Waldon here! I'm back! It feels so good to be back, that I just had to post some lyrics from the all powerful Ozzy Osbourne to relate my happiness. :P

So, I've been gone since Tuesday and it feels great to be back. xD Now, don't get me wrong, I love Newfoundland. I just don't like it when I'm stuck in a truck with two other people and a large dog. :P I have enough trouble dealing with automobiles when it's just me. But, I had some fun! So it was okay. I REALLY missed home though. It was hard not seeing Bre for a week. :(

So yeah, I bought a crapload of stuff while I was out there. xD I bought two Ozzy Osbourne CD's, "No More Tears" and "Diary of a Madman", and 4 "Best OF" albums, including The Eagles, Breaking Benjamin, Dio and Aerosmith. :)

I'm not even going to try to remember when I did everything. The week is too much of a fatigue haze to remember. Bre would probably be able to remember what I was telling her over the phone though. xD Oh yeah! I made sure to call Bre every night once I got to my nannies! :D It kept me sane. :S

I bought a BUNCH of books, so many that I'm not even going to list them all xD But, I will say that during the long truck rides and lonely nights, I managed to read about two full novels a day. O.o I had forgotten how fast I read when I'm deprived of distractions. xD

One night when I was out there though, I was feeling really lonely. More so than usual. :P When I went upstairs, there were 8 people there, all of them with their significant other. :S So, I had to get out of THAT. xD

I decided to jog to the lighthouse and see if I could get a signal. :) The lighthouse is about 2 or 3 km's from my Nanny's house? Now, that's not too far, really. But I forgotten one of the basic principals of lighthouse placement. It needs to be on top of a hill. xD So, most of those 2 or 3 km's were uphill. I was tired when I got there. :P Why didn't you stop, you ask? Because I knew if I did, I'd never have the nerve to jog BACK. xD

But it was all worth it. As I walked up the pale dirt path leading up to the worn stairs of the lighthouse, I saw tall cattails and long waving grass beside me, with the golden hued grass flowing with the gentle breeze. I walked the last few yards, and to my left I could see the entire bay: the tree lined slopes of the far worn escarpment put into the darkest shadow from the setting sun, the backs of the waves close to shore glowing bright red. To my right, I could see the very tip of the flanking hands of the bay, an entire flock of young sea birds nestled in the rocks. The view from there was spectacular. It was early sunset, and the bright orange and red light was sending the entire bay into contrasts of light and shadow. One entire cliff face was in shadow, while the shoreline to the other side glowed brightly with the light. I could see the breakers of the waves shining lightly through the setting sun, and the flock of nesting sea birds flew up as the sunlight hit them. The rocks below me seemed to be taking the light in, and the water around me looked like it was on fire. I could see the Redberries on the side of the escarpment like small orange stars glowing on the dark rocks. Beside me, the white and red lighthouse was throwing reflected light all around me, and as the sun slowly got closer to the water, it looked like the entire world was bathing in some beautiful ethereal fire. Absolutely beautiful. What I've written here doesn't do it nearly enough justice.

Anyway, I got back last night around 5 or so, and not even two hours later I was at Bre's. :P We spent the night pretty much just clinging onto each other and talking about absolutely nothing. xD Exactly what I was missing on my trip. Never undervalue just lying down and being clingy. Try it sometime. :)

I went home, and set up some new Sim's things, and then I went to sleep. :) So, I guess I'm done for now? :) Good nig.... wait.... Morning everyone? :P

So, as you can tell, I obviously didn't write a blog last night like I said I'd try to. The Blog didn't work like it should, if you follow that train of reason. :P It's working tonight though! Which is fortunate because... This is my last post for a week.

