Waldon here! And with my usual grace and subtle charm and wit I'm going to say I'm tired! Actually, I'm exhausted. But that's not a big deal. I can write a little bit. xD I've actually been writing all night long, I've been trying to finish what is hopefully a good story that after I send it out to the provincial literary competition, I'll have a chance to show all of you!

Seriously though, I've written over 1000 words tonight already. I don't want to write any more. :P

Suffice to say, my fingers are tired. xD

But! Something of importance happened today! Two things, actually, so I'll tell you about them.

Firstly, I got oil for my truck! It turns out that it was so low on oil that the oil gauge was stuck on half full because it couldn't move. Apparently anyway. I'm not a big automotive person. :P But! It did take three entire quarts of 10W-30 to get it up to nearly full!

And after that, Bre came over for an hour or two! It was great! We hadn't seen each other for longer than 10 minutes over a week, and to two people that practically lived together, that's harsh.

Bre worked on her Physics, and I worked on my story. :P

So, I guess I'm gone to sleep now. Good night all! : D
Today is my Dad's birthday! Yay! :D

At the moment, I'm just fixing up my Math assignment, so I'll turn my attention to this soon. *does assignment*. All right, I'm done that for the night. Time to read some Chemistry notes. (><)

I'm completely stressed out and today was only the third day of classes. I have no idea what I'm going to do next year! Perhaps I'll only feel like this for the first two weeks, then it will go away! I sure hope so. I don't know if I can handle this all semester! Physics was really stressing me out yesterday. Now, I've never done a Physics course before this so everything is new to me. There are four people in the class who took Physics in high school, and the teacher, Ranjan, is really nice. This means that I have people to ask for help if I need it! :D

Ranjan is great. He's originally from India! He's incredibly nice (so far!) and he seems really smart. Sometimes, if we don't understand him and he starts to laugh, we laugh with him. Well, I don't know about the others, but I do that when I don't catch what he said. Lucio, our Chem teacher, is from Ghana if I remember correctly? I don't know if that's how you spell it. I met him this summer at the French camp! He's really nice, too. Tony, our English teacher, is from Nigeria . . ? I don't remember. He kind of intimidates me. Maybe that's because I'm in the back of the room?

Enough about school. Today is my Dad's birthday! We went out for supper at seven (I almost missed it! I arrived at his house - Junior brought me there - at about 6:50) with some of his/Mandy's friends. It was nice! They even had cake! :o  Britt and I got home around 9:15 . . ? Maybe. I don't remember! It's been a long day. Upon getting home, I said good night to Thomas and Bryton and Britt (after her shower), fixed up my assignment, and read some Chem. Not too exciting.

Oh, fun fact. The longest I've seen Junior all week (outside of class) was 20 mintutes - we walked from school to his house, then he drove me to Dad's. I miss hanging out with him. As he said, we practically lived together all summer. But we didn't! :P

OKAY! I have stuff to do, and I'm not being exciting anyway, so good night!

- Bre :)
Waldon here, and I offer my sincerest apologies! I missed the blog for the past two nights, and I feel horrible about it! Bre and I just started college a few days ago, and frankly, I've been distracted. That isn't a reason to miss anything thought, I'm sorry.

Now, in other words... The title! The title tonight is by a wonderful band. It's rather indie. You might have heard of it, but I most definitely heard of it first. Iron Maiden. Yeah, didn't think you had. I liked them before they were popular. The song is "Rainmaker", find it if you want to.

Man, I loathe hipster crowds. xD I mean, does it really MATTER if you're bands are obscure? Shouldn't you want your favorite bands to make it large? :P

We got over 410 unique page views. TWICE.

I don't know HOW, but we did. I didn't think anybody even knew about our site, really. :S The only thing we've done differently is the words of wisdom bit, and that obviously isn't it since I've only got two up, as per this post. xD

Anyways... O.o

Yeah, so I'm a college kid now. I don't feel grown up. Do I have to grow up? Nah. I don't think I'm going to. I'm going to stay 5 forever! Wait. Not 5. I'll be 11. Cause when you're 11, you can bike around town and stuff no problem and stay out till dark but you're still young enough to play "Imagination". You all know what game I'm talking about. You all played it at least once. :P

I'm in 5 courses, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English. Yeah, that's a heavy workload, but I want to show everybody that I'm not just some lump. I know I look it and that gives people a bias about me before they ever meet me. I've had people start asking me a question, and look right in my eyes and stop what they were saying and finish it with, "nah, you wouldn't know anything like THAT, would you?"

There is no greater joy in my heart than being able to look back into the eyes of anybody judging me and prove them wrong. To show them I'm not an idiot.

My name is Waldon Junior Best. I have a firm grasp on Mathematics, Biology, Natural Sciences, Horticulture and I pride myself on my knowledge, assimilation and use of the English vernacular. I enjoy reading long novels more than watching TV, and I prefer to walk the last 10 kilometers than drive it. I'm also an amateur writer and ballet dancer.

