Good evening! Or would it be afternoon? Um . . . Good 5:30pm! This is just one of those times of the day where I really don't know how to great people. At, and after, noon, I know to say "Good afterNOON." After, like, seven, I know to say "Good evening." 5:30 just seems like an in-between time.

So, what's with the early blog? Absolutely nothing. I'm not hungry just yet so I figured I'd write this before I turned everything off for supper. Who knows when I'd pull the Internet back up? Ah, the title has no great significance. My computer is plugged in and the little battery thing says "Fully charged (100%)" when you mouse over it.

Today has been all right! I woke up! I either got a shower, or I ate. I think I ate first. Maybe? Then I just hung out for a while. I ate AGAIN about two hours after I first ate. Junior came down at around one or so, then we went to the store for Mom. She needed a couple of things so I conned Junior into driving me to the store . . . And carrying everything. (^^)

This afternoon we didn't really do that much. I was cleaning up my room and he was helping me. Well, he read his book as well. I think he's reading Starship Troopers? He seems to be enjoying it, whatever it is. Oh yeah! We also imported 9 CDs to my iTunes! Now I have a little over 1100 songs! After cleaning up my room, we went upstairs for me to get something to eat AGAIN (I think that was about 3:30?). I ate my leftovers from yesterday. We boiled the kettle and sat down to drink tea and eat a piece of the cake that my Mom had made. I LOVE cake. (^^)

Holy crap. I've only been writing for ten minutes . . . It usually takes me about a half an hour to write this much. It usually takes me ages to do anything! For example. Getting my computer fixed. I couldn't use my computer for months because I didn't want to bring it to get fixed. Then Gladdale said that I would really need it for this school year. SO! I smartened up . . . And got my Dad to call about it. Go me! Always on top of things.

Hmmm. I wonder what Junior and I will do this evening/night. Maybe I'll get him to go to Tim Horton's! That would be lovely. He always gets me something. :)

Okay, no good stories to tell. I guess I'll just go read until I get hungry again. Later!

- Bre :)
Tonight's (This morning's) epic sounding title is from a song called "Blood and Thunder" by Mastodon. The album tells the story of Moby Dick, if I'm not misinterpreting it. :P It's absolutely amazing, their sound is GREAT. Look 'em up sometime.

Now, I actually don't have much to talk about. :P I'm kind of a boring person you see. But this afternoon Bre biked up to my house, and we went to the store to pick me up a new razor and some mouthwash and chocolate and ... oh yeah, conditioner. :P

Funny story. My razor disappeared somehow in the past 3 days. :P It was left upstairs while the downstairs bathroom was getting tile put in. The job was finished, so I brought my shaving cream and razor downstairs again. Yesterday I went to shave because I was looking rather neolithic and my razor was gone! The shaving cream was still there, but my razor and spare blades were gone! :S Anyway, I bought a new one today, so crisis averted. xD

Then, Bre and I came back and ate some chocolate and listened to music. And I shaved! :D

After supper I went down to Bre's house, and just puttered around with her for a while. :P She was holding the fort down while her parents were gone over to somebody else's house. So I left around midnight, and now here I am. xD

Creepy story now. I walked in the house at midnight, and when I closed the door, I could distinctly hear nails walking on the hardwood floor upstairs. My first thought was my dog gunner, but when I reached my room, I realized something..

Gunner has been gone for the past 3 days with my sister while she's staying at my aunts houses. There was nothing to MAKE any scratching noises. Creepy. :P

Anyways, I suppose I should go to sleep. Good night all!
Waldon here, and I'll put it bluntly: I didn't do the blog last night because I was lazy. :P I'm allowed a transgression now and again. I think.

