wanted something that would affect people all over the world, I wanted to help this generation, and generations after, with living. With life. I knew I wasn't smart enough to be a doctor. I haven't got the perseverance to stick with such a long program, or the spine to know I hold a humans life in my hands.

So, I started thinking about the ecosystem. About Life. About Biology. I've always loved animals. Anybody that knows me would know that. I love everything to do with life, and what creates it. What better way to help this world, than to make sure that it's still around for us to love in the future?

My father is a forest fire fighter and a forest ranger. My grandfather is a forestry ranger as well, and a forest fire fighter in his prime. My family has roots in the forest. I want to be a part of studying life, and helping it grow.

What about you?

What do you want?

There is no reason you'll ever have to give up what you want. Just sometimes, you need to change the way you get it. I wanted to help people, and I am. Just not how I thought I would be.

Never let society tell you that what you want to do with yourself is impossible. If you want to be a florist or a painter, or a musician or a mathematician, the only thing stopping you from reaching some sort of conclusion with your goal is your resourcefulness. Maybe you haven't got the dexterity to play guitar? Try working as a Sound Technician. You haven't got the patience for Math? How about trying something with logical parallels? Designing electronics or buildings? Maybe you wont be exactly what you thought you'd be, but you'll still be what you wanted.

So, I suppose my rant is over for the night? Good night all!
Waldon here, and tonight's title is from the song Paralyzer by Finger Eleven because it reminded me of a section of The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy, where Arthur is on a giant flying party.

Yeah. I'm nerdy like that. :P

I really don't have time to write a good blog tonight guys, I'm sorry. I have two HUGE assignments due tomorrow that I've been trying really hard to finish, but just haven't been able to. I'll be working at those for the rest of the night. Everything is just stressing me out lately, and hopefully this will all resolve itself soon. If anybody has gotten the brunt of my stress, I apologize profusely. >.<

So, with all due condolences, I bid you adieu! :)
Hey! Bre here. Tonight's title comes from a favourite song of mine, "Bad Day" by Daniel Powter. To be honest, it's the only song by him that I've ever heard. I've never bothered to look up any others. So, why choose this lyric? Because I had a bad day, obviously. Well, it wasn't all bad. It just started horribly. It all started when I woke up . . .

I woke up with my alarm as usual and stayed in bed for a while. Again, I didn't sleep well. Three or four bad sleeps in a row is enough to set me on edge for days. After my shower, I wasn't fit to look at. On top of not sleeping well, I have been having crippling headaches and I've injured my wrist. None of this waes helping my mood. Before I left, Mom gave me some Aleve for the pain and told me to take some Ibuprofen at lunch if it wasn't better. It wasn't better. But I didn't take anything because nothing was working.

So, school. Nothing terribly exciting went on. I got a Math assignment (due Wednesday). I have a Psych test on Thursday, a Chem test on Friday, and an English essay due next Thursday. We were going to have our Physics test today but that got changed (AGAIN) to Wednesday. It WAS last Friday, but it was moved to today. When we all went in to write it today (I was completely ready! I did my assignment and everything to study, and I was ready to ask Ranjan about the last question!) I was the only one that was aware that the most recent assignment would be on the test. Wow. Ranjan just smiled at me and said that the test would be on Wednesday. GAH.

This afternoon was long. It dragged on. I got home, ate supper, then started at my Math. I got most of it done, left out what I was stuck on, and moved on to my Physics. I finished my last question, then did some Chem organizing. Now, it's twenty to ten and I'm exhausted. At the moment I'm talking to Junior on the phone, sort of helping him with his Math, but he's not really doing much Math. :P

And I'm done. (><)  Good night!

- Bre :)

Waldon here, and I'm, again, offering my most sincere of apologies for missing another update. >.<

Yeah, so I've got a hospital appointment tomorrow at 2 30, and another on Tuesday at 9 30. Its going to be a bad two days for classwork. :S

So, what are you all up to? Cause all I'm doing is listening to music. :P Thank god for music. Did you know that there are theories starting to circulate now after a dormancy of a long, long period of time (the time of Charles Darwin) that humans used music before they used language? That music is how we used to communicate and pass on information, akin to how a bee dances to show where resources are found. Music, as Darwin saw it (if I'm understanding correctly) was a way for humans to gauge our sexual attraction to each other. As closely liked things like music and dance tend to be, they tend to be central to each other and good health. In order to dance, you must be fit, in order to play music or sing you must be dextrous and skillful. All of which are desirable traits in a human being. Playing a guitar or keeping a beat on the most primitive of instruments, i.e. a drum, creates a bond, a connection.

But, that isn't to say that if you listen to a man sing or a male player making beautiful sounds, as a man, that you are attracted to him. It might just be our instincts bonding us together on a primitive level. If we used to use it to communicate between bands and tribes of humans, could that not have carried through our genes? A sort of selective audio trigger for survival? If the human who sung well was fitter and we see the singer showing camaraderie, doesn't that mean that we're more likely to survive?

We now see music as commonplace, but before we had anything to record music on the only places we could have heard a piece of music or song was from a live player. Most people couldn't afford that regularly. Church provided this, and we all bonded over our mutual affection of the sound of music and their belief in a superior being.

Doesn't this still serve the same purpose? When we listen to a song which we can relate to our own lives or scenarios we've lived, when we hear a song about a God that some revere, we tend to empathize and associate ourselves with the singer and band. It creates a connection with them. So our bodies may just be reacting to music as a positive force, symbolizing our connection to each other. We get positive feelings from a song reinforcing our own ideas and emotions which in turn makes us feel like we're part of a larger whole.

I believe I've talked about this very thing before. How many of the people who read this have ever been to a concert where the band goes out of it's way to speak to the audience? I'll use hard rock and heavy metal now because I'm most familiar with it, but I'm sure they're not the only genres with this feeling. When you're part of a great crowd and you're all singing along with the band screaming out their emblazoned ideas alongside them, which knowing metal and rock is generally about unfairness and breaking oppression, you feel like you understand and being in a crowd of that size brings out the base emotions. In other words, a Mob Mentality.

But this isn't a violent state contrary to popular belief, it's a passionate one. Like feeling part of a greater whole like in church or within a group of friends singing together around a stereo on a car trip. Take the song "Die for Metal" by Manowar as an example of this very thing. Listen to it before reading on if you want, you might understand what I'm trying to convey.

The point that I'm trying to make with this long diatribe is that music is a part of us. An essential part of human culture and survival. It allows us to connect with each other, it allows us to talk to each other and comfort each other. Music, dancing, singing, moving, this is life.

I'm afraid I'm not very good at this whole "Explaining Theorem" thing. :P

I mean, if I was, I'd start talking about how music translated over into literature... which doesn't even have a defined defi

Anyways. I worked on my math today! :D I got Part A of my math assignment finished, thanks to Bre. :) <3 Thank god too. I had no idea what I was doing wrong with most of it. >.< I spent most of the afternoon at her house with her, and I think I got more done there than I did all week on my own. :P

So, Back to school tomorrow morning. I suppose I'll try not to bore you all again sometime soon? :P Good night all!