Hey there! I haven't written in days . . . Again! I figured I'd write this now before I fell asleep or went home and went to bed
The past few days have been crazy. Every day when I get home, I'm ready to drop. I'm absolutely exhausted. In a way, I'm really glad that this is my last week of work. (><)  Today makes me appreciate that fact.

So. Today. Normally, we go swimming on Fridays. As you may know, today is a Monday. We went swimming. We were supposed to go from 2 to 3 this afternoon but it turns out that the pool was reserved from 1 to 2. That was awful. All the parents had to be called. They were told that they had to pick up their kids at 12:30 instead of 1:30, and if they couldn't pick up their kid, their kid couldn't go.

Cruel, I know. Speaking of cruel, I'd like to apologize to poor Virginie, who was left alone with the kids quite a bit today. I'll try to make sure that it doesn't happen again. (><)

So. Britt went to the pool with us instead of one of the Katimaviks (Mathieu or Virginie). At 12, we had to go home to get her swim suit and be back at the school for 12:30. She had to eat. I don't even know if she ate! We went back to the school, where we picked up some stuff for the kids to do after swimming, and told Mme Nancy that we were ready to go. Because two parents couldn't pick up their kids, Britt and I took them in the Pathfinder with us. It was fun! When we got to the pool, we all went swimming.

I got out a few minutes early to get dressed and wait for everyone. I then waited for the boys to be ready. When they were ready, we went out to the Pathfinder to get some stuff for everyone to do. Kids love to feel helpful. We then went back in and hung out for two hours until the parents picked up their kids. What did we do? I prayed that the kids wouldn't be too lazy to do anything, and that they wouldn't kick up too much of a fuss. Luckily, Britt was there to straighten them out. I'm not much of an authority figure.

All of the kids were picked up by quarter after four. We couldn't go to the school to drop everything off because NO ONE WAS THERE. So we went home. Britt, Junior, and I went to A&W for supper. It was nice! I bought the ice cream, and Britt bought my food. After supper, we went to Dad's for a visit, then back down to Mom's. At around 7:30, Junior and I came over to his house, where I played Sims for a while. Now I'm writing this!

Well, I WAS writing this. I'm done now. Good night!

- Bre : )
Waldon here, and tonight's title comes from the song "Carnival of Rust" by Poets of The Fall. Absolutely amazing sounding songs by these guys, you should all totally check it out. :P

I actually just got back from walking home Sandra and Sarah. I don't like it when my friends have to walk home in the dark by themselves. I get worried about them, and I'm a fairly protective person. I left at about 10 30 or so, and stayed for about 25 minutes when I got there at 11 30 for some cake and tea! :)

We all had a potluck tonight at my house, Bre, Sandra, Sarah, Robyn and I all hung out and ate a bunch of delicious food that everybody brought. Even the potato brownies. Curses to that tomfoolery. :P

Sandra and Sarah brought brownies... with mashed potato icing that I never noticed until it was too late. xD

Now, I'm going to use the rest of the blog to write some fairly mean stuff about myself. I'm not going to say it's self pity, that would be wrong. Nor is it looking for pity; that would also be wrong. I just want to get this all down in writing so that I can't deny that I said and thought it later.

Of course, anybody who isn't really interested in listening to me make horrible non-fiction accusations at myself doesn't have to read this. In fact, it'll probably just make you angry if you did. :P You can just skip on down to the end of the page to hear me say good night, if you want. xD The part that you'll probably want to skip if you're a normal person is in italics. :P

I apologize in advance for what you're about to read. ;)


In her "Young Wizard's" series, Diane Duane offered up a piece of advice that I've come to realize is so true that many people don't even realize it. When it comes between apologizing even when you feel that you're right, and hurting a relationship with people you love, apologizing should always be what you choose to do. I don't feel like I've done anything wrong; but when I think about it, I know I must have. If I do something that makes the most important people to me so incredibly angry that I'm afraid I'll lose them, even if I feel like I was in the right, I'll give it all up, my pride, my opinion, anything to make it better.

I want to apologize, deeply, for the expectations I have at times. I feel like I've been regarding myself as some kind of wonderful person compared to everybody else. I've been so wrong, it's probably criminal.

Over the past few days, I've had my little bubble of reality come crashing down on me. I've been made to realize that I place much more importance on several other people than they do on me. There are a few people, one whom I feel very, very strongly for, in particular that make up the absolute centre of my universe. Everything I do makes me think of them, makes me remember things we've done together or of things that I look forward to doing with them. I know that none of them feel the same way about me. I know that I'm not the centre of any of their lives (even if I'd like and love to be), like my own screwed up sentiments.

