Waldon here. Tonight is the night before both Bre and I's English Midterm. So as such, I won't be writing a very long blog. Actually, a paragraph is about all you're getting. Sorry.

So, today in school I started off with Math first. Which is actually amazing, because I needed at least one more day of review. Many of you will remember that math is my kryptonite. After math I had Nutrition class. Which was basically me sitting down and sleeping sitting up. This was followed by Art, where I painted my mask and then Skilled Trades where my group finished our plumbing module. Finally, I went to World History class, where we started moving desks down to the gym to get ready for exams tomorrow. I carried down 4 or 5? Bre was lucky. Her teacher let her and the rest of her class stay in the classroom. The REST of us did all the lifting. :P After that eventful class, I stayed in after school to recite the script for the play my troupe is putting on.

Anyway, I'm done for the night. I got nothing left to say, nor the time or inclination. Good night everybody!
Waldon here. Has anybody else here (out of the like, 10 of you) that loves rhythm and flow like I do? Yeah, coming from me rhythm sounds odd as a definitive characteristic. I'm pretty random and stuff. I pretty much exist in a transitory state. No one shade for me, I go from the deepest black to the brightest and most luminescent of white. But! I'm random all the time. I've always got something new. In that regard, I'm fairly predictable. I'm the guy that always has a story to tell or a big foolish grin on his face. Bre is always the smart girl who really needs for people to give her a break for once. But, it all changes! Things are always moving and becoming different. There's no one state for the world. It's a world defined by it's very anarchistic nature! The one factor that's always the same is the fact that the world is always changing. Isn't that an idea to ponder over? :P

Well, anyway, along with the blog before I lose the interest of all of you.

Today I had art first period. I love art class. It's pretty relaxed. I got to sit down and do nothing all class and get some needed rest. I've been sleeping like crap for the past while. After art I had Skilled Trades. Same as every day in that class. Also nothing. So, after Skilled trades was Recess and then History. History is one of my favorite classes. My teacher has been doing the course for so long that he hasn't had to look an answer once this year. He knows everything about the course that he can. He loves it. So, because he loves it so much, we all learn nearly everything we need to know in about half the time of everybody else. We spent that class relaxing and reviewing for our exam next week. After History was Music. Music class we spent figuring out what our instruments for our independent assignment will be after Exams. Mine will be a song played solely on the harmonica. I love the sound of the harmonica. It can sound happy or melancholic. It's simple, yet has harmonics so complex it's almost breathtaking. After Music was English. I'm afraid I didn't spend all of English in class, I was taken out of class by my director. My Director in theatre is one of the most incredible men I've ever met. He's done so much, he's always got something to say or a story to tell. He's willing to talk to anybody that's willing to talk to him. He's an amazing character. Myself and another actor in my class left with my director and all the troupe gathered in his classroom and read out our script for the next festival for the first time. We had to go back to class though, and we finished reading it after school.

Thank you for waiting for me after school Bre. That girl decided to wait after school for a ride home with me after my Theatre reading, even though she had a chance to ride home with Ryan. Ryan is a great guy, she probably missed quite the ride. :P And she had to put up with a few sketchy characters in that lobby, all the more to give her props for.

Anyway, I'm pretty much done for the night now. So, Good night everybody!
Tonight’s title comes from the song “The Good Left Undone” by Rise Against, from the album the Sufferer and the Witness. I LOVE that album. It is probably the most played album on my iPod. The song from which the title of this blog is derived is amazing. It is perhaps one of my favorite songs EVER. For anyone who enjoys alternative (well, don’t shoot me if I’m wrong about the genre. That’s just what my iTunes told me!) rock, please listen to it. You won’t regret it.

So, I’m going to have to cut this one short because I need sleep. I haven’t been sleeping too well the past few days and exams are coming up, so I need to start sleeping well or else I won’t do well on my exams! OHNO. If I don’t do well on my exams, Junior will never hear the end of it. So, for Junior’s sake, I should try to sleep well.