Yep. That's a deep-seated grudge right there. How can you tell? xD

ANYWAY. I suppose I should let you all get back to your lives. I really don't understand why you people keep coming back to read this. It's kind of silly, really. Maybe this blog is hypnotic somehow? xD

Alas! I must be off. Good night all!
I do believe that this is the best way to spend my Saturday morning. I am 110% unable to sleep in (kids screaming, tv blaring, dog barking, etc) so why not make the best of my time? A nice cup of tea and a good book satisfies my needs quite nicely. I suppose texting Junior makes it a little better, too. :p

All right. I've been a slacker. I was supposed to do this days ago but I didn't. Why? I don't even have a reason. Tired, lazy, busy, exploding things, buidling houses . . . That's good enough, right? Junior said he could do it today but I told him no. I needed something to do. (Random occurence : You know you're still tired when you try to drink your phone because you think it's your cup of tea). Now here I am, chilling out, being a cool kid, and stealing my sister's computer. Not Britt's though! She'd eviscerate me without thinking twice. That's just something YOU DON'T DO.

You know what? Eviscerate is a fun word. Here's the exact definition, according to dictionary.reference.com :
eviscerate - to remove the entrails from; disembowel; to deprive of vital or essential parts.
I think I like this word.

Lately I haven't been up to much. Junior and I registered for school this week (GAH, what a day that was). We had yesterday off so we just hung out and I played Sims. I have the greatest little house ever! I bought an unfurnished trailer and, using cheats nonetheless, I renovated it. I added a "porch", expanded the bedroom a bit, changed the siding and all the wall coverings, did the floors, and furnished the living room, kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. It's simply magnificent. Other than that, I haven't done that much. School starts Monday so that's when my life is going to be turned upside down. (><)

Oh! I have been doing something the past couple of days. I've been reading the Math Book ! Junior bought it for me while he was on holidays. It's really good! It is a compilation of some of the greatest Mathematic discoveries since before Christ. Wow, right? I feel like such a nerd. It's great though! I really like it thus far.

Okay, I think I'm done for now. I really have to finish my tea before it gets too cold! Later.

- Bre :)
I'm not going to lie. the title was just an excuse to use the word patootie. :P

Seriously though. Can you tell I'm tired? xD I'm actually exhausted. I was up very early this morning because my blood was up, and then I had to get ready and go to school. Bre wasn't feeling the greatest, so I was worrying about her all morning even BEFORE I got to school. xD

By 8 30 AM I was waiting in the school lobby for registration to start so I could call Bre and tell her what we needed to do to get all this stuff done. :P

Well, by 9 45 I was done a goodly portion of my registering, but then I met Bre and Deejay there so Bre and I decided to share a locker and save some time and money. While Bre was waiting in line, Deejay and I went to find the lockers and drop Deejays books off in hers.

By 2 PM, all three of us had found our classes, gotten our books, paid our fees and had lunch. It was a good day, don't get me wrong, but I spent a crazy amount of time today just standing around and doing nothing. I'm exhausted. xD

Some other time I'll have to go through the process in detail with all of you, but right now I'm too tired. xD

Good night all!
Good morning to anyone that actually reads this! I've been up since about 6:30 so please, pardon me if I make no sense. I didn't sleep very well last night and I've had a rough morning so far. Although, Junior went to the college this morning and got everything straightened out. We have to go in at one this afternoon, and 9/10 tomorrow morning. Woot.

Oh yes! My apologies for not writing last night. I felt really sick. (><)

Now. why did I get up at 6:30 when I didn't have to be at school until one? Excellent question. The answer: Britt and I had to get a needle this morning at eight. So, I woke up, got a shower, took the bike, and biked to get Dad's truck. I didn't have time to eat and I was exhausted. I picked Dad up, picked Britt up, and we went to the hospital. We waited a bit. We got our needles, Britt first. I got mine no problem. While she was filling out the forms, I passed out. Go me, right? Anyway, it was only for a few seconds and I was fine. They were really nice and gave me juice. :P

Dad called Mom, and I called Junior. All was well. I got home and ate. Mom was trying to figure out some school stuff, so I decided to go through what information I have. that's what I'm doing now. Well, I'm drinking tea as well.

I think that's it for now. I'm going to go read or something. Because school is starting, these posts will probably become sporadic, so I will apologize in advance . . . Sorry!

- Bre :)

Waldon here! Guess what? I'm sick!

Why, that's very unfortunate! you say. It is! But, diabetes tends to crop up whenever I let my guard down.

That sneaky pancreas!

I'm feeling rather gross right now, so I promise next time I'll do another blog okay? : D

Good night all!
Good evening! Or would it be afternoon? Um . . . Good 5:30pm! This is just one of those times of the day where I really don't know how to great people. At, and after, noon, I know to say "Good afterNOON." After, like, seven, I know to say "Good evening." 5:30 just seems like an in-between time.

