Waldon here, and here's the second half to that post I promised this morning! I have good news! I got an 84% on my English essay and I found two of my System of a Down CD's! It's great! : D

If you didn't know, the title is from "Revenga" by SOAD by the way. :P

Today was another school day, sadly. It seems that lately, school is taking up all of my time. Like, all of it. I'm usually doing homework until about 1 in the morning, and then I'm trying to fall asleep for at least another hour or two. But! I did manage to get my English essay (Not the one I got the mark for) done during my three hour break this afternoon! : D I love it. Friday is my one day with a more than one hour break. :P Bre and I only have one lunch break together, and that's on Friday. :( I usually spend lunch by myself. Actually, I spend most breaks by myself. Man, that's depressing. And lonely. :P

I spent this evening at Bre's house with her while she watched her brother and sister. She's always giving up her nights to do that for her mom, cause she's nice like that. :) I wouldn't have the patience for it, personally. xD I tend to be an authoritarian whenever I'm in charge. :P Either it's my way, or the punch-in-the-larynx way. xD Anyways, we watched a couple movies, "Gnomeo and Juliet", and "Megamind". :P I liked them both, actually. Megamind made me laugh out loud a few times. There's enough subtle jokes for it to appeal to an older audience, and enough rock that I can listen to it without cringing after the third generic pop insert. :P

So, I just looked at the date at this post and I was seriously confused. Because I knew I had posted that last post this morning, but somehow it was all of a sudden a day later! Like, how? Did I lose track of an entire day somewhere?  After a minute or two of panic, I realized something very basic; it is past midnight. Now, it's not often I make a mistake like that. I tend to be the that's so grounded in reality that everything is just incredibly silly. I've gotten so serious that I've crossed back over into silly. I'm just that cool. :P

Well, I guess I'll go to bed. I'm too hungry to stay up much longer. xD Good night all! :D
Waldon here, and I'll put it bluntly: I didn't do the blog last night because I was lazy. :P I'm allowed a transgression now and again. I think.

Yeah, so the title. xD I just REALLY like games, movies, media and books based around any sort of Fallout. I don't know why, but I do. :P

Now, what did I do yesterday? That's actually a really good question. I was sick yesterday, I caught a bug in my belly. So, I was pretty much fairly sick feeling all day. xD But that didn't stop Bre from coming over and making me feel better! : D It was great! :) She rubbed my back and everything. xD If you've ever felt my back (Which would be really creepy F.Y.I.) you'd know it's practically MADE of tense muscle. So, back rubs are much appreciated. :)

After lunch, I was playing xBox and I beat "Bulletstorm", I can't wait for a sequel, hopefully they'll make one, and so I decided to put down the game before starting the Echoes option in it. Then Bre showed up and we played some Sims and listened to music! :D Oh yeah! And we went for a drive right up to the river overlook. :)

Then after supper I played Sims for a few more hours, and then Bre came over again! : D So then we played Sims and listened to music. :) Then I went to bed! :P

So, I guess I'm done! Good morning everyone! :P
Waldon here! Tonights title is from Theory of a Deadman's "Truth is..." album, Head above Water is the song title. :P

I had forgotten how much I like TOAD's music. Alternative Rock is great. :P This album picked me up took me for a ride, if I may be so crude. xD

So! Today! Today I started watching the TV series "The Walking Dead" with Bre and Glad! It's great! I read a good portion of the comic, and I'm absolutely loving the show so far. : ) Usually, I don't have time for a TV series, but I saw the first season for sale in Walmart on vacation and I had to get it. xD I'm on Episode 4 now! I've got maybe another 180 minutes of episodes left? I wasn't paying attention to how long each episode is. :P

After supper, Bre and I hung out and watched TV at her house while we were dogsitting. :P I can't even remember what was on. xD InSecurity was on once maybe? We went to pick Britt up once around 7. So yeah, that was pretty much my day. I actually had good fun! : D