The most exciting part of my day was going to Art Club this afternoon. It was, as usual, AWESOME. Junior, Robyn, Noelle, Ms. Edmunds, and I all sat around and talked for the entire hour. Noelle was telling us about how she is getting rats for her birthday, and needs to name them. I suggested “Alto.” That just seems like a rat name to me! Ms. Edmunds was playing Plants vs. Zombieson her iPad. That game looked incredible. Noelle said that she has/had it for her computer, and Junior agreed that it was an awesome game. Excellent. Robyn was being herself… MEANING AMAZING. Gosh, I love her. She’s so mellow and relaxed. Talking to her just puts me in such a good mood, it’s ridiculous. :)

Now, as for Junior, he discovered something today. He’s secretly a dragon. Well, I was surprised and alarmed. If he’s a dragon, that means that I have to walk on egg shells from now on because I might get burnt.  Anywho. I can’t really explain it. I’ll ask Junior to tomorrow,

UGH, my apologies, but tonight I’m just not feeling it. I can hardly keep my eyes open! I’ll write a decent blog another day. Good night for now, though!

-          Bre :)

Waldon here and I have no idea what to write tonight for the blog. I guess I'll just do a quick recap of the day? Isn't it great that the use the blog was intended for doesn't cross my mind until all other options are gone?

Well, this morning I woke up late. It was at 7 36 when I actually opened my eyes. Thank god Bre texted me, otherwise I probably wouldnt have been up until 8. That would have been very bad. Anyway, from there I went on to school. I had English first period today which is awesome. We spent the whole period looking at visuals and identifying stuff about them. I may not be able to do math, but I know my stuff when it comes to art. THAT I can handle.

After English we had Math. Bre is in my math so it's not as bad as it could be I guess. We did examples and had some work assigned. Nothing else to report, aside from the mind numbing monotony of math class.

After math, Nutrition. All well and good really. We watched a movie on Child Advertising. Did you know there's a book called "Consuming Kids" and it's about marketing to children? I think it's false advertising, myself. I also sketched out a small picture about me being a wizard.

I've never been much of a real "artist" per se. I'd love to be able to do the stuff that many of the more professional artists do, but I just don't have the drive to do it. 5 minute doodles with a mechanical pencil's, sure. :P

Lunchtime was great, Bre and I went to the Math Help Center, I told a few stories, we chatted with people all lunch. Sandra and Robyn being two of said people, they make me laugh. :D

After lunch I had art class, where I finally finished off my mask that I was working on. It looks like a venetian Doctors mask. You know? Long beak and half a face? That sort of deal? Its fun.

Then I had Skilled Trades class. We were working on our module for this session, which is Plumbing, installing a toilet. But partway through the class I felt really odd, and there was a pain in my left side. I felt around there, and lo and behold, my insulin pump site was falling apart. This isn't the first time it's happened, but it's not common by any stretch of the imagination. So the tube that was under my skin wasn't quite OUT of my body, but it was close. I left class early and drove home.

I have to apologize to Bre here. I try and make it a habit to see her as much as possible, but since I left early today I didn't get a chance to see her before she had to tutor. Please forgive me Bre, I'll try to not let it happen again.

Yeah, so I then spent the night at home. I didn't even walk my dog tonight because I felt so weird. My sugars have been all over the place. I've got dead space on my left side, which most definitely didn't help the pump site problem. So I've been up and down all evening. On the bright side, I drew a dragon. Which is were the title comes from. :P

So, I haven't done anything else really important tonight, and Bre is on msn. So I think I'll go chat with her for a few more hours and go to bed. Good night All!

Okay. Sadly, the title isn’t an exact quote from Britt, but it’s about as close as I can get it without having to go see her and anger her. So! Here is the anti-quote from Britt. This afternoon, Britt and I were getting ready to run some errands for Mom because she’s been sick, when Britt said this. I don’t know what was wrong with her, but she was dancing around and saying some VERY odd things while I was brushing my teeth. Then, she paused. When Britt pauses, you can expect her to say ANYTHING. So, she paused and said very thoughtfully (or something like this), “If you wear black and look big, then you’re just big.” That was it for me. I laughed so hard I thought toothpaste was going to go up my nose. That was hilarious and unpleasant at the same time.

As you can probably tell, this weekend has been odd. Mom’s been sick the past few days so I’ve been doing the housework and Britt has been taking care of the kids (to some extent). I’ve been to the store a couple of times to pick up some groceries, I’ve dropped off the kids at Nan and Pop’s, I’ve gotten gas for the truck. Holy cow. Britt and I went to the store today to pick up some stuff after visiting Nan and Pop. After that, we went home to drop off the groceries then went to Dad’s. I stayed for a bit then went to Junior’s. We studied Math this afternoon, haha. Other than all of that, I haven’t done that much. I’m going to study some more Math now soon because I love Math… I mean… Exams are coming up and I need to review. Yeah. That’s it.

