Hey! Tonight's title comes from the song "Listen to the music" by the Doobie Brothers. I'm not going to lie, that's the only quote I can remember from it at the moment. :P

Yeah, so I've been out sick from school today, and it felt absolutely horrible. I woke up this morning at about 2 AM and then again at about quarter to four, that's when I decided that medication of a sort would be appreciated. I fell asleep again around 5. Then, I woke up around 7 30 to get ready for school, and by 8 o clock I went upstairs to get a shower. Within that half an hour I decided that having incredible dizzy spells and nauseating stomach pains combined with a head congestion worthy of Thor, that I would not be going to school. :P It was like I was suffering under the iron fist of the Triumvirate of Ick. Yeah. I don't think I'm making much sense tonight.

But that's okay.

Anyways. Nothing much really happened today. Bre came to visit me around 10 AM, which cheered me right up. Then I spent the rest of the day working at my math assignment that's due tomorrow that I was supposed to learn how to finish in class this morning. Alas.

Then, Bre came over after supper for a little bit, and we both got a tentative approval for a trip to my cabin this weekend! It's great! I love going up to the cabin. You can hear all the sounds of Loons and what I THINK are Harlequin ducks out on the pond. There are Whiskeyjacks/Grey Jays'/White Crowned Sparrows all around the cabin, and squirrels are always out on the deck chittering around. It's just a nice sounding place. :) Hopefully I'll have my hunting license by this weekend, so if I see any partridges on the way I'll have something to make for supper with our kraft dinner. :P

Anyways, I think I'm going to go on to bed now. I know that staying up late to work on a blog after being sick isn't good for you. :P

Good night all!
Hey all! Happy Halloween! I hope everyone gets a bunch of candy and gets sick tomorrow morning! Morning-after-Halloween-sickness is usualy a sign that you had fun. If you're too old to trick or treat, scare little kids on the street and take their candy! .... On second thought, don't do that.

Startling development in my schooling! I've recently realized... That I enjoy Physics. I don't understand some of it too well, but I think I get it. (O_O)  I'm studying it now because I have a test tomorrow. It sucks.

I'm so sorry but I have to cut this short tonight. I really need to study. The next blog will be longer. :(

- Bre ;)
Waldon here, and anybody else who's reading this whilst in/after completing college/university knows exactly what I mean. What I mean to say, is that Bre and I's workload is massive. Incredibly huge, even. Ginormous, possibly!

I think the enormity of the situation is starting to get across, here. :P

So, today. Today I had two tests. Fun! Fun. Fun? No. Not really! I had a math test at 9 30 this morning. I didn't have time to finish all of it. Then I had Bio class, which was alright I suppose. I forgot my computer at home, so Ryan is going to send me the notes lol. :P

Then after Bio I had English class, where we sat around and did a quiz I believe. Wait. That means I had three tests today. Man.

After English I had two hours off, so I spent the first hour with Bre and Ryan eating dinner in the cafeteria. I got sick from the food the first time I ate there, but every time since I've done pretty good! They've got some good food there sometimes. :P

Then Chem class came around, and I had a page long test where I actually only managed to finish about 70% of the whole thing ANYWAY, so I suppose I'll be getting a failing grade for this one? >.<

So, after spending the night studying for my Bio midterm tomorrow, and doing a prelab for my Bio Lab tomorrow night, I've got to go to bed! Good night all!
... this blog is a day late. :P Waldon here! Bre and I just spent the evening together. We never get time together anymore, and I know at least I needed some time with just Her. :) So, first we went to Tim Horton's for supper because neither of us was really hungry. :P I got clam chowder and some donuts, and Bre got a BLT on a bagel...? I'm trying my darndest to remember lol, but nope. For the life of me I can't remember what she ate. xD Then we spent the rest of the night watching Say Yes To The Dress, because I'm too lazy to change the channel and she likes it? :P Regardless, I had a wonderful time tonight. :)

I had math class and then Chem class this morning. Math was alright. Chem was okay. I found out just before Chem that the changing of color isn't a chemical change, so I got a good portion of my lab wrong. >.< Anyways! Then I had three hours off from work/school/everything so I dropped a check off at the bank and got some gas. Then I went back to school and had lunch with Candace and Bre! :D After lunch, I walked with Bre to her physics class and then helped Ryan with his Chem lab.