Yeah, so the title. xD I just REALLY like games, movies, media and books based around any sort of Fallout. I don't know why, but I do. :P

Now, what did I do yesterday? That's actually a really good question. I was sick yesterday, I caught a bug in my belly. So, I was pretty much fairly sick feeling all day. xD But that didn't stop Bre from coming over and making me feel better! : D It was great! :) She rubbed my back and everything. xD If you've ever felt my back (Which would be really creepy F.Y.I.) you'd know it's practically MADE of tense muscle. So, back rubs are much appreciated. :)

After lunch, I was playing xBox and I beat "Bulletstorm", I can't wait for a sequel, hopefully they'll make one, and so I decided to put down the game before starting the Echoes option in it. Then Bre showed up and we played some Sims and listened to music! :D Oh yeah! And we went for a drive right up to the river overlook. :)

Then after supper I played Sims for a few more hours, and then Bre came over again! : D So then we played Sims and listened to music. :) Then I went to bed! :P

So, I guess I'm done! Good morning everyone! :P
Waldon here! And you may have noticed, this is a very early/late post. On the blog date, it says the 25th, but where we live right now it's 3 16 AM. xDThere IS a reason. In fact, I only got home about 20 minutes ago or less. :P I was with Bre all day today! :D We spent late this morning driving around town to buy hemp and beads so that she can make me a replacement necklace! :D Mine broke this morning... :(

It sucks. She made me that necklace herself at her job this summer, and it broke! :( But she's amazing, and she'll make me another one. :) She's great. :P

After that we were just importing all my CD's onto my computer xD I'm STILL not done. :S I've got about 4 days and 12 hours worth of music, and I'm not done! :P

Then I had supper, and went down to Bre's again, where we watched TV all evening and played with her Charlie the dog. :P

Shortly after midnight I started walking home, when I met up with Glad on the way back. So then we spent a few hours walking around and just chatting and being weird. Oh, and I proved that I'm both fantastical and magical to the nth degree, but I guess that's another story that I might tell you some other time. Maybe. :P

Anyway, I guess I'm done! Good night/morning all!
Waldon here! Tonights title is from Theory of a Deadman's "Truth is..." album, Head above Water is the song title. :P

I had forgotten how much I like TOAD's music. Alternative Rock is great. :P This album picked me up took me for a ride, if I may be so crude. xD

So! Today! Today I started watching the TV series "The Walking Dead" with Bre and Glad! It's great! I read a good portion of the comic, and I'm absolutely loving the show so far. : ) Usually, I don't have time for a TV series, but I saw the first season for sale in Walmart on vacation and I had to get it. xD I'm on Episode 4 now! I've got maybe another 180 minutes of episodes left? I wasn't paying attention to how long each episode is. :P

After supper, Bre and I hung out and watched TV at her house while we were dogsitting. :P I can't even remember what was on. xD InSecurity was on once maybe? We went to pick Britt up once around 7. So yeah, that was pretty much my day. I actually had good fun! : D

Sometimes, on days like today, the best you can do with your day is to lie back and enjoy doing nothing. And sometimes, I'm more than happy to do that. :) When you're presented with an opportunity to surround yourself with several of the people whom are so important to you, you should take it. Those moments will be what you can use to fortify yourself against everything that can go wrong in life later. Even if things go wrong in every which way possible, you can always look back and remember how awesome that night was. :) Let the memories of things you've already done and lived through be what sustain you, and let the expectations of what you can do in the future be what pulls you forward. Live for the moment, but never forget what you've done and what you can still do. :)

Anyways, I suppose I'm done for now. Good night all! :)
To explain the title : There is no explanation. That song just popped into my head. I was just sitting here, thinking about nothing, when POP! there it was. Cool, eh? See, this is one of the benefits of not turning on the tv in the morning. I seem to have more random ideas popping into my head.

Good morning! At the moment it's about 10:03 am here, and I've already been up for almost two hours! Yay! Sometimes I wish I could sleep in longer, but then I realize that I'd just be wasting valuable daylight hours. Why are they valuable? Because . . . Ooops! You can't answer a question starting with "because." The daylight hours are valuable BECAUSE school will be starting in approximately two weeks. The summer flew! Gladdale is going back to university on Sunday (if I remember correctly), and Junior and I will be starting college in the first week of September. Goodbye freedom!

At the moment, I'm making myself some breakfast. A grilled cheese. Junior says that grilled cheese isn't a breakfast food and it should be had for lunch. I think that's just silly. You can eat anything, anytime. Like breakfast for supper! We have that when we don't know what to have for supper. Breakfast strips (for those who don't know, it's similar to bacon but not bacon), bacon, eggs, toast, GRILLED CHEESE, ham, any fruit in the fridge, orange juice, etc. It's lovely. I love breakfast! It's even better when you have it twice in one day.

