Yes. Waldon!

Bre asked me to fill in for her tonight, but I'm feeling kind of sick too! I just finished re-scanning in all of my pictures AGAIN. My god, I hope this process becomes easier the more you do it, this is so tedious I'm almost falling down sitting here. xD

I wasn't reckoning on doing the blog tonight, so I really don't have much to say. O.o I've decided to go to bed early tonight, hopefully I'll be able to fall asleep before the sun starts coming up again. >.< I hate insomnia. :(

So, today I mostly just sat around the house, playing Oblivion xD And that isn't nearly as exciting to the rest of you as it is to me, so I guess I won't go into detail about that. :P

Although, there was a break in all the tediousness today when Bre asked me to go to Tim's for lunch! I was ecstatic! I hopped in the truck and on I went! It was a great time. :) But Bre had to go back to work before too long, so sadly we had to cut it short and go our separate ways for the day. :(

Now, Bre seems to be preoccupied this evening. I suppose it's just her being sick? But I know I'm waiting for about 15 or 20 minutes between texts, and that's kind of making me really worry about her/annoyed. :S I have the bad habit of treating text conversations like real conversations, and that tends to make me somewhat of a grumpy guy at times xD Does anybody else do that? :P I hope so. I don't want to be the one guy to think like that..

Anyway, I think I'm going to go on to bed now, I'm exhausted. Good night all!
.... I will always regret doubting how much work webcartoonists have to go through to get their stuff online. O.o

Waldon here, and I guess you can tell my big amazing blog isn't coming around just yet. >.< It took hours, upon hours to finish what very little I DO have, simply because I did it wrong the first time and had to redo it all again. So, I've got the inking of it done, and now I'm working on scanning it all in the computer and editing it.

Luckily, I saved a (very) depressing short story to post on here for just such an occasion.

I'll put that up after a quick word or two about my day. :)

Today I was on call all day, so I didn't work, so I dropped off some papers in the afternoon, played oblivion, worked on the "blog" and ate supper. Then I went to the store with Bre, then to her Nan's house where we played the card game Golf for an hour or so. :P It was fun! :D

Then, I came home and worked on the "Blog" again. >.<

So, here's that short story, along with all my condolences!

[Pre Story Note!
This is NOT Non-fiction. None of this story is real!]


    A long, long time ago when I was still a knee-high bean of a boy, I had a person who was very important to me pass away. He was everything I wanted to be. He was kind, hardworking, smart and artistic… He was my hero. He was my Grandfather.

I miss my Poppy.

            My grandfather wasn’t a very imposing man by any means. He was only up to where my shoulder would be now. He was balding with bright white hair and crinkled up eyes that shone like light whenever he opened them too wide.

            He had breathing problems and heart problems and a few other problems too. Whenever he got back home from his work, I would run to his breathing machine with those big funny looking pleated tubes and frantically get the machine ready as he counted down from ten. Just as he reached zero, I would shout out “blast off!” and turn on the machine. Then he would put those two tubes up his nose. I would always laugh, and he would smile at me with his kind, wise, old eyes.

            We would go for walks around the yard sometimes. My Poppy would make sure he put his hat on every time we went out, no matter how hot it was. He would look at me dead on in the eyes and place his hat right on top of his head, and slowly twist it just a little bit to the right. To “lock it” he said. So, of course that’s what I would do. I would copy every little thing he did and slowly and carefully place my hat on my head, and “lock it”. Of course, I could never do it as well as he could so he would gently and patiently fix it for me and off we would go. We’d step out the front door and right away he would put his two hands behind his age-bent back and slowly shuffle around lifting his feet as high as he was capable of. With all of his joints the way they were it’s amazing he could walk at all. I, of course, would try to copy his every move, and slowly waddle along with my hands behind my back.

            Of course, in school I was never one of the popular kids. So if I ever had a hard day, I would come and tell my Poppy. He would pick me up, and place me down on his knee and right there in front of my wide eyes he would pick up his worn out pencil and a piece of blank paper. There he would stare for a minute… and start drawing up this great big moose for me. And over the many too many years since, I’ve never seen anything quite so wondrous as that. I’ve never been more amazed in my life, as when he showed me that beautiful picture of that big moose.

