Waldon here, and I'll put it bluntly: I didn't do the blog last night because I was lazy. :P I'm allowed a transgression now and again. I think.

Yeah, so the title. xD I just REALLY like games, movies, media and books based around any sort of Fallout. I don't know why, but I do. :P

Now, what did I do yesterday? That's actually a really good question. I was sick yesterday, I caught a bug in my belly. So, I was pretty much fairly sick feeling all day. xD But that didn't stop Bre from coming over and making me feel better! : D It was great! :) She rubbed my back and everything. xD If you've ever felt my back (Which would be really creepy F.Y.I.) you'd know it's practically MADE of tense muscle. So, back rubs are much appreciated. :)

After lunch, I was playing xBox and I beat "Bulletstorm", I can't wait for a sequel, hopefully they'll make one, and so I decided to put down the game before starting the Echoes option in it. Then Bre showed up and we played some Sims and listened to music! :D Oh yeah! And we went for a drive right up to the river overlook. :)

Then after supper I played Sims for a few more hours, and then Bre came over again! : D So then we played Sims and listened to music. :) Then I went to bed! :P

So, I guess I'm done! Good morning everyone! :P
Waldon here! I'm back! It feels so good to be back, that I just had to post some lyrics from the all powerful Ozzy Osbourne to relate my happiness. :P

So, I've been gone since Tuesday and it feels great to be back. xD Now, don't get me wrong, I love Newfoundland. I just don't like it when I'm stuck in a truck with two other people and a large dog. :P I have enough trouble dealing with automobiles when it's just me. But, I had some fun! So it was okay. I REALLY missed home though. It was hard not seeing Bre for a week. :(

So yeah, I bought a crapload of stuff while I was out there. xD I bought two Ozzy Osbourne CD's, "No More Tears" and "Diary of a Madman", and 4 "Best OF" albums, including The Eagles, Breaking Benjamin, Dio and Aerosmith. :)

I'm not even going to try to remember when I did everything. The week is too much of a fatigue haze to remember. Bre would probably be able to remember what I was telling her over the phone though. xD Oh yeah! I made sure to call Bre every night once I got to my nannies! :D It kept me sane. :S

I bought a BUNCH of books, so many that I'm not even going to list them all xD But, I will say that during the long truck rides and lonely nights, I managed to read about two full novels a day. O.o I had forgotten how fast I read when I'm deprived of distractions. xD

One night when I was out there though, I was feeling really lonely. More so than usual. :P When I went upstairs, there were 8 people there, all of them with their significant other. :S So, I had to get out of THAT. xD

I decided to jog to the lighthouse and see if I could get a signal. :) The lighthouse is about 2 or 3 km's from my Nanny's house? Now, that's not too far, really. But I forgotten one of the basic principals of lighthouse placement. It needs to be on top of a hill. xD So, most of those 2 or 3 km's were uphill. I was tired when I got there. :P Why didn't you stop, you ask? Because I knew if I did, I'd never have the nerve to jog BACK. xD

But it was all worth it. As I walked up the pale dirt path leading up to the worn stairs of the lighthouse, I saw tall cattails and long waving grass beside me, with the golden hued grass flowing with the gentle breeze. I walked the last few yards, and to my left I could see the entire bay: the tree lined slopes of the far worn escarpment put into the darkest shadow from the setting sun, the backs of the waves close to shore glowing bright red. To my right, I could see the very tip of the flanking hands of the bay, an entire flock of young sea birds nestled in the rocks. The view from there was spectacular. It was early sunset, and the bright orange and red light was sending the entire bay into contrasts of light and shadow. One entire cliff face was in shadow, while the shoreline to the other side glowed brightly with the light. I could see the breakers of the waves shining lightly through the setting sun, and the flock of nesting sea birds flew up as the sunlight hit them. The rocks below me seemed to be taking the light in, and the water around me looked like it was on fire. I could see the Redberries on the side of the escarpment like small orange stars glowing on the dark rocks. Beside me, the white and red lighthouse was throwing reflected light all around me, and as the sun slowly got closer to the water, it looked like the entire world was bathing in some beautiful ethereal fire. Absolutely beautiful. What I've written here doesn't do it nearly enough justice.