But for some reason, I expect them to. I expect that they'll all place me in the same measure of importance, even though it's absolutely unreasonable. I'm a screw-up, if there ever was one. I'm clingy and needy, and as soon as they get an opportunity to do something that they would rather do with somebody else instead of something I was hoping they'd do with me, I feel like I've been completely left behind, that I'm the second choice.

This is wrong, I know that! I have this complex, where if somebody tells me that they're interested in doing something or that they want to do something with me and then do something else with somebody else instead, I feel so unimportant that it hurts. I feel so incredibly belittled. Then, I don't act rationally anymore, I just lash out and hurt them.

Because of this, I've placed horrible, selfish restrictions on them in my own mind, all that they don't deserve, to have to deal with. And I'm going to be trying to change myself to deserve them, my loved ones. I'm a selfish person, wrong in so many ways and monstrous in many more. Please, I'd like to say here and now that I'm trying to do better. I'm going to make a rather late new years resolution to change myself, and hopefully I'll be able to keep to it.

I'm so sorry, to all of these people who've had to deal with me. I'm sorry for the way I've acted and the childish way I've reacted to every change in plans. I hope, here and now to change how I am to be better for all of you.


If you read that, I apologize. :P You were exposed to something remarkably whiny, although I suppose I warned you. xD

Thank you all for reading this tonight! Hopefully, the people I've based my life around read this and they know I'm sorry for being such a insensitive person at times.

Good night Everybody! :)
Waldon here, Bre doesn't have access to the blog tonight I assume, and she's fairly exhausted from Babysitting! So I'm going to write just a short little bit to make sure you know we're not forgetting you!

About the title!

I was at work today and whilst I was wearing my brand new hat (which is so awesome because it says "GOT MEAT?"), Gloria (The senior worker) looked at me and asked me the hat's said question. Of course, I responded with a quirky and clever comment!

Basically, it consisted of me calling myself chunky. :P

Kathy (Our new florist) looked at me and said instead, I was rather "Bearlike"! Then, not even 10 minutes later Stephanie and Christina, (The cash register/Etc girls) said I was magical and fantastical!

I guess I must be doing something right? :P

So after I got back home I had a quick bite to eat and a quick wash and then went to Bre's house for a bit while she was babysitting. I left around 11? It was fun! :)

Oh, before I forget! Anybody who was at our last potluck should remember that we're having another one on Sunday! (Bre, Sandra, Robyn, Vlad, Sam, Sarah and Gladdale! You two are new additions, but you're more than welcome and expected!) I don't expect they'll see this blog before the weekend's out, but whatever. I'll get in contact. xD

So, good night all!
Waldon here! The title, of course I'm sure you already know this ;), is about Apocalyptica. Apocalyptica is a musical group consisting of 4 cellos and a drum kit... playing hard rock and heavy metal. Ahhh... Can't you feel the awesome? :D Seriously though, they rock. Check 'em out if you haven't already.

Today was one of my on call days again, so I spent the day doing nothing and going nowhere. Exciting, isn't it? :P I helped put up two of the walls on my new shed this morning, that was fun. xD

Then, this evening I went to Bre's! It was great! I missed her a lot more than usual today and so I went for a visit. :P She was nice enough to let me come down. :)

Okay, so I seriously spent about 10 hours of today playing Oblivion. I have a problem. >.< Although, my level 17 Wood Elf Battlewitch is pretty awesome, regardless. I know you're all jealous. >:P

So, seeing as how I seriously did almost nothing today I've actually covered everything that happened, easily. xD I don't see how Bre puts up with me, I must be the most boring person in the world :P

And now I guess I'm done. I'm tired. I'm gonna read some Terry Pratchett novels and go to sleep! Good night all!
Waldon here! Sorry guys, I know you're probably getting sick of me by now. Most people do, after a while. Bre in particular has the patience to put up with me. :P Bre was unable to post a blog due to her continuing computer problems, so I told her I would do it. It's the least I can do for that girl, she does so much for me. :)

This afternoon I was going to wash my truck, but instead Bre asked if I wanted to go out in boat instead, so of course I said yes. :P We spent the afternoon out around the bay with some of her family. :) Then I showed her little brother how to catch cushies. (or Three-Spined Sticklebacks for those of you not into our dialect :P)

Then Bre and I got ice-cream, and it was great. :D

After supper, Sandra and Robyn came over, and then Bre and her sister Brittany came over. They came over from her dads house, and I wish she knew how much that meant to me. <3 She didn't have to, but she did anyway. For that, I owe her so much. :)

Robyn was playing Oblivion all night, and Sandra, Britt, Bre and I were watching her play. I think I've made another convert to the awesome that is Oblivion. :P Also, we were talking about every possible thing under the sun! Sandra and I had an absolutely riveting conversation about fears on the way to her house !I just dropped Sandra and Robyn off a little while ago.

