Waldon here, and you may have guessed it, but GASP, I'm stomach sick. :P So I doubt I'll be able to write too much, but I guess I can give you a quick recap of my day.

This morning was kind of hectic for me, my truck wouldn't start again so I had to get the booster out and get the battery going again. That sucked, and nearly made me late to get to Bre's house. We were almost late. >.<

Then at school, I had pretty much all day slack classes. So I read a goodly portion of Return of The King. Excellent read. Anybody who hasn't read it, should.

Oh, also, we got some confirmation about some notes about our Grad stuff. Because of said notes, I've verified that I can't take more than 2 other people to the Grad Supper. Mom isn't willing to leave my Grandmother and Aunt alone, and Dad doesn't care about my graduating in the slightest, so I'm now effectively alone for the Grad Supper. Guess what? I'm now alone for every single part of grad. Yay me. I managed to ruin the single most important event of my school career that I've been leading up to for 13 years! : D

I spent lunch at the Math Help Centre with Bre, Sandra and Robyn. Sam too, but he was kind of off on his own, listening to some PodCasts. He LOVES his new iPod, from what I can tell. :P The wonderful people of the Centre managed to cheer me up a little. I wish I could just take a pill and sleep for the next 4 months or something. I'd drop out if I could. I don't want to be in school anymore. It just doesn't interest me. I liked working full time. I LIKED having a job. I'd do that happily for a very long time.

After school, Bre came over, and we hung out for 2 hours. Then, after supper, she came over again for a little while. Repeat afternoon's activities. No joke, I think we can sit around talking for hours a time. She's just amazing like that. Thank you for cheering me up today Bre. :)

I finished watching another Clint Eastwood movie a little while ago, and I've rekindled my love of Westerns. They're the only movies that I can watch without getting bored. Dad and I used to watch Westerns together all the time when I was younger. I don't think I've watched a movie with him in almost a decade now. Or mom, for that matter. That's kind of disappointing.

Now, I need to go do some stuff to settle my stomach. I'm weird like that. Situps help, I swear to god they do. :P Maybe I'm like my great great uncle. He got physically sick when he took a break from working. xD

Good night all! : D
Waldon here, and I'm going to be honest. I feel really depressed right now so I doubt this is going to be longer than a few paragraphs at most. There's no rational reason to why I feel depressed, in fact, I should be happy. Gunner hurt his other leg a few weeks ago and now he's finally doing better. Within a week or two I should be able to walk him again. I'm ahead in Math for once in my life, and I haven't even been beaten by anybody too much lately. Heck, I've even started a new exercise regime.

It's just nigh on impossible to shake this feeling of apathetic melancholy, if the ken of that can be thought.

I had a regular day, save for a late morning. I made it to Bre's house on time though, so nothing really came of it. We went to school, all that jazz. We worked Canteen today, Bre and I, and instead of Hot Dogs we got to serve chili and soup. That was a welcome change.

After school I had an Ike Riche practice, so I never got to drive Bre home. I think the only times I see Bre during the day is when I pick her up, during lunch and if I drive her home. And none of that is actually being WITH her. That's the same as getting a cab with somebody. It's not really the place to talk too seriously/silly. :P That's why I like the weekend so much. I get to actually hang out with her. Although on the down side of that, nobody else seems to be around to hang out with anymore either. Every time I call anybody, they're not home. :S I've stopped calling. Does anybody else have this problem, or is it just me? xD

I spent the evening watching "The Outlaw Josey Wales". You know I'm feeling off when I watch a movie. Movies are odd for me. I never watch them, I normally don't have the attention span. I'll talk about the movie some other time. I don't really feel like talking too much about it right now, although I'll say that Clint Eastwood is easily my favorite actor. Oh, the title's from that, by the way.

Now, I'm going to go back to talking to Bre. I've got nothing else to say. Good night all!
Ah, Wallace. I love you. So, if nobody has recognized this quote, you should all go out and read the Scott Pilgrim series. It’s GENIUS. Junior got them for his birthday and has read the first five (I think he said there are six). Today, I finished the fourth. I’m loving them! They’re hilarious. Wallace is Scott’s gay roommate, and he’s absolutely priceless. I just have to giggle at him! Oh, if you don’t like to read, go rent the movie. Or buy it. Whatever tickles your fancy. I’d buy it, personally. I watched it on New Year’s with Scottie and Junior. It. Was. Great. :|

Okie dokie. I don’t think I’m going to write much tonight. I’m really tired. I’m such a slacker. I’m so sorry! Junior has been filling in for me… Because I’m a SLACKER. ARGH. I need to fix this problem. The only good thing about not doing the blog last night is that I won’t have to do it on Thursday. Thursday… *shudder*. I think I’ll let Junior explain that one. Let’s just leave it at this: I wish it would skip from Wednesday to Friday.

