So, tonight’s blog is about how there really is no blog. I have a headache the size of the mob of angry vacationers at Heathrow airport and Junior has no internet connection. He can’t even read the anti-blog! Poor dear. Scottie’s connection is out too. He needed a recipe to bake cookies that was online, but he couldn’t get it.

Nothing happened today, thank goodness. Perfect writing material for the anti-blog! I did really bad on my Chem test (I KNEW it before I got my mark) so I stayed in. Mr. Rumbolt said that he was really surprised (the mark will not be told). He later figured out that I’m better at numbers than concepts. But, oh my! What a dear he is. He let me stay after school to get some help. Because he had a phone call to make or something, we couldn’t get started right away. At about 3:35 or so, he started helping me. I was there until just about 5 o’clock. Junior was done wrestling and he was giving me a ride home, so he came to the door around 5 and said that he was ready when I was. Mr. Rumbolt is incredible. He’s such a good teacher one-on-one. I loved it! I think I actually understand it a little bit more now. He told me to read it all over tonight and if I ever have any questions, ask him.

Argh, Christmas gives me a headache. But enough of the anti-blog for tonight! I need to sleep away my troubles. Good night!

- Bre :)

PS. The Snowball is tomorrow night. It’s Junior’s blog tomorrow, so I expect he’ll give a full report on how it went. I’m going to Junior’s to get ready. Man, I love having so many guy friends!

This particularly complicated title grammar-wise comes from yours truly, Waldon. My friends birthday was on the 15th, and due to a particularly complicated series of events I didn't get to go to his birthday supper or hang out at his house. This was a part of his present.

Actually, it's not that complicated. My diabetes was just acting up again. :P

Today was my second last day of work. No, not second last as in tomorrow will be my last, but second last as in, I've had TWO last day's of work this year.

I worked at a greenhouse. I am a seasonal laborer and I do heavy lifting and manual labor in the physical regard for minimum wage. I don't even have a job description. During the summer I work at least 40 hours a week. I would make about an even 450 to 500$ per paycheck and I would save it up to buy my friends presents during my summer vacation. I was laid off this year on the 16th of August, I believe. I left town on the 24th? Or the 27th. I can't remember.

Several weeks ago I was contacted by my boss who wanted me to come in to work a few days over the Christmas season to help lift and load Christmas trees. I was excited. That's an extra 10 hours of work every two weeks I could put to expenses. I readily agreed.

So, on the 9th the trees were expected to come to town, and I was needed to work. BUT! My boss screwed up when he was trying to contact me and then I didn't get his message for a long time. In fact, I didn't get it until I was an hour into ANOTHER job. So, it was a pretty sad performance on BOTH our parts. I called in and by the time I did that the trees were already unloaded. I felt for sure that I was going to lose my work hours this season, but lo and behold, my boss was working at the auditorium the same night I was filling in for an AWOL stagehand at the auditorium. Coincidence? I think NOT!

So we talked about it, we both realized our mistakes and laughed it off.

So for the past 2 Sundays I've been at work from Noon to 5. Not a long shift by any stretch of the imagination. So I was good with that. Then today was my last day THIS sign in. Thus, it was my second, last day.

I know, I know. I'm complicated.

Think for a second guys and/or girls, that ^ was confusing, Bre has to deal with all my crap ALL THE TIME. God love that girl, I don't know what I would do without her. :P

After work today, Bre invited me over for a little while, so over I went. We chilled out for a while, talking and all that jazz, but I eventually had to go home to refill my insulin pump. I hate that thing sometimes.

So, I think I'm done for the night. Good night Everybody! Merry Christmas! :)
Now, tonight's title comes from my dear grandmother. I stayed at Nan and Pop's house last night and, when I woke up this morning, we all ate breakfast together. Naturally. Pop had some bacon so Nan took a piece. She screwed up her face and said to his, "Lloyal, that's as salt as pickle." I laughed to kill myself. In our province, to "pickle" something means to preserve it in a solution of salt water. For example, salt beef. It's pretty much pickled beef. Best. Thing. Ever.

Sorry about my lack of blog last night... I was too tired and I wasn't feeling the best, so Junior said that he could do it. I had to work again last night at 5:30 but this time, Nan and Pop went up to help out in the kitchen! It was great. There were about 70 people to serve (for once, I really didn't like serving them.. It was weird! Like, they would talk about you behind your back) and two of us were serving. They vamoosed at about 8:30. Then the room was empty. Max (the guy "in charge") and them said that I was free to leave at about quarter to nine, so, I left.