            I miss my Poppy.

            Poppy was an entrepreneur. He worked hard his whole life right up till the day he died at the ripe age of seventy-one. He made his own business and made a name for himself. Lord, I was so proud of my Poppy. He started off working by renting a part of a building on the other side of town and basing his business from there. Over many years, he worked his way up to getting a full building of his own, eventually two, and then three. To this day, those three buildings are in the family.

            He was proud of what he’d done. He was a hardworking man, and worked his way to the top. But he was still my kind Poppy. When he got a shipment of business cards in that he found more than amazing, he gave one to me, and told me, “This is my place here. Don’t lose this card now, it’s got my number on it!” I know it’s nothing prosaic like you were expecting, but it’s what he said and I took it to heart.

            I’ve still got that card. It’s never left my wallet.

            Has anybody else ever realized that they never appreciate what they’ve got, until it’s gone?

            I was still very young when that lesson started to barge it’s way into my life. In our school, you would get home from classes for the day at around eleven thirty AM. So, of course that meant I was just in time to come back and watch the daily cartoons that I loved so much. But Poppy would come home right in the middle of my shows, and I would be forced to go find something else to do. My young mind started to get angry before Poppy even came home.

            Finally, in the Spring of my seventh year of life, I’d had enough. Of course, I was a big kid! I knew what I was talking about. I freaked out! I had a fit!

            I told my god-blessed, kind, wonderful, loving, old Poppy that I hated him.

            Mom came and picked me up, and I went home where I was scolded and told what I’d done wrong. I didn’t care. Why would I? I was sure what I thought was right. I said that I meant what I’d said that I would never take it back. My infantile mind vowed it. I kept to that vow.

            I’ve never regretted anything more than that day, that vow.

            I was at my grandparent’s house every day that week. Steadily staying away from Poppy. I was sure I was right. Everybody would apologize to me when they realized that. Why couldn’t I have figured out how stupid I was earlier?

            Less than a week after those stupid, ignorant words… my Poppy was dead.

            It was one evening at home when my father came to see my sister and I. He wasn’t home much, but when he was he was always joking with us. So when he looked at us and said, “I’ve got bad news guys… your Poppy is dead.” We didn’t believe him. We yelled at him and cried. It didn’t bring him back to life.

            They cleaned Poppy up, and got him ready for his funeral. I wasn’t allowed to go to see him at the morgue. Then they buried him. He was put underneath the large White Spruce in the graveyard, next to my late Aunt and her Daughter. He was with family.

            I missed my Poppy.

            About a week later, we were going through his things and my Mother looked in his wallet. My Mom found two pictures of me underneath Poppy’s own. I was his pride and joy. He told his friends about me, she said. Look at what I had repaid that with. I might as well have been the one to kill him for all the pain he must have felt from my words, my ignorance.

            I carried those pictures with me until they fell apart.

            I still go to the graveyard every year on his birthday and leave him a single flower. He used to love nature. I think he’d like it. I never apologized to that kind, hard-working, artistic old man… and I’ll live with that guilt until the day I die. Maybe he knows that I’m sorry. Maybe he doesn’t. I’ll never know. Maybe he’ll get to read this, up there in heaven.

            I love my Poppy.

Waldon here, and I'm actually working on the blog right now...

But it's unfinished and very unlikely to be finished within the next 3 hours or so. :P

Personally, I want to go to bed, so I'm going to finish the blog tomorrow morning and post it then, that cool?

Yeah, thought so. Night guys!

Tuesday - 12th July
EDIT: Holy cow! I've been at this for hours, and it's not even mostly done! And there are people who do this stuff for a living! You'll see what I'm talking about soon, I guess... If it's not up by tonight, I'll write another blog and put that up instead! O_O
Tonight, I thought I'd write the blog the same way that I wrote my Facebook status today. Mind you, I hardly ever go on Facebook but the mood struck and I HAD to update my Facebook status. At the time I was walking to my Nan and Pop's house for a visit. What did I do? I went on Safari on my phone and updated my status. What was my status? "Breanna Elizabeth is checking her Facebook while walking down the road. (O_O)" AWESOME status if I do say so myself.