Oh! Time for an exciting story regarding events that took place yesterday! When I woke up yesterday morning, I started on some housework. I did some laundry, some dishes, swept the kitchen, and cleaned the bathroom downstairs. While I was cleaning the bathroom, Nan showed up! Nan was up talking to Mom for a bit, then she left. I continued to clean the bathroom, like I would, and didn’t leave until Britt came down and said that Nan needed me. I was SO confused because Nan had left a few minutes previous. It turns out that she had only gone around the corner and up the road when her truck broke down! GASP! Up I got and put on some pants… That sounds horrible. I changed from my pajamas to my jeans and got in our truck with Nan. I drove her to her truck then went to get Pop. Pop had a tow hitch all ready when I got there, so he hopped in and we went to rescue Nan. When we arrived at our destination, Pop hopped out and started getting the tow hitch ready while I backed into the nearest driveway and turned around. I backed up to their truck and waited for instructions. Nan hopped in my truck and warmed up while Pop got their truck ready. When it was ready, Nan got into the driver’s seat of our truck and towed their truck (with Pop driving theirs) back to their house.  Then I went home.

And thus is the story of the broken down vehicle!

Oh, last thing. I installed Sims 3 on my computer again. WOOT. Junior came over to Dad’s last night while Britt and I were there, so he and I made me an account. He was such a wonderful help when I was making my Sim. As I said, he stares at me more than I stare at me, so he could make a better me Sim than I could.

Hehe. And on that note, good night !

-          Bre :)
Waldon here and I think I'll share my thoughts on the "extinction" of the dinosaurs.

I want you to picture something. An earth from a billion years ago. Lush forests and great trees that reach high above and touch the very heavens above. But, this changes! It becomes evident that soon there will be a change; all will soon know. For it will soon be announced by it's deathly herald: a sky filled with light and fire! Now with only minutes to spare the massive heads of thousands, millions, of reptilian heads raise above the ground. Now, you think to yourself, the great light and flaming death from the cold space above will shatter on contact with the earth and raise clouds of dust and dirt that will cloud the sun, blot out the moon and stars and destroy the world as it was known for millions of years. Beginning the ushering of a new ice age.

You would be wrong.

As those heads raised above the trees, a pair of great yellow eyes stared balefully at the incoming murder. It knew. The great beast had grown strong and tall on instinct alone, and yet it knew what was coming in the very depths of it's minuscule mind. And understanding dawned! The great reptiles all knew what they must do, what their call will be! The real reason that they had become the kings and queens of the earth and sea. Against the fire filled backdrop of the falling sun stood a single shape. A shape known as regal to all that saw it, a shape that filled every eye and mind with nothing but fear and awe; The Tyrannosaurus Rex. You see it's strong brows, strong enough to break diamond along it's planes, the strong legs tensing, and great teeth grinding as it turned its terrible eyes toward the great voyager before it... and spoke in a voice deeper than we can ever comprehend, maybe not even in a voice! Just a thought so strong that all across the great continent it was embedded in the mind of every living thing!

"Now mammals, you are small and weak. We are doomed, but we will fall for you to stand. Flee the burning!"

Yes. Yes, I'm sure you shuddered as you read this. It was a memory embedded into the very genetics of our being. A code added to our DNA that even now remembers the sacrifice made for us. But a sacrifice for what? You ask. There was nothing to fight! I beg to differ. You see, that was no normal asteroid. You know where I'm going with this.

That asteroid was a ship! A vessel from the deep cold sent here for some unearthly and horrible reason that we cannot comprehend, but we all fear. Oh, you laugh! But what do you know? Oh, I know. I know everything about this. Do not doubt my words, heathen.  On that rock there were Others. Others that wanted to steal the very life and soul from this planet!

The great Dinosaurs knew this! They had no way of knowing, but when They came close, the great Dinosaurs felt it deep in their beings, what they were meant to do! Maybe it was some purpose instilled in them from some great Being Above, who knows?, maybe it was some sudden parallel evolution brought by the circumstances around them that gave them their first, and last, noble thought- but without that chance that they gave us, the freedom those great beasts fought for, we would all have been destroyed before we even began!

Now, the battle was great. Led in their charge by the most noble King of Reptilians, The T-Rex, the Dinosaurs all gathered. Predators and Prey. Hunters and Hunted. All differences cast aside now in the most important of times. Again, the King raised his head, and all did bow and listen before him . . .