I got some gas for Dad's truck, then went to Dad's to drop off the truck, then talked to Dad and them, then went to Junior's. I was really cheered up by it ! Gladdale, Jessica, and Scottie were already there. Once I was there, we all went to Tim's. I hopped in with Scottie, and Jessica, Gladdale, and Junior went in Junior's truck. We were only there a little while before Junior and I left to pick up David and Vlad. (See Junior's post for details, haha). By the time I got home, I was EXHAUSTED. So, I went to bed.

Today, I chilled out at Nan and Pop's all day. I woke up at about 10, had breakfast with Nan and Pop, then Junior came down around 1 ish. We made SO many cookies! I told Nan and Pop that they were free to stay around but they just went downstairs or somewhere else in the house. Junior and I had the kitchen pretty much to ourselves for almost 4 hours. It was great! Junior walked home around 5. I ate supper with Nan and Pop, then after a failed adventure to Mom's house, Dad and Mandy and Britt picked me up at Nan and Pop's around 7.

Then, we went around town looking at Christmas lights. Dad eventually had to go help someone move into their house, so we were over there for a while. I FINALLY arrived at Junior's at about 9:45. It's really slippery/slushy out tonight, so Dad told me to drive carefully. Gladdale, Scottie, and Junior were here. Oh yeah. I'm at Junior's at the moment, talking with the guys because Gladdale had to go home a little while ago.

Speaking of going home... I have to be home very soon. I told Dad that I'd be home by about 11 tonight. I guess this is .. The end. (O_O)

- Bre :)
Waldon here. Bre isn't feeling pretty tired after her work tonight, she's probably not feeling that great either, so I'm taking over for tonight. Or this morning. Whatever you people feel like calling it.

I had a very hectic night tonight. Like, really crazy.

After school Bre and I walked down to the local workforce boarding house to get her dad's truck, then we went to her house, picked up everything she needed for making cookies tomorrow, picked up her sister, drove to the post office and then went to her nans house.

Then we unpacked everything, she dropped me home and then I ate a cold supper and drove up to base to pick up Bre and I's friends Vlad and David, dropped them off at the movie theatre, got gas ($98.77!), drove to Northmart and then went home. Jessica then came over, Scottie came over and then Glad and eventually Bre came over.

Then we all went to Tim's, but as soon as I got there I had to drive back up to the base and pick UP Vlad and David. Bre came along, I dropped Vlad and David home, I just had 4 people in the truck including myself. Then I dropped off Bre. THEN I got a message from Glad and Jessica who were stuck at Tim's because Scottie left them there.

So I had to go back to Tim's and pick THEM up. So I brought them both home, and now here I am, an hour later writing a blog. I spent the hour interval between then and now reading. Nothing more relaxing than reading other than perhaps lying down next to a friend and sleeping. I love sleeping, sometimes.

Now, tomorrow I will be going over to Bre's Nan's house to make cookies with her. I haven't made cookies in years. My mom owns the kitchen. I don't venture into the depths unless it's absolutely necessary. Mom scares me too much.

So, I guess I'm done for tonight, I'd like to read a little more before I attempt sleep. Insomnia on top of my already low necessity for sleep is pretty harsh on my biorhythm. I abuse myself enough without adding more problems to the mix. :P

Good night everybody, sweet dreams and have a good sleep! Please feel better soon Bre! :)
Waldon here, and you're witnessing firsthand the horrible effects of insomnia.

Also, there's an English assignment that's due today in school that I only started at around 10 30, but that's and entirely unrelated matter, of course.

One of my best friends in the world came back from her first-ish year at university this evening. I drove up to the airport at 8 50 pm, and her flight was in at 9 30 pm. So we immediately hugged and resumed where we left off 4 months ago. Which is to say, Tim Horton's and tooling around. I missed that girl.

I drove her home at 10 30, and I ACCIDENTALLY hugged her too hard.

It was really an accident, seriously.

I have this problem. I'm stronger than I realize sometimes. . . And I usually end up breaking things. Or people. I don't like breaking things. Or people.

Now, after writing for the past 4 hours, I'm really not in the mood for a long post, nor am I really in control of my facilities right now. I'm kind of tired. I've been running off of caffeine for the past few months. Staying up late probably won't help my case any.

