If you only read the title, you could probably safely assume that I have stolen something. Don't worry! It's not that big of a deal. Honest. Today, I went to Junior's house and picked their strawberries. I feel like I've stolen them because NO ONE WAS HOME. I feel like a thief in the late afternoon!

Today was NUTS. I woke up several times between 6:45 and 9:45. I finally got fed up and got out of bed at 9:45. I went upstairs, got breakfast, text Junior, tormented Britt and all that jazz, then got a shower. I had things to do.

My To-Do List
- go to the bank to deposit money
- find Lee to give her ticket money
- go to the greenhouse to pick up a missed delivery
- buy bread and (possibly) dishwasher liquid
- pick strawberries
- go to Dad's
- eat

In that order. I am proud to say that I have everything on that list done! Go me! Now all I have to do this evening is eat, go back to Dad's, and go to the movie at 8. It's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 ! Sadly, it's been ages since I read the book. On Tuesday I was tempted to start rereading it. I didn't because I was reading the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy "trilogy."

Okay. Last thing before I eat my spiral Kraft Dinner (WOOT). The flower delivery. Junior told me on Wednesday to be home Thursday evening for a surprise. I missed the surprise. Last night on the phone, he told me that he had arranged for an arrangement of flowers to be delivered to me while he was away. Can anyone say "AAAAAAAAAAAAAWW!" I was so touched! I really do believe that I have the best boyfriend in the world. What did the card say? "Hey Bre! Just something to make sure you don't forget me! Love you! - Junior." I loves him. :)

Done! Time for some KD! Until tomorrow!

- Bre : )
Good evening! As you can probably tell, I'm just hanging around the house with my dog. Charlie is great. He's a gorgeous Irish Setter! I love him dearly. Sadly, he doesn't really like other people or animals. He's wonderful and all, but we can't even take him for a walk because he barks at other people and pulls really hard on the leash. It really sucks. :(

So, I didn't post a blog yesterday because, well, I was just too lazy. By the time I had gotten home and ready for bed and said goodnight to everyone, I just wanted to lie down and read. Yesterday afternoon, Scottie and I hung out. We drove around town and visited an office supply store. Then we went to Tim Horton's and sat around. After Tim's, we went to his house and I watched him cook. Even though it had mushrooms, it looked delicious! He dropped me off at Dad's around 4:30. Last night, Dad, Britt, and I went to supper with a bunch of people Dad knows. We met his boss' son, Ryan. He's quite nice! We stood around the restaurant for about 45 minutes, were finally seated, then waited another 20 minutes to order! In the end, Britt, Ryan, and I ate the same thing . . . And all got stomach sick! Britt and I got home at around 9:45 or so.

Today, Britt and I started cleaning up the house. We cleaned for a bit, then got ready and picked up Ryan. Britt and I took him around town for a drive and we saw a black bear. He was so cute! It was only a baby. He was down the road from our (Mom's) house. At around 5, we dropped him off. Then, we went grocery shopping. It was fun! We also took Charlie for a little drive! We were going to go pick some strawberries from Junior's strawberry patch, but the construction people were there, so I just dropped Britt off at Dad's. Because I'm waiting for a call from Junior, I went on home.

Now I'm just chilling with my doggy! :D

Junior should be calling soon. He had better, or else I'll be really angry with him. He said he would call around 8 or 8:30, but I don't know if he meant MY time or HIS time. There's a 30 minute difference between his time and my time. For example, if it's 8 here, it's 8:30 where he is. Hmm . . . I hope he calls soon.

OH! I was reading some stuff on TIME.com, and I stumbled upon this article on "Triple Double Oreos." Goodness! That seems a tad much, doesn't it? Check it out!


All righty then, I'm done for now. Bye!

- Bre : )
Junior left this afternoon. I feel so lost. (O_O)

Yeah. I haven't much to say. Today wasn't overly exciting so, naturally, I don't have much to write about. I did a lot of sitting, a lot of reading, a bit of grocery shopping, I THINK I did a bit of napping but I really don't know if I did or not. That was a weird hour and a half. I was lying on my bed, reading, when all of a sudden I got tired! I put down the book and lay down. As a result, I dozed. BUT I DON'T KNOW IF I ACTUALLY SLEPT. It was awful.