Today was all right. It was a delayed opening Monday, so Junior picked me up at our usual time and we hung out for an hour or so at his house before going to school. It was nice! I sat down and read the third Scott Pilgrim book. It was glorious! Umm… Here’s my school day in jot note form! Because I’m lazy!

-          First period Chem. Cool beans. Reviewed for test with Sandra.

-          Second period English. Wouldn’t miss it for the world. Mr. Crane is incredible. Junior thinks that I have an unhealthy obsession. Am I unhealthily obsessed with my English teacher? No. I am not. We got the Catcher in the Rye and we’re starting it tomorrow. I read that book a couple of years ago and LOVED it.

-          Third period History. Did a question as a group. Fun stuff!

-          Lunch time! Went to the Math Help Centre with Junior. We chatted with Robyn and Sandra. I LOVE THEM. :)

-          Fourth period Religion. LOVED IT. Read the fourth book of Scott Pilgrim and talked to Scottie.

-          Fifth period Pre-cal. Cool. Mr. Lawrence is SO smart. :S

-          After school. Tutoring for an hour or so!

After tutoring, Junior picked me up. He brought Gunner along for the ride! I love Gunner.  I told Junior that Gunner was really my main man. I don’t know how he took that, haha. When I arrived at the house, I talked to everyone, did some homework, ate, then walked up the road to Lisa’s house for tutoring again. We chilled for two hours, talked a bit, and studied Chemistry. We were learning about Intermolecular Forces! Awesome stuff right there. I left at 8:35 or so, and walked back here. I nearly peed myself I was so scared! Next time, I think I’ll accept a ride.

Other than all that, I haven’t done too much. I lay down with Mom for a bit and watched some tv. Now I need to go to bed… Good night!

-Bre :)

Junior JUST said that to me. I take it that the fact that I love the Lord of the Rings is a good thing? This evening, we were actually talking about how I like LOTR because, while we were hanging out last night, we were watching the Return of the King. Naturally, Junior and I were chatting throughout the movie. Every couple of sentences, I would say something like “Oh wait! This is just before Aragorn…” or “Just wait until you see those oliphants!” ( I apologize if I spelt “Oliphant” incorrectly)! He loved it. Apparently it gives a guy “guy cred” if his girlfriend likes LOTR. Cool beans. I can handle that. I told him tonight that he wouldn’t be getting as much attention if we were watching LOTR again. Poor feller.

I also realize that I’m probably making not much … Probably not making much sense right now, because I’m exhausted. Many apologies to whomsoever may read this!

So, today. Today I woke up at around 7:30 and went back to sleep because I realized the time. I’m not getting out of bed that early on a Saturday morning after a rough week in school for NO reason. I woke up later at around 9 ish. I got up, got some of Mom’s macaroni and cheese for breakfast, got a shower, and then played on my iPod with Bryton for a while. We found an app that we could use to make zombies. It’s great! After all of that, I went upstairs with my Chemistry to study and watch tv. I’ve just had such an off day that I sat in my pajamas and studied and watched tv. Oh! I also cuddled with Bryton while watching Jimmy Two Shoes on Teletoon. It was great!

Tonight, I brought Brooke to her friend’s house shortly after six, and picked up Bryton’s friend. Bryton came along for the ride. I then brought he and his friend home for their sleepover. They’re currently upstairs asleep while I do my Saturday night blogging/talking to Junior. I got them home safe and sound and proceeded to Junior’s. We spent part of the night talking and watching the news. Then we spent another part listening to music and talking. The last part of the night we just spent talking. Shortly after 10, Mom called and asked me to pick up Brooke because she wanted to go home. I know exactly how she felt. I never did enjoy sleepovers. I’ve always preferred my own bed, my own blankets, my own pillows, my own sheets, and my Dudley the Dragon to sleep with.

Yeah, that’s right. I sleep with my Dudley the Dragon. EVERY night. Why? Because I love him, that’s why. When I wake up in the middle of the night because of a bad dream and I can’t get to sleep, who can I talk to? Nobody. That’s where Dudley comes in. When I wake up because of a bad dream, I can just cuddle into him and go right back to sleep. So THERE. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

And on that note, I think I’m going to bed. I can’t keep my head up for much longer. Good night!