I'll be leaving on holidays tomorrow afternoon, and then spending a week or so in the other half of our province. Because of this, I've just finished work today and I'm now officially laid off for the rest of the school year! :D I'll greatly miss Bre, let me tell you. :P Don't worry guys! I'll miss everybody else too! :O

I'll be taking along my sketchbook and stuff, so I might get a FEW good sketches out of this anyway. :P

I'll be lending my laptop to Bre for the duration of my trip, so I obviously won't be posting much while I'm gone. Her laptop is still out of commission. :( Hopefully Bre will have the time to get some stuff up! :)

So the other day I bought two games. Monster Tale and Shadows of the Damned. Two radically different games, I might add. :P Monster Tale is ridiculously addictive. O.o

Shadows of The Damned is... One big joke about the male anatomy. I'm not even exaggerating. There are some words involved that I can't use in a family friendly internet, but "Bone" and "Hot" and "Endowment" show's up frequently. :P The funny part is, it's not even gross! It's just one continuous facepalming moment after another. xD I actually keep playing to see exactly how many jokes about the Manly McNuggets they can make. :P That's when I think the game will end. :P

So... I guess I'm done for now! I'll see you all in a week! Good night and take care!
Waldon here, and I've just got a quick note to post instead of a real blog this evening. I've had a crazy day, where I've both dressed up as Santa Claus and had a visit to the ER (unrelated events, btw. :P).

Yeah, I'm beat out. My right eye got some sort of funny chemical in it after working in hot sun for several hours, so I'm fairly far gone right now. :P I'll do up a blog tomorrow night!

Good night all!
Waldon here, and I really don't have any excuse as to why I keep forgetting to do the blog. I just do! I'm sorry!

Now, for some fun fact; I've been home alone since Friday night, and I've seen a grand total of 4 people in the roughly 54 hours since then. During that time, I've spent 1 hour with Glad, 2 and a half hours with Bre, and half an hour with My Dad and the random knock-on-the-door guy combined. :P

I'm very lonely. :(

You see, it wouldn't be so bad if I could get out of the house and do stuff, but I have to stay home because if we leave our dog alone he tries to do things that he shouldn't do because he'll hurt himself. I mentioned this before but he has two damaged back legs, and when he puts too much weight on them or strains them too much they get hurt again. So, I'm on Dogsitting duty until my Mom gets back from Newfoundland tomorrow.

I've been texting everybody, but Glad's phone and my phone refuse to acknowledge that the other person's phone exists, and our texts don't reach each other. Bre's been having a stressful time and I haven't really heard from her, or she's wanted to spend time with her family. Aside from those two, there's really nobody else that I've been able to get a hold of! Nobody's even on MSN!

So, I've been watching TV. And playing xBox. Yay me.

Seriously though. I'm jonesing for some companionship. Gunner is great! Don't get me wrong. I love my dog more than life itself! But he can't talk back. Or walk for long enough for me to get tired. >.<

Speak of the devil, my dog is at my waist now. :P So, I'm typing this with one hand whilst the other scratches his head. :)

I'm all jittery, and I need something to do. >.< Video games are great for so long, but after a while I want to see REAL people. Not little colored dots on a screen masquerading as real people. ;) Maybe I'll go for a walk when Dad gets home this evening?

Oh, right. I forgot to mention that my Dad is home from about 8 30 onwards every night, and he's gone when I wake up. :P He's a forest fire fighter, so seeing as this is the hot season there's, accordingly, fires. That's why I'm not in Newfoundland right now too. :P Because he was supposed to stay home with Gunner while Mom and I went out.

Oh well. Plans change. :P

So at the start of the weekend I was just like. "Oh well. Now I get to spend the weekend chilling out with everybody instead."

But then "Oh damn. Nobody wants to hang out/Nobody can hang out."

So after that "I guess I'll write that long overdue blog."