AHA! Big news! Yesterday morning, I went to Shaun to get my computer fixed! When I went back at suppertime, he said that he cleaned it up and there were a couple of viruses! :O . I was so relieved that I finally got it checked out. Gladdale told me I'll need my computer this year. *goes to check on sandwich*

So, Junior bought me pants. He came back from vacation and handed me a bag of stuff that he bought me. It is a lovely bag! Orange and white stripes, with a neat rope handle. I love it! In this bag, there was a pair of jeans (that he picked out himself! Right size, right cut, everything!), two books (the Math Book, Meowmorphosis), four CDs (Aerosmith, Randy Travis, Rise Against x2), a rock he found and drew a face on, and a Batman figure from a Happy Meal. I have an awesome boyfriend. (><) . The Batman figure is on my shelf at the moment. :P

One last thing before I go: how to make a perfect grilled cheese. (this combines everything that everyone has ever told me about making the sandwich lol)
1. Butter both sides of each slice of bread (the side touching the cheese and the side that touches the pan).
2. Turn the pan on low heat.
3. Use a SLICE of cheese, not block cheese cut up.
4. Put the sandwich in the pan while it's heating up.
5. Check on it every now and again.
6. Eat it.

Okay, now I'm done. I've written quite a lot. Later!

-Bre :)
Waldon here, and I solemnly swear that I posted two nights ago. :S I don't know where my blog went! :O

I know we don't have many readers, but hopefully I haven't disappointed too many people. Anyway, I know this will come as a disappointment, but today has also been uneventful. xD

I've played a lot of the Sims 3 though! :D

I'm making a Spanish Hacienda-esque house for Bre, and a pond by the waterfall cabin for myself. :P Big and fancy for her, and small and comfy for myself. That's how we roll. B')

Anyway, yeah. Today Bre and I played Sims and listened to music, and then I went to Bre's house after supper to watch TV while we waited for her folks to come home. :P We watched InSecurity, 1000 Ways To Die, Corner Gas and 6teen. xD Can you tell we're Canadian? :P

So I just left her house just a little while ago. After watching TV we picked her folks up and then I hung around while she read a book and asked me to explain various things. It was productive, I swear! xD

So, I guess that's it for this evening! Hopefully this one doesn't vanish when I post it. Although, if it does then none of you will be reading this anyway. It's kind of like putting a warning label on the wrong side of an electric fence. Completely redundant. xD Good night all!
Waldon here, and tonight's title comes from the song "Carnival of Rust" by Poets of The Fall. Absolutely amazing sounding songs by these guys, you should all totally check it out. :P

I actually just got back from walking home Sandra and Sarah. I don't like it when my friends have to walk home in the dark by themselves. I get worried about them, and I'm a fairly protective person. I left at about 10 30 or so, and stayed for about 25 minutes when I got there at 11 30 for some cake and tea! :)

We all had a potluck tonight at my house, Bre, Sandra, Sarah, Robyn and I all hung out and ate a bunch of delicious food that everybody brought. Even the potato brownies. Curses to that tomfoolery. :P

Sandra and Sarah brought brownies... with mashed potato icing that I never noticed until it was too late. xD

Now, I'm going to use the rest of the blog to write some fairly mean stuff about myself. I'm not going to say it's self pity, that would be wrong. Nor is it looking for pity; that would also be wrong. I just want to get this all down in writing so that I can't deny that I said and thought it later.

Of course, anybody who isn't really interested in listening to me make horrible non-fiction accusations at myself doesn't have to read this. In fact, it'll probably just make you angry if you did. :P You can just skip on down to the end of the page to hear me say good night, if you want. xD The part that you'll probably want to skip if you're a normal person is in italics. :P

I apologize in advance for what you're about to read. ;)


In her "Young Wizard's" series, Diane Duane offered up a piece of advice that I've come to realize is so true that many people don't even realize it. When it comes between apologizing even when you feel that you're right, and hurting a relationship with people you love, apologizing should always be what you choose to do. I don't feel like I've done anything wrong; but when I think about it, I know I must have. If I do something that makes the most important people to me so incredibly angry that I'm afraid I'll lose them, even if I feel like I was in the right, I'll give it all up, my pride, my opinion, anything to make it better.

I want to apologize, deeply, for the expectations I have at times. I feel like I've been regarding myself as some kind of wonderful person compared to everybody else. I've been so wrong, it's probably criminal.