This morning I woke up and showered and stuff. Yay cleanliness! Junior came down around 9:45 and we went out for breakfast because he was leaving this afternoon. It was good, but a sad sad meal. After breakfast he took me to check the mail for my Nan and Pop, then to the store to buy water. He came down to the house for a while then had to leave. : (

This afternoon I read. I've read over 200 pages since about one o'clock. Naturally, that's not all I was doing. If I was only focused on reading I would have read about 500 pages. I DO do other things. Like eat . . . And watch tv . . . And . . . Sit. That's a big one right there.

Um. That's all. I've been texting Junior since he got cell service! But he went to bed already so I had to stop. OH! When I opened his computer, there was a cute little note from him, saying hello. :)

Now that's all. I'm off to read some more of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy "trilogy." Good night!

- Bre : )
So, as you can tell, I obviously didn't write a blog last night like I said I'd try to. The Blog didn't work like it should, if you follow that train of reason. :P It's working tonight though! Which is fortunate because... This is my last post for a week.

I'll be leaving on holidays tomorrow afternoon, and then spending a week or so in the other half of our province. Because of this, I've just finished work today and I'm now officially laid off for the rest of the school year! :D I'll greatly miss Bre, let me tell you. :P Don't worry guys! I'll miss everybody else too! :O

I'll be taking along my sketchbook and stuff, so I might get a FEW good sketches out of this anyway. :P

I'll be lending my laptop to Bre for the duration of my trip, so I obviously won't be posting much while I'm gone. Her laptop is still out of commission. :( Hopefully Bre will have the time to get some stuff up! :)

So the other day I bought two games. Monster Tale and Shadows of the Damned. Two radically different games, I might add. :P Monster Tale is ridiculously addictive. O.o

Shadows of The Damned is... One big joke about the male anatomy. I'm not even exaggerating. There are some words involved that I can't use in a family friendly internet, but "Bone" and "Hot" and "Endowment" show's up frequently. :P The funny part is, it's not even gross! It's just one continuous facepalming moment after another. xD I actually keep playing to see exactly how many jokes about the Manly McNuggets they can make. :P That's when I think the game will end. :P

So... I guess I'm done for now! I'll see you all in a week! Good night and take care!
Waldon here, and tonight's wonderful title comes from none other than Sandra! :D Thank you Sandra! But alas! I'm afraid that it's not going to be put to as much use as I'd like. For some reason, the words are typing in very slowly. :S

It takes about 7 seconds for each word to show up, and that's just annoying. So I think I'll give this another try tomorrow night with hopefully better results! Good night all!
Waldon here, and I've just got a quick note to post instead of a real blog this evening. I've had a crazy day, where I've both dressed up as Santa Claus and had a visit to the ER (unrelated events, btw. :P).

Yeah, I'm beat out. My right eye got some sort of funny chemical in it after working in hot sun for several hours, so I'm fairly far gone right now. :P I'll do up a blog tomorrow night!

Good night all!
Instead of playing Sims, I decided to write this blog . . . Finally. I don't even have an excuse as to why I haven't written in so long. It's not like I haven't had time! I finished work last Friday, so I've had plenty of time to do this! Oh well. If anyone actually reads this, they'll have to take what they can get, oui?

So, what have I been doing? Diddly squat. Seriously. After finishing work, I haven't done that much. Hanging out, reading, sleeping in until 8 (yay), hanging out with Junior . . . Generally nothing. Junior had about a week off, so I spent most of my time with him. Although, he had to go back to work today so I was pretty lost.

Today was ridiculously slow for some reason. I woke up and STAYED IN BED TO PASS THE TIME. Then I went to Tim's with Mom, Britt, Brooke, and Bryton for breakfast. That was fun! Then I went home to get a shower and do some laundry. Then it was about 11:30. I watched tv and went for an hour long bike ride with Bryton . . . Which brings me to 2:30. After that, I watched tv and dropped Britt off at Dad's and Brooke off at her grandmother's. Then it was suppertime. Mom, Bryton and I were going to go out, but the restaurant was pretty full. We then went home. Mom made breakfast for supper and I made Kraft Dinner. Gosh, I love that stuff.

Then, I waited around until 7:20 to walk to meet Junior after work. I was a bit early so I just sat on the tailgate of his truck to wait. Naturally, I was across from the police station. I was sure that someone would come ask me what I was doing sitting on the tailgate of a truck in front of a greenhouse. But no one did! So I'm not in jail for anything! (I worry too much).

What am I doing now? I'm waiting for Junior to get out of the shower. He had dirt everywhere . . . And a "PAID" stamp on the back of his neck. That's crazy.

OH! The water just shut off. Junior will be back downstairs soon, so I'll start playing Sims. I need an excuse not to talk to him. : P  Until next time!