...and now I suppose I have to go to bed. I have work in the morning! Good night all!
Waldon here! Both Bre and I apologize for the lack of posts the past few nights! It was an odd and convoluted series of thoughts that lead to myself, at least, assuming it was Bre's turn to write it last night or the night before. :S So, I hadn't looked at the blog until this evening when Bre asked me to fill in for her. xD

And with all due respect... that's pretty much all I've got to say. >.< Today I was sent home from work early because it was too hot and there wasn't enough work for me to be needed. So then Bre and I went to the docks and took Gunner for a swim. He loved it!

I ended up missing my cousin's wedding today, and I want to apologize so, so deeply for that! I was told that my family wasn't going to go to it, so I took yesterday off instead of today because my blood sugar was high. But early this morning my Mom said she was going! By then it was too late for me to get the day off. >.< Of course, I got off in time to go, but then when I got home I realized all my nice clothes had to be pressed and cleaned. I ended up not being able to go. I'm so, so sorry! :(

This evening Bre came over and we hung out for a while. Actually, we turned on the TV for ambient sound, and when I walked into the room an hour ago after she left, the TV was quiet during a part of the movie that was on, and then a man started whispering and I very nearly righteously ruined this pair of shorts in very short order. :P

So, I guess that's it for now. :S I really don't know what else to say! Good night! :)
Yes. Waldon!

Bre asked me to fill in for her tonight, but I'm feeling kind of sick too! I just finished re-scanning in all of my pictures AGAIN. My god, I hope this process becomes easier the more you do it, this is so tedious I'm almost falling down sitting here. xD

I wasn't reckoning on doing the blog tonight, so I really don't have much to say. O.o I've decided to go to bed early tonight, hopefully I'll be able to fall asleep before the sun starts coming up again. >.< I hate insomnia. :(

So, today I mostly just sat around the house, playing Oblivion xD And that isn't nearly as exciting to the rest of you as it is to me, so I guess I won't go into detail about that. :P

Although, there was a break in all the tediousness today when Bre asked me to go to Tim's for lunch! I was ecstatic! I hopped in the truck and on I went! It was a great time. :) But Bre had to go back to work before too long, so sadly we had to cut it short and go our separate ways for the day. :(

Now, Bre seems to be preoccupied this evening. I suppose it's just her being sick? But I know I'm waiting for about 15 or 20 minutes between texts, and that's kind of making me really worry about her/annoyed. :S I have the bad habit of treating text conversations like real conversations, and that tends to make me somewhat of a grumpy guy at times xD Does anybody else do that? :P I hope so. I don't want to be the one guy to think like that..

Anyway, I think I'm going to go on to bed now, I'm exhausted. Good night all!
Tonight, I thought I'd write the blog the same way that I wrote my Facebook status today. Mind you, I hardly ever go on Facebook but the mood struck and I HAD to update my Facebook status. At the time I was walking to my Nan and Pop's house for a visit. What did I do? I went on Safari on my phone and updated my status. What was my status? "Breanna Elizabeth is checking her Facebook while walking down the road. (O_O)" AWESOME status if I do say so myself.

Right now, I am at Junior's house. I was going to write this earlier but we started watching Wallace and Gromit : the Curse of the Were Rabbit then League of Super Evil . . . So I didn't write it. Dang tv. Other than that, nothing has really happened tonight. Well, since I got here. Talking and such between the ridiculous antics of Wallace and Gromit, and Doomageddon and co.

I have to leave in five minutes so this is probably going to be rather short.

I woke up around 9 or so this morning. Mom and them went to Tim Horton's this morning but I was too tired to go. I didn't actually do much. I ate, helped Mom clean up a bit, didn't get a shower until about 1:30, and I didn't leave the house until 2:30. This afternoon, I hung out with Nan at her house, and we visited her friend at the hospital. She dropped me off at Mom's for supper. I ATE THE BEST POTATOES EVER.  : D

After supper, Britt and I went to Dad's for a bit and hung out there. Her friend Benjamin came in today, so he went to the movie with Britt, Dad, and Mandy. When Benjamin got there, I was already on my way here.