"My brothers, my sisters, we are a dying breed."

There was no stir among the great assembly before him.

"We know of what will come soon. We know what it will do."

Silent consent from the millions gathered.

"We must save the Small Ones. Our time has come, theirs must come to fulfillment. We know."

All the bowed head's raised. The great yellow eyes of the King turned back towards the falling fire. Suddenly, the world was shaking! The very earth screamed it's protest as the unwholesome Others brought their parasitic decay to the once pure Mother Earth!

"They come! We fight!"

And the thousands, millions, nay, billions of Dinosaurs raised to their feet and screamed their defiance! The sound reverberated off the the very sky! A sound of their defiance and nobility! As one they turned and walked into the fire and light! The mass of bodies, quickly enveloped by the near supersonic wave of dust and wind, disappeared.

That was the last that any mammal has since set eyes on the great beasts. But some of us know exactly what happened in that infernal conglomeration of dirt and unholy gale, we know. They fought! They fought to their last claw! The Great Fliers! The Regal Herbivores! The Ferocious Carnivores! They all gave their all to holding off the threat from beyond! Who knows how the Tyrannosaurus finally passed on? His once great crown touching the defiled earth touched by the horrid Others. But I think, before his legacy disappeared, he stood on the bodies of the no doubt thousands of defeated enemies before him and looked towards the beginnings of man; and smiled. Smiled his great grin as only a creature with as terrible a maw as his own could.

The dinosaurs were ended that fateful day.

Now, we live in a world where we protect ourselves. Can you not hear it now? The voice of the King? He praises us. We did good, I think.

Anyways... I just wasted at least 10 minutes of your time, with something you probably didn't want to read but expected there to be something worthwhile at the end, that you're never going to get back. Congrats. :P Good night all!
Alas, I have no proper title for tonight’s post because I have no train of thought to follow to actually write the post. Therefore, I am in a bit of a pickle. I’m going to have to pull something out of my totally awesome hat to write about. Let us see… *pulls idea out of hat.* Aha. Just as I thought. Nothing. I have a feeling that this is going to be QUITE short. My sincerest apologies!

Oh, once again referring to the title, I dislike it when people say in a conversation, “Oh em gee.” My brother did it once, the poor feller. This was our conversation:

Bryton: Oh em gee.

Me: Bryton, PLEASE don’t EVER say that.

Bryton: Why not?

Me: Because it is indicative of a lower level of intelligence.

Bryton: OH. *suspicious look*

I don’t think he has said it since! I have a wonderful way to teach my younger siblings things. Have I ever told you the story about the vacuum? I don’t know if I have, so I’ll tell it anyway. First I have to give some background information. Brooke is the youngest girl of the four of us. She’s turning ten in July. She’s one of the sweetest/temperamental people I know. Unfortunately, her spelling skills aren’t the greatest. Now, one day, she and Bryton were playing with the vacuum in the basement, which they weren’t actually allowed to touch. I came down because I heard a racket about to begin and told them off for playing with it. Naturally, a fuss was made and I started to lose my cool. Finally, I had to make a compromise. “Okay,” I said, “if you can spell the word ‘vacuum,’ you can play with it. If not, you aren’t allowed and can’t touch it again. Deal?” “Deal. Vakume. *smug look*” “WRONG. Now, get out of it and don’t touch the vacuum. It’s spelt ‘v-a-c-u-u-m.’ Remember that.” On that note, I walked away.

A few days later, Mom and Brooke were out and about and Brooke said, “Mom! I can spell vacuum!” Knowing that Brooke isn’t the greatest speller of all time, Mom kind of laughed and asked her to spell it. She spelt it correctly, much to Mom’s shock. Mom told me about it later and all I could do was laugh. I thought it was hilarious that I taught her how to spell a word by disciplining her. Haha. I’m just awesome.

Now for some recent news! We have exams starting next week! I have six exams to study for, while Junior has three, so Junior might be doing all of my blogs for the next little while. I know, I know. Why did I have to take so many exam courses this year? Because I’m a workaholic. I LOVE working to the point of absurdity. My friends don’t understand it… But neither do they understand my need for everything to be where I put it. Lucky for me, I have so many awesome teachers! Mr. Crane has made me discover a love of English, Mr. Lawrence is so sarcastic that I love Math even more, Ms. Shortt is just AMAZING, and Mrs. Finlay (who is back now! She was out finishing her Master’s degree first term… And now she’s pregnant, haha. Congrats to her!) just makes Chemistry class so fun (with all the food analogies that make me hungry). Anywho, I LOVE working. School is my life. University is going to scare me, sure, but it’s going to be great – because I’ll MAKE it great.