Oh well. Bre and I were in the Math Help Center again today. Nothing much happened, but I like being places with Bre, so I'll put it here anyway. Although, at one point over lunchtime Sam A. started playing with my depth perception (or my lack thereof). That was mildly traumatizing.

So I guess I'll go to bed now unless you want another depressed rant. I don't want one really. They make make feel emo. And I don't LIKE feeling emo.

So, good night everybody!
The answer to that question is as follows: Tim Horton’s. Yes, Tim’s. Ah, the bitter aroma of coffee at six o’clock in the morning is enough to wake anyone up. Last night, I stayed over to Dad’s house. Before he went to bed, he asked me if I would like to go to Tim’s in the morning before he went to work, and I could just drop him off at work and take his truck for the day. I said sure! So, he said that he would wake me up early to go, and if I still wanted to, I could. All was well.

UNTIL 5 O’CLOCK THIS MORNING. I knew what time he was going to wake me up so, naturally, I had to wake up a gazillion times before that. Around 5 I just gave up. Dad came in around 5:30 and by then I was pretty well awake. I got dressed, brushed my teeth, and we were on our way. We arrived at Tim’s at 5:50 (they open at 6), so we just chilled out. It was so much fun! By 6:30, we were out of there, and we went home to get Dad’s work boots. I dropped him off at work then went home.

I learned today that backing up into the driveway before 7 in the morning is NOT a good idea for me. I was QUITE squish. It was awful.

Anywho, fast forward to later. I had wished Mandy a good day at work, got a shower, and gotten ready for school.. By 8:15! I was texting Junior at the time, so I went over to his house for ten minutes before school. He was bringing Jessica, and I had the truck, so I didn’t get to go with them today.

School was good. I got 95% on my Pre-cal test (from yesterday). The Math test today was really odd. I got a really weird answer for the last question.. :S

Well, the rest of the day was good. I went to A&W for lunch with Junior and Daniel. It was great! I got to drive.. I really pity them. I’m not THAT good of a driver yet. Rough around the edges, see? Oh well. I will learn. After school, I didn’t have to tutor, so I did a bit of running around for Dad and Mandy because they were both at work. Britt was with Nan and Pop, so I went alone for once. I got back to Dad’s at about 4:15, called Britt, then relaxed for about 45 minutes until Mandy got home. Then, when she got home, we brought the truck to Dad’s work for him (because he would need a ride home). Mandy followed behind me in the car. It was so weird for the both of us. Like Mandy said, it kind of felt illegal, haha. AND, I’m proud to say that I backed the truck in next to the building and I DIDN’T hit anything. Go me!

Tonight, I tutored Lisa, and chilled with Britt and Nan for a bit. Nan is staying down here and Pop is staying at their house. I don’t think Britt wants to leave her room. I don’t blame her. Her room is amazing!

Ugh. And now I can’t see straight. Time for bed, I suppose. Good night !

- Bre :)

Waldon here. I think I'm going to spontaneously explode. There will be no warning or reason, it'll just be a sudden *pop* noise and there'll be little Waldon chunks everywhere.

The reasoning for this statement is as follows;

I have dragged myself through many serious injuries and damaging scenarios. I have lived through many dangerous and highly unlikely situations. I rely on 3 separate drugs to function. At the age of 17, I've undergone many experimental treatments and several sketchy chemicals, as well as 2 operations. I have 2 foreign objects embedded in me in two separate places, and my internal organs are damaged.

The fact that I'm still going "strong" is a medical miracle. It is hypothesized that I simply cannot die and will remain as a zombie. I don't think that's the case, despite my childhood friend Russell's sincere hope to be a part of the beginning of a zombie apocalypse. I believe I CAN die, but it will be after an incredible ordeal filled with many near death situations and/or godlike acts of awesome. I will surpass this ordeal and then the universe itself will start to refuse to accept the possibility that I'm still here and I will simply explode to save the universe the headache of contemplating my existence.

I think it's a valid theory.

It's better than my first theory. Which involved an old lady, some double-stacked-with-butter waffles, a rogue Zamboni and a notorious gang of Hawaiian pogo-stickers.

That theory was just silly. I can't even eat double-stacked-with-butter-waffles. :P

I've got a bit of space left before I can end this post with a clear conscience. Should I gripe? It almost seems like I've been whining on here for so long that a post without it is sacrilegious. I'll just do some token complaining then.