Sometimes, on days like today, the best you can do with your day is to lie back and enjoy doing nothing. And sometimes, I'm more than happy to do that. :) When you're presented with an opportunity to surround yourself with several of the people whom are so important to you, you should take it. Those moments will be what you can use to fortify yourself against everything that can go wrong in life later. Even if things go wrong in every which way possible, you can always look back and remember how awesome that night was. :) Let the memories of things you've already done and lived through be what sustain you, and let the expectations of what you can do in the future be what pulls you forward. Live for the moment, but never forget what you've done and what you can still do. :)

Anyways, I suppose I'm done for now. Good night all! :)
If you only read the title, you could probably safely assume that I have stolen something. Don't worry! It's not that big of a deal. Honest. Today, I went to Junior's house and picked their strawberries. I feel like I've stolen them because NO ONE WAS HOME. I feel like a thief in the late afternoon!

Today was NUTS. I woke up several times between 6:45 and 9:45. I finally got fed up and got out of bed at 9:45. I went upstairs, got breakfast, text Junior, tormented Britt and all that jazz, then got a shower. I had things to do.

My To-Do List
- go to the bank to deposit money
- find Lee to give her ticket money
- go to the greenhouse to pick up a missed delivery
- buy bread and (possibly) dishwasher liquid
- pick strawberries
- go to Dad's
- eat

In that order. I am proud to say that I have everything on that list done! Go me! Now all I have to do this evening is eat, go back to Dad's, and go to the movie at 8. It's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 ! Sadly, it's been ages since I read the book. On Tuesday I was tempted to start rereading it. I didn't because I was reading the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy "trilogy."

Okay. Last thing before I eat my spiral Kraft Dinner (WOOT). The flower delivery. Junior told me on Wednesday to be home Thursday evening for a surprise. I missed the surprise. Last night on the phone, he told me that he had arranged for an arrangement of flowers to be delivered to me while he was away. Can anyone say "AAAAAAAAAAAAAWW!" I was so touched! I really do believe that I have the best boyfriend in the world. What did the card say? "Hey Bre! Just something to make sure you don't forget me! Love you! - Junior." I loves him. :)

Done! Time for some KD! Until tomorrow!

- Bre : )
Waldon here, and in order to properly appreciate that fact, you'll need to see what I've seen. Namely, this:
Found in the archives of Animalsbeingd----.com, I'd appreciate it if you went to check it out, I think it's great xD

So, this morning I went out to Tim's with Gladdale, and it was all well and good until I finished eating. Then I felt horribly sick. >.< I think it was some bad lettuce or or something. :P

So then we went walking around for a bit, and then back to my house to cool down while Gladdale waited to go home to register for her courses in the fall online.

That afternoon I didn't really do much at all. xD

Then this evening I got to hang out with Bre! We watched "The Other Boleyn Girl", and then hung out for a while until she had to go home. It was fun!  The movie wasn't bad, but I think I had more fun with my own internal commentary. :P

Oh yes, I'll be leaving on Friday I believe, hopefully I'll be able to get a blog up while I'm gone, but I don't have high hopes! I'll be gone for about 4 days or so, so I'll miss at least 2 blogs. >.<

So, now that I've got nothing left to say, I figure I'll go to bed!

Good night everybody!
Waldon here! Both Bre and I apologize for the lack of posts the past few nights! It was an odd and convoluted series of thoughts that lead to myself, at least, assuming it was Bre's turn to write it last night or the night before. :S So, I hadn't looked at the blog until this evening when Bre asked me to fill in for her. xD

And with all due respect... that's pretty much all I've got to say. >.< Today I was sent home from work early because it was too hot and there wasn't enough work for me to be needed. So then Bre and I went to the docks and took Gunner for a swim. He loved it!