Tomorrow my mom and dad are going up the road out of town and staying at the cabin overnight. That means that it'll be my sister and her boyfriend, as well as myself and the dog here for the next two days. Essentially, it'll just be me. Lord knows sis doesn't talk to me.

Now, I'm just texting Bre and hanging around. :) I think I'll head to bed soon. Maybe get some food. Good night all!
Happy Belated Thankgiving, first of all! It's been a bad few days for posts so we didn't get to say it! I hope eveyone gained five pounds. :)

Just a quick recap: this weekend was a long weekend. It wasn't long enough. I finished several assignments, but not all of them. Poor Junior was stressed out. I THINK I babysat twice? But I don't really remember. The entire weekend felt hectic even though nothing really went on.

Because we had yesterday (Monday) off, today felt like Monday. It was AWFUL. Terrible! I kept thinking that I had school until 4:30, when in reality I was out at 2:30. Such confusion! On the plus side, I think I got everything done that needed to be done? Math assignment passed in, Chem question passed in, Chem lab passed in, Chem pre-lab passed in a day early, Physics question passed in, and English story read. Not too shabby. It's a good thing that I read the English story last night! Tony popped a quiz on us in today's class. Five questions - four multiple choice and a VERY short short answer - to see if we had actually read the story. I think I'll do okay?

Junior's been having a rough day. He got two tests back and had to pass in a bunch of stuff. He's been so stressed out! I haven't been able to help at all. SO! On the way home this evening (Britt and I picked up Dad's truck and brought it back to his house because he's out of town), I asked Mom to do through Tim Horton's drive thru to pick up something for Junior. I gave her the money and she got the stuff (that sounds awful!), then we went by the school so that I could put it in Junior's truck. He had a lab until 7:30. I know it didn't help him much, but I hope the thought made him feel a little better?

Oh yeah, after school today, I went to the optometrist. I've been having a lot of headaches lately and I wanted to know if it was because of my glasses perscription or the fluorescent lights at school. It turns out that my vision has changed only slightly in my right eye. This change is not enough to be giving me headaches. Great.

This evening has been grand! I watched Star Trek Voyager and drank some tea after supper. That was simply the best form of procrastination that I've found to date. Sadly, at the end of the show, it was the end of the show. That makes sense, right? I then had to do my Physics assignment. I got most of it done! I just have to ask about a couple of things tomorrow. After this I have to do my essay. . .

Okay, enough procrastination! I'll do my essay now.
Good morning! Where we are, it's about five minutes after midnight so I'm just going to say that it's the morning. A brief explanation of the title: in Physics, Ranjan was teaching us something about how gravity affects falling objects, and something about the acceleration due to gravity being -9.80m/s^2 . . . Or something like that. Anyway, our test is on Monday and I'll have to figure it all out by then.

This week has been crazy! We got all kinds of assignments back and more assigned. I'm so glad both of my labs were able to be completed during the lab hours. If I had had to bring it home, I would have cried! I have three tests next week and several assignments due. I got my Math assignment done this evening (given today, due Monday) and I got an online Chem assignment done (due October 10th). Not too shabby. But I still have three tests and two assignments to do for next week! Not to mention a Chem pre-lab for Wednesday! Man, in a way I'm glad I didn't go away for my first year of university.

Because nothing major happened today in school (well, we got an English quiz back and I got 11/14 or 78.6% - awesome!), I'll just move right on to this evening. I got out at 3:30, said goodbye to Junior, and went on back to Mom's. Brooke wanted/wants to have a bake sale tomorrow to raise money to take care of an injured dog. Mom was baking the entire day for this. 190 cupcakes, fudge, and four dozen muffins later, Mom went to bed exhausted. When I got home from school, Britt was decorating. Mom needed some more stuff, so I went to the store for her. I picked up Junior and off we went!