Right now, I am at Junior's house. I was going to write this earlier but we started watching Wallace and Gromit : the Curse of the Were Rabbit then League of Super Evil . . . So I didn't write it. Dang tv. Other than that, nothing has really happened tonight. Well, since I got here. Talking and such between the ridiculous antics of Wallace and Gromit, and Doomageddon and co.

I have to leave in five minutes so this is probably going to be rather short.

I woke up around 9 or so this morning. Mom and them went to Tim Horton's this morning but I was too tired to go. I didn't actually do much. I ate, helped Mom clean up a bit, didn't get a shower until about 1:30, and I didn't leave the house until 2:30. This afternoon, I hung out with Nan at her house, and we visited her friend at the hospital. She dropped me off at Mom's for supper. I ATE THE BEST POTATOES EVER.  : D

After supper, Britt and I went to Dad's for a bit and hung out there. Her friend Benjamin came in today, so he went to the movie with Britt, Dad, and Mandy. When Benjamin got there, I was already on my way here.

Now I'm up to date! And I have to go! WOOT, right on time. Junior will probably talk about his ridiculously fun diabetic campaigning tomorrow. It sounded like it was a blast! : D

Okay. Good night!

- Bre : )
Waldon, and tonight's title comes from an older song which many of you might know called "Headstrong" by Trapt. I absolutely love the sound of it. I think it's the constant repetition of that incredible hard rock riff in the chorus.

I just got the chance just now to read Bre's post for the first time today. I'm so sorry it took me so long Bre! >.<

I've been trying for a VERY long time to get Bre to go swimming with me :P In fact, I invited her to my birthday party in grade 8 at the swimming pool and she never even came! Bitter? Me? Nah. Of course not, where did you get THAT idea? xD

See, if I'd known all I needed was a horde of french children to get Bre to go swimming, then I'd practically be a francophone by now. ;)

I actually love swimming lol. And anybody who's my size will probably understand why. It's so amazing to just drift in the water feeling weightless. When I stand, I can actually feel my weight pushing me down. xD I'm about 230 pounds right now and about 5'11" to 6' tall. I think I'm 60 pounds or so overweight?

As Bre said, I was working yesterday and today. I work on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Although I'm scheduled as On Call for Tuesdays and Wednesdays, there's a shortage of available jobs for us right now for a couple federal related reasons. :P

At work right now I'm mostly washing dishes. No joke. I'm working at a greenhouse and I'm washing dishes. Oh well. I've done about 14 hours of washing dishes (not including sitting down and rinsing the dirt off before washing - which is another 12 hours or so) because only two other people in our entire work are willing to help with it. It sucks. One of them is only part time and the other has more important jobs to finish first. But this needs to be done, and if nobody else will do it, that means I do it. I always end up doing what needs to be done. :P

I've been really "off" feeling the past few days. :S Everything feels like it's skewed... Not physically, but mentally. Everything I do just seems weird! Like I'm doing it all WRONG, and I know it but everybody else thinks it's right... does that make sense? xD And everybody ELSE seem like they're mad at me or something. :P

So, I'm kind of running out of things to talk about... so... Good night all!
Good morning! I didn't post last night because I was too tired, so I promised Junior that I'd do it this morning sometime. I figured since I've been up for two hours already I should stop slacking and actually write something.

This morning's title comes from what I ate for breakfast. I got out of bed a little before nine and came out to the kitchen. Because I stayed at Dad's last night, I came out to see Mandy. She had just finished her coffee so I asked her if she wanted to eat some breakfast. We agreed on some cereal and went outside to eat (it's so nice out!). I chose to eat some chocolate Rice Krispies. THEY'RE SO DARN GOOD. If you haven't tried them, you should. They don't have too much cocoa in them, and they don't turn your milk into chocolate milk. I was quite impressed! As I usually do with Rice Krispies, I ate two bowls full. They aren't very filling so you kind of have to. That, and I just love chocolate.