I ended up missing my cousin's wedding today, and I want to apologize so, so deeply for that! I was told that my family wasn't going to go to it, so I took yesterday off instead of today because my blood sugar was high. But early this morning my Mom said she was going! By then it was too late for me to get the day off. >.< Of course, I got off in time to go, but then when I got home I realized all my nice clothes had to be pressed and cleaned. I ended up not being able to go. I'm so, so sorry! :(

This evening Bre came over and we hung out for a while. Actually, we turned on the TV for ambient sound, and when I walked into the room an hour ago after she left, the TV was quiet during a part of the movie that was on, and then a man started whispering and I very nearly righteously ruined this pair of shorts in very short order. :P

So, I guess that's it for now. :S I really don't know what else to say! Good night! :)
Tonight, I thought I'd write the blog the same way that I wrote my Facebook status today. Mind you, I hardly ever go on Facebook but the mood struck and I HAD to update my Facebook status. At the time I was walking to my Nan and Pop's house for a visit. What did I do? I went on Safari on my phone and updated my status. What was my status? "Breanna Elizabeth is checking her Facebook while walking down the road. (O_O)" AWESOME status if I do say so myself.

Right now, I am at Junior's house. I was going to write this earlier but we started watching Wallace and Gromit : the Curse of the Were Rabbit then League of Super Evil . . . So I didn't write it. Dang tv. Other than that, nothing has really happened tonight. Well, since I got here. Talking and such between the ridiculous antics of Wallace and Gromit, and Doomageddon and co.

I have to leave in five minutes so this is probably going to be rather short.

I woke up around 9 or so this morning. Mom and them went to Tim Horton's this morning but I was too tired to go. I didn't actually do much. I ate, helped Mom clean up a bit, didn't get a shower until about 1:30, and I didn't leave the house until 2:30. This afternoon, I hung out with Nan at her house, and we visited her friend at the hospital. She dropped me off at Mom's for supper. I ATE THE BEST POTATOES EVER.  : D

After supper, Britt and I went to Dad's for a bit and hung out there. Her friend Benjamin came in today, so he went to the movie with Britt, Dad, and Mandy. When Benjamin got there, I was already on my way here.

Now I'm up to date! And I have to go! WOOT, right on time. Junior will probably talk about his ridiculously fun diabetic campaigning tomorrow. It sounded like it was a blast! : D

Okay. Good night!

- Bre : )
Waldon here, and sorry about missing the blog last night. It's been a weird few weeks and frankly I forgot about it. I was helping Bre babysit her brother and sister last night until around 11 and by the time I had gotten home I had completely forgotten about it. :P

So, today Bre and I woke up a bit early so that we could go out for breakfast together. :) It was nice! We tried to go to one place, but it was full up. So instead we went to A&W. xD It was still good though. So afterwards I went to Bre's house for a while while she cleaned up her room. We were there for around an hour or two. Closer to two, I think. So whenever it was, we then proceeded to her Nan and Pop's for around another hour or so. After leaving there we went to her Dad's house for a bit.

After that, we went to my house until around 5 30 where we sat around and talked about nerdy things and... oh my god. I didn't have any music on! That's like the first time in months I haven't had music on, even just as ambiance,

I'm losing my mind. :S

After supper was a rush. xD

I had time to eat a hotdog after dropping Bre home before I had to drive down and get her again. Then we went to Ryan's house so that we could figure out what we were doing to get to his cabin, since I had never been there before. So Bre and I quickly picked some stuff up at her Dad's house and then picked up Vlad and went to Ryan's cabin behind him.

So there Bre and I were for the rest of the night. We watched a few episodes of Family Guy with everybody (Who included Thomas, Katherine, Patrick, Meghan, Ryan, Scottie, Kendall, Vlad and of course Bre and Myself :P ) and then turned on "I know pronounce you Chuck and Larry". We had a bunch of chips and sandwiches and pretzels and soda and water and sparkling water and hickory sticks... Man, it was great. xD

Normally, I dislike crowds of people. They make me anxious and tense. As well as just people in general... I think the word is Anthropophobia...? But tonight wasn't so bad. I was out in the woods, so that kind of nullified the fear of people. :P

About the title. In Bre's blog, she said it wouldn't be likely that we'd be writing anything tonight since we just got back from Ryan's cabin, but I missed last night's blog instead and I'm doing it tonight. I'm defying all expectations! xD

So, now, I think I'm going to go to bed. I'm really tired. Good night all!
Waldon here and it's now Sunday morning. : P And the title tonight comes from a song by Great Big Sea, a song called "French Perfume". I love Celtic Folk music xD I love most music, really.