-Bre :)

Waldon here, and I will give TEN MILLION POINTS, to whomever knows this song. It isn't as mainstream as I'd like the genre to be, but alas. I'm sure a few people will know the song. Here's a hint: the artist had material that was used in a project (as well as creating a brand new band that created only one song for said project) that featured Petri Alanko as another artist that was involved.

So, today I was reminded by Bre that I had volunteered my services to help chaperone the annual Junior High and Elementary Sports Meet. Generally, for me this was just standing around and looking BIG. Really, that's the only thing I'm ever wanted for in a work environment. All I did today was keep all the kids moving in one direction and stop them from beating each other. I found that when I looked them in the eyes, they tend to stop what they're doing. Show no fear. Children smell fear. Needless to say, my strategy worked. I think I'm almost ready to work with REAL animals now. :P

After that, I was bussed back to school and proceeded to practice with my theatre troupe and go through the play again. I can do all my parts without a script now, thank god. I was the last one in the troupe that needed the lines. I hate being the one dragging everybody down.

Then I went home and had supper. Directly after that, I started on doing some interviews for the funding I'm applying for. It took me 2 hours to get a hold of and interview 2 people. Why is it so difficult? Can't they just take my word that I AM in high school, and I AM going to college? I mean, they don't even need to pay up front. Like, I could just forward them the bills or something. That works on the same principle!

Next I went to Bre's house and helped with her Brother and Sister. Or... "Helped". I didn't really help much, I don't think. Her brother is jealous that I'm close to her. Now, before I start on this next little story, I'd like to point out that I'm extremely high strung and I have very little depth perception. I'm heavily reliant on reflexes. Now, during one part of the evening, we were standing close to each other and he threw a ruler at me. Now, normally this wouldn't be a big thing. He's a little brother seeing his big sister with "another boy that isn't him". But it was completely unexpected.

Yeah. . .  So I ended up almost punching Bre in the chest because I'm a spaz. Thank GOD I managed to stop my arm from moving on it's own. That would have done some serious damage. >.<

We finished watching "Gullivers Travels" with Jack Black, funny movie, and put the kids to bed. Then we sat down and watched "Republic of Doyle" until around 10 3o. Then everybody came home. So I figured I might as well go on, since they would all be needing to go to bed.

So I was driving on home, met up with a friend on the road, had a car chase, went into the woods, had a chat and then came back and now here I am, writing these words.

Now I'm done. Good night all!
Waldon here again tonight, Bre is pretty beat out, so  I'm taking her place for this evening. Morning. Whatever. Now, for tonight's title, I'm not going to tell you the song name. Anybody who's a fan of the classics, you better know this song or I'll be angry at you. Very angry.

I'll make note here, before I start actually writing the blog, that it's 12:27 AM right now, and this will probably actually be posted around 1 or 2. Eh, if it's late, I might as well make it REALLY late, yeah?

I woke up this morning (yesterday) at around 8 am because I had theatre practice at 9 30. I wish I could sleep in. I've been living off of maybe 3 hours of sleep a night for the past 3 weeks. It sucks. Anyway, during the practice we read through our whole script once, and then did the whole play with blocking later. Our Director was very impressed with us. I felt proud.

After practice, I went home and played xbox for 5 hours.

I'm cool, I know.

Seriously though. Somebody save me from Fallout New Vegas. I might not be able to surface from the game over the next few months. >.<

After supper I took Gunner for a walk. I've been having nosebleeds for the past 3 days, big ones too. I've lost a good bit of blood. And yes, I DID get another nosebleed while walking Gunner down a long dark road.

I'm a big dude. I look kind of scary sometimes. Now, cover my face in blood and dress me in black like I was, and you get bad results. I looked kind of angry, understandably, walking down a long dark road with a dog following me off leash and blood covering my face.

A passing car nearly swerved off the road. I'm lucky she didn't, I would have felt very guilty.

After I got home and apologized to Bre for not being able to go to movie with her tonight due to my body being difficult to maintain, she proved how nice she is by staying home with me this evening. Thank you Bre. It cheered me up, midst the mist of red. (If I may be eloquent. :P)

Now, not too long ago I brought Bre home, and then I read some articles online. Nothing too interesting aside from the Egypt situation.