The girl I like is tiptoeing around me about how she's on the go with another guy. I've liked her for four years. Its the snowball next week. She and him will be there. I don't want to go, but I have to because she'll want me to.

Is that good? Does that sound whiny enough? Somebody tell me if that sounds whiny enough sometime. Anyway. Good night all. Merry Christmas!
Today, Junior had wrestling and I had... Well, nothing. I didn’t need to tutor (last minute cancellation), so I just stayed in anyway. It turns out that Ryan was staying in (again) to finish off his research paper. So! I stayed with him. Junior offered to bring me around when he was done wrestling/whenever I was supposed to be done tutoring. He’s some nice. :)

Anywho, at about twenty after four, Junior came into the library and got me, and I went out to the truck. Ryan passed in his research paper, so he came out to the parking lot with me. Junior had given me his keys so that I could start the truck. I. Love. His. Truck. Trucks are my weakness. It’s an old Chevy. I LOVE Chevrolet, haha. Junior had to go to his locker to get something (was it his locker?). That’s why I got the keys. So, he came out, hopped in the truck, and we drove off. Because I spilled the Rice Krispies on the floor yesterday morning (ugh. I dropped the container that they were in, the container opened, and the cereal went EVERYWHERE), I had to go to the store to buy a new box. Junior was kind enough to give me a ride there.

We went to the store and got what we needed - AKA, I got cereal, scented body wash (coconut = yummy), a toothbrush, and yogurt, while Junior got some deodorant (and something else.. That I can’t remember). After leaving there, we ran across the road to the optometrist because my new glasses were supposed to be in soon and they hadn’t called me about them yet. It was about 4:55 and they close at five, haha. Luckily for me, my glasses were in! :D

So, I payed for my glasses and then Junior brought me home. The drive was so weird! I had my glasses on, and I could finally see clearly again. I haven’t been able to see through my glasses properly for a couple of months now. It was a GREAT change. I’m so glad Junior brought me down today!

I was at Nan and Pop’s for supper. As usual, Nan’s cooking was impeccable. When I got there, Cody text me to hang out. I said that I couldn’t because I had to tutor. THEN, Lisa text me and told me that she didn’t need me tonight because she was/is sick (get well soon, hun!). THEN, I text Cody and said that I could possibly hang out. THEN, Ryan text me and told me that he couldn’t do the project tomorrow because he had plans with Meghan. SO! I had to tell Cody that I couldn’t hang out tonight, but could maybe hang out this weekend. Maybe. Ryan and Meghan’s 17 month anniversary is tomorrow. Holy cow! They’re such a beautiful couple. It warms my heart to see them together. :)

Anywho, Ryan picked up Britt and I from Nan and Pop’s around 6:30 and dropped Britt off at Mom’s. We proceeded on to his house, where he finally ate supper and we tried to work on our project. We had to leave shortly after seven to pick up his brother at hockey. When we got back, we worked on our project and played a game of chess - simultaneously. It was great. Naturally, I lost. I’m awful at chess.

Ryan dropped me off at Mom’s (what a sweetheart. The Pathfinder is with Mom, and I didn’t take Dad’s truck, and I didn’t want to get Nan to pick me up. He offered to bring me home), and I came inside to chill with Nan and Britt. We watched Jeopardy, then Britt went to bed. Then, Nan and I watched some of the Canadian Tenors Christmas thing on CBC. They have gorgeous voices! Look them up on YouTube or something, because their talent must be shared. NOW, I’m sitting down, writing this.

I should go to bed though.. I have a Pre-cal test tomorrow, a Math test the next day, a Chem test on Friday, the A Separate Peace assignment due Friday, and a Chem lab due on Tuesday (of next week). At least I have our French class Christmas party to look forward to tomorrow afternoon! We’re missing Chem because of it. It’s going on from 12:14 or so to 3:16. All afternoon! Woot! Ms. Shortt is ordering pizza for us (and won’t let us pay. She says it’s our gift from her), and someone is bringing in a Wii or PS3, so we’ll be set.

And now I’m done. Good night!

- Bre :)

PS. Here’s a picture of me with my new glasses. I like them. :D

My new glasses! Please be nice...
Waldon here. Today was the first day in almost 4 months that I was working. I went into the store at Noon and left at 5 PM. It was a slow day, so the only reason I was there was to lift trees. Being strong has it's advantages, but being typecast as the "Big Guy" sucks. I hope the job I get after university has more intellectual stimulation. I would love to be involved in theatre or life sciences. I would never be able to find anything more meaningful as a job to me, than to be able to act or study animals.