Yeah. So. You guys just heard my entire weekend. I took gunner to the docks with Glad. Hung out with Bre for a couple hours. And watched Discovery Channel and Cartoons. Woot! xD

I guess I'm done for now. Good night all!
Waldon here, and tonight's title comes from the song "Carnival of Rust" by Poets of The Fall. Absolutely amazing sounding songs by these guys, you should all totally check it out. :P

I actually just got back from walking home Sandra and Sarah. I don't like it when my friends have to walk home in the dark by themselves. I get worried about them, and I'm a fairly protective person. I left at about 10 30 or so, and stayed for about 25 minutes when I got there at 11 30 for some cake and tea! :)

We all had a potluck tonight at my house, Bre, Sandra, Sarah, Robyn and I all hung out and ate a bunch of delicious food that everybody brought. Even the potato brownies. Curses to that tomfoolery. :P

Sandra and Sarah brought brownies... with mashed potato icing that I never noticed until it was too late. xD

Now, I'm going to use the rest of the blog to write some fairly mean stuff about myself. I'm not going to say it's self pity, that would be wrong. Nor is it looking for pity; that would also be wrong. I just want to get this all down in writing so that I can't deny that I said and thought it later.

Of course, anybody who isn't really interested in listening to me make horrible non-fiction accusations at myself doesn't have to read this. In fact, it'll probably just make you angry if you did. :P You can just skip on down to the end of the page to hear me say good night, if you want. xD The part that you'll probably want to skip if you're a normal person is in italics. :P

I apologize in advance for what you're about to read. ;)


In her "Young Wizard's" series, Diane Duane offered up a piece of advice that I've come to realize is so true that many people don't even realize it. When it comes between apologizing even when you feel that you're right, and hurting a relationship with people you love, apologizing should always be what you choose to do. I don't feel like I've done anything wrong; but when I think about it, I know I must have. If I do something that makes the most important people to me so incredibly angry that I'm afraid I'll lose them, even if I feel like I was in the right, I'll give it all up, my pride, my opinion, anything to make it better.

I want to apologize, deeply, for the expectations I have at times. I feel like I've been regarding myself as some kind of wonderful person compared to everybody else. I've been so wrong, it's probably criminal.

Over the past few days, I've had my little bubble of reality come crashing down on me. I've been made to realize that I place much more importance on several other people than they do on me. There are a few people, one whom I feel very, very strongly for, in particular that make up the absolute centre of my universe. Everything I do makes me think of them, makes me remember things we've done together or of things that I look forward to doing with them. I know that none of them feel the same way about me. I know that I'm not the centre of any of their lives (even if I'd like and love to be), like my own screwed up sentiments.

But for some reason, I expect them to. I expect that they'll all place me in the same measure of importance, even though it's absolutely unreasonable. I'm a screw-up, if there ever was one. I'm clingy and needy, and as soon as they get an opportunity to do something that they would rather do with somebody else instead of something I was hoping they'd do with me, I feel like I've been completely left behind, that I'm the second choice.

This is wrong, I know that! I have this complex, where if somebody tells me that they're interested in doing something or that they want to do something with me and then do something else with somebody else instead, I feel so unimportant that it hurts. I feel so incredibly belittled. Then, I don't act rationally anymore, I just lash out and hurt them.

Because of this, I've placed horrible, selfish restrictions on them in my own mind, all that they don't deserve, to have to deal with. And I'm going to be trying to change myself to deserve them, my loved ones. I'm a selfish person, wrong in so many ways and monstrous in many more. Please, I'd like to say here and now that I'm trying to do better. I'm going to make a rather late new years resolution to change myself, and hopefully I'll be able to keep to it.

I'm so sorry, to all of these people who've had to deal with me. I'm sorry for the way I've acted and the childish way I've reacted to every change in plans. I hope, here and now to change how I am to be better for all of you.


If you read that, I apologize. :P You were exposed to something remarkably whiny, although I suppose I warned you. xD

Thank you all for reading this tonight! Hopefully, the people I've based my life around read this and they know I'm sorry for being such a insensitive person at times.

Good night Everybody! :)
Waldon here, Bre doesn't have access to the blog tonight I assume, and she's fairly exhausted from Babysitting! So I'm going to write just a short little bit to make sure you know we're not forgetting you!

About the title!

I was at work today and whilst I was wearing my brand new hat (which is so awesome because it says "GOT MEAT?"), Gloria (The senior worker) looked at me and asked me the hat's said question. Of course, I responded with a quirky and clever comment!