Yesterday was all right. Work was "good" in the morning. Tawès' little girl is teething so she had to stay home with her. She came in at about 10:30 and we watched a movie with the kids. Everyone got some ice cream because it was Friday! : D . In the afternoon, we all went swimming. I had to get in the pool with the kids. Swimming is most definitely NOT one of my favourite things to do. Nevertheless, I had some fun. The kids were all over me! It was so hard to keep an eye on everyone while I was almost being pushed under. At one point I had two on my lap, two hanging off my right arm, one off my left arm, and one under the water grabbing onto my feet trying to hold themself down. It was a learning experience! Oh, I got the chance to wear a bathing suit that I've had for about three years . . . That I don't think I've worn once. : S

Last night, Mom, Bryton, and I went to Nan and Pop's to see Uncle Wayne, Aunt Hertha, Dana and her kids. It was lovely! When Junior got off work, he went home to get Gunner then came to get me. I got him to meet Uncle Wayne and them, teehee. Poor Junior. I kind of force him to meet my family and everytime he wants me to meet his, I sneak away stealthily. ALTHOUGH I did go to his grandparents' house once a couple of weeks ago.

Junior is WAY too patient with me. (><)

Speaking of Junior! He's working today until five or so, so I'm just hanging around until he gets off. I was asked to work at the Lodge tonight but I had to cancel because I got sick. I really don't want to cough on someone's food!

All right. I have water in my ear. And it sucks. I think I'm going to go get a shower and stuff and try to fix my ear. This is maddening. Bye for now!

- Bre : )
Waldon here and I've had this horrible ringing noise playing in my head for the last almost 6 hours and I'm going crazy. Something got jammed in the greenhouse fan at work and it was making this really high pitched ringing noise. The thing wasn't big enough to actually JAM it, just to alter the noise. ARGH.

Enough of that. Hopefully it'll be gone tomorrow morning.

Obviously I was working today. :P I started my shift at 12 PM and worked right until 8 PM. I took my supper break at around 4 30 sometime? Bre was off somewhere when I text her lol, so I spent the break talking with Adam and Steph. :P They're cool people xD Steph is a crazy-eyed little person, but her neurotic side is mostly held back :P And Adam is a classmate of Bre and I's, so he's good people.

Somebody during work today started comparing me to their dad and grandfather. Let me mention now that I detest that. I mean, if you're going to compare me to them, why aren't you with them instead?! It's the same as telling me about how amazing and perfect all your relatives are or bragging about what they've done or own. I mean. Come on. Do you really have to brag about things that you don't even do or own!? ARGH. It just aggravates me. xD

Then, after I got off work Bre and I went for a walk around the bunkers uptown, it was great! :D We went a little while through the bushes and came back to the truck early. There were too many flies around to really enjoy it though. Mosquitoes are evil. I swear to god.

I think they're learning. They avoid my line of site now when they're biting me lol. They go just underneath my arm where I can't twist to see easily. xD

So, I guess I'm done for now lol. The only other thing I've done today is listen to B.B King and play Oblivion. But I like both of those things so much that I think if I started talking about them, I wouldn't be able to stop before I broke some sort of blogging law. Good night everybody!

Good evening all! It's five o'clock here, so I thought I would do the blog. What better time than now? Junior is out for a walk with Gunner and Gladdale tonight and I'm staying home because I'm still sick. Being sick really sucks because : A) I'm sick, B) I can't go out with them, and C) I haven't been to work in two days. Tomorrow I'm going in no matter what (I'll be just fine in the morning) because Tawès (the girl that I'm working with) has been taking care of the kids all by herself with me not there. I feel so bad! Unfortunately, I can't really do anything about it because I can't go in sick.

To the title! Britt is being ever-so-kind and letting me use her computer to do the blog tonight. To be honest, I'm in the bathroom downstairs, with her computer set up on the washing machine. No worries though! She know about it, and the washing machine isn't on. The insides of the computer won't get all rattled about on the inside . . . That's not about the title, is it? Anywho! Britt is really into manga and anime. Two of her favourites are Bleach and Naruto. Every now and then, when she checks for updates, she will come to me with a grand story of what happened in the manga. Naturally, because I don't read them, I have no idea what she's talking about so I just nod and smile and put in the appropriate "Ooohs" and "Aaaahs" and "OHMYGOSHWHYDIDTHEYDOTHATs". Tonight, she told me about Ichigo in Bleach. She was explaining to me something about his powers and then said *the title*. When she said it I had no choice but to look dumbfounded and laugh. I don't even know what she meant! And that's the story behind the title.