Note: Never try to turn left when it's four o'clock rush hour.

We finally got to the store and did the shopping (obviously). Junior had to carry the basket because I've injured my wrist somehow and can't really do much. It really hurts to move it. :(  . Anywho, we did the shopping, I dropped him off at home, then went home myself.

This evening, I helped decorate cupcakes and bake muffins. Junior came down at around 7:30 or so and stayed until about 11. He sort of helped with the goodies, haha. When Britt needed a cupcake to ice, he passed one down to her. Britt is great at decorating things! She made all kinds of designs with the icing! She even made Elmos and Cookie Monsters! :D

Okay, that's it for me. I'm really tired. When Junior left, I got ready for bed . . . And did my Chem assignment. Now I'm exhausted. Good night!

- Bre :)

P.S. Junior and I have been together for nine months today! HOLY CRAP.
Hm. The title tonight is an unfortunate, but true, statement. As I was waiting for this page to load, I had to sneeze. Nothing out of the usual mind you - I sneeze quite often. I began to sneeze and I realized something was wrong. I couldn't do it. My retainer got in the way of the sneeze! How? I have no idea. Needless to say, it was the strangest sneeze of my life.

The past few days have been weird with the blog. I updated the page on the internet a few time since the 15th, but Junior's post wouldn't come up. I kept trying and it kept failing to load. This morning, I found out that he did indeed post and that I was late posting! That's why I'm posting tonight. I don't even know whose turn it is anymore.

Today was fun! I woke up around 7:30 (sleeping in on Saturday is always fun) and got a shower around 8:30. After my shower, I did my English homework and I started my Physics. Now, I'm almost done my Physics assignment! I just need to ask a couple of questions on Monday. Junior woke up shortly after nine, I think. We went out for breakfast around 10:30. It was good! Except the ham. I didn't like the ham. Junior said something about chickens and eggs . . . What was it? "Eggs are just chickens that haven't hatched yet." Yes, that sounds about right. I had to laugh. I don't like eggs. (But I like French toast. Funny).

After breakfast, we went to his house for a bit. To be honest, I don't remember what we did. We went to my house for a few minutes, I grabbed my Chem, and we went back to his house. This afternoon, I helped him do some of a Chem thing that he needed to get done. Around five, we picked up Britt and Junior brought us home. I stayed for supper, then went back to Junior's at 7:30/7:45 or so.

This evening didn't really go as planned (pffft, like we planned anything anyway). We were going to go to Dad's friends with Dad/Mandy/Britt for a while for a bit of a combined birthday party, but Junior got a nosebleed. At first, I thought that was all right and it would pass. But, when I went over to him, he was ridiculously warm, feverish even. I asked him what his blood sugar was at supper/the last time he checked and, even though it was normal then, I told him to check it again anyway. It turns out that he was really high (his blood sugar, that is). I can hardly rememeber ANYTHING about it, as pathetic as that it, but I do remember that it's BAD. He did a "correction" (Junior can explain everything) and (because I'm lame) I just put a cold cloth on his forehead to cool him down. No, that didn't do anything to help. It just cooled him down a bit. I then made him check his blood every hour. Around 10 o'clock, it was still high, so we didn't go anywhere. When I left at 11:45, he was back down to just about normal.

AND now here I am, writing this. But I'm done now. Good night!

- Bre :)
Waldon here! And with my usual grace and subtle charm and wit I'm going to say I'm tired! Actually, I'm exhausted. But that's not a big deal. I can write a little bit. xD I've actually been writing all night long, I've been trying to finish what is hopefully a good story that after I send it out to the provincial literary competition, I'll have a chance to show all of you!

Seriously though, I've written over 1000 words tonight already. I don't want to write any more. :P

Suffice to say, my fingers are tired. xD

But! Something of importance happened today! Two things, actually, so I'll tell you about them.