So, Good night I guess. It' is now 1:16AM. Yes, it took me nearly a full hour to write this. I'm a horrible procrastinator. (Or would that be a good procrastinator xD?)
All righty then! I haven't written anything for a while because I'm an awfully lazy person who can find an excuse for anything. Lucky for me, Junior picks up the slack. I've been freaking out about my exams (as I've mentioned, I have six while Junior has but three) the past few days and, until this coming Thursday, I will continue to freak out about them. FIVE LEFT. I'm pumped.

So, what has happened over the past few days? Well, I've been at Junior's a bunch for several reasons... More like two: studying, and just hanging out. All kinds of fun stuff! Oh, a major thing that happened was the English exam we had yesterday. I must warn you, if I make no sense with what I'm saying tonight, it's because of that exam. SEE?! I can't even make sense of that last sentence. I need some serious help... Anywho, the exam was okay. It wasn't brutal, but it wasn't easy. It started at about 9 am and I didn't leave until 12:35 or so. Poor ol' Junior was waiting for me in the lobby for about an hour before I left. We were going to hang out, so he just sat down and I think he had a nap. Very productive hour!

When we left the school, he brought me to the college for me to apply. I spent a half an hour talking to the lady in there - who I didn't even know - and I didn't realize how long I'd been until I got out. Then, we went to the store for Mom and went to the house. Once there, I did some laundry and, soon after, Mom got home. We helped her pack and she left. We decided to go to A&W for a late lunch (at 3!). Britt called to ask me something, then asked to tag along. OF COURSE SHE COULD.  I LOVE HER. So, we got Britt and went to A&W. While there, we saw Scottie and Mitchell. It was awesome. And finally, last night I went to Junior's for a while. Aaaaaaaaas usual.

It was this morning that I learned Britt has me completely whipped. (Well, yesterday she was looking at her drink. I asked her what was wrong. She said she needed a straw. I got up and got her a straw. No. Questions. Asked.) I woke up at about 10 this morning and this was mine and Britt's conversation:

Me: Brittany!
Britt: What?
Me: What are you making me for breakfast?!
Britt: Get it yourself.

And so, I stayed in bed for a bit longer because I knew I wouldn't be getting any breakfast. When I went out to the kitchen, I made HER some breakfast. After that, I got ready for the day. While I was in the shower, Britt did some cleaning. When I got out of the shower, Britt and I shovelled the driveway. It is FINALLY beginning to look a lot like winter. The temperature has dropped below -30 and we've gotten snow. The happiest part of my day was shovelling that driveway. Junior came over to get us because we didn't have a ride to get Dad's truck and we had errands to run. (Where Mom is gone, we're EVERYWHERE. We were at Dad's last night and again tonight! :D) So, Junior came over and helped with the rest of the driveway and brought us to the truck. Britt and I went to Mom's, Nan's, and back to Dad's. Then we picked up Junior and went to the grocery store.

Tonight, Britt and I decided to make supper. IT WAS GREAT. I studied Math for a while, then Junior came over and WE studied Math for a while, then Scottie came over and... Watched us study Math, haha. Britt, Dad, and Mandy watched Red Dragon while we three sat at the kitchen table. The guys left a while ago, so I'll just go to bed when I'm done this.

Aaaaaaaand, I think I'm done. Good night !

- Bre :)
SPOILER ALERT: Long ol' blog tonight, b'ys.

Yeah, that’s right. I’m just that awesome. Before I came downstairs to write this, I got myself a cup of coffee using Mom’s Tassimo machine. That thing amazes me! It’s so much faster than boiling the kettle and mixing your coffee yourself. Although, I do quite enjoy making my own instant coffee. It always comes out stronger than I had originally anticipated… Oh well! So, I got my coffee and came downstairs. When I sat down in front of my computer, lo and behold! There lay some Skittles that were screaming to be ingested. How could I refuse their last wish? I just had to eat them. Now here I sit, talking on MSN with Junior and Russell, eating Skittles and drinking coffee. This is amazing.