Oher than that, nothing really happened today. Like I said, I'm sick. In the past two days I have watched about 15 hours of television. That's more than I've watched in the past six months. I've watched everything from CBC to the Comedy Network to the Family Channel, and I have determined the following: THERE IS NOTHING GOOD ON DURING THE DAY. Personally I think the government is controlling the televsion stations and is preventing them from putting on decent programming in the times that kids are supposed to be in school or at work. What will kids do if they skip off work or something and there's nothing good on tv? They might have to go outside! GASP! And then what will happen? Because it's summertime, they'll get a sun burn because they were too busy complaining about the lack of decent shows on tv to put on sun screen! Then they'll find out that they have a funny-shaped mole on the back of their arm that is actually melanoma that was caused by the sun and ultraviolet radiation! Then they'll have to go to the hospital and have the mole removed, just to find out too late that the cancer has spread to their UVULA.

. . . I'm sorry, I've been cooped up for two days. I've had too much time to think about nothing.

While I'm on the topic, cancer is not a thing to laugh about. People get diagnosed with it all the time and many of them die. To those diagnosed and to the others affected by the diagnosis, it's absolutely terrible. To be honest, there's nothing to laugh about. I'm not an expert or anything and I'm sure I'm probably wrong about stuff, so don't quote me on anything. I've had a few people in my family die of cancer and one of my relatives is currently fighting it off. My cousin is the most positive person that I've ever met, hands down. She's absolutely amazing. She's stayed positive throughout the entire ordeal and I do believe she's on the mend. Much love and happy thoughts to her! (And I think I'll leave Junior the more serious subjects. . . I'm not very good at it).

Oh my! This font makes it look like I've written more than I actually have.  : S

One last note before I go upstairs to supper, I suppose. Today, Junior was a sweetheart and came down to keep me company. We played Scrabble at the kitchen table. He beat me, 240 to 198. Why, you ask? Because I got him 40 points on one turn. Yeah. I'm nice like that. I'm going to beat him next time. (You watch yourself, Junior). After playing Scrabble, we sat on the couch for a few minutes before he had to go look at something for his Mom. While sitting, I complained to him about how much my stomach hurt because of my coughing. I feel like I've been doing crunches/sit-ups for 36 hours straight!

And that's my story. I can't wait to post a blog when I have my wits about me! My brain feels like a lovely jiggly bowl of Jello at the moment. Have a happy evening!

- Bre : )
Waldon here, and before I finish writing this I want to say that this will NOT be as long as my attempted posts. As Bre mentioned, my computer isn't posting the blogs for some reason. I've lost over 3000 written words that I spent hours in total jotting down for this page.

I'm sick of doing things without an discernible outcome (as many of you can relate to xD). So, I guess I'll spend a little bit talking about random stuff, then I'll be done. :P

I'm listening to a bunch of internet radio things right now, and I've been shifting from one program to the other trying to find one that actually amuses me long enough to make it worth keeping.

Whilst listening to one of the earlier ones I was trying out I heard a girl come on the air during that seemingly endless talk show segment between songs that I hate so much. Like, why is that segment THERE? Why can't we just get music all the time!? :P

She was complaining about how she thought that her boyfriend was going to hate her, or get sick of her, or start disliking her and all that jazz because of how she acts and what she does. To my horrified fascination, she managed to keep up that tirade for almost 10 minutes.

But she wasn't done. She then proceeded to talk about how she's unwilling to change... becauseshe's too proud.

Listen, I understand that people don't want to change. In fact, that's something that I always advise people to stay away from. Sure, change is good for people! But making yourself into a different person because somebody can't deal with you is disgusting.