Firstly, I got oil for my truck! It turns out that it was so low on oil that the oil gauge was stuck on half full because it couldn't move. Apparently anyway. I'm not a big automotive person. :P But! It did take three entire quarts of 10W-30 to get it up to nearly full!

And after that, Bre came over for an hour or two! It was great! We hadn't seen each other for longer than 10 minutes over a week, and to two people that practically lived together, that's harsh.

Bre worked on her Physics, and I worked on my story. :P

So, I guess I'm gone to sleep now. Good night all! : D
Today is my Dad's birthday! Yay! :D

At the moment, I'm just fixing up my Math assignment, so I'll turn my attention to this soon. *does assignment*. All right, I'm done that for the night. Time to read some Chemistry notes. (><)

I'm completely stressed out and today was only the third day of classes. I have no idea what I'm going to do next year! Perhaps I'll only feel like this for the first two weeks, then it will go away! I sure hope so. I don't know if I can handle this all semester! Physics was really stressing me out yesterday. Now, I've never done a Physics course before this so everything is new to me. There are four people in the class who took Physics in high school, and the teacher, Ranjan, is really nice. This means that I have people to ask for help if I need it! :D

Ranjan is great. He's originally from India! He's incredibly nice (so far!) and he seems really smart. Sometimes, if we don't understand him and he starts to laugh, we laugh with him. Well, I don't know about the others, but I do that when I don't catch what he said. Lucio, our Chem teacher, is from Ghana if I remember correctly? I don't know if that's how you spell it. I met him this summer at the French camp! He's really nice, too. Tony, our English teacher, is from Nigeria . . ? I don't remember. He kind of intimidates me. Maybe that's because I'm in the back of the room?

Enough about school. Today is my Dad's birthday! We went out for supper at seven (I almost missed it! I arrived at his house - Junior brought me there - at about 6:50) with some of his/Mandy's friends. It was nice! They even had cake! :o  Britt and I got home around 9:15 . . ? Maybe. I don't remember! It's been a long day. Upon getting home, I said good night to Thomas and Bryton and Britt (after her shower), fixed up my assignment, and read some Chem. Not too exciting.

Oh, fun fact. The longest I've seen Junior all week (outside of class) was 20 mintutes - we walked from school to his house, then he drove me to Dad's. I miss hanging out with him. As he said, we practically lived together all summer. But we didn't! :P

OKAY! I have stuff to do, and I'm not being exciting anyway, so good night!

- Bre :)
Happy September 1st! :D  Junior and I have officially been together for eight months today. Go us! :D

So, all kinds of confusion between us the past few days concerning whose turn it was to write the blog. We're sort of on track now . . . Sort of. I'll probably forget again, and we'll get all messed up. Again. Sorry! :)

Today was pretty fun! I woke up - always a good way to start the day - and went upstairs to say good morning to everyone! I got a shower and stuff a little while later. After my shower, I settled in to finish reading the Child Thief. I finished it around 2:30 or so this afternoon? Then I washed the dishes for Mom while she and Britt were out. Cody and I were going to hang out, but he didn't get my text until 4:30 or so, so we couldn't hang out.

Oh yes! I went to the optometrist with Brooke to get Bryton's glasses fixed, then went across the road to Burger King for some dinner for Dad. I dropped Brooke off at home, then drove up the road a bit to give Dad his food. Fun stuff! :D

Junior came down shortly before five and chilled with Bryton and I until Mom came home. Then we went out to supper! :D It was great! The server was even nice. Junior paid, like the gentleman that he is. We then went for a drive around town and down to the docks. At the docks, we watched the AMAZING seagulls flying around. Those things are CRAZY.

After watching the deranged birds, we went/came to his house. This is where we are now. But I have to go home soon! Very soon! So, we came here and listened to music and read webcomics - well, webcomic. It was Nedroid. Look it up! :D

Now I have to go home! Good night!

- Bre :)