NOW, I’m going to bed… Sort of. I’ll talk to Junior on MSN until one or so, THEN go to bed. Good night all!

-          Bre :)

PS. Hum. I guess this wasn’t a short one after all.
Waldon here, and tonight I think I'm going to talk about how awesome music makes things. Music is something that I take very seriously. I love almost all music. I listen to almost every conceivable genre. I have albums from bands from every end of the earth. From British folk-metal/rock to Japanese Game Soundtracks. Metal, Rap, Hip hop, Electro, Techno, Nerdcore, Thrashcore, Black Metal, Death Metal, Viking Metal, Harmonic Metal, Rock of all the above, folk, country, western, jazz, classical, EVERYTHING.

Every type of music there is has a place. It has a place in the ears of SOMEBODY. I've heard a few theories, and read a few, that express the idea that our idea of music has been around as long as we have. From howling with the wolves back when we were still troglodytes, to eventually using sticks and stones, throughout the ages, until music has achieved a life of it's own.

I'm sure that sound has touched almost everybody, and for those that cannot hear it, or feel music like I do at least, I offer you my most sincere condolences. I wish you could experience this. The sound of a 100 piece orchestra sweeping the stage, to the powerful riff from an electric guitar and bass on a stage surrounded by 10000 screaming fans with beer and anger flowing through their veins. It's something you don't just hear, you feel it. Whatever sound it is that reaches that one part of your brain that makes you feel good, you'll know. Maybe it's a different sound every time, or maybe it's just one sound in particular that you could listen to for the rest of your life. Doesn't matter to me. It's all rooted back to humanity somehow.

Music can be a soothing sound or an agitation. It could bring out a patriotic fervor in you or make you want to rebel against the state. Music can do anything to us that we let it. A rising crescendo to bring out a smile in a tired face, a slow waltz for the lovers to dance the night away- maybe a rhythm and blues jazz sax to show the world how you feel?

Remember, it doesn't matter what music it is, all that matters is how you perceive it. Live your music, Music is life... if you let it.

Anyway, I suppose I should let you all get back to what you were doing before this pointless rant I suppose. Good night all! :)
I am SUCH a slacker. I haven’t written a blog in three days. THREE. I was going to write last night, but Junior wanted to because it wasn’t working the night before so I let him write. The past few days have been awful. I have started getting sick and I really hope I don’t get too sick because getting sick isn’t fun and I have to stay home from school and I don’t like staying home from school because I miss important things and then I don’t know what’s going on. Ohmy. Tonight, I’m not feeling too well so please pardon me if I ramble. Let’s begin…

Tonight’s title! Junior and I went for a walk tonight and I only got home about a half an hour ago. We were gone for about an hour and a half. I really needed it. (Junior, you are a lifesaver)! We covered about a third of the downtown area. It was a tad chilly, but it wasn’t too bad. We both had on a hat and a pair of gloves (and I had my trusty scarf!) so we were pretty good to go. Gunner came along too! I LOVE Gunner. He’s such a sweet dog. Anywho, Junior and I were pushing each other around. Naturally, I started it but was unable to finish it because Junior is much larger than I am and he won. He could push me harder so there was a greater chance of me landing in a snow bank. At one point, Junior said something to me and I couldn’t stop smiling. He was like, “Hahaha, you’re smiling. You can’t be mad at me.” And I said, “NO. This is my angry face. *grin*” It was ridiculous. You kind of had to be there to appreciate it fully.

So, I only went to school today to see the guidance counselor and go to Pre-cal. I had to see Ms. Miles, the new counselor, about my university application. She is such a sweetheart! She seems very giggly and extremely nice. I have to go see her again tomorrow about it because she needed to check on some stuff. Because we have a Pre-cal test tomorrow, Mr. Lawrence reviewed for it the first half of today’s class. After he went through what we would need to know, I felt like going home. I was going to wait until recess but I didn’t know if I could make it. It was the worst half hour of my life. I felt like I was going to pass out! You know that feeling you get when you’re all light-headed and a wave of nausea passes over you? I got that. Junior had to walk with me to the office and to the door to make sure that I didn’t fall down /pass out. What a good guy!