Like Junior, I too LOVE my coffee. However, I don’t drink it as often as Junior does – or rather, did. I am so very proud of him because he has cut down on his caffeine intake considerably since Christmas. He’s been doing really well with not drinking so much *coughSIXcough* coffee lately. Hopefully he keeps it up and his sleeping schedule becomes a little more regular. Oh yeah! I love coffee. I drink it black so that I can get all the taste of the coffee. I could NEVER taint it with such horrid substances as milk or sugar. Blech. The thought alone repulses me. Unfortunately, half of my coffee is gone and I don’t really want to get up and go upstairs to make another cup so I’ll have to make this bit last. With my coffee, I am eating Skittles. It’s kind of a frightening experience though! Mixed in with the Skittles are M&Ms. Every now and again I eat what I think is a Skittle… Which turns out to be an M&M. It’s kind of funny. It’s like drinking apple juice when you think you’re drinking orange juice –you have to wonder why your juice tastes funny. I did that before. Don’t judge me.  Oh, as for the French metal, it’s awesome. Because I’m in French Immersion, I can understand pretty much all of what they’re saying in their songs. The band is called Extério and I do believe they’re Québecois? Britt brought home one of their CDs last year (L’Album Monstre - 1ère Partie : Le Complot) and told me to listen to it. I didn’t think I would like it, but I loved it! It is now on my iPod and I listen to it frequently.

So, today was the first day back to school after Christmas for us. Junior picked me up this morning and we went to school. (OHMIGOSH, that was an M&M). First period this morning I had English with Mr. Crane. It was the best possible way to begin term two. We began watching Bram Stoker’s Dracula, starring Gary Oldman (woot!), Anthony Hopkins (woot!) and Keanu Reeves (… meh). Mr. Crane told us that he didn’t mind showing the movie to us, but he had to warn us about blood and nudity. He couldn’t expose us to “full frontal nudity” despite our age and maturity so he had to cover the screen using a magazine and give us a “tasteful” play-by-play of what was going on. It. Was. Hilarious. I go to English just to listen to all of the fun things that he has to say. Anywho. He covered the screen and told us what was happening. “Oh, no. That was gross. You really shouldn’t be watching this anyway. *screws up face* Ugh, nope. Not at all.” Hehehe. Mr. Crane, you’re amazing.

History was next and I was so glad to see Ms. Shortt again! I love her so much (^^). She’s always there when I need her! Religion was… Well, religious. Ms. Edmunds seemed really tired today. To be honest, everyone did. Ohmy. I think I went through an entire Religion class without threatening Scottie to stab him. Go me! I’m getting better, haha. Scottie and I have an awesome friendship. “Argh, you’re a pain.” “You SUCK.” “No, YOU suck!” “I love you! *smile*” “*Giggle* I love you too.” I love going to Religion class.

Today was also a canteen day! I met up with Junior, Nikita, and Deejay, and we all proceeded to the canteen. The snacks side of the canteen was closed because there was simply NO FOOD AT ALL in there. That was okay. So, we had a very slow day. There were about forty people each half of lunch? Maybe? Partway through the first half, we almost ran out of change so I had to run to the office in search of change. IT TURNS OUT that there’s no change there either. Only 5$ bills. We had to give people dimes. Other than that, we had a pretty good day in there. Slow, but okay.

Double Math with Mr. Lawrence was this afternoon. I had forgotten my calculator at home so Junior gave me his. IT WAS DEAD. I just had to laugh. Pre-cal and Math were okay too. Just okay though.

After school, Junior brought me home. What a sweetheart! He has such an amazing truck. It’s a ’92 Chevrolet with the most comfortable seats I have ever sat in. He has a cord to plug in his iPod so, naturally, we have some pretty awesome music going while we’re driving around together. It just suits Junior to the t. I’ll have to take a picture of him and his truck someday and post it.

OH GOSH. I’ve almost written a thousand words of nothing. Whoever is reading this must be bored to tears. I apologize!! Jeepers, who would want to read about what I did during a day? Haha, I’m done for now I suppose. I think I’ll get Junior to write a poem dedicated to coffee… But that’s for another day.

-          Bre :)

So, it's New Year's eve and Junior and I are hanging out with Scottie at his house. Junior and I arrived around 7:30 and Scottie had some food made. It. Was. Amazing. He made peppered steak and hashbrown casserole. Naturally, I had to be a fatty and eat some. Junior didn't eat any. It's about 11:30 now so I figured I should be  writing this by now!

Today was uneventful. Mom and co. left the town two towns over this morning at around 9 and we got home at about 4. After our customary Tim Horton's stop, Mom, Britt, Brooke, Bryton, and I all vamoosed to Nan and Pop's. While there, we were fed salt fish. That, too, was incredible. Then we went home and unpacked. Mom and Britt are still home at the moment, I do believe. I got a shower and got ready, and Junior picked me up. What a sweetheart! So, we proceeded to Scottie's house.