Basically, it consisted of me calling myself chunky. :P

Kathy (Our new florist) looked at me and said instead, I was rather "Bearlike"! Then, not even 10 minutes later Stephanie and Christina, (The cash register/Etc girls) said I was magical and fantastical!

I guess I must be doing something right? :P

So after I got back home I had a quick bite to eat and a quick wash and then went to Bre's house for a bit while she was babysitting. I left around 11? It was fun! :)

Oh, before I forget! Anybody who was at our last potluck should remember that we're having another one on Sunday! (Bre, Sandra, Robyn, Vlad, Sam, Sarah and Gladdale! You two are new additions, but you're more than welcome and expected!) I don't expect they'll see this blog before the weekend's out, but whatever. I'll get in contact. xD

So, good night all!
Waldon here! Both Bre and I apologize for the lack of posts the past few nights! It was an odd and convoluted series of thoughts that lead to myself, at least, assuming it was Bre's turn to write it last night or the night before. :S So, I hadn't looked at the blog until this evening when Bre asked me to fill in for her. xD

And with all due respect... that's pretty much all I've got to say. >.< Today I was sent home from work early because it was too hot and there wasn't enough work for me to be needed. So then Bre and I went to the docks and took Gunner for a swim. He loved it!

I ended up missing my cousin's wedding today, and I want to apologize so, so deeply for that! I was told that my family wasn't going to go to it, so I took yesterday off instead of today because my blood sugar was high. But early this morning my Mom said she was going! By then it was too late for me to get the day off. >.< Of course, I got off in time to go, but then when I got home I realized all my nice clothes had to be pressed and cleaned. I ended up not being able to go. I'm so, so sorry! :(

This evening Bre came over and we hung out for a while. Actually, we turned on the TV for ambient sound, and when I walked into the room an hour ago after she left, the TV was quiet during a part of the movie that was on, and then a man started whispering and I very nearly righteously ruined this pair of shorts in very short order. :P

So, I guess that's it for now. :S I really don't know what else to say! Good night! :)
Yeah so, I'm really sorry about not having the blog for the past... While. I don't even know how long it's been! Anywho! I know Junior has said this already, but I'd like to say sorry as well. Also, I'd like to say that my posts may again be sporadic because my computer has not yet been checked out, so I won't know when I'll be able to post. Yay!

To the title! As of today, Junior and I have been together for six months. Holy. Crap. That's quite a long time. Go us!

I think this is going to be a short post tonight. I'm writing on Junior's computer... Which has Sims 3 on it. Do you know what this means? About ten seconds after this post is up, I'll be playing Sims, being awesome, while Junior lies on his bed, reading a book. I think I win this round of awesomenesss.

What's new with me? Gosh. Um. I did AWESOME on my report card. There's pretty much no way that I can fail. Because I wrote so many public exams, I still have a while to wait for my actual high school transcript. However! It is pretty much impossible for me to fail. The public exam in a course is worth 50% of your overall grade. In all of my public courses, my averages have been over 88%. The only way I would be able to fail (if I'm not mistaken) is if I didn't write the exam PERIOD, or if I got less than 40 or 45%. I think. I'd have to do really poorly.

After school let out for summer holidays, Junior and I started hanging out more (than we already did). We've seen each other every day (well.. Almost every day. I didn't see him on... Tuesday this week?) and I'm NOT SICK OF HIM YET. :D . This past Monday, I started working at the French school that Britt goes to. They have a summer camp going for the month of July. What do I do? I look after about 18 kids, aged 5 to 11, with another girl. It's. Nuts. Crazy. Intense. Difficult. They have so much energy. By the end of the day, the other girl and I have trouble speaking to each other. :P

Other than that, nothing is really new. Well... The kids at the camp have become really attached to us! :D. It's so cute! Two of them have followed me around all week, holding my hands or clinging on to my waist. It's adorable! :)

Okay, I think that's it for me for now. I hope to post again soon. I miss doing this! Good night all!