BUT. If you're worried so much about what your boyfriend/girlfriend dislikes about you, because you don't want them to leave you/hate you/pester you...

Then change it.

Talk about it with them, figure out what bothers them precisely, work out a solution. Relationships are work, and you have to make sure you try hard to keep the most important person in your life. Do not complain about how you're afraid they're going to leave you if you're unwilling to do what it takes to KEEP them because of pride.

You decide the cutoff point.

Compromise is the lifeblood of all relationships, people. You have to learn what you're willing to give up or change for your loved ones. Thankfully, the people I love are all smart, thoughtful and reasonable. :)

Remember, acting inconsiderately (even unintentionally) or asking your loved one to choose between you and something/somebody else to see if he/she wants you... really just means that your other doesn't NEED you.

Just... stay smart guys. Be considerate, draw your own personal boundaries but be willing to bend them. Sometimes, things are much more, or less, important than you think they are.

To me, pride is something I'd be willing to give up in a heartbeat for my friends or my family, as well as what and who I love.

    With an almost discernible amount computer related             frustration, and many a magical manly and now                 mellifluous curb stomp to all those who defy me,
                                            -Waldon :D

Good morning to anyone who is reading this! It is currently 10:21 am Atlantic time, and I should be at work! Why am I not at work, you ask? I'm sick. Very sick. I have a really bad head cold. Coughing, sneezing, feeling like I'm going to pass out at any given time... All that jazz. At the moment, I'm sitting on the couch watching Jimmy Two Shoes on tv with Mom. Well, sort of. Mom's getting some breakfast right now, so she's not watching tv at the moment. The only reason I'm writing the blog right now is because Bryton had his computer on the coffee table about two feet away from me and I didn't need to get up to get it! Oh, Mom's back!

Before I forget, we would like to extend our sincerest apologies (AGAIN) to anyone reading this. Junior has been trying to post the blog for the past few days but it hasn't been posting! He's getting really frustrated with it, so I volunteered to write the blog today. I'm not really doing much besides coughing up a lung, so it's okay!

All right. What's been on the go. Well, the weekend was great! On Sunday night, Junior, Gladdale, Jessica and I hung out for a while. We sat around for a few hours, talking and playing video games... Sort of. I was playing Sims 3 and Junior was playing Oblivion while Gladdale talked to us. Jessica came over a little while later, so we just hung out. I eventually got off Sims because I couldn't see straight. So! Gladdale showed me some cool videos from her friends at university. They're great! She showed me a picture of a bear that a girl drew on someone's back for their Winter Carnival (maybe? I'm so sorry! I forget why!). It was draw tribal-like and it was absolutely INCREDIBLE.

SPLICED IS ON. This show is absolutely ridiculous. It's about a bunch of animals (who have had their DNA spliced with other animals) that live on an island in the middle of an ocean. The doctor that made them was taken away, so they're just kind of staying on the island. One of the characters is Two Legs Joe. He's a rhinoceros with only two legs, no arms, and a bird on his butt. The only "regular" animal on the island is a platypus... And that's saying something.

I don't think I make sense today... I'm sorry I can't think straight!

OH GOSH! Yesterday at work, everyone was making butterflies/caterpillars/ bumblebees out of pom poms, pipe cleaners, googly eyes, and glue! Guess what I did! I made Junior a pretty flower and gave it to his when I saw his yesterday evening! I sure hope he liked it. I thought it was just dandy. :) . Speaking of yesterday! After he was done working, Junior came down and kept me company for an hour before going out with Gladdale. I really appreciated that. :)

I should explain the title, shouldn't I? Well, as I said, Spliced is on at the moment. This show is absolutely ridiculous. If you ever get a chance, watch it. You will understand. So! Peri and Entree are pretending to be fairies and they have tricked Princess Ape Ponyhands (I think I only have her name half right) into thinking that they're real fairies. Peri and Entree are taking advantage of her and are getting her to give them stuff because she thinks that they'll do some magic. One of these things was giving Peri shoes. The shoes were "delightfully strappy." I have to say. Those tend to be the best kind.

All right. I think I'm done not making sense for the time being. Bye for now!

- Bre :)