So, what's with the early blog? Absolutely nothing. I'm not hungry just yet so I figured I'd write this before I turned everything off for supper. Who knows when I'd pull the Internet back up? Ah, the title has no great significance. My computer is plugged in and the little battery thing says "Fully charged (100%)" when you mouse over it.

Today has been all right! I woke up! I either got a shower, or I ate. I think I ate first. Maybe? Then I just hung out for a while. I ate AGAIN about two hours after I first ate. Junior came down at around one or so, then we went to the store for Mom. She needed a couple of things so I conned Junior into driving me to the store . . . And carrying everything. (^^)

This afternoon we didn't really do that much. I was cleaning up my room and he was helping me. Well, he read his book as well. I think he's reading Starship Troopers? He seems to be enjoying it, whatever it is. Oh yeah! We also imported 9 CDs to my iTunes! Now I have a little over 1100 songs! After cleaning up my room, we went upstairs for me to get something to eat AGAIN (I think that was about 3:30?). I ate my leftovers from yesterday. We boiled the kettle and sat down to drink tea and eat a piece of the cake that my Mom had made. I LOVE cake. (^^)

Holy crap. I've only been writing for ten minutes . . . It usually takes me about a half an hour to write this much. It usually takes me ages to do anything! For example. Getting my computer fixed. I couldn't use my computer for months because I didn't want to bring it to get fixed. Then Gladdale said that I would really need it for this school year. SO! I smartened up . . . And got my Dad to call about it. Go me! Always on top of things.

Hmmm. I wonder what Junior and I will do this evening/night. Maybe I'll get him to go to Tim Horton's! That would be lovely. He always gets me something. :)

Okay, no good stories to tell. I guess I'll just go read until I get hungry again. Later!

- Bre :)
Tonight's (This morning's) epic sounding title is from a song called "Blood and Thunder" by Mastodon. The album tells the story of Moby Dick, if I'm not misinterpreting it. :P It's absolutely amazing, their sound is GREAT. Look 'em up sometime.

Now, I actually don't have much to talk about. :P I'm kind of a boring person you see. But this afternoon Bre biked up to my house, and we went to the store to pick me up a new razor and some mouthwash and chocolate and ... oh yeah, conditioner. :P

Funny story. My razor disappeared somehow in the past 3 days. :P It was left upstairs while the downstairs bathroom was getting tile put in. The job was finished, so I brought my shaving cream and razor downstairs again. Yesterday I went to shave because I was looking rather neolithic and my razor was gone! The shaving cream was still there, but my razor and spare blades were gone! :S Anyway, I bought a new one today, so crisis averted. xD

Then, Bre and I came back and ate some chocolate and listened to music. And I shaved! :D

After supper I went down to Bre's house, and just puttered around with her for a while. :P She was holding the fort down while her parents were gone over to somebody else's house. So I left around midnight, and now here I am. xD

Creepy story now. I walked in the house at midnight, and when I closed the door, I could distinctly hear nails walking on the hardwood floor upstairs. My first thought was my dog gunner, but when I reached my room, I realized something..

Gunner has been gone for the past 3 days with my sister while she's staying at my aunts houses. There was nothing to MAKE any scratching noises. Creepy. :P

Anyways, I suppose I should go to sleep. Good night all!
Happy September 1st! :D  Junior and I have officially been together for eight months today. Go us! :D

So, all kinds of confusion between us the past few days concerning whose turn it was to write the blog. We're sort of on track now . . . Sort of. I'll probably forget again, and we'll get all messed up. Again. Sorry! :)

Today was pretty fun! I woke up - always a good way to start the day - and went upstairs to say good morning to everyone! I got a shower and stuff a little while later. After my shower, I settled in to finish reading the Child Thief. I finished it around 2:30 or so this afternoon? Then I washed the dishes for Mom while she and Britt were out. Cody and I were going to hang out, but he didn't get my text until 4:30 or so, so we couldn't hang out.

Oh yes! I went to the optometrist with Brooke to get Bryton's glasses fixed, then went across the road to Burger King for some dinner for Dad. I dropped Brooke off at home, then drove up the road a bit to give Dad his food. Fun stuff! :D

Junior came down shortly before five and chilled with Bryton and I until Mom came home. Then we went out to supper! :D It was great! The server was even nice. Junior paid, like the gentleman that he is. We then went for a drive around town and down to the docks. At the docks, we watched the AMAZING seagulls flying around. Those things are CRAZY.

After watching the deranged birds, we went/came to his house. This is where we are now. But I have to go home soon! Very soon! So, we came here and listened to music and read webcomics - well, webcomic. It was Nedroid. Look it up! :D

Now I have to go home! Good night!

- Bre :)