Anyway, I got back last night around 5 or so, and not even two hours later I was at Bre's. :P We spent the night pretty much just clinging onto each other and talking about absolutely nothing. xD Exactly what I was missing on my trip. Never undervalue just lying down and being clingy. Try it sometime. :)

I went home, and set up some new Sim's things, and then I went to sleep. :) So, I guess I'm done for now? :) Good nig.... wait.... Morning everyone? :P

If you only read the title, you could probably safely assume that I have stolen something. Don't worry! It's not that big of a deal. Honest. Today, I went to Junior's house and picked their strawberries. I feel like I've stolen them because NO ONE WAS HOME. I feel like a thief in the late afternoon!

Today was NUTS. I woke up several times between 6:45 and 9:45. I finally got fed up and got out of bed at 9:45. I went upstairs, got breakfast, text Junior, tormented Britt and all that jazz, then got a shower. I had things to do.

My To-Do List
- go to the bank to deposit money
- find Lee to give her ticket money
- go to the greenhouse to pick up a missed delivery
- buy bread and (possibly) dishwasher liquid
- pick strawberries
- go to Dad's
- eat

In that order. I am proud to say that I have everything on that list done! Go me! Now all I have to do this evening is eat, go back to Dad's, and go to the movie at 8. It's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 ! Sadly, it's been ages since I read the book. On Tuesday I was tempted to start rereading it. I didn't because I was reading the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy "trilogy."

Okay. Last thing before I eat my spiral Kraft Dinner (WOOT). The flower delivery. Junior told me on Wednesday to be home Thursday evening for a surprise. I missed the surprise. Last night on the phone, he told me that he had arranged for an arrangement of flowers to be delivered to me while he was away. Can anyone say "AAAAAAAAAAAAAWW!" I was so touched! I really do believe that I have the best boyfriend in the world. What did the card say? "Hey Bre! Just something to make sure you don't forget me! Love you! - Junior." I loves him. :)

Done! Time for some KD! Until tomorrow!

- Bre : )
Junior left this afternoon. I feel so lost. (O_O)

Yeah. I haven't much to say. Today wasn't overly exciting so, naturally, I don't have much to write about. I did a lot of sitting, a lot of reading, a bit of grocery shopping, I THINK I did a bit of napping but I really don't know if I did or not. That was a weird hour and a half. I was lying on my bed, reading, when all of a sudden I got tired! I put down the book and lay down. As a result, I dozed. BUT I DON'T KNOW IF I ACTUALLY SLEPT. It was awful.

This morning I woke up and showered and stuff. Yay cleanliness! Junior came down around 9:45 and we went out for breakfast because he was leaving this afternoon. It was good, but a sad sad meal. After breakfast he took me to check the mail for my Nan and Pop, then to the store to buy water. He came down to the house for a while then had to leave. : (

This afternoon I read. I've read over 200 pages since about one o'clock. Naturally, that's not all I was doing. If I was only focused on reading I would have read about 500 pages. I DO do other things. Like eat . . . And watch tv . . . And . . . Sit. That's a big one right there.

Um. That's all. I've been texting Junior since he got cell service! But he went to bed already so I had to stop. OH! When I opened his computer, there was a cute little note from him, saying hello. :)

Now that's all. I'm off to read some more of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy "trilogy." Good night!

- Bre : )
If you have a towel, you're pretty much set for life. According to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy anyway. The past few days I have been locked up, reading. I finished reading Dan Brown's the Lost Symbol (excellent read, by the way. Highly recommend it!) then started on the Hitchhiker's Guide immediately. Junior lent it to me, along with three other books, to read while he is away. As everyone knows, he's still here. So why am I reading a borrowed book now? Because I need to know how to hitchhike across the galaxy, obviously.

So, what have I been up to. Not a heck of a lot. I've been reading constantly for the past few days and I've finished two books and started a third in about a week. Cool, hey? I have a lot of free time. Like, a lot. During the day, I sit at home and read. Mom is around, so I'm not lonely. Dad is at work so I can't really visit him. Junior is at work. Brittany is gone with Mandy. Bryton is out with his friends. Brooke is out of town. Thomas is helping the people do our driveway. What can I do? Read.