Over the past few days, I've had my little bubble of reality come crashing down on me. I've been made to realize that I place much more importance on several other people than they do on me. There are a few people, one whom I feel very, very strongly for, in particular that make up the absolute centre of my universe. Everything I do makes me think of them, makes me remember things we've done together or of things that I look forward to doing with them. I know that none of them feel the same way about me. I know that I'm not the centre of any of their lives (even if I'd like and love to be), like my own screwed up sentiments.

But for some reason, I expect them to. I expect that they'll all place me in the same measure of importance, even though it's absolutely unreasonable. I'm a screw-up, if there ever was one. I'm clingy and needy, and as soon as they get an opportunity to do something that they would rather do with somebody else instead of something I was hoping they'd do with me, I feel like I've been completely left behind, that I'm the second choice.

This is wrong, I know that! I have this complex, where if somebody tells me that they're interested in doing something or that they want to do something with me and then do something else with somebody else instead, I feel so unimportant that it hurts. I feel so incredibly belittled. Then, I don't act rationally anymore, I just lash out and hurt them.

Because of this, I've placed horrible, selfish restrictions on them in my own mind, all that they don't deserve, to have to deal with. And I'm going to be trying to change myself to deserve them, my loved ones. I'm a selfish person, wrong in so many ways and monstrous in many more. Please, I'd like to say here and now that I'm trying to do better. I'm going to make a rather late new years resolution to change myself, and hopefully I'll be able to keep to it.

I'm so sorry, to all of these people who've had to deal with me. I'm sorry for the way I've acted and the childish way I've reacted to every change in plans. I hope, here and now to change how I am to be better for all of you.


If you read that, I apologize. :P You were exposed to something remarkably whiny, although I suppose I warned you. xD

Thank you all for reading this tonight! Hopefully, the people I've based my life around read this and they know I'm sorry for being such a insensitive person at times.

Good night Everybody! :)
Waldon here! The title, of course I'm sure you already know this ;), is about Apocalyptica. Apocalyptica is a musical group consisting of 4 cellos and a drum kit... playing hard rock and heavy metal. Ahhh... Can't you feel the awesome? :D Seriously though, they rock. Check 'em out if you haven't already.

Today was one of my on call days again, so I spent the day doing nothing and going nowhere. Exciting, isn't it? :P I helped put up two of the walls on my new shed this morning, that was fun. xD

Then, this evening I went to Bre's! It was great! I missed her a lot more than usual today and so I went for a visit. :P She was nice enough to let me come down. :)

Okay, so I seriously spent about 10 hours of today playing Oblivion. I have a problem. >.< Although, my level 17 Wood Elf Battlewitch is pretty awesome, regardless. I know you're all jealous. >:P

So, seeing as how I seriously did almost nothing today I've actually covered everything that happened, easily. xD I don't see how Bre puts up with me, I must be the most boring person in the world :P

And now I guess I'm done. I'm tired. I'm gonna read some Terry Pratchett novels and go to sleep! Good night all!
Waldon here! Both Bre and I apologize for the lack of posts the past few nights! It was an odd and convoluted series of thoughts that lead to myself, at least, assuming it was Bre's turn to write it last night or the night before. :S So, I hadn't looked at the blog until this evening when Bre asked me to fill in for her. xD

And with all due respect... that's pretty much all I've got to say. >.< Today I was sent home from work early because it was too hot and there wasn't enough work for me to be needed. So then Bre and I went to the docks and took Gunner for a swim. He loved it!

I ended up missing my cousin's wedding today, and I want to apologize so, so deeply for that! I was told that my family wasn't going to go to it, so I took yesterday off instead of today because my blood sugar was high. But early this morning my Mom said she was going! By then it was too late for me to get the day off. >.< Of course, I got off in time to go, but then when I got home I realized all my nice clothes had to be pressed and cleaned. I ended up not being able to go. I'm so, so sorry! :(

This evening Bre came over and we hung out for a while. Actually, we turned on the TV for ambient sound, and when I walked into the room an hour ago after she left, the TV was quiet during a part of the movie that was on, and then a man started whispering and I very nearly righteously ruined this pair of shorts in very short order. :P

So, I guess that's it for now. :S I really don't know what else to say! Good night! :)