- Bre :)
Waldon here. I'd like to announce that I only have one day left (and that day officially started 11 minutes ago! :o ) before I have to go back to work. I think I'll be putting in my two weeks notice for the end of the summer soon. After the next two weeks is up, I'll be going back to school again!

So, today I officially did NOTHING. Bre and I went to the Drug Store to pick her out some hair dye. I got some dinner, she dyed her hair. It's still dark right now, but it'll change color soon after she washes it a few times. :P

After I ate dinner... Yeah, that's pretty much it. I watched TV and listened to Apocalyptica. I lead such an exciting life, aren't you all jealous? xD

Seriously though. It's so early in the morning right now while I'm writing this because I didn't know what to write earlier. I'll mention that I got a bunch of new witty T Shirts and Dungeon Siege III from Mom after her trip. They're pretty awesome.

And I guess I'm done! I'm exhausted. :P Good night All!
Waldon here, and I really don't have any excuse as to why I keep forgetting to do the blog. I just do! I'm sorry!

Now, for some fun fact; I've been home alone since Friday night, and I've seen a grand total of 4 people in the roughly 54 hours since then. During that time, I've spent 1 hour with Glad, 2 and a half hours with Bre, and half an hour with My Dad and the random knock-on-the-door guy combined. :P

I'm very lonely. :(

You see, it wouldn't be so bad if I could get out of the house and do stuff, but I have to stay home because if we leave our dog alone he tries to do things that he shouldn't do because he'll hurt himself. I mentioned this before but he has two damaged back legs, and when he puts too much weight on them or strains them too much they get hurt again. So, I'm on Dogsitting duty until my Mom gets back from Newfoundland tomorrow.

I've been texting everybody, but Glad's phone and my phone refuse to acknowledge that the other person's phone exists, and our texts don't reach each other. Bre's been having a stressful time and I haven't really heard from her, or she's wanted to spend time with her family. Aside from those two, there's really nobody else that I've been able to get a hold of! Nobody's even on MSN!

So, I've been watching TV. And playing xBox. Yay me.

Seriously though. I'm jonesing for some companionship. Gunner is great! Don't get me wrong. I love my dog more than life itself! But he can't talk back. Or walk for long enough for me to get tired. >.<

Speak of the devil, my dog is at my waist now. :P So, I'm typing this with one hand whilst the other scratches his head. :)

I'm all jittery, and I need something to do. >.< Video games are great for so long, but after a while I want to see REAL people. Not little colored dots on a screen masquerading as real people. ;) Maybe I'll go for a walk when Dad gets home this evening?

Oh, right. I forgot to mention that my Dad is home from about 8 30 onwards every night, and he's gone when I wake up. :P He's a forest fire fighter, so seeing as this is the hot season there's, accordingly, fires. That's why I'm not in Newfoundland right now too. :P Because he was supposed to stay home with Gunner while Mom and I went out.

Oh well. Plans change. :P

So at the start of the weekend I was just like. "Oh well. Now I get to spend the weekend chilling out with everybody instead."

But then "Oh damn. Nobody wants to hang out/Nobody can hang out."

So after that "I guess I'll write that long overdue blog."


Yeah. So. You guys just heard my entire weekend. I took gunner to the docks with Glad. Hung out with Bre for a couple hours. And watched Discovery Channel and Cartoons. Woot! xD

I guess I'm done for now. Good night all!
Waldon here, and in order to properly appreciate that fact, you'll need to see what I've seen. Namely, this:
Found in the archives of Animalsbeingd----.com, I'd appreciate it if you went to check it out, I think it's great xD

So, this morning I went out to Tim's with Gladdale, and it was all well and good until I finished eating. Then I felt horribly sick. >.< I think it was some bad lettuce or or something. :P

So then we went walking around for a bit, and then back to my house to cool down while Gladdale waited to go home to register for her courses in the fall online.

That afternoon I didn't really do much at all. xD

Then this evening I got to hang out with Bre! We watched "The Other Boleyn Girl", and then hung out for a while until she had to go home. It was fun!  The movie wasn't bad, but I think I had more fun with my own internal commentary. :P

Oh yes, I'll be leaving on Friday I believe, hopefully I'll be able to get a blog up while I'm gone, but I don't have high hopes! I'll be gone for about 4 days or so, so I'll miss at least 2 blogs. >.<

So, now that I've got nothing left to say, I figure I'll go to bed!

Good night everybody!