This SHOULD have been a Saturday night blog, but I suppose Sunday morning is close enough.

I had a pretty good day today, it started off early, sadly. I had a practice with my troupe today. We have a performance on the 20th for Bre and I's school. Is that grammatically correct? Anyway. I think that's Wednesday. No! It's Tuesday!

I'll find out before then. xD

This afternoon I spent reading several new webcomics, and then Bre came over and we read a few Cracked articles and ate some chips. It was great. :)

Then I drove Bre home and had some supper. It was Spaghetti! I love spaghetti. Who doesn't? :P

Bre came over again after supper. But before that we drove around for an hour or so. It was great, I think I clocked about 60 to 80 kilometers in total in about an hour and a half? xD K So we turned on the TV and started watching some stuff. First I think it was ... oh lord. I can't even remember now. That shows how interesting it must have been. :P Then after another show or so, Rush Hour 2 came on. It was great xD I love any movie with Jackie Chan in it. The bloopers are GREAT. Chris Tucker makes me laugh too. : P

So, now it's just about 12 40 AM, and I'm really too tired to elaborate on any of these points more than I already have because I've been up since about 6 AM. That's 18 hours guys. That's a lot of hours. xD

So... Good night Everybody!
Good evening anyone and everyone! Tonight, as the title indicates, this blog is coming LIVE from (you guessed it) mine and Britt’s bathroom. Why? Oh, just because. Haha, she’s on webcam with her friend in my room and asked me to vamoose. Naturally, I vamoosed. She told me that I could go hang out in her room until she was done, if I wanted to, but I didn’t wasn’t to risk messing anything up. Instead I decided to come hang out in the bathroom. I spend a lot of time in here anyway, even when I’m not doing anything. I’m just THAT cool. Now, here I am, sitting next to the tub and writing the blog and talking to Junior on MSN. I love my Saturdays.

Well, my day has been okay. I woke up at about 7:15 am and really didn’t know what to do. So! I got out of bed and went upstairs. I woke Mom up by doing some dishes, then went downstairs to do some laundry. I got a shower. When I got out, I had a text from Junior. Brooke and I went grocery shopping at around 10. Mom gave us the list and we went off. While at the grocery store, Brooke went to look at the pet things (even though we don’t HAVE a pet) and Vlad, who was supposed to be working, helped me find what I needed. After shopping, Brooke and I went to Nan and Pop’s to hang out for a bit. We talked to Pop, then Nan got home from the store and we helped her bring in the groceries. I then brought Brooke home with the groceries, exchanged the truck for the Pathfinder, and took Bryton with me to Nan and Pop’s.

What a morning!

I think it was the afternoon when I was at Nan and Pop’s the second times. Mary was down for a visit, so we all talked. Junior came down around 12:30 ish, hung out and talked. Shortly after being force-fed Corn Flakes, Junior and I left there and went for a nice drive around town. I probably shouldn’t have been driving around for so long today… Gas prices are way too high to waste it. After our drive, Junior and I went back to his house for a few minutes. Mom text us to see if we could go to the store for her if she wasn’t busy. We weren’t busy, so we went to the store. We had a ball finding everything that we needed to get! After dropping off the groceries, I dropped off Junior at his house, and went to Dad and Mandy’s.

WE HAD THE MOST AMAZING BURGERS FOR SUPPER *drool*. I had two. They were GREAT. I then tried a cupcake that Mandy had made. It was also delicious! I had blocked Dad in the driveway so when he left to go somewhere, I went to Junior’s.

This evening, I spent at Junior’s. We didn’t do a heck of a lot. While at the store, I bought some chips and some chocolate for us to eat tonight. We didn’t even touch the chips. All we ate was the chocolate. I LOVE CHOCOLATE. So, we ate chocolate and watched tv. I think the movie was True Lies? But I don’t know, haha.

All right. It’s midnight. When is Britt going to be done talking to her friend? I haven’t the foggiest. I’m falling asleep sitting up right now. The bath tub isn’t even that comfortable! Anywho, good night/morning!

-Bre :)