Now, after eating, the three of us went downstairs and the guys played CoD : Black Ops. When they were done with that, I FINALLY got my turn. Scottie and I played and, between he and Junior, I learned how to play. What made this night awesome was the movie. We watched Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. I have been wanting  to see that movie since I saw it advertised. I really didn't know what to think about it at first, but then I reallygot into it. Micheal Cera is a pretty good actor. The movie overall was really funny. Unfortunately for me, there were several games references that I didn't understand because I'm not that big of a gamer. BUT! It was great.

Now we're just sitting around watching Just for Laughs. Mike Birbiglia is on at the moment. I think all of the comedians are talking about relationships for some reason?

Ugh, now there's a commercial on about "Ezee wrap" or something. It's so stupid! They're trying to tell the audience that their cellophane (spelling?) is much better than the other brands of cellophane. How stupid is that? At one point, the lady didn't even wrap it around the bowl and then tipped it on its side so that all the contents spilled onto the counter. Argh, idiocy for the win?

Okay, that's all from me for now. I'm going to continue watching tv with the guys, sooooooo! Happy New Year's to everyone!

- Bre :)
My apologies for the use of such profanity in today’s title, but it is a quote from Mr. Crane. (Also, my apologies for no blog last night. I knew I was forgetting to do something, but I didn’t know what that something was.. More later). In English class, we are reading Bram Stoker’s Dracula. I love it! It’s absolutely amazing. Well-written, dark, exciting - it has it all. If you haven’t read it, READ IT. Anywho, Quincey is one of the characters in the book. He’s the resident American in London. Mr. Crane was explaining something to us the other day about the novel and its characters, and the title is how he described Quincey. He’s very manly and, well, a cowboy. You would have to read the book to appreciate his manliness.

Now, back to last night. Or, Friday night if you want to get really picky. It’s early Sunday morning now, so I don’t know how that would work. I babysat for my cousins Marc and Lynn. Their little girl, Lauren, is so sweet! When I got there, she was watching Toy Story 2 and chilling out. Marc and Lynn told me that I would be the first babysitter to put her to bed, so don’t worry about anything. It went wonderfully! She didn’t cry or make a fuss in the slightest. When I got her put to bed (she even brushed her teeth with no fuss!), Junior came over. By the way, they did say that I could have people over. Junior and I watched The Lost Boys (AMAZING) and Shrek (ALSO AMAZING). Marc and Lynn came home after Shrek was over. Perfect timing! So, we all chatted for a bit, then I brought Junior home (even though he lives about three houses away from them) and then I went home. Because it would have been after 12 by the time I would be heading home, Lynn gave me a note to say that I was babysitting for them - just in case I got pulled over by the cops.

Today was great. I woke up at 9:30, got a shower/ready for the day, and Junior picked me up at 11. We took Bryton out for dinner, then we went shopping for Brooke and Britt’s Christmas present. Bryton wanted to go, so we did. Then, we dropped off Bryton, checked what I needed to get for cookies, and went to Junior’s house. We dropped off his truck and then WALKED to the grocery store. That’s right. WALKED. Because we’re awesome. Unfortunately, it was quite chilly. That’s okay though. So! We got all the ingredients I needed (and had a lovely chat with Vlad while he was supposed to be working!) then went to look for some of Junior’s Christmas gifts. It was awesome. (^^) We do that every year.

Then, we went back to my house. I had a gift certificate that needed to get used, so we took the Pathfinder when Mom got home and went to the store, when I used up 45.17$ out of 50$ of my gift card. Junior was a great help with clothes shopping. Bless him! I brought him home at around 5 and went home myself. I got home at about 5:15 and had to get ready for work. I left again at 5:45 for work. I arrived at work aaaaaaaaaand... Didn’t do anything. It was a really slow night. The party was supposed to start at 7 (we were to feed them then) but didn’t really start then. The entire meal was over by 9. Nobody really talked until about 8:30 - 9:30, when they got some liquor in them. It was weird. I was out of there by 9:40!

Feeling like I had to do something, I did what every sane person would do: I went to my grandparents’ house. I stayed there and ate popcorn and drank tea until about 11, then I went home. :)

Now, I’m sitting at my compute at almost one in the morning writing my Saturday night blog. WOOT. Anywho, I’m going to go read some webcomics. Because I’m just THAT cool. Good night everyone!

- Bre :)