- Bre :)

P.S. To whom it may concern : HAPPY CANADA DAY! :D

Waldon here, and sorry about missing the blog last night. It's been a weird few weeks and frankly I forgot about it. I was helping Bre babysit her brother and sister last night until around 11 and by the time I had gotten home I had completely forgotten about it. :P

So, today Bre and I woke up a bit early so that we could go out for breakfast together. :) It was nice! We tried to go to one place, but it was full up. So instead we went to A&W. xD It was still good though. So afterwards I went to Bre's house for a while while she cleaned up her room. We were there for around an hour or two. Closer to two, I think. So whenever it was, we then proceeded to her Nan and Pop's for around another hour or so. After leaving there we went to her Dad's house for a bit.

After that, we went to my house until around 5 30 where we sat around and talked about nerdy things and... oh my god. I didn't have any music on! That's like the first time in months I haven't had music on, even just as ambiance,

I'm losing my mind. :S

After supper was a rush. xD

I had time to eat a hotdog after dropping Bre home before I had to drive down and get her again. Then we went to Ryan's house so that we could figure out what we were doing to get to his cabin, since I had never been there before. So Bre and I quickly picked some stuff up at her Dad's house and then picked up Vlad and went to Ryan's cabin behind him.

So there Bre and I were for the rest of the night. We watched a few episodes of Family Guy with everybody (Who included Thomas, Katherine, Patrick, Meghan, Ryan, Scottie, Kendall, Vlad and of course Bre and Myself :P ) and then turned on "I know pronounce you Chuck and Larry". We had a bunch of chips and sandwiches and pretzels and soda and water and sparkling water and hickory sticks... Man, it was great. xD

Normally, I dislike crowds of people. They make me anxious and tense. As well as just people in general... I think the word is Anthropophobia...? But tonight wasn't so bad. I was out in the woods, so that kind of nullified the fear of people. :P

About the title. In Bre's blog, she said it wouldn't be likely that we'd be writing anything tonight since we just got back from Ryan's cabin, but I missed last night's blog instead and I'm doing it tonight. I'm defying all expectations! xD

So, now, I think I'm going to go to bed. I'm really tired. Good night all!
HOLY COW! My last post (other than the home blog about two minutes ago) was 12 days ago! According to my calculations! (GAK, choking on some chocolate)! Many apologies to whoever actually reads this... I feel kind of bad.

So! I'm just sitting on my bed right now, writing this, eating/choking on some chocolate that Junior bought me yesterday, and talking to Junior and Vlad on MSN. Why am I sitting on my bed, and not at my desk? Well, that's a funny story. Not really. My desk is piled high with all kinds of crap right now. Like, grad gifts, boxes, books, wallets, and a 56$ box of chocolates. Why? Because all of that can't stay on my bed. I have to sleep somewhere, jeez. I haven't had a chance to clean it all up yet because it's been so hectic around here for the past couple of weeks. It'll all be done this weekend! I promise!

One of the reasons for the lack of posts was grad. Thank God that's over. It was all right. The dress that Mom made me was lovely! The highlight of that night was my shoes. I wore 4" heels the entire night. Quite an impressive feat, if I do say so myself. After the dance, Junior and I visited  got a pizza for Vanessa as a birthday gift, visited Dad. I got some gas in the truck and went to Mom's to get a bag ready for the next day. I picked up Junior and went through Tim's drive thru at about 11:45 pm to get myself a BLT, then we headed up to the pool for Safe Grad. It was okay. I had a burger at arund 2:30 am Sunday morning. Junior and I took a little drive at 5 when it was over, then we were at home in bed for 6.

On Sunday, I slept a ridiculous amount. Here's when I slept.

6 - ~9:30   ;   ~10:30 - ~12   ;   2:30 - 6:30

It was nuts! Then I slept from about 10 pm to 7 am Monday morning! There were only a handful of us in school yesterday because most of everyone was hungover. I didn't go to the actual grad party because I was really sick. Everyone else did, and they got sick the next day. So, I got a Math assignment yesterday that I finished. Now I have a bunch of other things to do before exams start on June 13th or 14th. (><)

Okay! I'm done for tonight! It's so nice to post again. Sleep well everyone!

- Bre :)