When I left school, I surprised Nan and Pop by walking in and saying hello. They didn’t know I was coming, so they were quite surprised to see me. I don’t like staying home by myself, so I went there. Nan made me some soup. :)  I had dinner there then came down to the house to get my chocolate and exchange my books. Back at Nan and Pop’s, I helped with a puzzle and studied my Pre-cal. When the kids got there, I just chilled with Britt and failed at helping her with her English. I’m useless when it comes to English! Give me Math any day, but English – no thank you.

UGH, I feel like I’m going to be sick. I’m going to end this post right THERE.

-          Bre :)
Waldon here and I love the title song. One of my nurses when I was having a prolonged stay at the hospital a few years back sang it during her rounds once. It cheered me up. I don't think there's a problem with my editor tonight, I can copy and paste at least. But that is no consolation to me when the post I had for last night doesn't have any importance now anyway since I'm too lazy to go back and change the tense of every verb to the past. Yeah, I'm lazy, but hopefully people who read this know me well enough to know that I'm not a total lost case. I'm not entirely incorrigible. :P

So I've had this twitch in my left eyelid for the past 3 days now. I think it was three days. I'm not sure when it started exactly. I'm fairly certain it was the day after my eye appointment though. Which reminds me, thank you so much Bre for driving me to and from there. I'd have been in a tough spot without somebody to guide me around. It's annoying. I can be doing anything when all of a sudden my left eye gets all blurry because my eyelid is doing jumping jacks. I mean, why? Why did my eye just up and decide to get an attitude? It's exasperating.

Today was just another regular school day, really. We worked in the canteen at lunch (Bre and I) with a couple other people. That was fun, although I've worked there for over 3 years now and I still haven't found out exactly what our hot dogs are made of. It looks like meat, it tastes kind of like meat, but I've eaten a lot of stuff, and I can tell there's very little real meat in that wiener. It's a mystery that I'm not entirely sure I want to solve.

After school I was planning to stay in for either Art Club or our Eurotrip meeting, but neither actually happened. So I drove my friend home, after which Bre and I went to our local arts and office supply store and picked some stuff up. I got some new inking pens, but I haven't thought of anything to try them out with yet. Anybody got any suggestions?

After supper I took my incredibly lazy dog for a walk. I love Gunner and I love walking at night. I spent the whole walk looking at the half moon and watching the clouds around it. It's fascinating. Every night you can be sure that the moon will be there following the same schedule it's been doing ever since it first entered Earths orbit. It seems like no matter how well we try to organize and schedule our lives, the randomness and diversity  of the wild nature has already beat us to it. Even though it's all changing every day, it changes for the same reasons that happen randomly. Flowers growing in a field? There IS nutrient, soil, water and sunlight/energy. Fish living in a stream? There IS food, warmth and security. We think that we can classify everything we do and call it a real neat order, but nature and wild beauty has been doing it for so long that it even takes every random event and puts it in it's place and resumes it's course. We have a lot to learn.

After the walk I had dance class, nothing new really happened at it, but I was told that I looked like a part of the clergy. Wait, that's a lie, something DID happen. Please forgive me, I don't try to lie. It just happens. :P

When I first got to my dance class, I was locked outdoors. Somebody had closed the one way locking doors. Wonderful. So, I stood around for a few minutes knocking. The people in the office next to the door ignored me. Off I went, around to the other side of the building to see if there was somebody near one of THOSE doors, no luck. By now I had been standing around the building for about 20 minutes or more. I should mention something, I was dressed in almost all black wearing ripped jeans. The Anglican Cross I had on my chest, you couldn't see. I wasn't a reassuring sight I assume. So when a young girl, maybe 10 years old, walks out into the hallway I knock on the door, she tries to ignore me, notices for certain. . .

And runs away.

Here I am, cold and alone outside of a building that's supposedly closed, dressed like a robber. Great, right? I go back to the main door and knock some more. Soon, the principal of the school comes out from his tutoring session because he actually hears me knocking this time and lets me in. Thank god he knows me. Otherwise I'd have probably been pretty far up that creek. Well, farther up that creek than previously. Dance class soon happens, nothing else really important during the night to report. I was texting Bre the whole time, so I wasn't rightfully alone, but I still felt a little uncomfortable waiting outdoors.

Anyway, I think I'm done for the night, so good night everybody.