Speaking of the driveway, I have to park on the lawn at the moment. Yesterday, we got our driveway poured so we aren't allowed to park on it for a week. Sure, we can WALK on it, but we can't PARK on it. The Pathfinder and the truck are currently parked on what little front lawn that we have left. Oh well! It'll be dry soon and my baby will be in it's proper spot.

I don't have much to say . . . OH! I DID VISIT DAD AT WORK TODAY. I brought he and Nick a coffee. They liked that. :)

At the moment, I'm hanging out with Junior. He's telling me about his day at work. He had to go to a funeral home and wait to be served. Teehee. That's funny. (^^)

Okay, I'm done for now. I might eat some chocolate and play Sims . . . If Junior lets me. Bye!

- Bre :)

P.S. Junior is NOT a tyrant. He always lets me play Sims for fear of being beaten. :)
Waldon here, and in order to properly appreciate that fact, you'll need to see what I've seen. Namely, this:
Found in the archives of Animalsbeingd----.com, I'd appreciate it if you went to check it out, I think it's great xD

So, this morning I went out to Tim's with Gladdale, and it was all well and good until I finished eating. Then I felt horribly sick. >.< I think it was some bad lettuce or or something. :P

So then we went walking around for a bit, and then back to my house to cool down while Gladdale waited to go home to register for her courses in the fall online.

That afternoon I didn't really do much at all. xD

Then this evening I got to hang out with Bre! We watched "The Other Boleyn Girl", and then hung out for a while until she had to go home. It was fun!  The movie wasn't bad, but I think I had more fun with my own internal commentary. :P

Oh yes, I'll be leaving on Friday I believe, hopefully I'll be able to get a blog up while I'm gone, but I don't have high hopes! I'll be gone for about 4 days or so, so I'll miss at least 2 blogs. >.<

So, now that I've got nothing left to say, I figure I'll go to bed!

Good night everybody!
Waldon here! The title, of course I'm sure you already know this ;), is about Apocalyptica. Apocalyptica is a musical group consisting of 4 cellos and a drum kit... playing hard rock and heavy metal. Ahhh... Can't you feel the awesome? :D Seriously though, they rock. Check 'em out if you haven't already.

Today was one of my on call days again, so I spent the day doing nothing and going nowhere. Exciting, isn't it? :P I helped put up two of the walls on my new shed this morning, that was fun. xD

Then, this evening I went to Bre's! It was great! I missed her a lot more than usual today and so I went for a visit. :P She was nice enough to let me come down. :)

Okay, so I seriously spent about 10 hours of today playing Oblivion. I have a problem. >.< Although, my level 17 Wood Elf Battlewitch is pretty awesome, regardless. I know you're all jealous. >:P

So, seeing as how I seriously did almost nothing today I've actually covered everything that happened, easily. xD I don't see how Bre puts up with me, I must be the most boring person in the world :P

And now I guess I'm done. I'm tired. I'm gonna read some Terry Pratchett novels and go to sleep! Good night all!
Oh lord I haven't written in ages please don't kill me.

Good evening all! I have no excuses for why I haven't written the blog in a while so I'm just going to get right into it!

At the moment, Britt and Junior are going through Junior's manga. It's all kinds of fun! I'm sitting at the computer, eating some yummy gummy candy from Maynard's. I haven't that much to say...

Today was all right! Work was long. We were outside until dinnertime and stayed inside after lunch. We tried to get the kids to act a little bit but nobody would listen to the ones in front of the group. Gosh, kids. Then we made puppets out of paper bags! :D

Mom made pizza for supper tonight and it was so good! :D

Gosh, I'm so sorry. I have to stop writing now. I'm exhausted. (><)   I think that's why I haven't written in ages . . . I'm sorry, but I don't even remember. : (  Until next time!

- Bre : )
Good evening all! Today has been an exceptional day (well, minus the fact that I discovered that my THIRD wisdom tooth is coming in) and now you get to be told about it!