Now I'm up to date! And I have to go! WOOT, right on time. Junior will probably talk about his ridiculously fun diabetic campaigning tomorrow. It sounded like it was a blast! : D

Okay. Good night!

- Bre : )
Waldon, and tonight's title comes from an older song which many of you might know called "Headstrong" by Trapt. I absolutely love the sound of it. I think it's the constant repetition of that incredible hard rock riff in the chorus.

I just got the chance just now to read Bre's post for the first time today. I'm so sorry it took me so long Bre! >.<

I've been trying for a VERY long time to get Bre to go swimming with me :P In fact, I invited her to my birthday party in grade 8 at the swimming pool and she never even came! Bitter? Me? Nah. Of course not, where did you get THAT idea? xD

See, if I'd known all I needed was a horde of french children to get Bre to go swimming, then I'd practically be a francophone by now. ;)

I actually love swimming lol. And anybody who's my size will probably understand why. It's so amazing to just drift in the water feeling weightless. When I stand, I can actually feel my weight pushing me down. xD I'm about 230 pounds right now and about 5'11" to 6' tall. I think I'm 60 pounds or so overweight?

As Bre said, I was working yesterday and today. I work on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Although I'm scheduled as On Call for Tuesdays and Wednesdays, there's a shortage of available jobs for us right now for a couple federal related reasons. :P

At work right now I'm mostly washing dishes. No joke. I'm working at a greenhouse and I'm washing dishes. Oh well. I've done about 14 hours of washing dishes (not including sitting down and rinsing the dirt off before washing - which is another 12 hours or so) because only two other people in our entire work are willing to help with it. It sucks. One of them is only part time and the other has more important jobs to finish first. But this needs to be done, and if nobody else will do it, that means I do it. I always end up doing what needs to be done. :P

I've been really "off" feeling the past few days. :S Everything feels like it's skewed... Not physically, but mentally. Everything I do just seems weird! Like I'm doing it all WRONG, and I know it but everybody else thinks it's right... does that make sense? xD And everybody ELSE seem like they're mad at me or something. :P

So, I'm kind of running out of things to talk about... so... Good night all!
Good morning! I didn't post last night because I was too tired, so I promised Junior that I'd do it this morning sometime. I figured since I've been up for two hours already I should stop slacking and actually write something.

This morning's title comes from what I ate for breakfast. I got out of bed a little before nine and came out to the kitchen. Because I stayed at Dad's last night, I came out to see Mandy. She had just finished her coffee so I asked her if she wanted to eat some breakfast. We agreed on some cereal and went outside to eat (it's so nice out!). I chose to eat some chocolate Rice Krispies. THEY'RE SO DARN GOOD. If you haven't tried them, you should. They don't have too much cocoa in them, and they don't turn your milk into chocolate milk. I was quite impressed! As I usually do with Rice Krispies, I ate two bowls full. They aren't very filling so you kind of have to. That, and I just love chocolate.

Yesterday was all right. Work was "good" in the morning. Tawès' little girl is teething so she had to stay home with her. She came in at about 10:30 and we watched a movie with the kids. Everyone got some ice cream because it was Friday! : D . In the afternoon, we all went swimming. I had to get in the pool with the kids. Swimming is most definitely NOT one of my favourite things to do. Nevertheless, I had some fun. The kids were all over me! It was so hard to keep an eye on everyone while I was almost being pushed under. At one point I had two on my lap, two hanging off my right arm, one off my left arm, and one under the water grabbing onto my feet trying to hold themself down. It was a learning experience! Oh, I got the chance to wear a bathing suit that I've had for about three years . . . That I don't think I've worn once. : S

Last night, Mom, Bryton, and I went to Nan and Pop's to see Uncle Wayne, Aunt Hertha, Dana and her kids. It was lovely! When Junior got off work, he went home to get Gunner then came to get me. I got him to meet Uncle Wayne and them, teehee. Poor Junior. I kind of force him to meet my family and everytime he wants me to meet his, I sneak away stealthily. ALTHOUGH I did go to his grandparents' house once a couple of weeks ago.

Junior is WAY too patient with me. (><)

Speaking of Junior! He's working today until five or so, so I'm just hanging around until he gets off. I was asked to work at the Lodge tonight but I had to cancel because I got sick. I really don't want to cough on someone's food!

All right. I have water in my ear. And it sucks. I think I'm going to go get a shower and stuff and try to fix my ear. This is maddening. Bye for now!

- Bre : )