I get along with animals. We're both simple, and we both struggle for survival. Also, most animals are furry. As am I. I think we could learn a lot from animals if we let them teach us.

Driving has skewed my interpretation of distance. What I viewed as a 45 minute walk before, I know view as the 5 minute drive. I'm not sure that I like that.

I spent the night with Robyn and Sandra, I invited Bre along yesterday but I don't think she was interested. That sucks, but there's nothing to be done about it. It would have been fun. We spent the night at Tim's, or at least an hour of it, and then drove around town until 9 o clock. I like those two girls, they make me laugh. We listened to music and talked about random stuff. Or at least, they did and I listened. I like listening.

I dropped Sandra off at her home and Robyn just left my house about 20 minutes ago. She didn't want me to drive her home because she didn't want me to know where she lives. It's an ongoing joke. It would take a while to tell the story- maybe some other time when I'm bored I'll post that.

Well, I didn't really do much today and this post is just a random conglomeration of near incoherent sentences jumbled together, so I guess I'll head on to bed now. Or at least sit down for another 4 hours. Good night all.
My apologies for the use of such profanity in today’s title, but it is a quote from Mr. Crane. (Also, my apologies for no blog last night. I knew I was forgetting to do something, but I didn’t know what that something was.. More later). In English class, we are reading Bram Stoker’s Dracula. I love it! It’s absolutely amazing. Well-written, dark, exciting - it has it all. If you haven’t read it, READ IT. Anywho, Quincey is one of the characters in the book. He’s the resident American in London. Mr. Crane was explaining something to us the other day about the novel and its characters, and the title is how he described Quincey. He’s very manly and, well, a cowboy. You would have to read the book to appreciate his manliness.

Now, back to last night. Or, Friday night if you want to get really picky. It’s early Sunday morning now, so I don’t know how that would work. I babysat for my cousins Marc and Lynn. Their little girl, Lauren, is so sweet! When I got there, she was watching Toy Story 2 and chilling out. Marc and Lynn told me that I would be the first babysitter to put her to bed, so don’t worry about anything. It went wonderfully! She didn’t cry or make a fuss in the slightest. When I got her put to bed (she even brushed her teeth with no fuss!), Junior came over. By the way, they did say that I could have people over. Junior and I watched The Lost Boys (AMAZING) and Shrek (ALSO AMAZING). Marc and Lynn came home after Shrek was over. Perfect timing! So, we all chatted for a bit, then I brought Junior home (even though he lives about three houses away from them) and then I went home. Because it would have been after 12 by the time I would be heading home, Lynn gave me a note to say that I was babysitting for them - just in case I got pulled over by the cops.

Today was great. I woke up at 9:30, got a shower/ready for the day, and Junior picked me up at 11. We took Bryton out for dinner, then we went shopping for Brooke and Britt’s Christmas present. Bryton wanted to go, so we did. Then, we dropped off Bryton, checked what I needed to get for cookies, and went to Junior’s house. We dropped off his truck and then WALKED to the grocery store. That’s right. WALKED. Because we’re awesome. Unfortunately, it was quite chilly. That’s okay though. So! We got all the ingredients I needed (and had a lovely chat with Vlad while he was supposed to be working!) then went to look for some of Junior’s Christmas gifts. It was awesome. (^^) We do that every year.

Then, we went back to my house. I had a gift certificate that needed to get used, so we took the Pathfinder when Mom got home and went to the store, when I used up 45.17$ out of 50$ of my gift card. Junior was a great help with clothes shopping. Bless him! I brought him home at around 5 and went home myself. I got home at about 5:15 and had to get ready for work. I left again at 5:45 for work. I arrived at work aaaaaaaaaand... Didn’t do anything. It was a really slow night. The party was supposed to start at 7 (we were to feed them then) but didn’t really start then. The entire meal was over by 9. Nobody really talked until about 8:30 - 9:30, when they got some liquor in them. It was weird. I was out of there by 9:40!

Feeling like I had to do something, I did what every sane person would do: I went to my grandparents’ house. I stayed there and ate popcorn and drank tea until about 11, then I went home. :)

Now, I’m sitting at my compute at almost one in the morning writing my Saturday night blog. WOOT. Anywho, I’m going to go read some webcomics. Because I’m just THAT cool. Good night everyone!

- Bre :)