School was all right, although I had trouble waking up for it this morning. Junior picked me up and we went on there. At school, I had Religion first. I finished my questions on the chapter and then I read the book that Vlad lent me, Cirque du Freak. It's a series, actually, and I finished the first book today. There are 12 in total, and Vlad has 11, so I'll be  busy for a while yet. (READ THEM, THEY'RE GREAT).

Sorry, I'm all over the place.

Second period was Pre-cal. Nothing went on. We reviewed our homework for an hour. Third period was Math. It was nice. We got some review stuff and we had time to work on our assignment... That I've had finished since Monday. So! I read!

At lunch, I went to the Math Help Centre. Junior had to go  to a dance rehearsal. :(  I went alone, but I saw Deejay, Sam, Sandra, Thomas, Robyn there! It was lovely! Junior came in about 1:05, 5 minutes before lunch was over.

After lunch, I had French. It was okay. Ms. Shortt had us do an activity where she gave us all a bunch of random things and we had to write a French story about it. I didn't finish! But I'll finish it this weekend and present it on Tuesday.

Last period was Chemistry. I hung out with Sandra and Sam while we worked on our assignments. Sandra and I always have the most wonderful chats! I finished my assignment. Sandra looked off my notes because she didn't have hers with her. I had fun. :)

After school, Junior and I went to the store to buy some Nutriwhip for the cake that I was going to make Dad and Nan. We also picked up a couple of bags of chips for Saturday night because Ryan is having a party at his cabin. We're all going down around 7 or so, and won't be back until late, so there probably won't be a blog that night. Sorry! Junior is driving me down. :)  I can't wait! I'm so excited! I'm bringing down my iPod dock as well.

Junior and I went to Dad's, then he went home. I made the cake! It is/was French vanilla, with a lemon centre and Nutriwhip on top. It was so good! Nan, Dad, and I all had a piece after supper... Now we're way too full!

So! I have to stop writing now because Dad is going to bring me down to Mom's now. Bye for now!

- Bre :)
Waldon here, and tonight's wonderful title comes from a band I mentioned in one of my previous posts, Manowar. It's from one song called "Brothers of Metal". As anybody who's familiar with the band will know, they brought the real epic to metal. I personally think that they're some of the greatest pioneers of the sound of metal and actual storytelling in metal and hard rock. Now, I could be missing bands completely, but that's just my opinion. Anybody who reads this and knows of bands that have a similar sound or dynamic, I'd love to hear about them. Leave a comment or something, I'll make sure to get back to you. :P

Now, for today.

Today was Grad Skip Off day at our school. So I stayed home all day. It was great. :P I spent almost all day reading comic books. (Yeah, I'm a nerd.) I went out around 3 o clock with Bre to go to the Hospital so I could get my medications that I needed checked up on. My GP is out of town apparently, so I can't get every medication that's recommended for my trip to Europe, but I've got everything else, and the likelihood that I'm going to leave my pancreas in another country is very low. :P I think I'm safe. xD

After our visit to the hospital, Bre and I went around town looking for a good pair of walking shoes for her while we're over there. We ended up seeing Mandy at her work, and picking out a pair of shoes for somebody else. :P

Then, we went to the pharmacy near the store and looked for some of those Dr Scholl's-esque shoe soles instead of buying a brand new pair of shoes. While we were there, we saw a couple people we knew, actually. It was great, I saw my Troupe's Director, Bre saw a friend of hers, and we both met up with Sandra who was out for a walk. :D Sandra is great. xD She makes me laugh all the time. Then, I bought a few books that I eyed on the shelves and Bre bought her soles, and off we went.

I drove Bre to my home then, she got in HER vehicle and off SHE went. :P  And then I ate some delicious burgers. My god. Those burgers were great.

Bre came over again after supper, and we ended up just hanging out and listening to music all night. Talking is one of my favorite things to do, you know? Or more specifically, listening. I love just listening to people. Fuel for my creative fire usually comes from fragments of other people's conversations. xD

Now, I think I'm done. I'm REALLY tired now. Good night Everybody!